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Created December 5, 2012 12:31
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  • Save felipap/4215161 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save felipap/4215161 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
php renato
$HEIGHT = 600;
$WIDTH = 1000;
$xfactor = 2; 5;
$yfactor = 1; 0.001; 0.5;
$CENTER_Y = 400;
$img = imagecreate($WIDTH, $HEIGHT);
imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
$COLOR = imagecolorallocate($img, 22, 22, 22);
function tY ($y) {
global $CENTER_Y;
return $CENTER_Y-$y;
function tX ($x) {
global $CENTER_X;
return $CENTER_X+$x;
function fY ($y) { // transforms vertical
global $yfactor;
return tY($y*$yfactor);
function fX ($x) {
global $xfactor;
return tX($x*$xfactor);
function drawPoint ($x, $y, $thick=4) {
global $img;
imagefilledellipse($img, fX($x), fY($y), $thick, $thick, 1);
function makeDot ($x, $y) {
global $img;
imageline($img, fX($x), fY($y), fX($x), fY($y), 1);
function drawLine ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) {
global $img, $COLOR;
imageline($img, fX($x1), fY($y1), fX($x2), fY($y2), $COLOR);
function drawDashedLine_f ($x, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $dsize) {
return (($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1)*$x)+$x1;
function drawDashedLine ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $dsize=2) {
if ($y2 < $y1)
list($y1,$y2) = array($y2,$y1);
if ($x2 < $x1)
list($x1,$x2) = array($x2,$x1);
if ($x1==$x2) {
for ($i=0; $i<($y2-$y1)/$dsize; $i+=2) {
drawLine($x1, $y1+$i*$dsize, $x1, $y1+($i+1)*$dsize);
if ($y1==$y2) {
global $xfactor;
for ($i=0; $i<($x2-$x1)/$dsize; $i+=2) {
// echo $i, " ", $x2-$x1;
drawLine($x1+$i*$dsize, $y1, $x1+($i+1)*$dsize, $y1);
for ($i=0; $i<($y2-$y1)/$dsize; $i+=2) {
// echo "<br>$i";
$x = $i*$dsize;
$y = drawDashedLine_f($x, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $dsize);
$xfinal = ($i+1)*$dsize;
$yfinal = drawDashedLine_f($xfinal, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $dsize);
// echo "$x, $y: $xfinal, $yfinal<p>";
drawLine($x+$x1, $y, $xfinal+$x1, $yfinal);
function drawGrid ($dsize=20) {
global $img,
$xfactor, $yfactor;
// $dsize /= $xfactor;
$COLOR = imagecolorallocate($img, 200, 200, 200);
// vertical
for ($i=0; $i<$WIDTH/$dsize; $i++) {
for ($i=0; $i<$WIDTH/$dsize; $i++) {
// horizontal
for ($i=0; $i<$HEIGHT/$dsize/$yfactor; $i++) {
for ($i=0; $i<$HEIGHT/$dsize/$yfactor; $i++) {
$COLOR = imagecolorallocate($img, 22, 22, 22);
function drawAxes () {
global $CENTER_X, $CENTER_Y, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT, $img, $xfactor, $yfactor;
$COLOR = imagecolorallocate($img, 200, 200, 200);
drawLine(-$CENTER_X/$xfactor, 0, ($WIDTH-$CENTER_X)/$xfactor, 0); // horizontal
drawLine(0, $CENTER_Y/$yfactor, 0, (-$HEIGHT+$CENTER_Y)/$yfactor); // vertical
$COLOR = imagecolorallocate($img, 22, 22, 22);
$A = .1;
$B = 23;
$C = 0;
function workEquation () {
global $CENTER_X, $WIDTH;
// $A, $B, $C;
function workEquation_f($x) {
global $A, $B, $C;
return $A*pow($x, 2)+$B*$x+$C;
function workEquation_fy($y) {
global $A, $B, $C;
return (-$B+sqrt(pow($B,2)-4*$A*$C))/2/$A;
function workEquation_ffy($y) {
global $A, $B, $C;
return (-$B-sqrt(pow($B,2)-4*$A*$C))/2/$A;
function maxY () {
global $A, $B, $C;
return -(pow($B, 2)-4*$A*$C)/4/$A;
function maxX () {
global $A, $B, $C;
return -$B/2/$A;
drawPoint(workEquation_fy($y), 0, 7);
drawPoint(workEquation_ffy($y), 0, 7);
global $xfactor, $yfactor;
$istart = -$CENTER_X/$xfactor;
$iend = ($WIDTH-$CENTER_X)/$xfactor;
$x = $istart;
$y = workEquation_f($x);
drawPoint(maxX(), 0);
drawPoint(maxX(), maxY());
drawDashedLine(maxX(), 0, maxX(), maxY());
drawDashedLine(0, maxY(), maxX(), maxY());
for ($i=$istart; $i<$iend; $i++) {
$lx = $x;
$ly = $y;
$x = $i;
$y = workEquation_f($x);
drawLine($lx, $ly, $x, $y);
// drawDashedLine(10, 10, 10, 200);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
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