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Last active December 19, 2016 01:37
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-- To run, you will need the Haskell Platform
-- $> runhaskell flatten.hs
data Node a = Single a
| Many [Node a]
deriving Show
flatten :: [Node a] -> [a]
flatten [] = []
flatten ((Single v):xs) = v : flatten xs
flatten ((Many xs):xs') = flatten xs ++ flatten xs'
list = [Single 1, Single 2, Many [Single 3, Many [Single 4, Single 5, Many [Single 6], Single 7], Single 8, Single 9], Single 10]
main = do
putStrLn $ "We are going to flatten the following list: " ++ show list
let flattened = flatten list
print flattened
putStrLn "END"
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