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Last active March 8, 2017 03:02
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Essential Flash Shield Study

This Shield Study is meant to understand the use of Essential vs. Non-Essential Flash on the web, with the ultimate goal of enabling us to fine-tune allow/block lists in order to change the Click-To-Activate setting of the Flash plugin to be "Ask to Activate" by default (as opposed to "Always Allow").

This study will recruit users in the beta / release channels via the shield opt-in mechanism, and users who accept the terms will participate in the study and will submit an external telemetry ping according to the Data collection described below.

Data collection

The data collection, which is meant to support the reports and data analysis requested at the study document, will send the following payload using an external telemetry ping:

payload = {
    "clientID": 123,
    "mainPing": 123,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "geo": "US",
    "flashVersion": "123.45-x86",
    "datetime": 1486908000000,
    "profileAge": 345,
    "daysInExperiment": 10,
    "experimentGroup": "week1 | week2 | etc.. | control",

    "docs": [
            "host": "",
            "ctaSetting": "allow | allow-and-remember | never-allow | default",
            "flashClassification": "unclassified | unknown | allowed | denied",
            "is3rdParty": false,
            "userAction": ["allow", "allow-and-remember", "deny", "page-refreshed", "feedback-given"],
            "ctpVia": "notificationbar | overlay | urlbar-icon | null",
            "docshellId": 1234,

            "user-feedback": {
                choice: "broken-video | broken-audio | etc..",
                problemFixed: "false | true | null",
                details: "free-form string field",

            "flashObjs": [
                    "path": "",
                    "classification": "allowed | denied | fallback-used | ctp-overlay | ctp-bar",
                    "is3rdParty": true,
                    "width": 200,
                    "height": 200,
                    "clickedOnOverlay": false,

            "subDocs": [" {...} "],


    "counts": {
        "totalDocs": 400,
        "flashDocs": 300,

        "flashObjs": {
            "total": 300,
            "fallbacked": 50,
            "allowed": 200,
            "denied": 100,
            "ctp": 50,

        "user-action": {
            "allow": 5,
            "allow-and-remember": 10,
            "never-allow": 10,
            "feedback-given": 1


The meaning of each field is detailed below:


The telemetry client id


The associated telemetry main ping id


The user's browser locale


The user's geo


The version of the Flash plugin installed


The date/time of when this payload was generated. A Unix timestamp obtained from when the ping is generated.


The age, in days, of the user's profile


The number of days that the user has been part of this experiment


The current iteration of the experiment for this user. It will be used to match which allow/block list version the user is currently using, which will be updated roughly weekly. It might also be used to tag control users.


An array of objects containing information about the pages opened by the user. Only pages that contains Flash objects will be included. Pages with no flash objects will only show up as an aggregated count in another field.

docs host:

The host of the page. It includes the protocol + the domain.

docs ctaSetting:

What was the previous CTA setting chosen by the user for this page (through the allow, allow-and-remember, never-allow setting).

docs flashClassification:

The classification of this flash object according to the allow/deny lists.

docs is3rdParty:

whether this document is 1st party/3rd party (only makes sense as a subdocument). The definition of a 3rd-party document is one where the host is different than the top-level doc.

docs userAction:

An array of actions the user took on this page (as more than one action might have been taken. Valid values are: "allow", "allow-and-remember", "deny", "page-refreshed", "feedback-given".

docs ctpVia:

If the user took an allow/deny action (i.e., making a click-to-activate choice), where did he do it: through the CTP overlay, the notification bar, or the icon in the url bar. If no action was taken this field may be null.

docs docshellId:

A numeric field that is persistent on a tab. This allows us to track an action that generates a new document, e.g. a page-refresh or an allow action.

docs user-feedback:

An object describing the feedback that the user might have given about this page through the Shield Study UI. This can be null if no feedback was given.

docs user-feedback choice:

The option chosen about the problem reported, in the optionlist. Examples are broken-video, broken-audio, etc.

docs user-feedback problemFixed:

Whether the problem got fixed by allowing Flash to run. Can be true for yes, false for no, or null for not answered.

docs user-feedback details:

A free-form string field where the user can write any details that they want.

docs subDocs:

An array of subdocuments (iframes) on this document, containing the same structure.

docs flashObjs:

An array of objects describing each SWF object on this page.

docs flashObjs path:

The URL of the SWF object.

docs flashObjs classification:

The way that the browser decided to display this object: As allowed, denied, through the HTML fallback ("fallback-used"), or through CTP ("ctp-overlay" or "ctp-bar").

docs flashObjs is3rdParty:

Whether this SWF is 1st party or 3rd party, according to the same rules as described above.

docs flashObjs width and height:

The advertised (not computed) width/height of this object.

docs flashObjs clickedOnOverlay:

If this object was classifed as "ctp-overlay" and it led the user to clicking on it, this will be set to true. Otherwise false.


An aggregated counts object that might facilitate the reports so that we don't have to look at every document of every submission to get these counts. This data would already be derivable from the previous data in the ping (except the totalDocs one), but it's nicer to have this aggregated count.

counts totalDocs:

The total number of documents opened by the user while this payload was being accumulated.

counts flashDocs:

The total number of documents that had at least one Flash object. Only top-level documents are counted.

counts flashObjs:

An object with aggregated counts about the details of each flash object.

counts flashObjs total:

Total number of flash objects (<object> or <embed>) seen by the user.

counts flashObjs fallbacked:

Number of Flash objects that used HTML fallback.

counts flashObjs allowed:

Number of Flash objects that were directly allowed by the allow list.

counts flashObjs denied:

Number of Flash objects that were directly denied by the deny list.

counts flashObjs ctp:

All other remaining Flash objects (that weren't fallbacked, allowed or denied), will have been ctp'ed.

counts user-action:

Counts of user actions taken during this payload accummulation.

counts user-action allow:

Number of times the user clicked Allow.

counts user-action allow-and-remember:

Number of times the user clicked Allow and Remember.

counts user-action never-allow:

Nubmer of times the user clicked Never allow.

counts user-action feedback-given:

Number of times the user provided feedback through the study UI.

Note: No data will be accumulated for Private Browsing windows.

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