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Last active July 31, 2020 14:51
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The official iOS colors as SCSS variables (dark version)
$iOS-systemBlue-dark: rgba(10, 132, 255, 1);
$iOS-systemGreen-dark: rgba(48, 209, 88, 1);
$iOS-systemIndigo-dark: rgba(94, 92, 230, 1);
$iOS-systemOrange-dark: rgba(255, 159, 10, 1);
$iOS-systemPink-dark: rgba(255, 55, 95, 1);
$iOS-systemPurple-dark: rgba(191, 90, 242, 1);
$iOS-systemRed-dark: rgba(255, 69, 58, 1);
$iOS-systemTeal-dark: rgba(100, 210, 255, 1);
$iOS-systemYellow-dark: rgba(255, 214, 10, 1);
$iOS-systemGray-dark: rgba(142, 142, 147, 1);
$iOS-systemGray2-dark: rgba(99, 99, 102, 1);
$iOS-systemGray3-dark: rgba(72, 72, 74, 1);
$iOS-systemGray4-dark: rgba(58, 58, 60, 1);
$iOS-systemGray5-dark: rgba(44, 44, 46, 1);
$iOS-systemGray6-dark: rgba(28, 28, 30, 1);
$iOS-label-dark: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
$iOS-secondaryLabel-dark: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.6);
$iOS-tertiaryLabel-dark: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.3);
$iOS-quaternaryLabel-dark: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.2);
$iOS-placeholderText-dark: rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.3);
$iOS-separator-dark: rgba(84, 84, 88, 0.3);
$iOS-opaqueSeparator-dark: rgba(56, 56, 58, 1);
$iOS-link-dark: rgba(9, 132, 255, 1);
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