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Created July 14, 2018 22:17
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// Original demo by Stefan Sauer (@ensonic)
// make_pal is from @Spinal's Mode13 demo, with modifications
#include "Pokitto.h"
Pokitto::Core game;
#define RGB888_565(r, g, b) ((r >> 3) | ((g >> 2) << 5) | ((b >> 3) << 11))
#define GRAY888_565(g) ((g >> 3) | ((g >> 2) << 5) | ((g >> 3) << 11))
/* calculate mandelbrot/julia set
* - color cycle: left, right
* - zoom-in/out: up, down
* - move center: A + up/down/left/right
* - increase/decrease max iter: B + up/down
* - switch between mandel/julia: C
* - will also reset x1/x2/Y1/y2 and max-iter
static const uint8_t width = (POK_LCD_W);
static const uint8_t height = (POK_LCD_H);
static float x1 = -2.2;
static float x2 = 1.5;
static float xd = x2 - x1;
static float xs = xd / width;
static float Y1 = -1.5;
static float y2 = 1.5;
static float yd = y2 - Y1;
static float ys = yd / height;
void make_pal(void){
int a,s,r,g,b;
for(a=0; a<=63; a++){
s = 0; r = a; g = 63-a; b = 0;
Pokitto::Display::palette[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*13,g*13,b*13);
s = 64; r = 63-a; g = 0; b = a;
Pokitto::Display::palette[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*13,g*13,b*13);
s = 128; r = 0; g = 0; b = 63-a;
Pokitto::Display::palette[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*13,g*13,b*13);
s = 192; r = 0; g = a; b = 0;
Pokitto::Display::palette[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*13,g*13,b*13);
// game.display.load565Palette(&pal[0]); // load a palette the same way as any other palette in any other screen mode
void rotatePalette(int8_t step) {
if( step == 0 ) return;
int dir, start, end;
if( step > 0 ){
dir = 1;
start = 0;
dir = -1;
start = PALETTE_SIZE-1;
end = -1;
for( int i=start; i!=end; i+=dir ){
int src = i+step;
if( src < 0 ) src += PALETTE_SIZE;
else if( src >= PALETTE_SIZE ) src -= PALETTE_SIZE;
Pokitto::Display::palette[i] = Pokitto::Display::palette[src];
static uint16_t mandel_pixel(float startReal, float startImag) {
float zReal = startReal;
float zImag = startImag;
for (uint16_t counter = 0; counter < 50; counter++) {
// z := z*z + c
float r2 = zReal * zReal;
float i2 = zImag * zImag;
if (r2 + i2 > 4.0) {
return counter;
zImag = 2.0 * zReal * zImag + startImag;
zReal = r2 - i2 + startReal;
return 0;
void drawPixel( int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t col ){
col &= 3;
int32_t i = y*(width>>2) + (x>>2);
uint8_t pixel = Pokitto::Display::screenbuffer[i];
uint8_t column = x&0x03;
if (column==3) pixel = (pixel&0xFC)|(col); // bits 0-1
else if (column==2) pixel = (pixel&0xF3)|(col<<2); // bits 2-3
else if (column==1) pixel = (pixel&0xCF)|(col<<4); // bits 4-5
else pixel = (pixel&0x3F)|(col<<6); // bits 6-7
Pokitto::Display::screenbuffer[i] = pixel;
static void mandel_screen(void) {
for (uint8_t ypos = 0; ypos < height; ypos++) {
float startImag = Y1 + (ys * ypos);
for (uint8_t xpos = 0; xpos < width; xpos++) {
float startReal = x1 + (xs * xpos);
uint8_t color = mandel_pixel(startReal, startImag) & 0x03;
// game.display.drawPixel(xpos, ypos, color);
drawPixel(xpos, ypos, color);
int main () {
// game.display.load565Palette(palette);
// don't clear the screen
game.display.persistence = 1;
bool recalc = true;
while (game.isRunning()) {
if (game.update()) {
if (game.aBtn()) {
// scroll
if (game.leftBtn()) {
float mx = 10.0 * xs;
x1 -= mx;
x2 -= mx;
recalc = true;
} else if (game.rightBtn()) {
float mx = 10.0 * xs;
x1 += mx;
x2 += mx;
recalc = true;
} else if (game.upBtn()) {
float my = 10.0 * ys;
Y1 -= my;
y2 -= my;
recalc = true;
} else if (game.downBtn()) {
float my = 10.0 * ys;
Y1 += my;
y2 += my;
recalc = true;
} else {
// cycle colors & zoom
if (game.upBtn()) {
// zoom in
xd /= 2.0;
float xm = x1 + xd;
x1 = xm - xd / 2.0;
x2 = xm + xd / 2.0;
xs = xd / width;
yd /= 2.0;
float ym = Y1 + yd;
Y1 = ym - yd / 2.0;
y2 = ym + yd / 2.0;
ys = yd / height;
recalc = true;
} else if (game.downBtn()) {
// zoom out
float xm = x1 + xd / 2.0;
x1 = xm - xd;
x2 = xm + xd;
xd *= 2.0;
xs = xd / width;
float ym = Y1 + yd / 2.0;
Y1 = ym - yd;
y2 = ym + yd;
yd *= 2.0;
ys = yd / height;
recalc = true;
if (recalc) {
recalc = false;
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