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lornajane /
Last active February 18, 2025 02:48
Keyboard Only OS X

Keyboard-only Mac Cheatsheet

Hi, I'm Lorna and I don't use a mouse. I have had RSI issues since a bad workstation setup at work in 2006. I've tried a number of extra hardware modifications but what works best for me is to use the keyboard and only the keyboard, so I'm in a good position and never reaching for anything else (except my coffee cup!). I rather unwisely took a job which required me to use a mac (I've been a linux user until now and also had the ability to choose my tools carefully) so here is my cheatsheet of the apps, tricks and keyboard shortcuts I'm using, mostly for my own reference. Since keyboard-only use is also great for productivity, you may also find some of these ideas useful, in which case at least something good has come of this :)

Apps List

There's more detail on a few of these apps but here is a quick overview of the tools I've installed and found helpful

Tool Link Comments
scarolan / Vim_Syntax_for_Vagrantfile
Created June 14, 2013 14:01
Vim syntax highlighting for Vagrant. Drop this into $HOME/.vim/plugin/vagrant.vim to activate.
" Teach vim to syntax highlight Vagrantfile as ruby
" Install: $HOME/.vim/plugin/vagrant.vim
" Author: Brandon Philips <>
augroup vagrant
au BufRead,BufNewFile Vagrantfile set filetype=ruby
augroup END
abhibeckert / Sublime Mac Keys
Created February 1, 2013 05:25
Preferences and Key Bindings to make Sublime Text on Linux (and probably Windows) behave like a mac text editor.
// Preferences
"drag_text": true,
"find_selected_text": false,
"move_to_limit_on_up_down": true,
// Key Bindings