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Created October 26, 2019 21:47
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  • Save felixfbecker/3a629e412d016812023758c4c625d841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#Requires -Module PSGitHub
#Requires -Module PowerGit
$items = Get-Content not-needed-packages.txt | Select-String -Pattern 'Typings already defined for ([^ ]+)' -Context 0,5
$i = 0
$items | ForEach-Object {
$pkg = $_.Matches.Groups[1]
Write-Verbose "$i/$($items.Length): $pkg"
try {
$yarnCmd = $_.Context.PostContext[2].Trim()
$prDescr = $_.Context.PostContext[4].Replace('And comment PR: ', '').Trim()
$title = "$($pkg): Provides its own types"
if (-not (Test-Path "types/$pkg")) {
Write-Verbose "$pkg does not exist anymore"
Write-Verbose "Package: $pkg"
Write-Verbose $yarnCmd
Write-Verbose $prDescr
$pr = Find-GitHubPullRequest "repo:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped `"$title`" in:title is:pr"
if ($pr) {
Write-Verbose "Pull Request already exists: $($pr.WebUrl)"
Set-GitHead master -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
New-GitBranch -Name "not-needed-$pkg" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Invoke-Expression $yarnCmd
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
throw "yarn failed"
Add-GitItem -All | Out-Null
Save-GitCommit -Message $title | Out-Null
Send-GitBranch -SetUpstream -ErrorAction Stop | New-GitHubPullRequest `
-Owner DefinitelyTyped `
-ForkOwner felixfbecker `
-Body $prDescr
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing packages" -Status "Package $i/$($items.Count) $pkg" -PercentComplete (($i / $items.Count) * 100)
} catch {
Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_
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