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Last active June 3, 2022 16:36
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Ktor REST style pagination headers
import io.ktor.application.ApplicationCall
import io.ktor.http.URLBuilder
import io.ktor.http.takeFrom
import io.ktor.util.createFromCall
import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode
import io.ktor.request.receive
import io.ktor.response.respond
import io.ktor.routing.*
// Data class that represents the custom headers that will be generated by the PaginationHeaderGenerator.
data class PaginationHeader(val name: String, val value: String)
object PaginationHeaderGenerator {
private const val prefix = "vnd.myApp.pagination"
const val totalCountHeader = "$prefix.totalCount"
const val pageSizeHeader = "$prefix.pageSize"
const val currentPageHeader = "$prefix.currentPage"
const val nextPageHeader = "$prefix.nextPage"
const val nextPageUrlHeader = "$prefix.nextPageUrl"
const val previousPageHeader = "$prefix.previousPage"
const val previousPageUrlHeader = "$prefix.previousPageUrl"
fun buildHeaders(total: Long,
limit: Int,
offset: Int,
call: ApplicationCall,
limitParamName: String = "limit",
offsetParamName: String = "offset"): List<PaginationHeader> {
if (offset < 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("The offset must be zero or a positive integer")
return if (limit <= 0) {
} else {
buildHeadersForPagedDataSet(total, limit, offset, call, limitParamName, offsetParamName)
private fun buildHeadersForSinglePageDataSet(total: Long): List<PaginationHeader> {
return listOf(
PaginationHeader(totalCountHeader, total.toString()),
PaginationHeader(pageSizeHeader, total.toString()),
PaginationHeader(currentPageHeader, 1.toString())
private fun buildHeadersForPagedDataSet(total: Long,
limit: Int,
offset: Int,
call: ApplicationCall,
limitParamName: String,
offsetParamName: String): List<PaginationHeader> {
val currentPageNumber = 1 + Math.ceil(offset / limit.toDouble()).toInt()
val baseUrl = URLBuilder.createFromCall(call)
val headers = mutableListOf(
PaginationHeader(totalCountHeader, total.toString()),
PaginationHeader(pageSizeHeader, limit.toString()),
PaginationHeader(currentPageHeader, currentPageNumber.toString()))
val hasPreviousPage = currentPageNumber > 1
val lowerBound = offset - limit
if (hasPreviousPage) {
val prevUrl = URLBuilder().takeFrom(baseUrl)
prevUrl.parameters.append(limitParamName, limit.toString())
prevUrl.parameters.append(offsetParamName, lowerBound.toString())
headers.add(PaginationHeader(previousPageHeader, (currentPageNumber - 1).toString()))
headers.add(PaginationHeader(previousPageUrlHeader, prevUrl.buildString()))
val upperBound = limit + offset
val hasNextPage = total > upperBound
if (hasNextPage) {
val nextUrl = URLBuilder().takeFrom(baseUrl)
nextUrl.parameters.append(limitParamName, limit.toString())
nextUrl.parameters.append(offsetParamName, upperBound.toString())
headers.add(PaginationHeader(nextPageHeader, (currentPageNumber + 1).toString()))
headers.add(PaginationHeader(nextPageUrlHeader, nextUrl.buildString()))
return headers
* Usage example: return a paginated list of MyResource instances. The pagination details (e.g. next and previous links) are
* kept in the response headers, and therefore the response payload is as clean as possible.
fun Route.myRoute(repo: MyResourceRepository) {
get("/my-resource") {
val limit = call.parameters["limit"]?.toInt() ?: -1
val offset = call.parameters["offset"]?.toInt() ?: 0
val satDefList = repo.list(limit, offset)
PaginationHeaderGenerator.buildHeaders(repo.count(), limit, offset, call).forEach { header ->
call.response.headers.append(, header.value)
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