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Created April 20, 2018 17:16
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Class to plot steering wheel on carla. Quite unpolished.
import time
import math
import scipy
import cv2
import pygame
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def draw_vbar_on(img, bar_intensity, x_pos, color=(0, 0, 255)):
bar_size = int(img.shape[1] / 6 * bar_intensity)
initial_y_pos = img.shape[0] - img.shape[0] / 6
# print bar_intensity
for i in range(bar_size):
if bar_intensity > 0.0:
y = initial_y_pos - i
for j in range(20):
img[y, x_pos + j] = color
class ScreenManager(object):
def __init__(self, load_steer=True):
# Put some general parameterss
self._render_iter = 2000
self._speed_limit = 50.0
if load_steer:
self._wheel = cv2.imread('./drive_interfaces/wheel.png') # ,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
self._wheel = cv2.resize(self._wheel, (
int(0.08 * self._wheel.shape[0]), int(0.08 * self._wheel.shape[1])))
print self._wheel.shape
# If we were to load the steering wheel load it
def start_screen(self, resolution, aspect_ratio, scale=1):
self._resolution = resolution
self._aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio
self._scale = scale
size = (resolution[0] * aspect_ratio[0], resolution[1] * aspect_ratio[1])
self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode((size[0] * scale, size[1] * scale), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
# self._screen.set_alpha(None)
pygame.display.set_caption("Human/Machine - Driving Software")
self._camera_surfaces = []
for i in range(aspect_ratio[0] * aspect_ratio[1]):
camera_surface = pygame.surface.Surface(resolution, 0, 24).convert()
def paint_on_screen(self, size, content, color, position, screen_position):
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", size * self._scale, bold=True)
position = (position[0] * self._scale, position[1] * self._scale)
final_position = (position[0] + self._resolution[0] * (self._scale * (screen_position[0])), \
position[1] + (
self._resolution[1] * (self._scale * (screen_position[1]))))
content_to_write = myfont.render(content, 1, color)
self._screen.blit(content_to_write, final_position)
def set_array(self, array, screen_position, position=(0, 0), scale=None):
if scale == None:
scale = self._scale
if array.shape[0] != self._resolution[1] or array.shape[1] != self._resolution[0]:
array = scipy.misc.imresize(array, [self._resolution[1], self._resolution[0]])
# print array.shape, self._resolution
final_position = (position[0] + self._resolution[0] * (scale * (screen_position[0])), \
position[1] + (self._resolution[1] * (scale * (screen_position[1]))))
# pygame.surfarray.array_colorkey(self._camera_surfaces[screen_number])
self._camera_surfaces[screen_position[0] * screen_position[1]].set_colorkey((255, 0, 255))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(self._camera_surfaces[screen_position[0] * screen_position[1]],
array.swapaxes(0, 1))
camera_scale = pygame.transform.scale(
self._camera_surfaces[screen_position[0] * screen_position[1]],
(int(self._resolution[0] * scale), int(self._resolution[1] * scale)))
self._screen.blit(camera_scale, final_position)
def draw_wheel_on(self, steer, screen_position):
cols, rows, c = self._wheel.shape
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), -90 * steer, 1)
rot_wheel = cv2.warpAffine(self._wheel, M, (cols, rows), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
borderValue=(0, 0, 0))
# scale = 0.5
position = (self._resolution[0] / 2 - cols / 2, int(self._resolution[1] / 1.5) - rows / 2)
# print position
wheel_surface = pygame.surface.Surface((rot_wheel.shape[1], rot_wheel.shape[0]), 0,
# print array.shape, self._resolution
# final_position = (position[0] + self._resolution[0]*(scale*(screen_number%3)),\
# position[1] + (self._resolution[1]*(scale*(screen_number/3))))
# pygame.surfarray.array_colorkey(self._camera_surfaces[screen_number])
wheel_surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(wheel_surface, rot_wheel.swapaxes(0, 1))
self._screen.blit(wheel_surface, position)
# This one plot the nice wheel
def plot_camera(self, sensor_data, screen_position=[0, 0]):
if sensor_data.shape[2] < 3:
sensor_data = np.stack((sensor_data,) * 3, axis=2)
sensor_data = np.squeeze(sensor_data)
# print sensor_data.shape
self.set_array(sensor_data, screen_position)
def plot_driving_interface(self, capture_time, sensor_data, \
action, direction, speed, screen_position=[0, 0], draw_wheel=False):
start_to_print = time.time()
steer = action.steer
acc = action.throttle
brake = action.brake
size_x, size_y, size_z = sensor_data.shape
sensor_data = sensor_data[:, :, ::-1]
# Define our fonts
# draw_path_on(img, 10, -angle_steers*40.0)
# draw_path_on(sensor_data, 20, -steer_noisy*20.0, (255, 0, 0))
# draw_path_on(sensor_data, 20, -steer*20.0, (0, 255, 0))
# draw_steer_on(sensor_data)
draw_vbar_on(sensor_data, acc, int(1.5 * sensor_data.shape[0] / 8), (0, 255, 0))
draw_vbar_on(sensor_data, brake, int(1.5 * sensor_data.shape[0] / 8) + 97, (255, 0, 0))
initial_y_pos = size_x - size_x / 6 + 5
self.set_array(sensor_data, screen_position)
if draw_wheel:
self.draw_wheel_on(steer, screen_position)
self.paint_on_screen(size_x / 10, 'GAS', (0, 255, 0),
(int(1.5 * sensor_data.shape[0] / 8) - 20, initial_y_pos),
self.paint_on_screen(size_x / 10, 'BRAKE', (255, 0, 0),
(int(1.5 * sensor_data.shape[0] / 8) + 60, initial_y_pos),
# pygame.surfarray.blit_array(activation_surface, img_act)
# pygame.display.flip()
if direction == 4:
text = "GO RIGHT"
extraback = size_x / 7
elif direction == 3:
text = "GO LEFT"
extraback = size_x / 13
text = "GO STRAIGHT"
extraback = int(size_x / 2.8)
# direction_color = (255,0,0)
# if ((self._render_iter)/10) % 2 != 0 and direction !=2.0:
# direction_color = (0,255,0)
if direction != 2:
direction_pos = (size_y / 2 - size_x / 2 - extraback, size_x / 2 - size_x / 4)
self.paint_on_screen(size_x / 6, text, (0, 255, 0), direction_pos, screen_position)
self.paint_on_screen(size_x / 10, "Speed: %.2f" % speed, (0, 255, 0), (size_y / 2 - 55, 30),
pygame.display.flip(), "capture2/img" + str(self._render_iter) + ".png")
self._render_iter += 1
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