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Last active June 26, 2023 08:30
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Pricing Table with Lemon Squeezy Data Fetching
import { currentUser } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import { User } from '@clerk/nextjs/dist/types/server'
import { CheckIcon } from '@heroicons/react/20/solid'
import { getProductVariants } from '@lib/lemon-squeezy'
import { cn } from '@lib/utils'
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'
import { CheckoutButton } from './checkout-button'
import { Badge } from './ui/badge'
export default async function Pricing({
}: {
title: string
subtitle: string
sectionTitle: string
}) {
// const frequencies = [
// { value: 'monthly', label: 'Monthly', priceSuffix: '/month' },
// // { value: 'annually', label: 'Annually', priceSuffix: '/year' },
// ]
const user = await currentUser()
let productId = process.env.PRODUCT_ID
if (!productId) {
throw new Error('No product ID found')
const productVariants = await getProductVariants(productId)
function createCheckoutLink({
}: {
variantId: string
user: User | null | undefined
}): string {
const baseUrl = new URL(`${variantId}`)
if (!user) return '/sign-in'
const email = user.emailAddresses?.[0]?.emailAddress
const name =
user.firstName || user?.lastName ? `${user?.firstName} ${user?.lastName}` : undefined
const userId =
const url = new URL(baseUrl)
url.searchParams.append('checkout[custom][user_id]', userId)
if (email) url.searchParams.append('checkout[email]', email)
if (name) url.searchParams.append('checkout[name]', name)
return url.toString()
return (
// Pricing Table JSX Code
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