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Created June 24, 2013 23:41
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require 'formula'
class Zsh5Installed < Requirement
fatal true
satisfy :build_env => false do
which('zsh') && `zsh --version|awk '{print $2}'|cut -d. -f1`.to_i == 5
def message; <<-EOS.undent
Zsh 5.x is required to install.
You can install it with:
brew install zsh
class Zpython < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
mirror ''
sha1 '9f55ecaaae7cdc1495f91237ba2ec087777a4ad9'
head '', :branch => 'zpython'
depends_on Zsh5Installed
depends_on :python
depends_on :autoconf => :build
def patches
{:p1 => ""}
end unless build.head?
def install
args = %W[
inreplace "", "config.c", "" if MacOS.version >= :mavericks
system "autoreconf"
system "./configure", *args
# Disable building docs due to exotic yodl dependency
inreplace "Makefile", "subdir in Src Doc;", "subdir in Src;"
system "make"
(lib/"zpython/zsh").install "Src/Modules/"
def test
system "zsh -c 'zmodload zsh/zpython && zpython print 42'"
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
To use the zpython module in zsh you need to
add the following line to your .zshrc:
module_path=($module_path #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/zpython)
If you want to use this with powerline, make sure you set
it early in .zshrc, before your prompt gets initialized.
After reloading your shell you can test with:
zmodload zsh/zpython && zpython 'print "hello world"'
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