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Updated changelog

Ansible 2.10 Release Notes

This changelog describes changes since Ansible 2.9.0.

Release Date: 2020-12-01

Porting Guide

  • community.docker (version 1.0.0)
  • community.hrobot (version 1.0.0)
  • community.okd (version 1.0.1)
  • community.postgresql (version 1.0.0)
  • community.routeros (version 1.0.0)

Ansible 2.10.4 contains Ansible-base version 2.10.3. This is the same version of Ansible-base as in the previous Ansible release.

If not mentioned explicitly, the changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

Collection Ansible 2.10.3 Ansible 2.10.4 Notes
cisco.aci 1.1.0 1.1.1  
cisco.asa 1.0.3 1.0.4  
cisco.ios 1.2.0 1.2.1  
cisco.iosxr 1.1.0 1.2.0  
cisco.nxos 1.3.0 1.3.1 1.2.0 1.3.0  
community.crypto 1.2.0 1.3.0  
community.docker   1.0.0  
community.general 1.2.0 1.3.0  
community.grafana 1.0.0 1.1.0  
community.hrobot   1.0.0  
community.mongodb 1.1.0 1.1.1 There are no changes recorded in the changelog. 1.2.0 1.3.0  
community.okd   1.0.1  
community.postgresql   1.0.0  
community.routeros   1.0.0  
community.vmware 1.3.0 1.4.0  
dellemc.os6 1.0.3 1.0.4  
hetzner.hcloud 1.1.0 1.2.0  
junipernetworks.junos 1.2.0 1.2.1  
netapp.elementsw 20.10.0 20.11.0 The collection did not have a changelog in this version.
netapp.ontap 20.10.0 20.11.0 The collection did not have a changelog in this version.
ngine_io.cloudstack 1.0.1 1.1.0  
openvswitch.openvswitch 1.0.5 1.1.0  
ovirt.ovirt 1.2.1 1.2.3  
  • For community.general 2.0.0, the Hetzner Robot modules will be moved to the community.hrobot collection. A redirection will be inserted so that users using ansible-base 2.10 or newer do not have to change anything.

    If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use Hetzner Robot modules from this collection, you will need to adjust your playbooks and roles to use FQCNs starting with community.hrobot. instead of community.general.hetzner_, for example replace community.general.hetzner_firewall_info in a task by community.hrobot.firewall_info.

    If you use ansible-base and installed community.general manually and rely on the Hetzner Robot modules, you have to make sure to install the community.hrobot collection as well. If you are using FQCNs, i.e. community.general.hetzner_failover_ip instead of hetzner_failover_ip, it will continue working, but we still recommend to adjust the FQCNs as well.

  • For community.general 2.0.0, the docker modules and plugins will be moved to the community.docker collection. A redirection will be inserted so that users using ansible-base 2.10 or newer do not have to change anything.

    If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use docker content from this collection, you will need to adjust your playbooks and roles to use FQCNs starting with community.docker. instead of community.general., for example replace community.general.docker_container in a task by community.docker.docker_container.

    If you use ansible-base and installed community.general manually and rely on the docker content, you have to make sure to install the community.docker collection as well. If you are using FQCNs, i.e. community.general.docker_container instead of docker_container, it will continue working, but we still recommend to adjust the FQCNs as well.

  • For community.general 2.0.0, the postgresql modules and plugins will be moved to the community.postgresql collection. A redirection will be inserted so that users using ansible-base 2.10 or newer do not have to change anything.

    If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use postgresql content from this collection, you will need to adjust your playbooks and roles to use FQCNs starting with community.postgresql. instead of community.general., for example replace community.general.postgresql_info in a task by community.postgresql.postgresql_info.

    If you use ansible-base and installed community.general manually and rely on the postgresql content, you have to make sure to install the community.postgresql collection as well. If you are using FQCNs, i.e. community.general.postgresql_info instead of postgresql_info, it will continue working, but we still recommend to adjust the FQCNs as well.

  • The community.general collection no longer depends on the ansible.posix collection (ansible-collections/community.general#1157).

  • For 2.0.0, the routeros modules and plugins will be moved to the community.routeros collection. A redirection will be inserted so that users using ansible-base 2.10 or newer do not have to change anything.

    If you use Ansible 2.9 and explicitly use routeros content from this collection, you will need to adjust your playbooks and roles to use FQCNs starting with community.routeros. instead of, for example replace in a task by community.routeros.api.

    If you use ansible-base and installed manually and rely on the routeros content, you have to make sure to install the community.routeros collection as well. If you are using FQCNs, i.e. instead of routeros_command, it will continue working, but we still recommend to adjust the FQCNs as well.

  • In 2.0.0, the fortimanager httpapi plugin will be removed and replaced by a redirect to the corresponding plugin in the fortios.fortimanager collection. For Ansible 2.10 and ansible-base 2.10 users, this means that it will continue to work assuming that collection is installed. For Ansible 2.9 users, this means that they have to adjust the FQCN from to fortios.fortimanager.fortimanager (ansible-collections/

  • Add test file for aci_domain_to_encap_pool
  • aci_epg_to_domain moving child configs & classes to each domain type
  • Update the version where message alias will disappear from grafana_dashboard. (Now 2.0.0)
  • Dynamic Inventory Add option to specifiy the token_env variable which is used for identification if now token is set
  • Improve imports of API Exception
  • hcloud_server_network Allow updating alias ips
  • hcloud_subnetwork Allow creating vswitch subnetworks
  • Deprecated the funtionality of first returned zone to be the default zone because of an unreliable API. Zone will be required beginning with next major version 2.0.0.
  • cs_ip_address - allow to pick a particular IP address for a network, available since CloudStack v4.13 (ngine-io/ansible-collection-cloudstack#30).
  • Fix galaxy import warnings
  • Fix sanity issue in aci_epg_to_domain
  • Add version key to galaxy.yaml to work around ansible-galaxy bug.
  • To fix ios_ospf_interfaces resource module authentication param behaviour (ansible-collections/cisco.ios#209).
  • Add version key to galaxy.yaml to work around ansible-galaxy bug
  • Fix iosxr_acls throwing a traceback with overridden (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#87).
  • require one to specify a banner delimiter in order to fix a timeout when using multi-line strings
  • Fix issue in using "os6_facts" module for non-legacy n-series platofrms
  • Fix issue in using list of strings for commands argument for os6_command module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_ospf_interfaces - OSPF Interfaces Resource Module.
  • - Manages subnets on the IaaS service
  • community.crypto.openssl_csr_pipe - Generate OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
  • community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_pipe - Generate OpenSSL private keys without disk access
  • community.crypto.x509_certificate_pipe - Generate and/or check OpenSSL certificates
  • community.general.proxmox_domain_info - Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE domains
  • community.general.proxmox_group_info - Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE groups
  • community.general.proxmox_user_info - Retrieve information about one or more Proxmox VE users
  • community.general.nomad_job - Launch a Nomad Job
  • community.general.nomad_job_info - Get Nomad Jobs info
  • community.general.pagerduty_change - Track a code or infrastructure change as a PagerDuty change event
  • community.general.pagerduty_user - Manage a user account on PagerDuty
  • community.grafana.grafana_notification_channel - Manage Grafana Notification Channels
  • community.okd.openshift_auth - Authenticate to OpenShift clusters which require an explicit login step
  • community.okd.openshift_process - Process an OpenShift Template
  • community.okd.openshift_route - Expose a Service as an OpenShift Route.
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_load_balancer_info - Gather infos about your Hetzner Cloud load_balancers.
  • (still version 1.2.1)
  • ansible.netcommon (still version 1.4.1)
  • ansible.posix (still version 1.1.1)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • arista.eos (still version 1.2.0)
  • awx.awx (still version 14.1.0)
  • azure.azcollection (still version 1.2.0)
  • check_point.mgmt (still version 1.0.6)
  • chocolatey.chocolatey (still version 1.0.2)
  • cisco.intersight (still version 1.0.8)
  • cisco.meraki (still version 2.1.2)
  • cisco.mso (still version 1.0.1)
  • cisco.ucs (still version 1.6.0)
  • (still version 1.2.1)
  • (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.digitalocean (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.kubernetes (still version 1.1.1)
  • community.libvirt (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.mysql (still version 1.1.1)
  • community.proxysql (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.rabbitmq (still version 1.0.1)
  • community.skydive (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 1.1.0)
  • community.zabbix (still version 1.1.0)
  • containers.podman (still version 1.3.2)
  • cyberark.conjur (still version 1.0.7)
  • cyberark.pas (still version 1.0.5)
  • dellemc.os10 (still version 1.0.2)
  • dellemc.os9 (still version 1.0.3)
  • f5networks.f5_modules (still version 1.6.0)
  • fortinet.fortimanager (still version 1.0.5)
  • fortinet.fortios (still version 1.0.15)
  • frr.frr (still version 1.0.3)
  • gluster.gluster (still version 1.0.1)
  • (still version 1.0.1)
  • ibm.qradar (still version 1.0.3)
  • infinidat.infinibox (still version 1.2.3)
  • mellanox.onyx (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 20.9.0)
  • netapp_eseries.santricity (still version 1.1.0)
  • netbox.netbox (still version 1.1.0)
  • ngine_io.exoscale (still version 1.0.0)
  • ngine_io.vultr (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • purestorage.flasharray (still version 1.5.0)
  • purestorage.flashblade (still version 1.4.0)
  • servicenow.servicenow (still version 1.0.3)
  • (still version 1.0.2)
  • theforeman.foreman (still version 1.4.0)
  • vyos.vyos (still version 1.1.0)
  • wti.remote (still version 1.0.1)

Release Date: 2020-11-04

Porting Guide

Ansible 2.10.3 contains Ansible-base version 2.10.3. This is the same version of Ansible-base as in the previous Ansible release.

If not mentioned explicitly, the changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

Collection Ansible 2.10.2 Ansible 2.10.3 Notes
cisco.meraki 2.1.1 2.1.2  
  • Remove test output as it made the collection, and Ansible, huge.
  • (still version 1.2.1)
  • ansible.netcommon (still version 1.4.1)
  • ansible.posix (still version 1.1.1)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • arista.eos (still version 1.2.0)
  • awx.awx (still version 14.1.0)
  • azure.azcollection (still version 1.2.0)
  • check_point.mgmt (still version 1.0.6)
  • chocolatey.chocolatey (still version 1.0.2)
  • cisco.aci (still version 1.1.0)
  • cisco.asa (still version 1.0.3)
  • cisco.intersight (still version 1.0.8)
  • cisco.ios (still version 1.2.0)
  • cisco.iosxr (still version 1.1.0)
  • cisco.mso (still version 1.0.1)
  • cisco.nxos (still version 1.3.0)
  • cisco.ucs (still version 1.6.0)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • (still version 1.2.1)
  • (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.crypto (still version 1.2.0)
  • community.digitalocean (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.general (still version 1.2.0)
  • community.grafana (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.kubernetes (still version 1.1.1)
  • community.libvirt (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.mongodb (still version 1.1.0)
  • community.mysql (still version 1.1.1)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • community.proxysql (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.rabbitmq (still version 1.0.1)
  • community.skydive (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.vmware (still version 1.3.0)
  • (still version 1.1.0)
  • community.zabbix (still version 1.1.0)
  • containers.podman (still version 1.3.2)
  • cyberark.conjur (still version 1.0.7)
  • cyberark.pas (still version 1.0.5)
  • dellemc.os10 (still version 1.0.2)
  • dellemc.os6 (still version 1.0.3)
  • dellemc.os9 (still version 1.0.3)
  • f5networks.f5_modules (still version 1.6.0)
  • fortinet.fortimanager (still version 1.0.5)
  • fortinet.fortios (still version 1.0.15)
  • frr.frr (still version 1.0.3)
  • gluster.gluster (still version 1.0.1)
  • (still version 1.0.1)
  • hetzner.hcloud (still version 1.1.0)
  • ibm.qradar (still version 1.0.3)
  • infinidat.infinibox (still version 1.2.3)
  • junipernetworks.junos (still version 1.2.0)
  • mellanox.onyx (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 20.9.0)
  • netapp.elementsw (still version 20.10.0)
  • netapp.ontap (still version 20.10.0)
  • netapp_eseries.santricity (still version 1.1.0)
  • netbox.netbox (still version 1.1.0)
  • ngine_io.cloudstack (still version 1.0.1)
  • ngine_io.exoscale (still version 1.0.0)
  • ngine_io.vultr (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • openvswitch.openvswitch (still version 1.0.5)
  • ovirt.ovirt (still version 1.2.1)
  • purestorage.flasharray (still version 1.5.0)
  • purestorage.flashblade (still version 1.4.0)
  • servicenow.servicenow (still version 1.0.3)
  • (still version 1.0.2)
  • theforeman.foreman (still version 1.4.0)
  • vyos.vyos (still version 1.1.0)
  • wti.remote (still version 1.0.1)

Release Date: 2020-11-03

Porting Guide

Ansible 2.10.2 contains Ansible-base version 2.10.3. This is a newer version than version 2.10.2 contained in the previous Ansible release.

The changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

If not mentioned explicitly, the changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

Collection Ansible 2.10.1 Ansible 2.10.2 Notes
ansible.netcommon 1.3.0 1.4.1 1.0.1 1.2.0 There are no changes recorded in the changelog.
arista.eos 1.1.0 1.2.0  
cisco.aci 1.0.0 1.1.0  
cisco.ios 1.1.0 1.2.0  
cisco.meraki 2.0.0 2.1.1  
cisco.mso 1.0.0 1.0.1  
cisco.nxos 1.2.0 1.3.0  
cisco.ucs 1.5.0 1.6.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
community.mongodb 1.0.0 1.1.0  
community.mysql 1.1.0 1.1.1  
community.zabbix 1.0.0 1.1.0  
containers.podman 1.3.1 1.3.2  
dellemc.os10 1.0.1 1.0.2  
dellemc.os6 1.0.2 1.0.3  
dellemc.os9 1.0.2 1.0.3 There are no changes recorded in the changelog.
f5networks.f5_modules 1.5.0 1.6.0  
junipernetworks.junos 1.1.1 1.2.0  
netapp_eseries.santricity 1.0.8 1.1.0  
ovirt.ovirt 1.1.4 1.2.1  
purestorage.flasharray 1.4.0 1.5.0  
purestorage.flashblade 1.3.0 1.4.0  
servicenow.servicenow 1.0.2 1.0.3  
theforeman.foreman 1.3.0 1.4.0  
vyos.vyos 1.0.5 1.1.0  
  • ansible-test - Add a --docker-network option to choose the network for running containers when using the --docker option.
  • ansible-test - Collections can now specify pip constraints for unit and integration test requirements using tests/unit/constraints.txt and tests/integration/constraints.txt respectively.
  • ansible-test - python-cryptography is now bounded at <3.2, as 3.2 drops support for OpenSSL 1.0.2 upon which some of our CI infrastructure still depends.
  • dnf - now shows specific package changes (installations/removals) under results in check_mode. (ansible/ansible#66132)
  • 'prefix' added to NetworkTemplate class, inorder to handle the negate operation for vyos config commands.
  • Add support for json format input format for netconf modules using xmltodict
  • Update docs for netconf_get and netconf_config examples using display=native
  • Added ospf_interfaces resource module. (ansible-collections/arista.eos#125)
  • Documented the necessity to use eos_interfaces and eos_l2_interfaces (for l2 configs) in eos_l3_interfaces module.
  • modify short description in ospfv3 resource module.
  • stop integration testing of local connection as it is deprecated.
  • Ability to add monitoring policy to epgs and anps
  • Add Ansible Network ENV to fallback
  • Add & aci_l3out_static_routes modules
  • Add env_fallback for common connection params
  • Add env_fallback for the rest of the argument spec
  • Add new Subclass path support
  • Add new module and test file for leaf breakout port group
  • Added failure message to aci_interface_policy_leaf_policy_group
  • Enable/Disable infra vlan in aci_aep and its test module
  • Set scope default value in aci_l3out_extsubnet
  • Update
  • Update inventory
  • aci_epg_to_domain addition of promiscuous mode (#79)
  • aci_interface_policy_port_security addition of attribute:timeout (#80)
  • Add ios_ospf_interfaces module.
  • Add delete capability to mso_schema_site
  • Add env_fallback for mso_argument_spec params
  • Add non existing template deletion test
  • Add test file for mso_schema_template
  • Add test file for site_bd_subnet
  • Bump module to v1.0.1
  • Extent mso_tenant test case coverage
  • Add nxos_ospf_interfaces resource module.
  • all roles - added zabbix_{agent,web,server,proxy,javagateway}_conf_mode option for configuring a mode of the configuration file for each Zabbix service.
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - added an option innodb_default_row_format for MariaDB/MySQL if it isn't set to dynamic.
  • zabbix_server - fixed installation output when using MySQL database to not print PostgreSQL.
  • zabbix_user - passwd no longer required when ALL groups in usrgrps use LDAP as gui_access (see #240).
  • zabbix_user - no longer requires usrgrps when state=absent (see #240).
  • zabbix_web - added several configuration options for the PHP-FPM setup to configure the listen (socket) file.
  • zabbix_web - added support for configuring Zabbix Web with Nginx, same way as with Apache.
  • Add AS3 declaration information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add AS3, TS, CFE, and DO information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add CFE declaration information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add DO declaration information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add TS declaration information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add access policy information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add access profile information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add meaningful error message for the wait_for parameter in the bigip_command module
  • Add parent_policies and policies_pending_changes information parameters to obtain when gathering asm-policy-stats
  • Add remote_syslog information to the bigip_device_info module.
  • Add renewal option to the bigip_device_license module
  • Add reuse_objects parameter to the bigip_apm_policy_import module
  • Add sync-status information to the bigip_device_info module
  • Add the ability to import API Protection policies to the bigip_apm_policy_import module
  • Added apply information parameter to indicate if an ASM policy has pending changes that need to be applied.
  • Changed the meaning of policies_active and policies_inactive stat information due to changes in TMOS 13.x
  • New bigip_ssl_key_cert module to manage SSL certificates and keys with the transaction interface
  • Add ospfv3 resource module.
  • Add functionality to remove all inventory configuration in the nar_santricity_host role. Set configuration.eseries_remove_all_configuration=True to remove all storage pool/volume configuration, host, hostgroup, and lun mapping configuration.
  • Add host_types, host_port_protocols, host_port_information, hostside_io_interface_protocols to netapp_volumes_by_initiators in the na_santricity_facts module.
  • Add storage pool information to the volume_by_initiator facts.
  • Add storage system not found exception to the common role's build_info task.
  • Add volume_metadata option to na_santricity_volume module, add volume_metadata information to the netapp_volumes_by_initiators dictionary in na_santricity_facts module, and update the nar_santricity_host role with the option.
  • Improve nar_santricity_common storage system api determinations; attempts to discover the storage system using the information provided in the inventory before attempting to search the subnet.
  • Increased the storage system discovery connection timeouts to 30 seconds to prevent systems from not being discovered over slow connections.
  • Minimize the facts gathered for the host initiators.
  • Update ib iser determination to account for changes in firmware 11.60.2.
  • Use existing Web Services Proxy storage system identifier when one is already created and one is not provided in the inventory.
  • Utilize eseries_iscsi_iqn before searching host for iqn in nar_santricity_host role.
  • purefa_apiclient - New module to support API Client management
  • purefa_directory - Add support for managed directories
  • purefa_export - Add support for filesystem exports
  • purefa_fs - Add filesystem management support
  • purefa_hg - Enforce case-sensitivity rules for hostgroup objects
  • purefa_host - Enforce hostname case-sensitivity rules
  • purefa_info - Add support for FA Files features
  • purefa_offload - Add support for Google Cloud offload target
  • purefa_pg - Enforce case-sensitivity rules for protection group objects
  • purefa_policy - Add support for NFS, SMB and Snapshot policy management
  • purefb_banner - Module to manage the GUI and SSH login message
  • purefb_certgrp - Module to manage FlashBlade Certificate Groups
  • purefb_certs - Module to create and delete SSL certificates
  • purefb_connect - Support idempotency when exisitng connection is incoming
  • purefb_fs - Add new options for filesystem control (Pure-Storage-Ansible/FlashBlade-Collection#81)
  • purefb_fs - Default filesystem size on creation changes from 32G to unlimited
  • purefb_fs - Fix error in deletion and eradication of filesystem
  • purefb_fs_replica - Remove condition to attach/detach policies on unhealthy replica-link
  • purefb_info - Add support to list filesystem policies
  • purefb_lifecycle - Module to manage FlashBlade Bucket Lifecycle Rules
  • purefb_s3user - Add support for imported user access keys
  • purefb_syslog - Module to manage syslog server configuration
  • adds the ability to use SN_INSTANCE (ex. dev61775) or SN_HOST (ex. with the inventory plugin.
  • global_parameter - allow to set hidden flag (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#1024)
  • job_template - stricter validation of template_inputs sub-options
  • redhat_manifest - allow configuring content access mode (theforeman/foreman-ansible-modules#820)
  • subnet - verify the server has the remote_execution plugin when specifying remote_execution_proxies
  • the apypie library is vendored inside the collection, so users only have to install requests manually now.
  • Added ospf_interfaces resource module.
  • Deprecated nxos_interface_ospf in favor of nxos_ospf_interfaces Resource Module.
  • Removed arp_state parameter from the bigip_virtual_address module
  • Collection callbacks were ignoring options and rules for stdout and adhoc cases.
  • Collections - Ensure action_loader.get is called with collection_list to properly find collections when collections: search is specified (ansible/ansible#72170)
  • Fix RecursionError when templating large vars structures (ansible/ansible#71920)
  • ansible-doc - plugin option deprecations now also get collection_name added (ansible/ansible#71735).
  • ansible-test - Always connect additional Docker containers to the network used by the current container (if any).
  • ansible-test - Always map /var/run/docker.sock into test containers created by the --docker option if the docker host is not localhost.
  • ansible-test - Attempt to detect the Docker hostname instead of assuming localhost.
  • ansible-test - Correctly detect running in a Docker container on Azure Pipelines.
  • ansible-test - Prefer container IP at .NetworkSettings.Networks.{NetworkName}.IPAddress over .NetworkSettings.IPAddress.
  • ansible-test - The cs and openshift test plugins now search for containers on the current network instead of assuming the bridge network.
  • ansible-test - Using the --remote option on Azure Pipelines now works from a job running in a container.
  • async_wrapper - Fix race condition when ~/.ansible_async folder tries to be created by multiple async tasks at the same time - ansible/ansible#59306
  • dnf - it is now possible to specify both security: true and bugfix: true to install updates of both types. Previously, only security would get installed if both were true. (ansible/ansible#70854)
  • facts - fix distribution fact for SLES4SAP (ansible/ansible#71559).
  • is_string/vault - Ensure the is_string helper properly identifies AnsibleVaultEncryptedUnicode as a string (ansible/ansible#71609)
  • powershell - remove getting the PowerShell version from the env var POWERSHELL_VERSION. This feature never worked properly and can cause conflicts with other libraries that use this var
  • url lookup - make sure that options supplied in ansible.cfg are actually used (ansible/ansible#71736).
  • user - AnsibleModule.run_command returns a tuple of return code, stdout and stderr. The module main function of the user module expects user.create_user to return a tuple of return code, stdout and stderr. Fix the locations where stdout and stderr got reversed.
  • user - Local users with an expiry date cannot be created as the luseradd / lusermod commands do not support the -e option. Set the expiry time in this case via lchage after the user was created / modified. (ansible/ansible#71942)
  • Existing_config variable is not reset during loop
  • Fix convertion of json/yaml payload to xml in aci_rest
  • Fix dump of config for aci_rest
  • Fix galaxy import warnings
  • Fix how validity of private key/private key file is checked to support new types
  • Fix incorrect domain types in aci_domain_to_encap_pool module
  • Fix issue of "current" in firmware_source module
  • Fix sanity issue in aci_rest and bump version to v1.0.1
  • meraki_management_interface - Fix crash when modifying a non-MX management interface.
  • Fix default value for l2Stretch in mso_schema_template_bd module
  • Fix deletion of schema when wrong template is provided in single template schema
  • Fix examples in documentation for mso_schema_template_l3out and mso_user
  • Fix naming issue in deploy module
  • Remove author emails due to length restriction
  • Remove dead code branch in mso_schema_template
  • all roles - missing become set to true was added to each task that requires admin privleges.
  • zabbix_agent - added new properties and updated documentation to allow for correct Zabbix Agent2 configuration.
  • zabbix_agent - fixed bug where Nginx prevented Apache from working as it was part of the FPM configuration.
  • podman_container - Fix signals case for podman_container
  • Changed unicast_failover element type to dictionary
  • Fix force parameter set to yes causing list index out of range error
  • Fix invalid parameter name in the bigip_config_sync action module
  • Fix issue where ASM file download needs to be chunked for larger files.
  • Fix issue with retaining package files in the bigip_lx_package module
  • Fix key error in list comprehension in the AsmPolicyStatsParameters class
  • Fix missing ssh-keyfile parameter causing key error in the bigip action plugin
  • Fix check_port_type method for ib iser when ib is the port type.
  • Fix examples in the netapp_e_mgmt_interface module.
  • Fix issue with changing host port name.
  • Fix na_santricity_lun_mapping unmapping issue; previously mapped volumes failed to be unmapped.
  • purefa_host - Correctly remove host that is in a hostgroup
  • purefa_volume - Fix failing idempotency on eradicate volume
  • purefa_policy - Resolve multiple issues related to incorrect use of timezones
  • purefb_connect - Ensure changing encryption status on array connection is performed correctly
  • purefb_connect - Fix breaking change created in purity_fb SDK 1.9.2 for deletion of array connections
  • purefb_connect - Hide target array API token
  • purefb_ds - Ensure updating directory service configurations completes correctly
  • purefb_info - Fix issue getting array info when encrypted connection exists
  • fix inventory plugin transforming hostnames unnecessarily
  • fix malformed documentation on
  • arista.eos.eos_ospf_interfaces - ospf_interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_ospf_interfaces - OSPF Interfaces resource module
  • cisco.meraki.meraki_alert - Manage alerts in the Meraki cloud
  • cisco.meraki.meraki_mx_l2_interface - Configure MX layer 2 interfaces
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ospf_interfaces - OSPF Interfaces Resource Module.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_shell - Run commands via the MongoDB shell.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ssl_key_cert - Import/Delete SSL keys and certs from BIG-IP
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_ospfv3 - OSPFv3 resource module
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_apiclient - Manage FlashArray API Clients
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_directory - Manage FlashArray File System Directories
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_export - Manage FlashArray File System Exports
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_fs - Manage FlashArray File Systems
  • purestorage.flasharray.purefa_policy - Manage FlashArray File System Policies
  • purestorage.flashblade.purefb_banner - Configure Pure Storage FlashBlade GUI and SSH MOTD message
  • purestorage.flashblade.purefb_certgrp - Manage FlashBlade Certifcate Groups
  • purestorage.flashblade.purefb_certs - Manage FlashBlade SSL Certifcates
  • purestorage.flashblade.purefb_lifecycle - Manage FlashBlade object lifecycles
  • purestorage.flashblade.purefb_syslog - Configure Pure Storage FlashBlade syslog settings
  • theforeman.foreman.job_invocation - Invoke Remote Execution Jobs
  • theforeman.foreman.smart_proxy - Manage Smart Proxies
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_ospf_interfaces - OSPF Interfaces resource module
  • (still version 1.2.1)
  • ansible.posix (still version 1.1.1)
  • awx.awx (still version 14.1.0)
  • azure.azcollection (still version 1.2.0)
  • check_point.mgmt (still version 1.0.6)
  • chocolatey.chocolatey (still version 1.0.2)
  • cisco.asa (still version 1.0.3)
  • cisco.intersight (still version 1.0.8)
  • cisco.iosxr (still version 1.1.0)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • (still version 1.2.1)
  • (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.crypto (still version 1.2.0)
  • community.digitalocean (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.general (still version 1.2.0)
  • community.grafana (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.kubernetes (still version 1.1.1)
  • community.libvirt (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • community.proxysql (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.rabbitmq (still version 1.0.1)
  • community.skydive (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.vmware (still version 1.3.0)
  • (still version 1.1.0)
  • cyberark.conjur (still version 1.0.7)
  • cyberark.pas (still version 1.0.5)
  • fortinet.fortimanager (still version 1.0.5)
  • fortinet.fortios (still version 1.0.15)
  • frr.frr (still version 1.0.3)
  • gluster.gluster (still version 1.0.1)
  • (still version 1.0.1)
  • hetzner.hcloud (still version 1.1.0)
  • ibm.qradar (still version 1.0.3)
  • infinidat.infinibox (still version 1.2.3)
  • mellanox.onyx (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 20.9.0)
  • netapp.elementsw (still version 20.10.0)
  • netapp.ontap (still version 20.10.0)
  • netbox.netbox (still version 1.1.0)
  • ngine_io.cloudstack (still version 1.0.1)
  • ngine_io.exoscale (still version 1.0.0)
  • ngine_io.vultr (still version 1.0.0)
  • (still version 1.2.0)
  • openvswitch.openvswitch (still version 1.0.5)
  • (still version 1.0.2)
  • wti.remote (still version 1.0.1)

Release Date: 2020-10-13

Porting Guide

Ansible 2.10.1 contains Ansible-base version 2.10.2. This is a newer version than version 2.10.1 contained in the previous Ansible release.

The changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

If not mentioned explicitly, the changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

Collection Ansible 2.10.0 Ansible 2.10.1 Notes 1.2.0 1.2.1  
ansible.netcommon 1.2.1 1.3.0 1.0.0 1.0.1  
arista.eos 1.0.3 1.1.0  
azure.azcollection 1.0.0 1.2.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
cisco.ios 1.0.3 1.1.0  
cisco.iosxr 1.0.5 1.1.0  
cisco.nxos 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.2.0 1.2.1  
community.crypto 1.1.1 1.2.0  
community.general 1.1.0 1.2.0  
community.kubernetes 1.0.0 1.1.1  
community.mysql 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.2.0  
community.vmware 1.2.0 1.3.0 1.0.0 1.1.0  
containers.podman 1.2.0 1.3.1 1.0.0 1.0.1 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
hetzner.hcloud 1.0.0 1.1.0  
junipernetworks.junos 1.1.0 1.1.1 20.8.0 20.9.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
netapp.elementsw 20.8.0 20.10.0  
netapp.ontap 20.8.0 20.10.0  
netbox.netbox 1.0.2 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.2.0  
ovirt.ovirt 1.1.3 1.1.4  
theforeman.foreman 1.1.0 1.3.0  
vyos.vyos 1.0.4 1.0.5  
  • ansible-test - Raise the number of bytes scanned by ansible-test to determine if a file is binary to 4096.
  • ec2_eni - Add support for tagging.
  • ec2_eni - Port ec2_eni module to boto3 and add an integration test suite.
  • ec2_eni_info - Add retries on transient AWS failures.
  • ec2_eni_info - Add support for providing an ENI ID.
  • Confirmed commit fails with TypeError in IOS XR netconf plugin (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#74)
  • The netconf_config module now allows root tag with namespace prefix.
  • cli_config: Add new return value diff which is returned when the cliconf plugin supports onbox diff
  • cli_config: Clarify when commands is returned when the module is run
  • Added 'mode' to examples in documentation of eos_l2_interfaces.
  • Added eos ospfv3 resource module (ansible-collections/arista.eos#109).
  • Added unit test cases for eos_lldp_global module.
  • Add ios_ospfv3 module.
  • Add nxos_ospfv3 module.
  • Allow other transfer protocols than scp to pull files from a NXOS device in nxos_file_copy module. sftp, http, https, tftp and ftp can be choosen as a transfer protocol, when the file_pull parameter is true..
  • aws_ssm connection plugin - Change the (internal) variable name from timeout to plugin_timeout to avoid conflicts with ansible/ansible default timeout (#69284,
  • aws_ssm connection plugin - add STS token options to aws_ssm connection plugin.
  • ec2_scaling_policy - Add support for step_adjustments
  • ec2_scaling_policy - Migrate from boto to boto3
  • rds_subnet_group module - Add Boto3 support and remove Boto support.
  • win_dns_record - Support NS record creation,modification and deletion
  • win_firewall - Support defining the default inbound and outbound action of traffic in Windows firewall.
  • win_psrepository - Added the proxy option that defines the proxy to use for the repository being managed
  • Create podman_network module for podman networks management
  • hcloud_floating_ip Allow creating Floating IP with protection
  • hcloud_load_balancer Allow creating Load Balancer with protection
  • hcloud_network Allow creating Network with protection
  • hcloud_server Allow creating server with protection
  • hcloud_volume Allow creating Volumes with protection
  • na_elementsw_cluster - add new options encryption, order_number, and serial_number.
  • na_elementsw_network_interfaces - make all options not required, so that only bond_1g can be set for example.
  • na_elementsw_network_interfaces - restructure options into 2 dictionaries bond_1g and bond_10g, so that there is no shared option. Disallow all older options.
  • na_elementsw_node - cluster_name to set the cluster name on new nodes.
  • na_elementsw_node - preset_only to only set the cluster name before creating a cluster with na_elementsw_cluster.
  • na_elementsw_volume - qos_policy_name to provide a QOS policy name or ID.
  • na_ontap_cluster - node_name to set the node name when adding a node, or as an alternative to cluster_ip_address` to remove a node.
  • na_ontap_cluster - state can be set to absent to remove a node identified with cluster_ip_address or node_name.
  • na_ontap_qtree - wait_for_completion and time_out to wait for qtree deletion when using REST.
  • na_ontap_quotas - soft_disk_limit and soft_file_limit for the quota target.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Support for gather subsets - application_info, application_template_info, autosupport_config_info , autosupport_messages_history, ontap_system_version, storage_flexcaches_info, storage_flexcaches_origin_info, storage_ports_info, storage_qos_policies, storage_qtrees_config, storage_quota_reports, storage_quota_policy_rules, storage_shelves_config, storage_snapshot_policies, support_ems_config, support_ems_events, support_ems_filters
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Support for gather subsets - initiator_groups_info, san_fcp_services, san_iscsi_credentials, san_iscsi_services, san_lun_maps, storage_luns_info, storage_NVMe_namespaces.
  • lb_health_monitor - Make it possible to create a health monitor to a pool
  • Deprecated nxos_smu in favour of nxos_rpm module.
  • The nxos_ospf_vrf module is deprecated by nxos_ospfv2 and nxos_ospfv3 Resource Modules.
  • openssl_csr - the option privatekey_content was not marked as no_log, resulting in it being dumped into the system log by default, and returned in the registered results in the invocation field (CVE-2020-25646, ansible-collections/community.crypto#125).
  • openssl_privatekey_info - the option content was not marked as no_log, resulting in it being dumped into the system log by default, and returned in the registered results in the invocation field (CVE-2020-25646, ansible-collections/community.crypto#125).
  • openssl_publickey - the option privatekey_content was not marked as no_log, resulting in it being dumped into the system log by default, and returned in the registered results in the invocation field (CVE-2020-25646, ansible-collections/community.crypto#125).
  • openssl_signature - the option privatekey_content was not marked as no_log, resulting in it being dumped into the system log by default, and returned in the registered results in the invocation field (CVE-2020-25646, ansible-collections/community.crypto#125).
  • x509_certificate - the options privatekey_content and ownca_privatekey_content were not marked as no_log, resulting in it being dumped into the system log by default, and returned in the registered results in the invocation field (CVE-2020-25646, ansible-collections/community.crypto#125).
  • x509_crl - the option privatekey_content was not marked as no_log, resulting in it being dumped into the system log by default, and returned in the registered results in the invocation field (CVE-2020-25646, ansible-collections/community.crypto#125).
  • Pass the connection's timeout to connection plugins instead of the task's timeout.
  • Provide more information in AnsibleUndefinedVariable (ansible/ansible#55152)
  • ansible-doc - properly show plugin name when name: is used instead of <plugin_type>: (ansible/ansible#71966).
  • ansible-test - Change classification using --changed now consistently handles common configuration files for supported CI providers.
  • ansible-test - The resource_prefix variable provided to tests running on Azure Pipelines is now converted to lowercase to match other CI providers.
  • collection loader - fix bogus code coverage entries for synthetic packages
  • psrp - Fix hang when copying an empty file to the remote target
  • runas - create a new token when running as SYSTEM to ensure it has the full privileges assigned to that account
  • cli_parse - Ensure only native types are returned to the control node from the parser.
  • netconf - Changed log level for message of using default netconf plugin to match the level used when a platform-specific netconf plugin is found
  • win_copy - fix bug when copying a single file during a folder copy operation
  • Added 'mode' key to eos_interfaces to handle the layer2/3 switchport mode of an interface.
  • Added fix to maintain the idempotency while using overridden operation.
  • Check for existing configuration when trunk_allowed_vlans is issued, is added.
  • Fixed typo and index out of range errors while handling protocol_options. (ansible-collections/arista.eos#115)
  • multiple modules - fix diff calculation for lower/upper cases
  • podman_container - Add note about containerPort setting
  • podman_container - Fix init option it's boolean not string
  • podman_container - Remove pyyaml from requirements
  • podman_network - Check if dnsname plugin installed for CNI
  • podman_volume - Fix return data from podman_volume module
  • podman_volume - Set options for a volume as list and fix idempotency
  • hcloud_floating_ip Fix idempotency when floating ip is assigned to server
  • na_elementsw_node - fix check_mode so that no action is taken.
  • na_elementsw_node - improve error reporting when cluster name cannot be set because node is already active.
  • na_elementsw_schedule - missing imports TimeIntervalFrequency, Schedule, ScheduleInfo have been added back
  • na_ontap_* - change version_added from '2.6' to '2.6.0' where applicable to satisfy sanity checker.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - support concurrent actions for rename/modify/add_object_store and create/add_object_store.
  • na_ontap_cluster - check_mode is now working properly.
  • na_ontap_cluster - single_node_cluster option was ignored.
  • na_ontap_info - KeyError on tree for quota_report_info.
  • na_ontap_info - better reporting on KeyError traceback, option to ignore error.
  • na_ontap_interface - home_node is not required in pre-cluster mode.
  • na_ontap_interface - role is not required if service_policy is present and ONTAP version is 9.8.
  • na_ontap_interface - traceback in get_interface if node is not reachable.
  • na_ontap_job_schedule - allow job_minutes to set number to -1 for job creation with REST too.
  • na_ontap_qtree - fixed None is not subscriptable exception on rename operation.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - report error when attempting to change policy_type rather than taking no action.
  • na_ontap_volume - encrypt with a value of false is ignored when creating a volume.
  • na_ontap_volume - fixed KeyError exception on size when reporting creation error.
  • - uncaught exception (traceback) on zapi.NaApiError.
  • Added openvpn vtu interface support.
  • Update network integration auth timeout for connection local.
  • terminal plugin - Overhaul ansi_re to remove more escape sequences
  • community.general.proxmox - Proxmox inventory source
  • community.general.stackpath_compute - StackPath Edge Computing inventory source
  • arista.eos.eos_ospfv3 - OSPFv3 resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_ospfv3 - OSPFv3 resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_ospfv3 - ospfv3 resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ospfv3 - OSPFv3 resource module
  • - Manages networks on the IaaS service
  • community.general.scaleway_database_backup - Scaleway database backups management module
Source Control
  • community.general.gitlab_group_members - Manage group members on GitLab Server
  • community.general.gitlab_group_variable - Creates, updates, or deletes GitLab groups variables
  • containers.podman.podman_network - Manage Podman networks
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_info - NetApp Element Software Info
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_qos_policy - NetApp Element Software create/modify/rename/delete QOS Policy
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_active_directory - NetApp ONTAP configure active directory
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_mcc_mediator - NetApp ONTAP Add and Remove MetroCluster Mediator
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_metrocluster - NetApp ONTAP set up a MetroCluster
  • module - Add/Delete Openstack volumes backup.
  • module - Retrieve information about Openstack volume backups.
  • module - Retrieve information about Openstack volume snapshots.
  • theforeman.foreman.status_info - Get status info
  • ansible.posix (still version 1.1.1)
  • awx.awx (still version 14.1.0)
  • check_point.mgmt (still version 1.0.6)
  • chocolatey.chocolatey (still version 1.0.2)
  • cisco.aci (still version 1.0.0)
  • cisco.asa (still version 1.0.3)
  • cisco.intersight (still version 1.0.8)
  • cisco.meraki (still version 2.0.0)
  • cisco.mso (still version 1.0.0)
  • cisco.ucs (still version 1.5.0)
  • (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.digitalocean (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.grafana (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.libvirt (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.mongodb (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.proxysql (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.rabbitmq (still version 1.0.1)
  • community.skydive (still version 1.0.0)
  • community.zabbix (still version 1.0.0)
  • cyberark.conjur (still version 1.0.7)
  • cyberark.pas (still version 1.0.5)
  • dellemc.os10 (still version 1.0.1)
  • dellemc.os6 (still version 1.0.2)
  • dellemc.os9 (still version 1.0.2)
  • f5networks.f5_modules (still version 1.5.0)
  • fortinet.fortimanager (still version 1.0.5)
  • fortinet.fortios (still version 1.0.15)
  • frr.frr (still version 1.0.3)
  • gluster.gluster (still version 1.0.1)
  • ibm.qradar (still version 1.0.3)
  • infinidat.infinibox (still version 1.2.3)
  • mellanox.onyx (still version 1.0.0)
  • netapp_eseries.santricity (still version 1.0.8)
  • ngine_io.cloudstack (still version 1.0.1)
  • ngine_io.exoscale (still version 1.0.0)
  • ngine_io.vultr (still version 1.0.0)
  • openvswitch.openvswitch (still version 1.0.5)
  • purestorage.flasharray (still version 1.4.0)
  • purestorage.flashblade (still version 1.3.0)
  • servicenow.servicenow (still version 1.0.2)
  • (still version 1.0.2)
  • wti.remote (still version 1.0.1)

Release Date: 2020-09-15

Porting Guide

Ansible 2.10.0 contains Ansible-base version 2.10.1. The changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

If not mentioned explicitly, the changes are reported in the combined changelog below.

Collection Ansible 2.9.0 Ansible 2.10.0 Notes   1.2.0  
ansible.netcommon   1.2.1  
ansible.posix   1.1.1   1.0.0  
arista.eos   1.0.3  
awx.awx   14.1.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
azure.azcollection   1.0.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
check_point.mgmt   1.0.6 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
chocolatey.chocolatey   1.0.2 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
cisco.aci   1.0.0  
cisco.asa   1.0.3  
cisco.intersight   1.0.8 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
cisco.ios   1.0.3  
cisco.iosxr   1.0.5  
cisco.meraki   2.0.0  
cisco.mso   1.0.0  
cisco.nxos   1.1.0  
cisco.ucs   1.5.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.   1.1.0   1.2.0   1.0.0 The collection did not have a changelog in this version.
community.crypto   1.1.1  
community.digitalocean   1.0.0  
community.general   1.1.0  
community.grafana   1.0.0  
community.kubernetes   1.0.0  
community.libvirt   1.0.0  
community.mongodb   1.0.0  
community.mysql   1.0.0   1.1.0  
community.proxysql   1.0.0  
community.rabbitmq   1.0.1  
community.skydive   1.0.0  
community.vmware   1.2.0   1.0.0  
community.zabbix   1.0.0  
containers.podman   1.2.0  
cyberark.conjur   1.0.7 You can find the collection's changelog at
cyberark.pas   1.0.5 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
dellemc.os10   1.0.1  
dellemc.os6   1.0.2  
dellemc.os9   1.0.2  
f5networks.f5_modules   1.5.0  
fortinet.fortimanager   1.0.5  
fortinet.fortios   1.0.15  
frr.frr   1.0.3  
gluster.gluster   1.0.1   1.0.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
hetzner.hcloud   1.0.0  
ibm.qradar   1.0.3  
infinidat.infinibox   1.2.3 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
junipernetworks.junos   1.1.0  
mellanox.onyx   1.0.0   20.8.0 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
netapp.elementsw   20.8.0  
netapp.ontap   20.8.0  
netapp_eseries.santricity   1.0.8 The collection did not have a changelog in this version.
netbox.netbox   1.0.2  
ngine_io.cloudstack   1.0.1  
ngine_io.exoscale   1.0.0 There are no changes recorded in the changelog.
ngine_io.vultr   1.0.0   1.1.0  
openvswitch.openvswitch   1.0.5  
ovirt.ovirt   1.1.3  
purestorage.flasharray   1.4.0  
purestorage.flashblade   1.3.0  
servicenow.servicenow   1.0.2 The collection did not have a changelog in this version.   1.0.2  
theforeman.foreman   1.1.0  
vyos.vyos   1.0.4  
wti.remote   1.0.1 Unfortunately, this collection does not provide changelog data in a format that can be processed by the changelog generator.
  • Both ansible-doc and ansible-console's help command will error for modules and plugins whose return documentation cannot be parsed as YAML. All modules and plugins passing ansible-test sanity --test yamllint will not be affected by this.
  • Collections may declare a list of supported/tested Ansible versions for the collection. A warning is issued if a collection does not support the Ansible version that loads it (can also be configured as silent or a fatal error). Collections that do not declare supported Ansible versions do not issue a warning/error.
  • Plugin routing allows collections to declare deprecation, redirection targets, and removals for all plugin types.
  • Plugins that import module_utils and other ansible namespaces that have moved to collections should continue to work unmodified.
  • Routing data built into Ansible 2.10 ensures that 2.9 content should work unmodified on 2.10. Formerly included modules and plugins that were moved to collections are still accessible by their original unqualified names, so long as their destination collections are installed.
  • When deprecations are done in code, they to specify a collection_name so that deprecation warnings can mention which collection - or ansible-base - is deprecating a feature. This affects all Display.deprecated() or AnsibleModule.deprecate() or Ansible.Basic.Deprecate() calls, and removed_in_version/removed_at_date or deprecated_aliases in module argument specs.
  • ansible-test now uses a different default test container for Ansible Collections
  • ec2 module_utils - The AWSRetry decorator no longer catches NotFound exceptions by default. NotFound exceptions need to be explicitly added using catch_extra_error_codes. Some AWS modules may see an increase in transient failures due to AWS''s eventual consistency model.
  • Rewrite requests method for version 1.0 API and improved readability
  • meraki_mr_rf_profile - Configure wireless RF profiles.
  • meraki_mr_settings - Configure network settings for wireless.
  • meraki_ms_l3_interface - New module
  • meraki_ms_ospf - Configure OSPF.
  • docker_container - the network_mode option will be set by default to the name of the first network in networks if at least one network is given and networks_cli_compatible is true (will be default from community.general 2.0.0 on). Set to an explicit value to avoid deprecation warnings if you specify networks and set networks_cli_compatible to true. The current default (not specifying it) is equivalent to the value default.
  • docker_container - the module has a new option, container_default_behavior, whose default value will change from compatibility to no_defaults. Set to an explicit value to avoid deprecation warnings.
  • gitlab_user - no longer requires name, email and password arguments when state=absent.
  • Add changelog management for ansible 2.10 (#112)
  • grafana_datasource ; adding additional_json_data param
  • added generic libvirt inventory plugin
  • removed libvirt_lxc inventory script
  • New role os10_aaa - Facilitates the configuration of Authentication Authorization and Accounting (AAA), TACACS and RADIUS server.
  • New role os10_acl - Facilitates the configuration of Access Control lists.
  • New role os10_bfd - Facilitates the configuration of BFD global attributes.
  • New role os10_bgp - Facilitates the configuration of border gateway protocol (BGP) attributes.
  • New role os10_copy_config - This role pushes the backup running configuration into a OS10 device.
  • New role os10_dns - Facilitates the configuration of domain name service (DNS).
  • New role os10_ecmp - Facilitates the configuration of equal cost multi-path (ECMP) for IPv4.
  • New role os10_fabric_summary Facilitates to get show system information of all the OS10 switches in the fabric.
  • New role os10_flow_monitor Facilitates the configuration of ACL flow-based monitoring attributes.
  • New role os10_image_upgrade Facilitates installation of OS10 software images.
  • New role os10_interface Facilitates the configuration of interface attributes.
  • New role os10_lag Facilitates the configuration of link aggregation group (LAG) attributes.
  • New role os10_lldp Facilitates the configuration of link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) attributes at global and interface level.
  • New role os10_logging Facilitates the configuration of global logging attributes and logging servers.
  • New role os10_network_validation Facilitates validation of wiring connection, BGP neighbors, MTU between neighbors and VLT pair.
  • New role os10_ntp Facilitates the configuration of network time protocol (NTP) attributes.
  • New role os10_prefix_list Facilitates the configuration of IP prefix-list.
  • New role os10_qos Facilitates the configuration of quality of service attributes including policy-map and class-map.
  • New role os10_raguard Facilitates the configuration of IPv6 RA Guard attributes.
  • New role os10_route_map Facilitates the configuration of route-map attributes.
  • New role os10_snmp Facilitates the configuration of global SNMP attributes.
  • New role os10_system Facilitates the configuration of hostname and hashing algorithm.
  • New role os10_template The role takes the raw string input from the CLI of OS10 device, and returns a structured text in the form of a Python dictionary.
  • New role os10_uplink Facilitates the configuration of uplink attributes like uplink-state group.
  • New role os10_users Facilitates the configuration of global system user attributes.
  • New role os10_vlan Facilitates the configuration of virtual LAN (VLAN) attributes.
  • New role os10_vlt Facilitates the configuration of virtual link trunking (VLT).
  • New role os10_vrf Facilitates the configuration of virtual routing and forwarding (VRF).
  • New role os10_vrrp Facilitates the configuration of virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP) attributes.
  • New role os10_vxlan Facilitates the configuration of virtual extensible LAN (VXLAN) attributes.
  • New role os10_xstp Facilitates the configuration of xSTP attributes.
  • Broke apart bigip_device_auth_radius to implement radius server configuration in bigip_device_auth_server module. Refer to module documentation for usage details
  • Remove redundant parameters in f5_provider to fix disparity between documentation and module parameters
  • purefa_console - manage Console Lock setting for the FlashArray
  • purefa_endpoint - manage VMware protocol-endpoints on the FlashArray
  • purefa_eula - sign, or resign, FlashArray EULA
  • purefa_inventory - get hardware inventory information from a FlashArray
  • purefa_network - manage the physical and virtual network settings on the FlashArray
  • purefa_pgsched - manage protection group snapshot and replication schedules on the FlashArray
  • purefa_pod - manage ActiveCluster pods in FlashArrays
  • purefa_pod_replica - manage ActiveDR pod replica links in FlashArrays
  • purefa_proxy - manage the phonehome HTTPS proxy setting for the FlashArray
  • purefa_smis - manage SMI-S settings on the FlashArray
  • purefa_subnet - manage network subnets on the FlashArray
  • purefa_timeout - manage the GUI idle timeout on the FlashArray
  • purefa_vlan - manage VLAN interfaces on the FlashArray
  • purefa_vnc - manage VNC for installed applications on the FlashArray
  • purefa_volume_tags - manage volume tags on the FlashArray
  • purefb_alert - manage alert email settings on a FlashBlade
  • purefb_bladename - manage FlashBlade name
  • purefb_bucket_replica - manage bucket replica links on a FlashBlade
  • purefb_connect - manage connections between FlashBlades
  • purefb_dns - manage DNS settings on a FlashBlade
  • purefb_fs_replica - manage filesystem replica links on a FlashBlade
  • purefb_inventory - get information about the hardware inventory of a FlashBlade
  • purefb_ntp - manage the NTP settings for a FlashBlade
  • purefb_phonehome - manage the phone home settings for a FlashBlade
  • purefb_policy - manage the filesystem snapshot policies for a FlashBlade
  • purefb_proxy - manage the phone home HTTP proxy settings for a FlashBlade
  • purefb_remote_cred - manage the Object Store Remote Credentials on a FlashBlade
  • purefb_snmp_agent - modify the FlashBlade SNMP Agent
  • purefb_snmp_mgr - manage SNMP Managers on a FlashBlade
  • purefb_target - manage remote S3-capable targets for a FlashBlade
  • purefb_user - manage local pureuser account password on a FlashBlade
  • 'Edit on GitHub' link for plugin, cli documentation fixed to navigate to correct plugin, cli source.
  • Add 'auth_url' field to galaxy server config stanzas in ansible.cfg The url should point to the token_endpoint of a Keycloak server.
  • Add --ask-vault-password and --vault-pass-file options to ansible cli commands
  • Add --pre flag to ansible-galaxy collection install to allow pulling in the most recent pre-release version of a collection (ansible/ansible#64905)
  • Add a global toggle to control when vars plugins are executed (per task by default for backward compatibility or after importing inventory).
  • Add a new config parameter, WIN_ASYNC_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, which allows configuration of the named pipe connection timeout under Windows when launching async tasks.
  • Add a per-plugin stage option to override the global toggle to control the execution of individual vars plugins (per task, after inventory, or both).
  • Add an additional check for importing journal from systemd-python module (ansible/ansible#60595).
  • Add an example for using var in with_sequence (ansible/ansible#68836).
  • Add new magic variable ansible_collection that contains the collection name
  • Add new magic variable ansible_role_name that contains the FQCN of the role
  • Add standard Python 2/3 compatibility boilerplate to setup script, module_utils and docs_fragments which were missing them.
  • Added PopOS as a part of Debian OS distribution family (ansible/ansible#69286).
  • Added hostname support for PopOS in hostname module.
  • Added openEuler OS in RedHat OS Family.
  • Added the ability to set DEFAULT_NO_TARGET_SYSLOG through the ansible_no_target_syslog variable on a task
  • Ansible CLI fails with warning if extra_vars parameter is used with filename without @ sign (ansible/ansible#51857).
  • Ansible modules created with add_file_common_args=True added a number of undocumented arguments which were mostly there to ease implementing certain action plugins. The undocumented arguments src, follow, force, content, backup, remote_src, regexp, delimiter, and directory_mode are now no longer added. Modules relying on these options to be added need to specify them by themselves. Also, action plugins relying on these extra elements in FILE_COMMON_ARGUMENTS need to be adjusted.
  • Ansible now allows deprecation by date instead of deprecation by version. This is possible for plugins and modules (meta/runtime.yml and deprecated.removed_at_date in DOCUMENTATION, instead of deprecated.removed_in), for plugin options ( instead of deprecated.version in DOCUMENTATION), for module options (removed_at_date instead of removed_in_version in argument spec), and for module option aliases ( instead of deprecated_aliases.version in argument spec).
  • Ansible should fail with error when non-existing limit file is provided in command line.
  • Ansible.Basic - Added the ability to specify multiple fragments to load in a generic way for modules that use a module_util with fragment options
  • Ansible.Basic.cs - Added support for deprecated_aliases to deprecated aliases in a standard way
  • Ansible.ModuleUtils.WebRequest - Move username and password aliases out of util to avoid option name collision
  • Change order of arguments in ansible cli to use --ask-vault-password and --vault-password-file by default
  • CollectionRequirement - Add a metadata property to update and retrieve the _metadata attribute.
  • Command module: Removed suggestions to use modules which have moved to collections and out of ansible-base
  • Enable Ansible Collections loader to discover and import collections from site-packages dir and PYTHONPATH-added locations.
  • Enable testing the AIX platform as a remote OS in ansible-test
  • Fixed ansible-doc to not substitute for words followed by parenthesis. For instance, IBM(International Business Machines) will no longer be substituted with a link to a non-existent module. ansible/ansible#71070
  • Flatten the directory hierarchy of modules
  • Ignore plesk-release file while parsing distribution release (ansible/ansible#64101).
  • Openstack inventory script is migrated to ansible-openstack-collection, adjusted the link in documentation accordingly.
  • Openstack inventory script is moved to from community.general.
  • PowerShell Add-Type - Add an easier way to reference extra types when compiling C# code on PowerShell Core
  • PowerShell Add-Type - Added the X86 and AMD64 preprocessor symbols for conditional compiling
  • Prevent losing useful error information by including both the loop and the conditional error messages (ansible/ansible#66529)
  • Provides additional information about collection namespace name restrictions (ansible/ansible#65151).
  • Raise error when no task file is provided to import_tasks (ansible/ansible#54095).
  • Refactor test_distribution_version testcases.
  • Remove the deprecation message for the TRANSFORM_INVALID_GROUP_CHARS setting. (ansible/ansible#61889)
  • Removed extras_require support from (and [azure] extra). Requirements will float with the collections, so it's not appropriate for ansible-base to host requirements for them any longer.
  • Simplify dict2items filter example in loop documentation (ansible/ansible#65505).
  • Templating - Add globals to the jinja2 environment at Templar instantiation, instead of customizing the template object. Only customize the template object, to disable lookups. (ansible/ansible#69278)
  • Templating - Add support to auto unroll generators produced by jinja2 filters, to prevent the need of explicit use of |list (ansible/ansible#68014)
  • The plugin loader now keeps track of the collection where a plugin was resolved to, in particular whether the plugin was loaded from ansible-base's internal paths (ansible.builtin) or from user-supplied paths (no collection name).
  • The results queue and counter for results are now split for standard / handler results. This allows the governing strategy to be truly independent from the handler strategy, which basically follows the linear methodology.
  • Update required library message with correct grammer in
  • Updated inventory script location for EC2, Openstack, and Cobbler after collection (ansible/ansible#68897).
  • Updated inventory script location for infoblox, ec2 and other after collection migration (ansible/ansible#69139).
  • Updated network integration auth timeout to 90 secs.
  • Updates ansible_role_names, ansible_play_role_names, and ansible_dependent_role_names to include the FQCN
  • Use OrderedDict by default when importing mappings from YAML.
  • Windows - Add a check for the minimum PowerShell version so we can create a friendly error message on older hosts
  • Windows - add deprecation notice in the Windows setup module when running on Server 2008, 2008 R2, and Windows 7
  • AnsibleModule.fail_json() has always required that a message be passed in which informs the end user why the module failed. In the past this message had to be passed as the msg keyword argument but it can now be passed as the first positional argument instead.
  • AnsibleModule.load_file_common_arguments now allows to simply override path.
  • add mechanism for storing warnings and deprecations globally and not attached to an AnsibleModule object (ansible/ansible#58993)
  • added more ways to configure new uri options in 2.10.
  • ansible-doc - improve suboptions formatting (ansible/ansible#69795).
  • ansible-doc - now indicates if an option is added by a doc fragment from another collection by prepending the collection name, or ansible.builtin for ansible-base, to the version number.
  • ansible-doc - return values will be properly formatted (ansible/ansible#69796).
  • ansible-doc will now format, L(), R(), and HORIZONTALLINE in plugin docs just as the website docs do. ansible/ansible#71070
  • ansible-galaxy - Add download option for ansible-galaxy collection to download collections and their dependencies for an offline install
  • ansible-galaxy - Add a verify subcommand to ansible-galaxy collection. The collection found on the galaxy server is downloaded to a tempfile to compare the checksums of the files listed in the MANIFEST.json and the FILES.json with the contents of the installed collection.
  • ansible-galaxy - Add installation successful message
  • ansible-galaxy - Added the ability to display the progress wheel through the C.GALAXY_DISPLAY_PROGRESS config option. Also this now defaults to displaying the progress wheel if stdout has a tty.
  • ansible-galaxy - Added the ability to ignore further files and folders using a pattern with the build_ignore key in a collection's galaxy.yml (ansible/ansible#59228).
  • ansible-galaxy - Allow installing collections from git repositories.
  • ansible-galaxy - Always ignore the tests/output directory when building a collection as it is used by ansible-test for test output (ansible/ansible#59228).
  • ansible-galaxy - Change the output verbosity level of the download message from 3 to 0 (ansible/ansible#70010)
  • ansible-galaxy - Display message if both collections and roles are specified in a requirements file but can't be installed together.
  • ansible-galaxy - Install both collections and roles with ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml in certain scenarios.
  • ansible-galaxy - Requirement entries for collections now support a 'type' key to indicate whether the collection is a galaxy artifact, file, url, or git repo.
  • ansible-galaxy - Support both 'galaxy.yml' and 'galaxy.yaml' files for collections.
  • ansible-galaxy - add --token argument which is the same as --api-key (ansible/ansible#65955)
  • ansible-galaxy - add collection list command for listing installed collections (ansible/ansible#65022)
  • ansible-galaxy - add validate_collection_path() utility function ()
  • ansible-galaxy - add collections path argument
  • ansible-galaxy - allow role to define dependency requirements that will be only installed by defining them in meta/requirements.yml (ansible/proposals#57)
  • ansible-test - --docker flag now has an associated --docker-terminate flag which controls if and when the docker container is removed following tests
  • ansible-test - Add macos/10.15 as a supported value for the --remote option.
  • ansible-test - Add a test to prevent state=get
  • ansible-test - Add a test to prevent state=list and state=info
  • ansible-test - Add a verbosity option for displaying warnings.
  • ansible-test - Add support for Python 3.9.
  • ansible-test - Added CI provider support for Azure Pipelines.
  • ansible-test - Added a ansible-test coverage analyze targets filter command to filter aggregated coverage reports by path and/or target name.
  • ansible-test - Added a ansible-test coverage analyze targets command to analyze integration test code coverage by test target.
  • ansible-test - Added support for Ansible Core CI request signing for Shippable.
  • ansible-test - Added support for testing on Fedora 32.
  • ansible-test - Allow custom --remote-stage options for development and testing.
  • ansible-test - Fix ansible-test coverage reporting sub-commands (report, html, xml) on Python 2.6.
  • ansible-test - General code cleanup.
  • ansible-test - Now includes testing support for RHEL 8.2
  • ansible-test - Provisioning of RHEL instances now includes installation of pinned versions of packaging and pyparsing to match the downstream vendored versions.
  • ansible-test - Refactor code to consolidate filesystem access and improve handling of encoding.
  • ansible-test - Refactored CI related logic into a basic provider abstraction.
  • ansible-test - Remove pytest < 6.0.0 constraint for managed installations on Python 3.x now that pytest 6 is supported.
  • ansible-test - Remove obsolete support for provisioning remote vCenter instances. The supporting services are no longer available.
  • ansible-test - Remove the discontinued us-east-2 choice from the --remote-aws-region option.
  • ansible-test - Report the correct line number in the yamllint sanity test when reporting libyaml parse errors in module documentation.
  • ansible-test - Request remote resources by provider name for all provider types.
  • ansible-test - Show a warning when the obsolete --remote-aws-region option is used.
  • ansible-test - Support custom remote endpoints with the --remote-endpoint option.
  • ansible-test - Support writing compact JSON files instead of formatting and indenting the output.
  • ansible-test - Update Ubuntu 18.04 test container to version 1.13 which includes venv
  • ansible-test - Update default-test-container to version 1.11, which includes Python 3.9.0a4.
  • ansible-test - Update built-in service endpoints for the --remote option.
  • ansible-test - Updated the default test containers to include Python 3.9.0b3.
  • ansible-test - Upgrade OpenSUSE containers to use Leap 15.1.
  • ansible-test - Upgrade distro test containers from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0
  • ansible-test - Upgrade from ansible-base-test-container 1.1 to 2.2
  • ansible-test - Upgrade from default-test-container 2.1 to 2.2
  • ansible-test - Use new endpoint for Parallels based instances with the --remote option.
  • ansible-test - mutually_exclusive, required_if, required_by, required_together and required_one_of in modules are now validated.
  • ansible-test - validate-modules now also accepts an ISO 8601 formatted date as deprecated.removed_at_date, instead of requiring a version number in deprecated.removed_in.
  • ansible-test - validate-modules now makes sure that module documentation deprecation removal version and/or date matches with removal version and/or date in meta/runtime.yml.
  • ansible-test - validate-modules now validates all version numbers in documentation and argument spec. Version numbers for collections are checked for being valid semantic versioning version number strings.
  • ansible-test - add validate-modules tests for removed_in_version and deprecated_aliases (ansible/ansible#66920).
  • ansible-test - add check for print() calls in modules and module_utils.
  • ansible-test - added a --no-pip-check option
  • ansible-test - added a --venv-system-site-packages option for use with the --venv option
  • ansible-test - added new changelog test, which runs if a antsibull-changelog configuration or files in changelogs/fragments/ are found (ansible/ansible#69313).
  • ansible-test - allow delegation config to specify equivalents to the --no-pip-check, --disable-httptester and --no-temp-unicode` options
  • ansible-test - allow sanity tests to check for optional errors by specifying --enable-optional-errors (ansible/ansible#66920).
  • ansible-test - also run the ansible-doc sanity test with --json to ensure that the documentation does not contain something that cannot be exported as JSON (ansible/ansible#69238).
  • ansible-test - default container now uses default-test-container 2.7.0 and ansible-base-test-container 1.6.0. This brings in Python 3.9.0rc1 for testing.
  • ansible-test - enable deprecated version testing for modules and module.deprecate() calls (ansible/ansible#66920).
  • ansible-test - extend alias validation.
  • ansible-test - fixed units command with --docker to (mostly) work under podman
  • ansible-test - improve module validation so that default, sample and example contain JSON values and not arbitrary YAML values, like datetime objects or dictionaries with non-string keys.
  • ansible-test - module validation will now consider arguments added by add_file_common_arguments=True correctly.
  • ansible-test - switch from testing RHEL 8.0 and RHEL 8.1 Beta to RHEL 8.1
  • ansible-test - the ACME test container was updated, it now supports external account creation and has a basic OCSP responder (ansible/ansible#71097,
  • ansible-test - the argument spec of modules is now validated by a YAML schema.
  • ansible-test - the module validation code now checks whether elements documentation for options matches the argument_spec.
  • ansible-test - the module validation code now checks whether elements is defined when type=list
  • ansible-test - the module validation code now checks whether requirement for options is documented correctly.
  • ansible-test add pyparsing constraint for Python 2.x to avoid compatibility issues with the upcoming pyparsing 3 release
  • ansible-test defaults to redacting sensitive values (disable with the --no-redact option)
  • ansible-test has been updated to use default-test-container:1.13 which includes fewer Python requirements now that most modules and tests have been migrated to collections.
  • ansible-test no longer detects git submodule directories as files.
  • ansible-test no longer provides a --tox option. Use the --venv option instead. This only affects testing the Ansible source. The feature was never available for Ansible Collections or when running from an Ansible install.
  • ansible-test no longer tries to install sanity test dependencies on unsupported Python versions
  • ansible-test now checks for the minimum and maximum supported versions when importing coverage
  • ansible-test now filters out unnecessary warnings and messages from pip when installing its own requirements
  • ansible-test now has a --list-files option to list files using the env command.
  • ansible-test now includes the pylint plugin mccabe in optional sanity tests enabled with --enable-optional-errors
  • ansible-test now places the ansible source and collections content in separate directories when using the --docker or --remote options.
  • ansible-test now provides a more helpful error when loading coverage files created by coverage version 5 or later
  • ansible-test now supports provisioning of network resources when testing network collections
  • ansible-test now supports skip aliases in the format skip/{arch}/{platform} and skip/{arch}/{platform}/{version} where arch can be power. These aliases are only effective for the --remote option.
  • ansible-test now supports skip aliases in the format skip/{platform}/{version} for the --remote option. This is preferred over the older skip/{platform}{version} format which included no / between the platform and version.
  • ansible-test now supports testing against RHEL 7.8 when using the --remote option.
  • ansible-test now supports the --remote power/centos/7 platform option.
  • ansible-test now validates the schema of ansible_builtin_runtime.yml and a collections meta/runtime.yml file.
  • ansible-test provides clearer error messages when failing to detect the provider to use with the --remote option.
  • ansible-test provisioning of network devices for network-integration has been updated to use collections.
  • ansible_native_concat() - use to_text function rather than Jinja2's text_type which has been removed in Jinja2 master branch.
  • apt - Implemented an exponential backoff behaviour when retrying to update the cache with new params update_cache_retry_max_delay and update_cache_retries to control the behavior.
  • apt_repository - Implemented an exponential backoff behaviour when retrying to update the apt cache with new params update_cache_retry_max_delay and update_cache_retries to control the behavior.
  • blockinfile - Update module documentation to clarify insertbefore/insertafter usage.
  • callbacks - Allow modules to return None as before/after entries for diff. This should make it easier for modules to report the "not existing" state of the entity they touched.
  • combine filter - now accept a list_merge argument which modifies its behaviour when the hashes to merge contain arrays/lists.
  • conditionals - change the default of CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS to False (ansible/ansible#70682).
  • config - accept singular version of collections_path ini setting and ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH environment variable setting
  • core filters - Adding path_join filter to the core filters list
  • debconf - add a note about no_log=True since module might expose sensitive information to logs (ansible/ansible#32386).
  • default_callback - moving 'check_mode_markers' documentation in default_callback doc_fragment (ansible-collections/community.general#565).
  • distro - Update bundled version of distro from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
  • dnf - Properly handle idempotent transactions with package name wildcard globs (ansible/ansible#62809)
  • dnf - Properly handle module AppStreams that don't define stream (ansible/ansible#63683)
  • dnf param to pass allowerasing
  • downstream packagers may install packages under ansible._vendor, which will be added to head of sys.path at ansible package load
  • file - specifying src without state is now an error
  • galaxy - add documentation about galaxy parameters in examples/ansible.cfg (ansible/ansible#68402).
  • get_bin_path() - change the interface to always raise ValueError if the command is not found (ansible/ansible#56813)
  • get_url - Remove deprecated string format support for the headers option (ansible/ansible#61891)
  • git - added an archive_prefix option to set a prefix to add to each file path in archive
  • host_group_vars plugin - Require whitelisting and whitelist by default.
  • iptables - add a note about ipv6-icmp in protocol parameter (ansible/ansible#70905).
  • new magic variable - ansible_config_file - full path of used Ansible config file
  • - Add support for Pacman package manager.
  • pipe lookup - update docs for Popen with shell=True usages (ansible/ansible#70159).
  • plugin loader - Add MODULE_IGNORE_EXTS config option to skip over certain extensions when looking for script and binary modules.
  • powershell (shell plugin) - Fix join_path to support UNC paths (ansible/ansible#66341)
  • regexp_replace filter - add multiline support for regex_replace filter (ansible/ansible#61985)
  • rename _find_existing_collections() to find_existing_collections() to reflect its use across multiple files
  • reorganized code for the ansible-test coverage command for easier maintenance and feature additions
  • service_facts - Added undocumented 'indirect' and 'static' as service status (ansible/ansible#69752).
  • - Skip doing conflict checks for sdist and egg_info commands (ansible/ansible#71310)
  • ssh - connection plugin now supports a new variable sshpass_prompt which gets passed to sshpass allowing the user to set a custom substring to search for a password prompt (requires sshpass 1.06+)
  • subelements - clarify the lookup plugin documentation for parameter handling (ansible/ansible#38182).
  • systemd - default scope is now explicitly "system"
  • tests - Add new truthy and falsy jinja2 tests to evaluate the truthiness or falsiness of a value
  • to_nice_json filter - Removed now-useless exception handler
  • to_uuid - add a named parameter to let the user optionally set a custom namespace
  • update ansible-test default-test-container from version 1.13 to 1.14, which includes an update from Python 3.9.0a6 to Python 3.9.0b1
  • update ansible-test default-test-container from version 1.9.1 to 1.9.2
  • update ansible-test default-test-container from version 1.9.2 to 1.9.3
  • update ansible-test default-test-container from version 1.9.3 to 1.10.1
  • update ansible-test images to 1.16.0, which includes system updates and pins CentOS versions
  • uri/galaxy - Add new prepare_multipart helper function for creating a multipart/form-data body (ansible/ansible#69376)
  • url_lookup_plugin - add parameters to match what is available in module_utils/
  • user - allow groups, append parameters with local
  • user - usage of append: True without setting a list of groups. This is currently a no-op with a warning, and will change to an error in 2.14. (ansible/ansible#65795)
  • validate-modules checks for deprecated in collections against meta/runtime.yml
  • validation - Sort missing parameters in exception message thrown by check_required_arguments
  • vars plugins - Support vars plugins in collections by adding the ability to whitelist plugins.
  • vars_prompt - throw error when encountering unsupported key
  • win_package - Added proxy support for retrieving packages from a URL - ansible/ansible#43818
  • win_package - Added support for .appx, .msix, .appxbundle, and .msixbundle package - ansible/ansible#50765
  • win_package - Added support for .msp packages - ansible/ansible#22789
  • win_package - Added support for specifying the HTTP method when getting files from a URL - ansible/ansible#35377
  • win_package - Read uninstall strings from the QuietUninstallString if present to better support argumentless uninstalls of registry based packages.
  • win_package - Scan packages in the current user's registry hive - ansible/ansible#45950
  • windows collections - Support relative module util imports in PowerShell modules and module_utils
  • Add aws_security_token, aws_endpoint_url and endpoint_url aliases to improve AWS module parameter naming consistency.
  • Add support for aws_ca_bundle to boto3 based AWS modules
  • Add support for configuring boto3 profiles using AWS_PROFILE and AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE
  • Added check_mode support to aws_az_info
  • Added check_mode support to ec2_eni_info
  • Added check_mode support to ec2_snapshot_info
  • ansible_dict_to_boto3_filter_list - convert integers and bools to strings before using them in filters.
  • aws_direct_connect_virtual_interface - add direct_connect_gateway_id parameter. This field is only applicable in private VIF cases (public=False) and is mutually exclusive to virtual_gateway_id.
  • cloudformation - Return change_set_id in the cloudformation output if a change set was created.
  • ec2 - deprecate allowing both group and group_id - currently we ignore group_id if both are passed.
  • ec2 module_utils - Update ec2_connect (boto2) behaviour so that ec2_url overrides region.
  • ec2_ami_info - allow integer and bool values for filtering images (ansible/ansible#43570).
  • ec2_asg - Add support for Max Instance Lifetime
  • ec2_asg - Add the ability to use mixed_instance_policy in launch template driven autoscaling groups
  • ec2_asg - Migrated to AnsibleAWSModule
  • ec2_placement_group - make name a required field.
  • ec2_vol_info - Code cleanup and use of the AWSRetry decorator to improve stability
  • ec2_vpc_net - Enable IPv6 CIDR assignment
  • module_utils.core - Support passing arbitrary extra keys to fail_json_aws, matching capabilities of fail_json.
  • Add content option validation for netconf_config module (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#66)
  • Added description to collection galaxy.yml file.
  • Documentation of module arguments updated to match expected types where missing.
  • NetworkConfig objects now have an optional comment_tokens parameter which takes a list of strings which will override the DEFAULT_COMMENT_TOKENS list.
  • New cli_parse module for parsing structured text using a variety of parsers. The initial implemetation of cli_parse can be used with json, native, ntc_templates, pyats, textfsm, ttp, and xml.
  • Resource Modules: changed flag is set to true in check_mode for all ACTION_STATES (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#82)
  • The httpapi connection plugin now works with wait_for_connection. This will periodically request the root page of the server described by the plugin's options until the request succeeds. This can only test that the server is reachable, the correctness or usability of the API is not guaranteed.
  • Checks for and resolves a condition where effective nameservers are obfucated, usually by malware. See
  • Windows - add deprecation notice in the Windows setup module when running on Server 2008, 2008 R2, and Windows 7
  • setup - Added ansible_architecture2` to match the same format that setup on POSIX hosts return. Unlike ansible_architecture this value is not localized to the host's language settings.
  • setup - Implemented the gather_timeout option to restrict how long each subset can run for
  • setup - Refactor to speed up the time taken to run the module
  • setup.ps1 - parity with linux regarding missing local facts path (ansible/ansible#57974)
  • win_command, win_shell - Add the ability to override the console output encoding with output_encoding_override - ansible/ansible#54896
  • win_dns_client - Added support for setting IPv6 DNS servers - ansible/ansible#55962
  • win_domain_computer - Use new Ansible.Basic wrapper for better invocation reporting
  • win_domain_controller - Added the domain_log_path to control the directory for the new AD log files location - ansible/ansible#59348
  • win_find - Improve performance when scanning heavily nested directories and align behaviour to the find module.
  • win_hostname - Added diff mode support
  • win_hostname - Use new Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule wrapper
  • win_package - Added proxy support for retrieving packages from a URL - ansible/ansible#43818
  • win_package - Added support for .appx, .msix, .appxbundle, and .msixbundle package - ansible/ansible#50765
  • win_package - Added support for .msp packages - ansible/ansible#22789
  • win_package - Added support for specifying the HTTP method when getting files from a URL - ansible/ansible#35377
  • win_package - Move across to Ansible.Basic for better invocation logging
  • win_package - Read uninstall strings from the QuietUninstallString if present to better support argumentless uninstalls of registry based packages.
  • win_package - Scan packages in the current user's registry hive - ansible/ansible#45950
  • win_regedit - Use new Ansible.Basic wrapper for better invocation reporting
  • win_share - Implement append parameter for access rules (ansible/ansible#59237)
  • win_user - Added check mode support
  • win_user - Added diff mode support
  • win_user - Added the home_directory option
  • win_user - Added the login_script option
  • win_user - Added the profile option
  • win_user - Use new Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule wrapper for better invocation reporting
  • win_user_right - Improved error messages to show what right and account an operation failed on
  • win_user_right - Refactored to use Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule for better module invocation reporting
  • windows setup - Added ansible_os_installation_type to denote the type of Windows installation the remote host is.
  • Add round trip testcases to the 2.9 resource modules.
  • Add unit testcases to the eos_l3_interfaces resource modules.
  • Add unit testcases to the eos_lag_interfaces resource modules.
  • Sorted the list of params of ip address before forming the tuple.
  • Updated docs.
  • Add Fex capability to aci_interface_policy_leaf_profile, aci_access_port_to_interface_policy_leaf_profile and aci_access_port_block_to_access_port
  • Add LICENSE file
  • Add aci_epg_to_contract_master module
  • Add annotation attribute to and to doc fragment.
  • Add annotation to every payload and add test case for annotation.
  • Add changelog
  • Add collection prefix to all integration tests
  • Add galaxy.yml file for collection listing
  • Add github action CI pipeline
  • Add module and test file for aci_bd_dhcp_label
  • Add modules and test files for aci_cloud_ctx_profile, aci_cloud_cidr, aci_cloud_subnet and aci_cloud_zone
  • Add modules and test files for aci_l2out, aci_l2out_extepg and aci_l3out_extepg_to_contract
  • Add names to documentation examples for modules from
  • Add preferred group support to aci_vrf
  • Add support for Azure on all cloud modules
  • Add support for output_path to allow dump of REST API objects
  • Add support for owner_key and owner_tag for all modules and add test case for it.
  • Add vpn gateway dedicated module and remove vpn_gateway from cloud_ctx_profile module
  • Fix M() and module to use FQCN
  • Initial commit based on the collection migration available at "ansible-collection-migration/cisco.aci" which contains the ACI module from Ansible Core
  • Move to base of module_utils and fix references
  • Move test file to root of tests/unit/module_utils
  • Update Ansible version in CI and add 2.10.0 to sanity in CI.
  • Update Readme with supported versions
  • Update to test files to make the tests work on both 3.2 and 4.2.
  • meraki - Add optional debugging for is_update_required() method.
  • meraki_admin - Update endpoints for API v1
  • meraki_alert - Manage network wide alert settings.
  • meraki_device - Added deprecation notices to some parameters
  • meraki_device - Added query parameter
  • meraki_intrusion_prevention - Change documentation to show proper way to clear rules
  • meraki_malware - Update documentation to show how to allow multiple URLs at once.
  • meraki_mx_l2_interface - Configure physical interfaces on MX appliances.
  • meraki_mx_uplink - Renamed to meraki_mx_uplink_bandwidth
  • meraki_network - Added deprecation notices to some parameters
  • meraki_ssid - Add WPA3 Only and WPA3 Transition Mode
  • meraki_switchport - Add support for access_policy_type parameter
  • ACI/MSO - Use get() dict lookups (ansible/ansible#63074)
  • Add EPG and ANP at site level when needed
  • Add Login Domain support to mso_site
  • Add aliases file for contract_filter module
  • Add changelog
  • Add contract information in current and previous part
  • Add github action CI pipeline with test coverage
  • Add l3out, preferred_group and test file for mso_schema_template_externalepg
  • Add login domain support for authentication in all modules
  • Add mso_schema_template_vrf_contract module and test file
  • Add new attribute choice "policy_compression" to mso_Schema_template_contract_filter
  • Add new functionality - Direct Port Channel (dpc), micro-seg-vlan and default values
  • Add new module and test file to query MSO version
  • Add new module for anp-epg-selector in site level
  • Add new module mso_schema_template_anp_epg_selector and its test file
  • Add new module mso_schema_vrf_contract
  • Add new module mso_tenant_site to support cloud and non-cloud sites association with a tenant and test file (CiscoDevNet/ansible-mso#62)
  • Add new mso_site_external_epg_selector module and test file
  • Add site external epg and contract filter test
  • Add support for DHCP querier to all subnet objects. Add partial test in mso_schema_template_bd integration test.
  • Add support for VGW attribute in mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr_subnet
  • Add support for clean output if needed for debuging
  • Add support to set account as inactive using account_status attribute in mso_user
  • Add test file for mso_schema_template_anp_epg
  • Add test for mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr module
  • Add test for mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr_subnet module
  • Add vzAny attribute in mso_schema_template_vrf
  • Added DHCP relay options and scope options to MSO schema template bd
  • Added ability to bind epg to static fex port
  • Added module to manage contracts for external EPG in Cisco MSO (ansible/ansible#63550)
  • Added module to manage template external epg subnet for Cisco MSO (ansible/ansible#63542)
  • Automatically add ANP and EPG at site level and new test file for mso_schema_site_anp_epg_staticport (CiscoDevNet/ansible-mso#55)
  • Disabling tests for the role modules as API is not supported after 2.2.3i until further notice
  • Fix M() and module to use FQCN
  • Increased test coverage for existing module integration tests.
  • Modified External EPG module and addition of new Selector module
  • Modified fail messages for site and updated documentation
  • Moving test to Ansible v2.9.9 and increasing timelimit for mutex to 30+ min
  • New backup module and test file (CiscoDevNet/ansible-mso#80)
  • Renaming mso_schema_template_externalepg module to mso_schema_template_external_epg while keeping both working.
  • Update Ansible version in CI and add 2.10.0 to sanity in CI.
  • Update Readme with supported versions
  • Update authors.
  • Update cidr module, udpate attributes in hub network module and its test file
  • Update (ansible/ansible#67099)
  • Updated Test File Covering all conditions
  • Use a function to reuuse duplicate part
  • mso_schema_site_anp_epg_staticport - Add VPC support (ansible/ansible#62803)
  • Add retries for aws_api_gateway when AWS throws TooManyRequestsException
  • Allow all params that boto support in aws_api_gateway module
  • Migrate the remaning boto3 based modules to the module based helpers for creating AWS connections.
  • Remaining AnsibleModule based modules migrated to AnsibleAWSModule.
  • aws_acm - Add the module to group/aws for module_defaults.
  • aws_acm - Update automatic retries to stabilize the integration tests.
  • aws_codecommit - Support updating the description
  • aws_kms - Adds the enable_key_rotation option to enable or disable automatically key rotation.
  • aws_kms - code refactor, some error messages updated
  • aws_kms_info - Adds the enable_key_rotation info to the return value.
  • ec2_asg - Add support for Max Instance Lifetime
  • ec2_asg - Add the ability to use mixed_instance_policy in launch template driven autoscaling groups
  • ec2_asg - Migrated to AnsibleAWSModule
  • ec2_placement_group - make name a required field.
  • ecs_task_definition - Add network_mode=default to support Windows ECS tasks.
  • elb_network_lb - added support to UDP and TCP_UDP protocols
  • elb_target - add awsretry to prevent rate exceeded errors (ansible/ansible#51108)
  • elb_target_group - allow UDP and TCP_UDP protocols; permit only HTTP/HTTPS health checks using response codes and paths
  • iam - make name a required field.
  • iam_cert - make name a required field.
  • iam_policy - The iam_policy module has been migrated from boto to boto3.
  • iam_policy - make iam_name a required field.
  • iam_role - Add support for managing the maximum session duration
  • iam_role - Add support for removing the related instance profile when we delete the role
  • iam_role, iam_user and iam_group - the managed_policy option has been renamed to managed_policies (with an alias added)
  • iam_role, iam_user and iam_group - the purge_policy option has been renamed to purge_policies (with an alias added)
  • lambda - add a tracing_mode parameter to set the TracingConfig for AWS X-Ray. Also allow updating Lambda runtime.
  • purefa_volume - Change I(qos) parameter to I(bw_iops), but retain I(qos) as an alias for backwards compatability (ansible/ansible#61577).
  • redshift - Add AWSRetry calls for errors outside our control
  • route53 - the module now has diff support.
  • sanity - add future imports in all missing places.
  • sns_topic - Add backoff when we get Topic NotFound exceptions while listing the subscriptions.
  • sqs_queue - Add support for tagging, KMS and FIFO queues
  • sqs_queue - updated to use boto3 instead of boto
  • acme_account - add external_account_binding option to allow creation of ACME accounts with External Account Binding (ansible-collections/community.crypto#89).
  • acme_certificate - allow new selector test_certificates: first for select_chain parameter (ansible-collections/community.crypto#102).
  • cryptography backends - support arbitrary dotted OIDs (ansible-collections/community.crypto#39).
  • get_certificate - add support for SNI (ansible-collections/community.crypto#69).
  • luks_device - accept passphrase, new_passphrase and remove_passphrase.
  • luks_device - add keysize parameter to set key size at LUKS container creation
  • luks_device - add support for encryption options on container creation (ansible-collections/community.crypto#97).
  • luks_device - added support to use UUIDs, and labels with LUKS2 containers
  • luks_device - added the type option that allows user explicit define the LUKS container format version
  • openssh_cert - add support for PKCS#11 tokens (ansible-collections/community.crypto#95).
  • openssh_keypair - instead of regenerating some broken or password protected keys, fail the module. Keys can still be regenerated by calling the module with force=yes.
  • openssh_keypair - the regenerate option allows to configure the module's behavior when it should or needs to regenerate private keys.
  • openssl_* modules - the cryptography backend now properly supports dirName, otherName and RID (Registered ID) names.
  • openssl_certificate - Add option for changing which ACME directory to use with acme-tiny. Set the default ACME directory to Let's Encrypt instead of using acme-tiny's default. (acme-tiny also uses Let's Encrypt at the time being, so no action should be neccessary.)
  • openssl_certificate - Change the required version of acme-tiny to >= 4.0.0
  • openssl_certificate - allow to provide content of some input files via the csr_content, privatekey_content, ownca_privatekey_content and ownca_content options.
  • openssl_certificate - allow to return the existing/generated certificate directly as certificate by setting return_content to yes.
  • openssl_certificate - the PyOpenSSL backend now uses 160 bits of randomness for serial numbers, instead of a random number between 1000 and 99999. Please note that this is not a high quality random number (ansible-collections/community.crypto#76).
  • openssl_certificate_info - allow to provide certificate content via content option (ansible/ansible#64776).
  • openssl_csr - Add support for specifying the SAN otherName value in the OpenSSL ASN.1 UTF8 string format, otherName:<OID>;UTF8:string value.
  • openssl_csr - add support for name constraints extension (ansible-collections/community.crypto#46).
  • openssl_csr - allow to provide private key content via private_key_content option.
  • openssl_csr - allow to return the existing/generated CSR directly as csr by setting return_content to yes.
  • openssl_csr_info - add support for name constraints extension (ansible-collections/community.crypto#46).
  • openssl_csr_info - allow to provide CSR content via content option.
  • openssl_dhparam - allow to return the existing/generated DH params directly as dhparams by setting return_content to yes.
  • openssl_dhparam - now supports a cryptography-based backend. Auto-detection can be overwritten with the select_crypto_backend option.
  • openssl_pkcs12 - allow to return the existing/generated PKCS#12 directly as pkcs12 by setting return_content to yes.
  • openssl_privatekey - add format and format_mismatch options.
  • openssl_privatekey - allow to return the existing/generated private key directly as privatekey by setting return_content to yes.
  • openssl_privatekey - the regenerate option allows to configure the module's behavior when it should or needs to regenerate private keys.
  • openssl_privatekey_info - allow to provide private key content via content option.
  • openssl_publickey - allow to provide private key content via private_key_content option.
  • openssl_publickey - allow to return the existing/generated public key directly as publickey by setting return_content to yes.
  • Add Thruk as Grafana Datasource
  • Add grafana_folder module
  • Add grafana_user module
  • Use module_utils to allow code factorization
  • rabbitmq_publish - Support for connecting with SSL certificates.
  • A vmware module_defaults group has been added to simplify parameters for multiple VMware tasks. This group includes all VMware modules.
  • Add a flag 'force_upgrade' to force VMware tools upgrade installation (ansible-collections/community.vmware#75).
  • Add powerstates to match vmware_guest_powerstate module with vmware_guest (ansible/ansible#55653).
  • Added a timeout parameter wait_for_ip_address_timeout for wait_for_ip_address for longer-running tasks in vmware_guest.
  • Added missing backing_disk_mode information about disk which was removed by mistake in vmware_guest_disk_info.
  • Added module to be able to create, update, or delete VMware VM storage policies for virtual machines.
  • Correct datatype for state in vmware_host_lockdown module.
  • Correct example from doc of to match the change of returned structure.
  • Handle exceptions raised in connect_to_vsphere_client API.
  • Minor typo fixes in vmware_httpapi related modules and module_utils.
  • Removed ANSIBLE_METADATA from all the modules.
  • Return additional information about hosts inside the cluster using vmware_cluster_info.
  • Update Module examples with FQCN.
  • Update for installing any third party required Python libraries using pip (ansible-collections/community.vmware#154).
  • add storage_provisioning type into vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template.
  • add vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template module for creating VMs from OVF templates
  • new code module for new feature for operations of VCenter infra profile config.
  • - Only add configured network interfaces to facts.
  • vmware_cluster_drs - Implemented DRS advanced settings (ansible/ansible#66217)
  • vmware_cluster_ha - Implemented HA advanced settings (ansible/ansible#61421)
  • vmware_cluster_ha - Remove a wrong parameter from an example in the documentation.
  • vmware_cluster_ha - treat truthy advanced options ('true', 'false') as strings instead of booleans (ansible-collections/community.vmware#286).
  • vmware_cluster_info - added properties and schema options and supported the getting of clusters resource summary information.
  • vmware_cluster_vsan - implement advanced VSAN options (ansible-collections/community.vmware#260).
  • vmware_cluster_vsan - requires the vSAN Management SDK, which needs to be downloaded from VMware and installed manually.
  • vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - handle exception while deploying VM using OVF template.
  • vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - requires the resource_pool parameter.
  • vmware_content_deploy_template - added new field "content_library" to search template inside the specified content library.
  • vmware_content_deploy_template - handle exception while deploying VM (ansible-collections/community.vmware#182).
  • vmware_datastore_cluster - Added basic SDRS configuration (ansible/ansible#65154).
  • vmware_datastore_info - added properties and schema options.
  • vmware_datastore_maintenancemode now returns datastore_status instead of Ansible internal key results (ansible/ansible#62083).
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup - Added support for distributed port group with private VLAN.
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup_info - Include the value of the Portgroup key in the result
  • vmware_dvswitch now returns the UUID of the switch
  • vmware_dvswitch_info also returns the switch UUID
  • vmware_export_ovf - increase default timeout to 30s
  • vmware_export_ovf - timeout value is actually in seconds, not minutes
  • vmware_guest - Don't search for VMDK if filename is defined.
  • vmware_guest - Extracts repeated code from configure_vapp_properties() to set_vapp_properties() in
  • vmware_guest - add support VM creation and reconfiguration with multiple types of disk controllers and disks
  • vmware_guest - add support for create and reconfigure CDROMs attaching to SATA (ansible/ansible#42995)
  • vmware_guest - add support hardware version 17 for vSphere 7.0
  • vmware_guest_custom_attributes does not require VM name (ansible/ansible#63222).
  • vmware_guest_disk - Add destroy option which allows to remove a disk without deleting the VMDK file.
  • vmware_guest_disk - Add filename option which allows to create a disk from an existing VMDK.
  • vmware_guest_disk - add backing_uuid value to return (ansible-collections/community.vmware#348).
  • vmware_guest_disk - add support for setting the sharing/multi-writer mode of virtual disks (ansible-collections/community.vmware#212)
  • vmware_guest_network - network adapters can be configured without lists
  • vmware_guest_network - network_info returns a list of dictionaries for ease of use
  • vmware_guest_network - put deprecation warning for the networks parameter
  • vmware_guest_serial_port - ensure we can run the module two times in a row without unexpected side effect(ansible-collections/community.vmware#358).
  • vmware_guest_snapshot_info - Document that folder is required if the VM name is defined (ansible-collections/community.vmware#243)
  • vmware_guest_tools_wait now exposes a timeout parameter that allow the user to adjust the timeout (second).
  • vmware_host_active_directory - Fail when there are unrecoverable problems with AD membership instead of reporting a change that doesn't take place (ansible-collections/community.vmware#59).
  • vmware_host_dns - New module replacing vmware_dns_config with increased functionality.
  • vmware_host_dns can now set the following empty values, domain, search_domains and dns_servers.
  • vmware_host_facts - added properties and schema options.
  • vmware_host_firewall_manager - allowed_hosts excpects a dict as parameter, list is deprecated
  • vmware_host_iscsi - a new module for the ESXi hosts that is dedicated to the management of the iSCSI configuration
  • vmware_host_kernel_manager now returns host_kernel_status instead of Ansible internal key results (ansible/ansible#62083).
  • vmware_host_logbundle - new code module for a new feature for ESXi support log bundle download operation
  • vmware_host_logbundle_info - new code module for a new feature for getting manifests for ESXi support log bundle
  • vmware_host_ntp now returns host_ntp_status instead of Ansible internal key results (ansible/ansible#62083).
  • vmware_host_service_manager now returns host_service_status instead of Ansible internal key results (ansible/ansible#62083).
  • vmware_migrate_vmk - allow migration from a VMware vSphere Distrubuted Switch to a ESXi Standard Switch
  • vmware_rest_client - Added a new definition get_library_item_from_content_library_name.
  • vmware_tag now returns tag_status instead of Ansible internal key results (ansible/ansible#62083).
  • vmware_vcenter_settings_info - a new module for gather information about vCenter settings
  • vmware_vm_inventory inventory plugin, raise more descriptive error when all template strings in hostnames fail.
  • win_disk_facts - Set output array order to be by disk number property - ansible/ansible#63998
  • win_dns_record - Added support for managing SRV records
  • win_domain_computer - sam_account_name with missing $ will have it added automatically (ansible-collections/
  • win_domain_computer - add support for offline domain join (ansible-collections/
  • win_domain_group_membership - Add multi-domain forest support - ansible/ansible#59829
  • win_domain_user - Added the identity module option to explicitly set the identity of the user when searching for it - ansible/ansible#45298
  • win_firewall- Change req check from wmf version to cmdlets presence - ansible/ansible#63003
  • win_firewall_rule - Support editing rules by the group it belongs to
  • win_firewall_rule - Support editing rules that have a duplicated name
  • win_firewall_rule - add parameter to support ICMP Types and Codes (ansible/ansible#46809)
  • win_iis_webapplication - add new options connect_as, username, password.
  • win_iis_webapplication - now uses the current application pool of the website instead of the DefaultAppPool if none was specified.
  • win_nssm - Implement additional parameters - (ansible/ansible#62620)
  • win_pester - Only execute *.tests.ps1 in path to match the default behaviour in Pester - ansible/ansible#55736
  • Added the possibility to configure the mode for the zabbix_{agent,server,proxy}_include directories.
  • All roles now support Zabbix 5.0 and by default install this version (see #131 and #121).
  • Documentation for roles moved to docs/ sub-directory in the collection.
  • New role zabbix_agent - previously known as dj-wasabi/zabbix-agent (also see for each role).
  • New role zabbix_javagateway - previously known as dj-wasabi/zabbix-javagateway.
  • New role zabbix_proxy - previously known as dj-wasabi/zabbix-proxy.
  • New role zabbix_server - previously known as dj-wasabi/zabbix-server.
  • New role zabbix_web - previously known as dj-wasabi/zabbix-web.
  • Roles will now install gnupg on Debian OS family if not present.
  • all roles - added the possibility to configure the mode for the yum repositories files in case it contains credentials.
  • zabbix inventory plugin now no longer prints DeprecationWarning when used with Python3 due to SafeConfigParser.
  • zabbix_action - arguments event_source and esc_period no longer required when state=absent.
  • zabbix_action - new alias update_operations for acknowledge_operations parameter.
  • zabbix_action - no longer requires password and ssh_*key_file parameters at the same time for remote_command operations of type SSH.
  • zabbix_action - parameter ssh_auth_type for SSH remote_command operation now correctly identifies which other parameters are required.
  • zabbix_agent - zabbix-sender and zabbix-get will not be installed when zabbix_repo is set to epel, as they are not part of the repository.
  • zabbix_agent - added option to change between HTTP/HTTPS with zabbix_repo_yum_schema.
  • zabbix_agent - can also install the zabbix-agent2 application when zabbix_agent2 is set to true.
  • zabbix_discovery_rule - refactoring module to use module_utils classes and functions, adjust return values on success, add documentation for return values.
  • zabbix_discovery_rule - refactoring the module to remove unnecessary variables and fix a variable typo.
  • zabbix_host - macros now support new macro types text and secret.
  • zabbix_host - fixed inventory_mode key error, which occurs with Zabbix 4.4.1 or more (see #65304).
  • zabbix_host - new option details (additional SNMP details) for interfaces parameter.
  • zabbix_host - now supports Zabbix 5.0.
  • zabbix_host - was not possible to update a host where visible_name was not set in zabbix.
  • zabbix_mediatype - Fixed to support zabbix 4.4 or more and python3 (see #67693).
  • zabbix_mediatype - new options message_templates, description and many more related to type=webhook.
  • zabbix_mediatype - now supports new webhook media type.
  • zabbix_proxy (module) - now supports Zabbix 5.0.
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - a user and group are created on the host when zabbix_repo is set to epel.
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - now supports startpreprocessors setting and encryption when connecting to database (see #164).
  • zabbix_screen - host_group parameter now accepts multiple groups.
  • zabbix_server - a user and group are created on the host when zabbix_repo is set to epel.
  • zabbix_server - added option to change between HTTP/HTTPS with zabbix_repo_yum_schema.
  • zabbix_server - now supports startpreprocessors setting and encryption when connecting to database (see #164).
  • zabbix_template - fixed error when providing empty link_templates to the module (see #66417).
  • zabbix_template - fixed invalid (non-importable) output provided by exporting XML (see #66466).
  • zabbix_user - Fixed an issue where module failed with zabbix 4.4 or above (see #67475).
  • zabbix_web - a property is added zabbix_web_doubleprecision which currently is set to false for default installations. For new installations this should be set to True. For upgraded installations, please read database upgrade notes (Paragraph "Enabling extended range of numeric (float) values") before enabling this option.
  • zabbix_web - added option to change between HTTP/HTTPS with zabbix_repo_yum_schema.
  • zabbix_web - don't remove the files that Zabbix will install during installation when you don't want to configure a virtual host configuration.
  • Add changelog file to collection.
  • Add pip installation for podman collection.
  • Add podman pod and pod info modules
  • Create podman_volume module for volumes management
  • Relicense under GPLv3 and clean up modules
  • buildah_connection - add support of specific user
  • buildah_connection - added Buildah connection rootless
  • podman_connection - add user flags before container id in podman exec
  • Add ImishConfig class to add duplicate records handling capability
  • Add SSH connection type capability to bigip_wait module
  • Add SSL certificate subject_alternative_name information to bigip_device_info module
  • Add ability to install software images on vCMP guests with the bigip_software_install module
  • Add accounting parameter for tacacs type to bigip_device_auth module
  • Add additional dos vectors to bigip_firewall_dos_vector_module
  • Add addon_keys parameter to bigip_device_license module
  • Add aliases for address and port to bigip_monitor_tcp module
  • Add allow_duplicates parameter to bigip_imish_config module
  • Add apply option to bigip_asm_policy_manage module
  • Add check_profiles parameter to bypass profile verification ability in bigip_virtual_server module
  • Add cipher_group parameter to bigip_profile_client_ssl module
  • Add cipher_list parameter to bigip_monitor_https
  • Add dns-oversize DNS protocol security vector to bigip_firewall_doc_vector
  • Add forward_node option to bigip_policy_rule module
  • Add fw_enforcement_policy parameter to bigip_selfip module
  • Add hw_syn_cookie parameter to bigip_vlan module
  • Add ipv6-ext-hdr-frames security vector to bigip_firewall_doc_vector
  • Add management routes information to bigip_device_info module
  • Add option to bypass all module validation for bigip_virtual_server
  • Add persist cookie option to bigip_policy_rule module
  • Add phase1_lifetime parameter to bigip_ike_peer module
  • Add pool order option to bigip_gtm_wide_ip module
  • Add pva_acceleration parameter to bigip_profile_fastl4 module
  • Add retain_package_file option to bigip_lx_package module
  • Add self allow option to bigip_network_globals module
  • Add set_variable type to bigip_policy_rule module
  • Add support for BIG-IQ 7.0 and above to bigiq_device_info module
  • Add time_wait_timeout parameter to bigip_profile_tcp module
  • Add true_names support to bigip_profile_client_ssl modules allowing specifying true filenames of the certificates
  • Add use_for_auth parameter to bigip_device_auth_ldap module to allow setting up LDAP as the authentication source
  • Add virtual server policies information to bigip_device_info
  • New FTP monitor module for configuring and managing FTP monitors
  • New ICMP monitor module for configuring and managing ICMP monitors
  • New SMTP monitor module for configuring and managing SMTP monitors
  • New bigip_asm_advanced_settings module to manage ASM settings
  • New bigip_device_auth_radius module to manage RADIUS auth configuration
  • New bigip_device_auth_radius server module to manage radius server configuration
  • New bigip_gtm_dns_listener module to manage DNS listener configuration
  • New bigip_monitor_mysql module to manage mySQL monitor configuration
  • New bigip_monitor_oracle module to manage oracle monitor configuration
  • New bigip_ssl_csr_module to create CSR files
  • New universal persistence profile module for configuring and managing universal persistence profiles
  • hcloud_load_balancer Allow changing the type of a Load Balancer
  • hcloud_server Allow the creation of servers with enabled backups
  • Gathered state operation enabled, Parsed and rendered state operations implemented for junos_lacp.
  • Gathered state operation enabled, Parsed and rendered state operations implemented for junos_lldp_global.
  • Gathered state operation enabled, Parsed and rendered state operations implemented for junos_lldp_interfaces.
  • Gathered state operation enabled, Parsed and rendered state operations implemented for ospfv2, acl_interfaces, vlans and static_routes RM.
  • Gathered state operation enabled. Parsed and rendered state operations implemented.
  • Gathered state operation enabledand Parsed and rendered state operations implemented.
  • add "required:true" where missing.
  • add "type:str" (or int, dict) where missing in documentation section.
  • na_elementsw_drive - add all drives in a cluster, allow for a list of nodes or a list of drives.
  • refactor existing modules as a collection
  • remove "required:true" for state and use present as default.
  • use a three group format for version_added. So 2.7 becomes 2.7.0. Same thing for 2.8 and 2.9.
  • Added REST support to existing modules.
    By default, the module will use REST if the target system supports it, and the options are supported. Otherwise, it will switch back to ZAPI. This behavior can be controlled with the use_rest option. Always - to force REST. The module fails and reports an error if REST cannot be used. Never - to force ZAPI. This could be useful if you find some incompatibility with REST, or want to confirm the behavior is identical between REST and ZAPI. Auto - the default, as described above.
  • add type: and elements: information where missing.
  • all modules - SSL certificate authentication in addition to username/password (python 2.7 or 3.x).
  • all modules - cert_filepath, key_filepath to enable SSL certificate authentication (python 2.7 or 3.x).
  • module_utils/netapp - add retry on wait_on_job when job failed. Abort 3 consecutive errors.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - disk_count option allows adding additional disk to aggregate.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - raid_type options supports 'raid_0' for ONTAP Select.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - add snaplock_type.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - support disk_size_with_unit option.
  • na_ontap_autosupport_invoke - added REST support for sending autosupport message.
  • na_ontap_cluster - added single node cluster option, also now supports for modify cluster contact and location option.
  • na_ontap_cluster_config - role - Port Flowcontrol and autonegotiate can be set in role
  • na_ontap_cluster_config - role updated to support a cleaner playbook
  • na_ontap_cluster_peer - encryption_protocol_proposed option allows specifying encryption protocol to be used for inter-cluster communication.
  • na_ontap_command - vserver - to allow command to run as either cluster admin or vserver admin. To run as vserver admin you must use the vserver option.
  • na_ontap_disks - disk_type option allows to assign specified type of disk.
  • na_ontap_dns - added REST support for dns creation and modification on cluster vserver.
  • na_ontap_efficiency_policy - changelog_threshold_percent to set the percentage at which the changelog will be processed for a threshold type of policy, tested once each hour.
  • na_ontap_export_policy - REST support
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - force_disruptive_update and package_url options allows to make choices for download and upgrading packages.
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - reboot_sp - reboot service processor before downloading package.
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - rename_package - rename file when downloading service processor package.
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - replace_package - replace local file when downloading service processor package.
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - ignore timeout when downloading image unless fail_on_502_error is set to true.
  • na_ontap_igroup_initiator - force_remove to forcibly remove initiators from an igroup that is currently mapped to a LUN.
  • na_ontap_info - Added vscan_status_info, vscan_scanner_pool_info, vscan_connection_status_all_info, vscan_connection_extended_stats_info
  • na_ontap_info - New info's added cifs_server_info, cifs_share_info, cifs_vserver_security_info, cluster_peer_info, clock_info, export_policy_info, export_rule_info, fcp_adapter_info, fcp_alias_info, fcp_service_info, job_schedule_cron_info, kerberos_realm_info, ldap_client, ldap_config, net_failover_group_info, net_firewall_info, net_ipspaces_info, net_port_broadcast_domain_info, net_routes_info, net_vlan_info, nfs_info, ntfs_dacl_info, ntfs_sd_info, ntp_server_info, role_info, service_processor_network_info, sis_policy_info, snapmirror_policy_info, snapshot_policy_info, vscan_info, vserver_peer_info
  • na_ontap_info - New info's added snapshot_info
  • na_ontap_info - New info's added storage_bridge_info
  • na_ontap_info - New info's added cluster_identity_info`
  • na_ontap_info - Now allow you use to vsadmin to get info (Must user vserver option).
  • na_ontap_info - desired_attributes advanced feature to select which fields to return.
  • na_ontap_info - max_records option specifies maximum number of records returned in a single ZAPI call.
  • na_ontap_info - max_records option to set maximum number of records to return per subset.
  • na_ontap_info - summary option specifies a boolean flag to control return all or none of the info attributes.
  • na_ontap_info - use_native_zapi_tags to disable the conversion of '_' to '-' for attribute keys.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - aggr_efficiency_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - cluster_switch_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - disk_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - env_sensors_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - iscsi_service_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - license_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - metrocluster_check_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - metrocluster_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - metrocluster_node_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - net_dev_discovery_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - net_interface_service_policy_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - ontap_system_version.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - ontapi_version (and deprecate ontap_version, both fields are reported for now).
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - qtree_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - quota_report_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - service_processor_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - shelf_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - sis_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - snapmirror_destination_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - subsys_health_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - sys_cluster_alerts.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - sysconfig_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - volume_move_target_aggr_info.
  • na_ontap_info - new fact - volume_space_info.
  • na_ontap_info - support continue_on_error option to continue when a ZAPI is not supported on a vserver, or for cluster RPC errors.
  • na_ontap_info - support query option to specify which objects to return.
  • na_ontap_info - support vserver tunneling to limit output to one vserver.
  • na_ontap_interface - failover_group to specify the failover group for the LIF. is_ipv4_link_local to specify the LIF's are to acquire a ipv4 link local address.
  • na_ontap_interface - service_policy option to identify a single service or a list of services that will use a LIF.
  • na_ontap_ipspace - REST support
  • na_ontap_job_schedule - REST support
  • na_ontap_kerberos_realm - ad_server_ip option specifies IP Address of the Active Directory Domain Controller (DC).
  • na_ontap_kerberos_realm - ad_server_name option specifies Host name of the Active Directory Domain Controller (DC).
  • na_ontap_ldap_client - support ad_domain and preferred_ad_server options.
  • na_ontap_motd - rename message to motd_message to avoid conflict with Ansible internal variable name.
  • na_ontap_nas_create - role - fix typo in README file, add CIFS example. -
  • na_ontap_nas_create - role updated to support a cleaner playbook
  • na_ontap_ndmp - REST support - only enable and authtype are supported with REST
  • na_ontap_net_routes - REST support
  • na_ontap_nvme_namespace - block_size option allows specifying size in bytes of a logical block.
  • na_ontap_nvme_namespace - size_unit to specify size in different units.
  • na_ontap_pb_get_online_volumes.yml - example playbook to list volumes that are online (or offline).
  • na_ontap_pb_install_SSL_certificate.yml - playbook example - installing a self-signed SSL certificate, and enabling SSL certificate authentication.
  • na_ontap_pb_install_SSL_certificate_REST.yml - example playbook to install SSL certificates using REST APIs.
  • na_ontap_qtree - REST support - oplocks is not supported with REST, defaults to enable.
  • na_ontap_qtree - force_delete option with a DEFAULT of true so that ZAPI behavior is aligned with REST.
  • na_ontap_rest_cli - add OPTIONS as a supported verb and return list of allowed verbs.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Support for gather subsets - cloud_targets_info, cluster_chassis_info, cluster_jobs_info, cluster_metrics_info, cluster_schedules, broadcast_domains_info, cluster_software_history, cluster_software_packages, network_ports_info, ip_interfaces_info, ip_routes_info, ip_service_policies, network_ipspaces_info, san_fc_logins_info, san_fc_wppn-aliases, svm_dns_config_info, svm_ldap_config_info, svm_name_mapping_config_info, svm_nis_config_info, svm_peers_info, svm_peer-permissions_info.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Support for gather subsets - cluster_node_info, cluster_peer_info, disk_info, cifs_services_info, cifs_share_info.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - Support for gather subsets for 9.8+ - cluster_metrocluster_diagnostics.
  • na_ontap_rest_info - fields options to request specific fields from subset.
  • na_ontap_san_create - role updated to support a cleaner playbook
  • na_ontap_security_certificates - ignore_name_if_not_supported option to not fail if name is present since name is not supported in ONTAP 9.6 and 9.7.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - relationship-info-only option allows to manage relationship information.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - relationship_state option for breaking the snapmirror relationship.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - update_snapmirror option for updating the snapmirror relationship.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - now performs restore with optional field source_snapshot for specific snapshot or uses latest.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - performs resync when the relationship_state is active and the current state is broken-off.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - snapmirror now allows resume feature.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - REST is included and all defaults are removed from options.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - support for SnapMirror policy rules.
  • na_ontap_snapshot_policy - prefix - option to use for creating snapshot policy.
  • na_ontap_software_update - download_only options allows to download cluster image without software update.
  • na_ontap_software_update - stabilize_minutes option specifies number of minutes needed to stabilize node before update.
  • na_ontap_software_update - added timeout option to give enough time for the update to complete.
  • na_ontap_svm - REST support - root_volume, root_volume_aggregate, root_volume_security_style are not supported with REST.
  • na_ontap_ucadapter - pair_adapters option allows specifying the list of adapters which also need to be offline.
  • na_ontap_user - authentication_password option specifies password for the authentication protocol of SNMPv3 user.
  • na_ontap_user - authentication_protocol option specifies authentication protocol fo SNMPv3 user.
  • na_ontap_user - engine_id option specifies authoritative entity's EngineID for the SNMPv3 user.
  • na_ontap_user - privacy_password option specifies password for the privacy protocol of SNMPv3 user.
  • na_ontap_user - privacy_protocol option specifies privacy protocol of SNMPv3 user.
  • na_ontap_user - remote_switch_ipaddress option specifies the IP Address of the remote switch of SNMPv3 user.
  • na_ontap_user - added REST support for ONTAP user creation, modification & deletion.
  • na_ontap_volume - auto_remap_luns option controls automatic mapping of LUNs during volume rehost.
  • na_ontap_volume - check_interval option checks if a volume move has been completed and then waits this number of seconds before checking again.
  • na_ontap_volume - cutover_action option allows specifying the action to be taken for cutover.
  • na_ontap_volume - force_restore option forces volume to restore even if the volume has one or more newer Snapshotcopies.
  • na_ontap_volume - force_unmap_luns option controls automatic unmapping of LUNs during volume rehost.
  • na_ontap_volume - from_vserver option allows volume rehost from one vserver to another.
  • na_ontap_volume - preserve_lun_ids option controls LUNs in the volume being restored will remain mapped and their identities preserved.
  • na_ontap_volume - snapshot_auto_delete option allows to manage auto delete settings of a specified volume.
  • na_ontap_volume - snapshot_restore option specifies name of snapshot to restore from.
  • na_ontap_volume - add group_id and user_id.
  • na_ontap_volume_clone - split option to split clone volume from parent volume.
  • na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool - support modification.
  • na_ontap_vserver_create - role updated to support a cleaner playbook
  • na_ontap_vserver_create has a new default variable netapp_version set to 140. If you are running 9.2 or below please add the variable to your playbook and set to 120
  • update required: information.
  • use a three group format for version_added. So 2.7 becomes 2.7.0. Same thing for 2.8 and 2.9.
  • A basic module subclass was introduced and a few modules moved to inherit from it.
  • Add more useful information from exception
  • Added pip installation option for collection.
  • Added template for generation of artibtrary module.
  • Renaming all modules and removing "os" prefix from names.
  • baremetal modules - Do not require ironic_url if cloud or auth.endpoint is provided
  • baremetal_node_action - Support json type for the ironic_node config_drive parameter
  • config - Update os_client_config to use openstacksdk
  • host_aggregate - Add support for not 'purging' missing hosts
  • inventory_openstack - Add openstack logger and Ansible display utility
  • loadbalancer - Add support for setting the Flavor when creating a load balancer
  • project - Add properties for os_project
  • server_action - pass imageRef to rebuild
  • subnet - Updated allocation pool checks
  • purefa_hg - All LUN ID to be set for single volume
  • purefa_host - Add CHAP support
  • purefa_host - Add support for Cloud Block Store
  • purefa_host - Add volume disconnection support
  • purefa_info - Certificate times changed to human readable rather than time since epoch
  • purefa_info - new options added for information collection
  • purefa_info - return dict names changed from ansible_facts to ra_info and user_info in approproate sections
  • purefa_offload - Add support for Azure
  • purefa_pgsnap - Add offload support
  • purefa_snap - Allow recovery of deleted snapshot
  • purefa_vg - Add QoS support
  • purefb_bucket - Versioning support added
  • purefb_info - new options added for information collection
  • purefb_network - Add replication service type
  • purefb_s3user - Limit access_key recreation to 3 times
  • purefb_s3user - return dict changed from ansible_facts to s3user_info
  • Add doc plugin fixes (vyos/vyos.vyos#51)
  • Fixed the typo in the modulename of ospfv2 and ospfv3 unit tests.
  • Moved intent testcases from integration suite to unit tests.
  • Reformatted files with latest version of Black (20.8b1).
  • Updated docs.
  • terminal plugin - Added additional escape sequence to be removed from terminal output.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_igmp_interface - no longer supports the deprecated oif_prefix and oif_source options. These have been superceeded by oif_ps.
  • community.grafana.grafana_dashboard - the parameter message is renamed to commit_message since message is used by Ansible Core engine internally.
  • purestorage.flashblade.purefb_fs - no longer supports the deprecated nfs option. This has been superceeded by nfsv3.
  • aws_s3 - can now delete versioned buckets even when they are not empty - set mode to delete to delete a versioned bucket and everything in it.
  • setup - Make sure ansible_date_time.epoch is seconds since EPOCH in UTC to mirror the POSIX facts. The ansible_date_time.epoch_local contains seconds since EPOCH in the local timezone for backwards compatibility
  • setup - Will now add the IPv6 scope on link local addresses for ansible_ip_addresses
  • setup - ansible_processor will now return the index before the other values to match the POSIX fact behaviour
  • win_find - No longer filters by size on directories, this feature had a lot of bugs, slowed down the module, and not a supported scenario with the find module.
  • win_find - module has been refactored to better match the behaviour of the find module. Here is what has changed:
    • When the directory specified by paths does not exist or is a file, it will no longer fail and will just warn the user
    • Junction points are no longer reported as islnk, use isjunction to properly report these files. This behaviour matches the win_stat module
    • Directories no longer return a size, this matches the stat and find behaviour and has been removed due to the difficulties in correctly reporting the size of a directory
  • win_user - Change idempotency checks for description to be case sensitive
  • win_user - Change idempotency checks for fullname to be case sensitive
  • meraki_device - Changed tags from string to list
  • meraki_device - Removed serial_lldp_cdp parameter
  • meraki_device - Removed serial_uplink parameter
  • meraki_intrusion_prevention - Rename whitedlisted_rules to allowed_rules
  • meraki_mx_l3_firewall - Rule responses are now in a rules list
  • meraki_mx_l7_firewall - Rename blacklisted_countries to blocked_countries
  • meraki_mx_l7_firewall - Rename whitelisted_countries to allowed_countries
  • meraki_network - Local and remote status page settings cannot be set during network creation
  • meraki_network - disableRemoteStatusPage response is now remote_status_page_enabled
  • meraki_network - disable_my_meraki_com response is now local_status_page_enabled
  • meraki_network - disable_my_meraki has been deprecated
  • meraki_network - enable_my_meraki is now called local_status_page_enabled
  • meraki_network - enable_remote_status_page is now called remote_status_page_enabled
  • meraki_network - enabled response for VLAN status is now vlans_enabled
  • meraki_network - tags and type now return a list
  • meraki_snmp - peer_ips is now a list
  • meraki_switchport - access_policy_number is now an int and not a string
  • meraki_switchport - tags is now a list and not a string
  • meraki_webhook - Querying test status now uses state of query.
  • The environment variable for the auth context for the connection plugin has been corrected (K8S_CONTEXT). It was using an initial lowercase k by mistake. (ansible-collections/community.general#377).
  • bigpanda - the parameter message was renamed to deployment_message since message is used by Ansible Core engine internally.
  • cisco_spark - the module option message was renamed to msg, as message is used internally in Ansible Core engine (ansible/ansible#39295)
  • datadog - the parameter message was renamed to notification_message since message is used by Ansible Core engine internally.
  • docker_container - no longer passes information on non-anonymous volumes or binds as Volumes to the Docker daemon. This increases compatibility with the docker CLI program. Note that if you specify volumes: strict in comparisons, this could cause existing containers created with docker_container from Ansible 2.9 or earlier to restart.
  • docker_container - support for port ranges was adjusted to be more compatible to the docker command line utility: a one-port container range combined with a multiple-port host range will no longer result in only the first host port be used, but the whole range being passed to Docker so that a free port in that range will be used.
  • hashi_vault lookup - now returns the latest version when using the KV v2 secrets engine. Previously, it returned all versions of the secret which required additional steps to extract and filter the desired version.
  • log_plays callback - add missing information to the logs generated by the callback plugin. This changes the log message format (ansible-collections/community.general#442).
  • pkgng - passing name: * with state: absent will no longer remove every installed package from the system. It is now a noop. (ansible-collections/community.general#569).
  • pkgng - passing name: * with state: latest or state: present will no longer install every package from the configured package repositories. Instead, name: *, state: latest will upgrade all already-installed packages, and name: *, state: present is a noop. (ansible-collections/community.general#569).
  • vmware_datastore_maintenancemode - now returns datastore_status instead of Ansible internal key results.
  • vmware_guest_custom_attributes - does not require VM name which was a required parameter for releases prior to Ansible 2.10.
  • vmware_guest_find - the datacenter option has been removed.
  • vmware_host_kernel_manager - now returns host_kernel_status instead of Ansible internal key results.
  • vmware_host_ntp - now returns host_ntp_status instead of Ansible internal key results.
  • vmware_host_service_manager - now returns host_service_status instead of Ansible internal key results.
  • vmware_tag - now returns tag_status instead of Ansible internal key results.
  • vmware_vmkernel - the options ip_address and subnet_mask have been removed; use the suboptions ip_address and subnet_mask of the network option instead.
  • win_pester - no longer runs all *.ps1 file in the directory specified due to it executing potentially unknown scripts. It will follow the default behaviour of only running tests for files that are like *.tests.ps1 which is built into Pester itself.
  • zabbix_javagateway - options javagateway_pidfile, javagateway_listenip, javagateway_listenport and javagateway_startpollers renamed to zabbix_javagateway_xyz (see
  • Change ip-addresses key in netbox inventory plugin to ip_addresses (netbox-community/ansible_modules#139)

  • Changed group to tenant_group in (netbox-community/ansible_modules#9)

  • Changed role to prefix_role in (netbox-community/ansible_modules#9)

  • Module failures when required fields arent provided (netbox-community/ansible_modules#24)

  • Renamed netbox_interface to netbox_device_interface (netbox-community/ansible_modules#9)

  • This version has a few breaking changes due to new namespace and collection name. I felt it necessary to change the name of the lookup plugin and inventory plugin just not to have a non descriptive namespace call to use them. Below is an example: netbox.netbox.netbox would be used for both inventory plugin and lookup plugin, but in different contexts so no collision will arise, but confusion will. I renamed the lookup plugin to nb_lookup so it will be used with the FQCN netbox.netbox.nb_lookup. The inventory plugin will now be called within an inventory file by netbox.netbox.nb_inventory

  • To pass in integers via Ansible Jinja filters for a key in data that requires querying an endpoint is now done by making it a dictionary with an id key. The previous behavior was to just pass in an integer and it was converted when normalizing the data, but some people may have names that are all integers and those were being converted erroneously so we made the decision to change the method to convert to an integer for the NetBox API.

      - name: Create device within NetBox with only required information
          netbox_token: 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
            name: Test66
              id: "{{ some_jinja_variable }}"
            device_role: Core Switch
            site: Test Site
            status: Staged
          state: present
  • pynetbox changed to using requests.Session() to manage the HTTP session which broke passing in ssl_verify when building the NetBox API client. This PR makes pynetbox 5.0.4+ the new required version of pynetbox for the Ansible modules and lookup plugin. (netbox-community/ansible_modules#269)

  • All modules were renamed to drop the foreman_ and katello_ prefixes. Additionally to the prefix removal, the following modules were further ranamed:
    • katello_upload to content_upload
    • katello_sync to repository_sync
    • katello_manifest to subscription_manifest
    • foreman_search_facts to resource_info
    • foreman_ptable to partition_table
    • foreman_model to hardware_model
    • foreman_environment to puppet_environment
  • The vyos.vyos.vyos_static_route module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release; use vyos.vyos.vyos_static_routes instead.
  • Using the DefaultCallback without the correspodning doc_fragment or copying the documentation.
  • hash_behaviour - Deprecate hash_behaviour for future removal.
  • script inventory plugin - The 'cache' option is deprecated and will be removed in 2.12. Its use has been removed from the plugin since it has never had any effect.
  • All AWS Modules - aws_access_key, aws_secret_key and security_token will be made mutually exclusive with profile after 2022-06-01.
  • cloudformation - The template_format option had no effect since Ansible 2.3 and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • cloudformation - the template_format option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. It has been ignored by the module since Ansible 2.3.
  • data_pipeline - The version option had no effect and will be removed in after 2022-06-01
  • ec2 - in a later release, the group and group_id options will become mutually exclusive. Currently group_id is ignored if you pass both.
  • ec2_ami - The no_device alias NoDevice has been deprecated and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_ami - The virtual_name alias VirtualName has been deprecated and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_eip - The wait_timeout option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_key - The wait_timeout option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_key - The wait option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_key - the wait_timeout option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. It has had no effect since Ansible 2.5.
  • ec2_key - the wait option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. It has had no effect since Ansible 2.5.
  • ec2_lc - The associate_public_ip_address option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_tag - deprecate the list option in favor of ec2_tag_info
  • ec2_tag - support for list as a state has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. The ec2_tag_info can be used to fetch the tags on an EC2 resource.
  • win_domain_computer - Deprecated the undocumented log_path option. This option will be removed in a major release after 2022-07-01.
  • win_domain_controller - the log_path option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. This was undocumented and only related to debugging information for module development.
  • win_package - the ensure alias for the state option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. Please use state instead of ensure.
  • win_package - the productid alias for the product_id option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. Please use product_id instead of productid.
  • win_package - the username and password options has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. The same functionality can be done by using become: yes and become_flags: logon_type=new_credentials logon_flags=netcredentials_only on the task.
  • win_regedit - Deprecated using forward slashes as a path separator, use backslashes to avoid ambiguity between a forward slash in the key name or a forward slash as a path separator. This feature will be removed in a major release after 2021-07-01.
  • cloudformation - The template_format option had no effect since Ansible 2.3 and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • data_pipeline - The version option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • data_pipeline - the version option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • ec2_eip - The wait_timeout option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_eip - the wait_timeout option has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release. It has had no effect since Ansible 2.3.
  • ec2_key - The wait_timeout option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_key - The wait option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_lc - The associate_public_ip_address option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • ec2_lc - the associate_public_ip_address option has been deprecated and will be removed after a later release. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • elb_network_lb - The current default value of the state option has been deprecated and will change from absent to present after 2022-06-01
  • elb_network_lb - in a later release, the default behaviour for the state option will change from absent to present. To maintain the existing behavior explicitly set state to absent.
  • iam_managed_policy - The fail_on_delete option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • iam_managed_policy - the fail_on_delete option has been deprecated and will be removed after a later release. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • iam_policy - The policy_document will be removed after 2022-06-01. To maintain the existing behavior use the policy_json option and read the file with the lookup plugin.
  • iam_policy - The default value of skip_duplicates will change after 2022-06-01 from true to false.
  • iam_policy - in a later release, the default value for the skip_duplicates option will change from true to false. To maintain the existing behavior explicitly set it to true.
  • iam_policy - the policy_document option has been deprecated and will be removed after a later release. To maintain the existing behavior use the policy_json option and read the file with the lookup plugin.
  • iam_role - The default value of the purge_policies has been deprecated and will change from true to false after 2022-06-01
  • iam_role - in a later release, the purge_policies option (also know as purge_policy) default value will change from true to false
  • s3_lifecycle - The requester_pays option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • s3_lifecycle - the requester_pays option has been deprecated and will be removed after a later release. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • s3_sync - The retries option had no effect and will be removed after 2022-06-01
  • s3_sync - the retries option has been deprecated and will be removed after 2022-06-01. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • openssl_csr - all values for the version option except 1 are deprecated. The value 1 denotes the current only standardized CSR version.
  • The ldap_attr module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release; use ldap_attrs instead.
  • airbrake_deployment - Add deprecation notice for token parameter and v2 api deploys. This feature will be removed in community.general 3.0.0.
  • clc_aa_policy - The wait option had no effect and will be removed in community.general 3.0.0.
  • clc_aa_policy - the wait parameter will be removed. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • docker_container - the trust_image_content option is now deprecated and will be removed in community.general 3.0.0. It has never been used by the module.
  • docker_container - the trust_image_content option will be removed. It has always been ignored by the module.
  • docker_container - the default of container_default_behavior will change from compatibility to no_defaults in community.general 3.0.0. Set the option to an explicit value to avoid a deprecation warning.
  • docker_container - the default value for network_mode will change in community.general 3.0.0, provided at least one network is specified and networks_cli_compatible is true. See porting guide, module documentation or deprecation warning for more details.
  • docker_stack - Return values out and err have been deprecated and will be removed in community.general 3.0.0. Use stdout and stderr instead.
  • docker_stack - the return values err and out have been deprecated. Use stdout and stderr from now on instead.
  • helm - Put helm module to deprecated. New implementation is available in community.kubernetes collection.
  • redfish_config - Deprecate bios_attribute_name and bios_attribute_value in favor of new bios_attributes` option.
  • redfish_config - the bios_attribute_name and bios_attribute_value options will be removed. To maintain the existing behavior use the bios_attributes option instead.
  • redfish_config and redfish_command - the behavior to select the first System, Manager, or Chassis resource to modify when multiple are present will be removed. Use the new resource_id option to specify target resource to modify.
  • redfish_config, redfish_command - Behavior to modify the first System, Mananger, or Chassis resource when multiple are present is deprecated. Use the new resource_id option to specify target resource to modify.
  • xbps - the force option never had any effect. It is now deprecated, and will be removed in 3.0.0 (ansible-collections/community.general#568).
  • The vmware_dns_config module has been deprecated and will be removed in a later release; use vmware_host_dns instead.
  • vca - vca_fw, vca_nat, vca_app are deprecated since these modules rely on deprecated part of Pyvcloud library.
  • vmware_dns_config - Deprecate in favour of new module vmware_host_dns.
  • vmware_guest - deprecate specifying CDROM configuration as a dict, instead use a list.
  • vmware_tag_info - in a later release, the module will not return tag_facts since it does not return multiple tags with the same name and different category id. To maintain the existing behavior use tag_info which is a list of tag metadata.
  • zabbix_proxy (module) - deprecates interface sub-options type and main when proxy type is set to passive via status=passive. Make sure these suboptions are removed from your playbook as they were never supported by Zabbix in the first place.
  • Deprecated bigip_appsvcs_extension module
  • Deprecated bigip_device_facts module name
  • Deprecated bigiq_device_facts module name
  • core - remove support for check_invalid_arguments in AnsibleModule, AzureModule and UTMModule.
  • has been removed
  • win_stat - removed the deprecated get_md55 option and md5 return value.
  • The letsencrypt module has been removed. Use acme_certificate instead.
  • onyx - all onyx modules and plugins have been moved to the mellanox.onyx collection. Redirects have been added that will be removed in 2.0.0 (ansible-collections/
  • vmware_guest_find - Removed deprecated datacenter option
  • vmware_portgroup - removed 'inbound_policy', and 'rolling_order' deprecated options.
  • vmware_vmkernel - Removed deprecated ip_address option; use sub-option ip_address in the network option instead
  • vmware_vmkernel - Removed deprecated subnet_mask option; use sub-option subnet_mask in the network option instead
  • win_disk_image - removed the deprecated return value mount_path in favour of mount_paths.
  • win_psexec - removed the deprecated extra_opts option.
  • Remove _bigip_iapplx_package alias
  • Remove _bigip_security_address_list alias
  • Remove _bigip_security_port_list alias
  • Remove _bigip_traffic_group alias
  • Remove bigip_appsvcs_extension module
  • Remove bigip_asm_policy module
  • security issue - Convert CLI provided passwords to text initially, to prevent unsafe context being lost when converting from bytes->text during post processing of PlayContext. This prevents CLI provided passwords from being incorrectly templated (CVE-2019-14856)
  • security issue - Redact cloud plugin secrets in ansible-test when running integration tests using cloud plugins. Only present in 2.9.0b1.
  • security issue - TaskExecutor - Ensure we don't erase unsafe context in on bytes. Only present in 2.9.0beta1 (ansible/ansible#62237)
  • security issue - The subversion module provided the password via the svn command line option --password and can be retrieved from the host's /proc/<pid>/cmdline file. Update the module to use the secure --password-from-stdin option instead, and add a warning in the module and in the documentation if svn version is too old to support it. (CVE-2020-1739)
  • security issue - Update AnsibleUnsafeText and AnsibleUnsafeBytes to maintain unsafe context by overriding .encode and .decode. This prevents future issues with to_text, to_bytes, or to_native removing the unsafe wrapper when converting between string types (CVE-2019-14856)
  • security issue - copy - Redact the value of the no_log 'content' parameter in the result's invocation.module_args in check mode. Previously when used with check mode and with '-vvv', the module would not censor the content if a change would be made to the destination path. (CVE-2020-14332)
  • security issue - properly hide parameters marked with no_log in suboptions when invalid parameters are passed to the module (CVE-2019-14858)
  • security issue atomic_move - change default permissions when creating temporary files so they are not world readable (ansible/ansible#67794) (CVE-2020-1736)
  • security issue win_unzip - normalize paths in archive to ensure extracted files do not escape from the target directory (CVE-2020-1737)
  • security_issue - create temporary vault file with strict permissions when editing and prevent race condition (CVE-2020-1740)
  • Ensure we get an error when creating a remote tmp if it already exists. CVE-2020-1733
  • In fetch action, avoid using slurp return to set up dest, also ensure no dir traversal CVE-2020-1735.
  • Sanitize no_log values from any response keys that might be returned from the uri module (CVE-2020-14330).
  • The fix for CVE-2020-1736 has been reverted. Users are encouraged to specify a mode parameter in their file-based tasks when the files being manipulated contain sensitive data.
  • ansible-galaxy - Error when install finds a tar with a file that will be extracted outside the collection install directory - CVE-2020-10691
  • dnf - Previously, regardless of the disable_gpg_check option, packages were not GPG validated. They are now. (CVE-2020-14365)
  • meraki_webhook - diff output may show data for values set to not display
  • SECURITY - CVE-2019-14904 - solaris_zone module accepts zone name and performs actions related to that. However, there is no user input validation done while performing actions. A malicious user could provide a crafted zone name which allows executing commands into the server manipulating the module behaviour. Adding user input validation as per Solaris Zone documentation fixes this issue.
  • security issue - Ansible: Splunk and Sumologic callback plugins leak sensitive data in logs (CVE-2019-14864)
  • ldap_attr, ldap_entry - The params option has been removed in Ansible-2.10 as it circumvents Ansible's option handling. Setting bind_pw with the params option was disallowed in Ansible-2.7, 2.8, and 2.9 as it was insecure. For information about this policy, see the discussion at: This fixes CVE-2020-1746
  • ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS - remove deprecation so that users of Ansible 2.9 and 2.10+ can use the same var when specifying a collection path without a warning.
  • ActionBase - Add new cleanup method that is explicitly run by the TaskExecutor to ensure that the shell plugins tmpdir is always removed. This change means that individual action plugins need not be responsible for removing the temporary directory, which ensures that we don't have code paths that accidentally leave behind the temporary directory.
  • Add example setting for collections_paths parameter to examples/ansible.cfg
  • Add missing gcp modules to gcp module defaults group
  • Added support for Flatcar Container Linux in distribution and hostname modules. (ansible/ansible#69627)
  • Added support for OSMC distro in hostname module (ansible/ansible#66189).
  • Address compat with rpmfluff-0.6 for integration tests
  • Address the deprecation of the use of stdlib distutils in packaging. It's a short-term hotfix for the problem (ansible/ansible#70456, pypa/setuptools#2230,
  • Allow TypeErrors on Undefined variables in filters to be handled or deferred when processing for loops.
  • Allow tasks to notify a fqcn handler name (ansible/ansible#68181)
  • An invalid value is hard to track down if you don't know where it came from, return field name instead.
  • Ansible output now uses stdout to determine column width instead of stdin
  • Ansible.Basic - Fix issue when setting a no_log parameter to an empty string - ansible/ansible#62613
  • Ansible.ModuleUtils.WebRequest - actually set no proxy when use_proxy: no is set on a Windows module - ansible/ansible#68528
  • AnsibleDumper - Add a representer for AnsibleUnsafeBytes (ansible/ansible#62562).
  • AnsibleModule.run_command() - set close_fds to False on Python 2 if pass_fds are passed to run_command(). Since subprocess.Popen() on Python 2 does not have the pass_fds option, there is no way to exclude a specific list of file descriptors from being closed.
  • Avoid bare select() for running commands to avoid too large file descriptor numbers failing tasks
  • Avoid running subfunctions that are passed to show_vars function when it will be a noop.
  • By passing the module_tmpdir as a parameter in the write_ssh_wrapper function instead of initalizing module_tmpdir via get_module_path()
  • CLI - the ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIR envvar or playbook_dir config can now substitute for the --playbook-dir arg on CLIs that support it (ansible/ansible#59464)
  • Check NoneType for raw_params before proceeding in include_vars (ansible/ansible#64939).
  • Collections - Allow a collection role to call a stand alone role, without needing to explicitly add ansible.legacy to the collection search order within the collection role. (ansible/ansible#69101)
  • Confirmed commit fails with TypeError in IOS XR netconf plugin (ansible-collections/cisco.iosxr#74)
  • Correctly process raw_params in add_hosts.
  • Create an import_module compat util, for use across the codebase, to allow collection loading to work properly on Python26
  • DUPLICATE_YAML_DICT_KEY - Fix error output when configuration option DUPLICATE_YAML_DICT_KEY is set to error (ansible/ansible#65366)
  • Do not keep empty blocks in PlayIterator after skipping tasks with tags.
  • Ensure DataLoader temp files are removed at appropriate times and that we observe the LOCAL_TMP setting.
  • Ensure password passed in by -k is used on delegated hosts that do not have ansible_password set
  • Ensure that --version works with non-ascii ansible project paths (ansible/ansible#66617)
  • Ensure that keywords defined as booleans are correctly interpreting their input, before patch any random string would be interpreted as False
  • Ensure we don't allow ansible_facts subkey of ansible_facts to override top level, also fix 'deprefixing' to prevent key transforms.
  • Fact Delegation - Add ability to indicate which facts must always be delegated. Primarily for discovered_interpreter_python right now, but extensible later. (ansible/ansible#61002)
  • Fix delegate_facts: true when ansible_python_interpreter is not set. (ansible/ansible#70168)
  • Fix a bug when a host was not removed from a play after meta: end_host and as a result the host was still present in ansible_play_hosts and ansible_play_batch variables.
  • Fix an exit code for a non-failing playbook (ansible/ansible#71306)
  • Fix an issue with the fileglob plugin where passing a subdirectory of non-existent directory would cause it to fail - ansible/ansible#69450
  • Fix case sensitivity for lookup() (ansible/ansible#66464)
  • Fix collection install error that happened if a dependency specified dependencies to be null (ansible/ansible#67574).
  • Fix execution of the meta tasks 'clear_facts', 'clear_host_errors', 'end_play', 'end_host', and 'reset_connection' when the CLI flag '--flush-cache' is provided.
  • Fix ansible/galaxy-dev#96 Add support for automation-hub authentication to ansible-galaxy
  • Fix incorrect "Could not match supplied host pattern" warning (ansible/ansible#66764)
  • Fix issue git module cannot use custom key_file or ssh_opts as non-root user on system with noexec /tmp (ansible/ansible#30064).
  • Fix issue git module ignores remote_tmp (ansible/ansible#33947).
  • Fix issue where the collection loader tracebacks if collections_paths = ./ is set in the config
  • Fix issue with callbacks set_options method that was not called with collections
  • Fix label lookup in the default callback for includes (ansible/ansible#65904)
  • Fix regression when ansible_failed_task and ansible_failed_result are not defined in the rescue block (ansible/ansible#64789)
  • Fix statistics reporting when rescue block contains another block (issue ansible/ansible#61253).
  • Fix string parsing of inline vault strings for plugin config variable sources
  • Fix traceback when printing HostVars on native Jinja2 (ansible/ansible#65365)
  • Fix warning for default permission change when no mode is specified. Follow up to ansible/ansible#67794. (CVE-2020-1736)
  • Fixed Ansible reporting validate not supported by netconf server when enabled in netconf - (ansible-collections/ansible.netcommon#119).
  • Fixed a bug with the copy action plugin where mode=preserve was being passed on symlink files and causing a traceback (ansible/ansible#68471).
  • Fixed the equality check for IncludedFiles to ensure they are not accidently merged when process_include_results runs.
  • Fixes ansible-test traceback when plugin author is not a string or a list of strings (ansible/ansible#70507)
  • Fixes in network action plugins load from collections using module prefix (ansible/ansible#65071)
  • Force collection names to be static so that a warning is generated because templating currently does not work (see ansible/ansible#68704).
  • Handle empty extra vars in ansible cli (ansible/ansible#61497).
  • Handle empty roles and empty collections in requirements.yml in ansible-galaxy install command (ansible/ansible#68186).
  • Handle exception encountered while parsing the argument description in module when invoked via ansible-doc command (ansible/ansible#60587).
  • Handle exception when /etc/shadow file is missing or not found, while operating user operation in user module (ansible/ansible#63490).
  • HostVarsVars - Template the __repr__ value (ansible/ansible#64128).
  • JSON Encoder - Ensure we treat single vault encrypted values as strings (ansible/ansible#70784)
  • Make netconf plugin configurable to set ncclient device handler name in netconf plugin (ansible/ansible#65718)
  • Make sure if a collection is supplied as a string that we transform it into a list.
  • Misc typo fixes in various documentation pages.
  • Module arguments in suboptions which were marked as deprecated with removed_in_version did not result in a warning.
  • On HTTP status code 304, return status_code
  • Plugin Metadata is supposed to have default values. When the metadata was missing entirely, we were properly setting the defaults. Fixed the metadata parsing so that the defaults are also set when we were missing just a few fields.
  • Prevent a race condition when running handlers using a combination of the free strategy and include_role.
  • Prevent rewriting nested Block's data in filter_tagged_tasks
  • Prevent templating unused variables for {% include %} (ansible/ansible#68699)
  • Properly handle unicode in safe_eval. (ansible/ansible#66943)
  • Python module_utils finder - refactor logic to eliminate many corner cases, remove recursion, fix base module_utils redirections
  • Remove a temp directory created by wait_for_connection action plugin (ansible/ansible#62407).
  • Remove the unnecessary warning about aptitude not being installed (ansible/ansible#56832).
  • Remove unused Python imports in ansible-inventory.
  • Restore the ability for changed_when/failed_when to function with group_by (#70844).
  • Role Installation - Ensure that a role containing files with non-ascii characters can be installed (ansible/ansible#69133)
  • RoleRequirement - include stderr in the error message if a scm command fails (ansible/ansible#41336)
  • SSH plugin - Improve error message when ssh client is not found on the host
  • Skip literal_eval for string filters results in native jinja. (ansible/ansible#70831)
  • Skipping of become for network_cli connections now works when network_cli is sourced from a collection.
  • Stop adding the connection variables to the output results
  • Strategy - Ensure we only process expected types from the results queue and produce warnings for any object we receive from the queue that doesn't match our expectations. (ansible/ansible#70023)
  • Strictly check string datatype for 'tasks_from', 'vars_from', 'defaults_from', and 'handlers_from' in include_role (ansible/ansible#68515).
  • Strip no log values from module response keys (ansible/ansible#68400)
  • TOML inventory - Ensure we register dump functions for AnsibleUnsafe to support dumping unsafe values. Note that the TOML format has no functionality to mark that the data is unsafe for re-consumption. (ansible/ansible#71307)
  • TaskExecutor - Handle unexpected errors as failed while post validating loops (ansible/ansible#70050).
  • TaskQueueManager - Explicitly set the mutliprocessing start method to fork to avoid issues with the default on macOS now being spawn.
  • Template connection variables before using them (ansible/ansible#70598).
  • Templating - Ansible was caching results of Jinja2 expressions in some cases where these expressions could have dynamic results, like password generation (ansible/ansible#34144).
  • Terminal plugins - add "e[m" to the list of ANSI sequences stripped from device output
  • The ansible_become value was not being treated as a boolean value when set in an INI format inventory file (fixes bug ansible/ansible#70476).
  • The ansible-galaxy publish command was using an incorrect URL for v3 servers. The configuration for v3 servers includes part of the path fragment that was added in the new test.
  • The machine-readable changelog changelogs/changelog.yaml is now contained in the release.
  • Update ActionBase._low_level_execute_command to honor executable (ansible/ansible#68054)
  • Update the warning message for CONDITIONAL_BARE_VARS to list the original conditional not the value of the original conditional (ansible/ansible#67735)
  • Use sys.exit instead of exit in ansible-inventory.
  • Use fqcr from command module invocation using shell module. Fixes ansible/ansible#69788
  • Use hostnamectl command to get current hostname for host while using systemd strategy (ansible/ansible#59438).
  • Using --start-at-task would fail when it attempted to skip over tasks with no name.
  • Validate include args in handlers.
  • Vault - Allow single vault encrypted values to be used directly as module parameters. (ansible/ansible#68275)
  • Vault - Make the single vaulted value AnsibleVaultEncryptedUnicode class work more like a string by replicating the behavior of collections.UserString from Python. These changes don't allow it to be considered a string, but most common python string actions will now work as expected. (ansible/ansible#67823)
  • AnsibleUnsafe/AnsibleContext/Templar - Do not treat AnsibleUndefined as being "unsafe" (ansible/ansible#65198)
  • account for empty strings in when splitting the host pattern (ansible/ansible#61964)
  • action plugins - change all action/module delegations to use FQ names while allowing overrides (ansible/ansible#69788)
  • add constraints file for anisble_runner test since an update to psutil is now causing test failures
  • add magic/connection vars updates from delegated host info.
  • add parameter name to warning message when values are converted to strings (ansible/ansible#57145)
  • add_host action now correctly shows idempotency/changed status
  • added 'unimplemented' prefix to file based caching
  • added new option for default callback to compat variable to avoid old 3rd party plugins from erroring out.
  • adhoc CLI - when playbook-dir is specified and inside a collection, use default collection logic to resolve modules/actions
  • allow external collections to be created in the 'ansible' collection namespace (ansible/ansible#59988)
  • also strip spaces around config values in pathlist as we do in list types
  • ansiballz - remove '' and '.' from sys.path to fix a permissions issue on OpenBSD with pipelining (#69320)
  • ansible command now correctly sends v2_playbook_on_start to callbacks
  • ansible-connection persists even after playbook run is completed (ansible/ansible#61591)
  • ansible-doc - Allow and give precedence to removed_at_date for deprecated modules.
  • ansible-doc - collection name for plugin top-level deprecation was not inserted when deprecating by version (ansible/ansible#70344).
  • ansible-doc - improve error message in text formatter when description is missing for a (sub-)option or a return value or its contains (ansible/ansible#70046).
  • ansible-doc - improve man page formatting to avoid problems when YAML anchors are used (ansible/ansible#70045).
  • ansible-doc - include the collection name in the text output (ansible/ansible#70401).
  • ansible-doc now properly handles removed modules/plugins
  • ansible-galaxy - Default collection install path to first path in COLLECTIONS_PATHS (ansible/ansible#62870)
  • ansible-galaxy - Display proper error when invalid token is used for Galaxy servers
  • ansible-galaxy - Ensure we preserve the new URL when appending /api for the case where the GET succeeds on
  • ansible-galaxy - Expand the User-Agent to include more information and add it to more calls to Galaxy endpoints.
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix collection install when installing from a URL or a file - ansible/ansible#65109
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix multipart/form-data body to include extra CRLF (ansible/ansible#67942)
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix issue when compared installed dependencies with a collection having no MANIFEST.json or an empty version string in the json
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix pagination issue when retrieving role versions for install - ansible/ansible#64355
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix up pagination searcher for collection versions on Automation Hub
  • ansible-galaxy - Fix url building to not truncate the URL (ansible/ansible#61624)
  • ansible-galaxy - Handle the different task resource urls in API responses from publishing collection artifacts to galaxy servers using v2 and v3 APIs.
  • ansible-galaxy - Preserve symlinks when building and installing a collection
  • ansible-galaxy - Remove uneeded verbose messages when accessing local token file
  • ansible-galaxy - Return the HTTP code reason if no error msg was returned by the server - ansible/ansible#64850
  • ansible-galaxy - Send SHA256 hashes when publishing a collection
  • ansible-galaxy - Set User-Agent to Ansible version when interacting with Galaxy or Automation Hub
  • ansible-galaxy - Treat the GALAXY_SERVER_LIST config entry that is defined but with no values as an empty list
  • ansible-galaxy - Utilize Templar for templating skeleton files, so that they have access to Ansible filters/tests/lookups (ansible/ansible#69104)
  • ansible-galaxy - fix a bug where listing a specific role if it was not in the first path failed to find the role
  • ansible-galaxy - fix regression that prenented roles from being listed
  • ansible-galaxy - hide warning during collection installation if other installed collections do not contain a MANIFEST.json (ansible/ansible#67490)
  • ansible-galaxy - properly list roles when the role name also happens to be in the role path (ansible/ansible#67365)
  • ansible-galaxy - properly show the role description when running offline (ansible/ansible#60167)
  • ansible-galaxy cli - fixed --version argument
  • ansible-galaxy collection - Preserve executable bit on build and preserve mode on install from what tar member is set to - ansible/ansible#68415
  • ansible-galaxy collection download - fix downloading tar.gz files and collections in git repositories (ansible/ansible#70429)
  • ansible-galaxy collection install - fix fallback mechanism if the AH server did not have the collection requested - ansible/ansible#70940
  • ansible-galaxy download - fix bug when downloading a collection in a SCM subdirectory
  • ansible-galaxy role - Fix issue where --server was not being used for certain ansible-galaxy role actions - ansible/ansible#61609
  • ansible-galaxy- On giving an invalid subcommand to ansible-galaxy, the help would be shown only for role subcommand (collection subcommand help is not shown). With this change, the entire help for ansible-galaxy (same as ansible-galaxy --help) is displayed along with the help for role subcommand. (ansible/ansible#69009)
  • ansible-inventory - Fix long standing bug not loading vars plugins for group vars relative to the playbook dir when the '--playbook-dir' and '--export' flags are used together.
  • ansible-inventory - Fix regression loading vars plugins. (ansible/ansible#65064)
  • ansible-inventory - Properly hide arguments that should not be shown (ansible/ansible#61604)
  • ansible-inventory - Restore functionality to allow --graph to be limited by a host pattern
  • ansible-test - Add pytest < 6.0.0 constraint for managed installations on Python 3.x to avoid issues with relative imports.
  • ansible-test - Change detection now properly resolves relative imports instead of treating them as absolute imports.
  • ansible-test - Code cleanup.
  • ansible-test - Disabled the duplicate-code and cyclic-import checks for the pylint sanity test due to inconsistent results.
  • ansible-test - Do not try to validate PowerShell modules setup.ps1, slurp.ps1, and async_status.ps1
  • ansible-test - Do not warn on missing PowerShell or C# util that are in other collections
  • ansible-test - Fix PowerShell module util analysis to properly detect the names of a util when running in a collection
  • ansible-test - Fix regression introduced in ansible/ansible#67063 which caused module_utils analysis to fail on Python 2.x.
  • ansible-test - Fix traceback in validate-modules test when argument_spec is None.
  • ansible-test - Make sure import sanity test virtual environments also remove pkg-resources if it is not removed by uninstalling setuptools.
  • ansible-test - Remove out-of-date constraint on installing paramiko versions 2.5.0 or later in tests.
  • ansible-test - The ansible-doc sanity test now works for netconf plugins.
  • ansible-test - The import sanity test now correctly blocks access to python modules, not just packages, in the ansible package.
  • ansible-test - The import sanity test now correctly provides an empty ansible package.
  • ansible-test - The shebang sanity test now correctly identifies modules in subdirectories in collections.
  • ansible-test - Updated Python constraints for installing coverage to resolve issues on multiple Python versions when using the --coverage option.
  • ansible-test - Updated requirements to limit boto3 and botocore versions on Python 2.6 to supported versions.
  • ansible-test - Use sys.exit instead of exit.
  • ansible-test - Use virtualenv versions before 20 on provisioned macOS instances to remain compatible with an older pip install.
  • ansible-test - avoid use of deprecated junit_xml method
  • ansible-test - bump version of ACME test container. The new version includes updated dependencies.
  • ansible-test - during module validation, handle add_file_common_args only for top-level arguments.
  • ansible-test - during module validation, improve alias handling.
  • ansible-test - for local change detection, allow to specify branch to compare to with --base-branch for all types of tests (ansible/ansible#69508).
  • ansible-test - improve deprecate() call checker.
  • ansible-test - integration and unit test change detection now works for filter, lookup and test plugins
  • ansible-test can now install argparse with --requirements or delegation when the pip version in use is older than version 7.1
  • ansible-test change detection - Run only sanity tests on docs/ and changelogs/ in collections, to avoid triggering full CI runs of integration and unit tests when files in these directories change.
  • ansible-test coverage - Fix the --all argument when generating coverage reports - ansible/ansible#62096
  • ansible-test import sanity test now consistently reports errors against the file being tested.
  • ansible-test import sanity test now consistently reports warnings as errors.
  • ansible-test import sanity test now properly handles relative imports.
  • ansible-test import sanity test now properly invokes Ansible modules as scripts.
  • ansible-test is now able to find its egg-info directory when it contains the Ansible version number
  • ansible-test no longer errors reporting coverage when no Python coverage exists. This fixes issues reporting on PowerShell only coverage from collections.
  • ansible-test no longer fails when downloading test results for a collection without a tests directory when using the --docker option.
  • ansible-test no longer optimizes setting PATH by prepending the directory containing the selected Python interpreter when it is named python. This avoids unintentionally making other programs available on PATH, including an already installed version of Ansible.
  • ansible-test no longer tracebacks during change analysis due to processing an empty python file
  • ansible-test no longer tries to install coverage 5.0+ since those versions are unsupported
  • ansible-test no longer tries to install setuptools 45+ on Python 2.x since those versions are unsupported
  • ansible-test now always uses the --python option for virtualenv to select the correct interpreter when creating environments with the --venv option
  • ansible-test now correctly collects code coverage on the last task in a play. This should resolve issues with missing code coverage, empty coverage files and corrupted coverage files resulting from early worker termination.
  • ansible-test now correctly enumerates submodules when a collection resides below the repository root
  • ansible-test now correctly excludes the test results temporary directory when copying files from the remote test system to the local system
  • ansible-test now correctly includes inventory files ignored by git when running tests with the --docker option
  • ansible-test now correctly installs the requirements specified by the collection's unit and integration tests instead of the requirements specified for Ansible's own unit and integration tests
  • ansible-test now correctly recognizes imports in collections when using the --changed option.
  • ansible-test now correctly rewrites coverage paths for PowerShell files when testing collections
  • ansible-test now creates its integration test temporary directory within the collection so ansible-playbook can properly detect the default collection
  • ansible-test now enables color ls on a remote host only if the host supports the feature
  • ansible-test now ignores empty *.py files when analyzing module_utils imports for change detection
  • ansible-test now ignores version control within subdirectories of collections. Previously this condition was an error.
  • ansible-test now ignores warnings when comparing pip versions before and after integration tests run
  • ansible-test now installs sanity test requirements specific to each test instead of installing requirements for all sanity tests
  • ansible-test now installs the correct version of cryptography with --requirements or delegation when setuptools is older than version 18.5
  • ansible-test now limits Jinja2 installs to version 2.10 and earlier on Python 2.6
  • ansible-test now limits pathspec to versions prior to 0.6.0 on Python 2.6 to avoid installation errors
  • ansible-test now limits installation of hcloud to Python 2.7 and 3.5 - 3.8 since other versions are unsupported
  • ansible-test now limits the version of setuptools on Python 2.6 to versions older than 37
  • ansible-test now loads the collection loader plugin early enough for ansible_collections imports to work in unit test modules
  • ansible-test now preserves existing SSH authorized keys when provisioning a remote host
  • ansible-test now properly activates the vcenter plugin for vcenter tests when docker is available
  • ansible-test now properly activates virtual environments created using the --venv option
  • ansible-test now properly creates a virtual environment using venv when running in a virtualenv created virtual environment
  • ansible-test now properly excludes the tests/output/ directory from code coverage
  • ansible-test now properly handles creation of Python execv wrappers when the selected interpreter is a script
  • ansible-test now properly handles enumeration of git submodules. Enumeration is now done with git submodule status --recursive without specifying . for the path, since that could cause the command to fail. Instead, relative paths outside the current directory are filtered out of the results. Errors from git commands will now once again be reported as errors instead of warnings.
  • ansible-test now properly handles warnings for removed modules/plugins
  • ansible-test now properly ignores the tests/output// directory when not using git
  • ansible-test now properly installs requirements for multiple Python versions when running sanity tests
  • ansible-test now properly recognizes modules and module_utils in collections when using the blacklist plugin for the pylint sanity test
  • ansible-test now properly registers its own code in a virtual environment when running from an install
  • ansible-test now properly reports import errors for collections when running the import sanity test
  • ansible-test now properly searches for pythonX.Y instead of python when looking for the real python that created a virtualenv
  • ansible-test now properly sets PYTHONPATH for tests when running from an Ansible installation
  • ansible-test now properly sets ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK_DIR for integration tests so unqualified collection references work for adhoc ansible usage
  • ansible-test now properly uses a fresh copy of environment variables for each command invocation to avoid mixing vars between commands
  • ansible-test now shows sanity test doc links when installed (previously the links were only visible when running from source)
  • ansible-test now shows the correct source path instead of %s for collection role based test targets when the -v option is used
  • ansible-test now supports submodules using older git versions which require querying status from the top level directory of the repo.
  • ansible-test now updates SSH keys it generates with newer versions of ssh-keygen to function with Paramiko
  • ansible-test now upgrades pip with --requirements` or delegation as needed when the pip version in use is older than version 7.1
  • ansible-test now uses GNU tar format instead of the Python default when creating payloads for remote systems
  • ansible-test now uses pycodestyle frozen at version 2.6.0 for consistent test results.
  • ansible-test now uses modules from the collection for setup and teardown of windows-integration tests and code coverage
  • ansible-test once again properly collects code coverage for ansible-connection
  • ansible-test units - fixed collection location code to work under pytest >= 6.0.0
  • ansible-test validate-modules - Fix arg spec collector for PowerShell to find utils in both a collection and base.
  • ansible-test validate-modules - version_added on module level was not validated for modules in collections (ansible/ansible#70869).
  • ansible-test validate-modules - return correct error codes option-invalid-version-added resp. return-invalid-version-added instead of the wrong error deprecation-either-date-or-version when an invalid value of version_added is specified for an option or a return value (ansible/ansible#70869).
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test code missing-module-utils-import-c#-requirements is now missing-module-utils-import-csharp-requirements (fixes ignore bug).
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test code multiple-c#-utils-per-requires is now multiple-csharp-utils-per-requires (fixes ignore bug).
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test now checks for AnsibleModule initialization instead of module_utils imports, which did not work in many cases.
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test now properly handles collections imports using the Ansible collection loader.
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test now properly handles relative imports.
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test now properly handles sys.exit in modules.
  • ansible-test validate-modules sanity test now properly invokes Ansible modules as scripts.
  • ansible-test windows coverage - Ensure coverage reports are UTF-8 encoded without a BOM
  • ansible-test windows coverage - Output temp files as UTF-8 with BOM to standardise against non coverage runs
  • ansible-vault - Fix encrypt_string output in a tty when using --sdtin-name option (ansible/ansible#65121)
  • ansible-vault create - Fix exception on no arguments given
  • api - time.clock is removed in Python 3.8, add backward compatible code (ansible/ansible#70649).
  • apt - Fixed the issue the cache being updated while auto-installing its dependencies even when update_cache is set to false.
  • apt - include exception message from apt python library in error output
  • assemble - fix decrypt argument in the module (ansible/ansible#65450).
  • assemble module - fix documentation - the remote_src property specified a default value of no but it's actually yes.
  • avoid clobbering existing facts inside loop when task also returns ansible_facts.
  • avoid fatal traceback when a bad FQCN for a callback is supplied in the whitelist (#69401).
  • basic - use PollSelector implementation when DefaultSelector fails (ansible/ansible#70238).
  • become - Fix various plugins that still used play_context to get the become password instead of through the plugin - ansible/ansible#62367
  • blockinfile - fix regression that results in incorrect block in file when the block to be inserted does not end in a line separator (ansible/ansible#69734)
  • blockinfile - preserve line endings on update (ansible/ansible#64966)
  • clean_facts - use correct variable to avoid unnecessary handling of AttributeError
  • code - removes some Python compatibility code for dealing with socket timeouts in wait_for
  • collection loader - ensure Jinja function cache is fully-populated before lookup
  • collection loader - fixed relative imports on Python 2.7, ensure pluginloader caches use full name to prevent names from being clobbered (ansible/ansible#60317)
  • collection metadata - ensure collection loader uses libyaml/CSafeLoader to parse collection metadata if available
  • collection_loader - sort Windows modules below other plugin types so the correct builtin plugin inside a role is selected (ansible/ansible#65298)
  • collections - Handle errors better for filters and tests in collections, where a non-existent collection is specified, or importing the plugin results in an exception (ansible/ansible#66721)
  • combine filter - [dict1, [dict2]] | combine now raise an error; previously combine had an undocumented behaviour where it was flattening the list before combining it (ansible/ansible#57894 (comment)).
  • config - encoding failures on config values should be non-fatal (ansible/ansible#63310)
  • copy - Fix copy modes when using remote_src=yes and src is a directory with trailing slash.
  • copy - Fixed copy module not working in case that remote_src is enabled and dest ends in a / (ansible/ansible#47238)
  • copy - recursive copy with remote_src=yes now recurses beyond first level. (Fixes ansible/ansible#58284)
  • core - remove unneeded Python version checks.
  • core - replace a compatibility import of pycompat24.literal_eval with ast.literal_eval.
  • core filters - fix extract() filter when key does not exist in container (ansible/ansible#64957)
  • cron - cron file should not be empty after adding var (ansible/ansible#71207)
  • cron - encode and decode crontab files in UTF-8 explicitly to allow non-ascii chars in cron filepath and job (ansible/ansible#69492)
  • cron and cronvar - use get_bin_path utility to locate the default crontab executable instead of the hardcoded /usr/bin/crontab. (ansible/ansible#59765)
  • cron cronvar - only run get_bin_path() once
  • cronvar - use correct binary name (ansible/ansible#63274)
  • deal with cases in which just a file is pased and not a path with directories, now fileglob correctly searches in 'files/' subdirs.
  • debug - fixed an issue introduced in Ansible 2.4 where a loop of debug tasks would lose the "changed" status on each item.
  • discovery will NOT update incorrect host anymore when in delegate_to task.
  • display - Improve method of removing extra new line after warnings so it does not break Tower/Runner (ansible/ansible#68517)
  • display - remove extra new line after warnings (ansible/ansible#65199)
  • display - remove leading space when displaying WARNING messages
  • display logging - Fix issue where 3rd party modules will print tracebacks when attempting to log information when ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH is set - ansible/ansible#65249
  • display logging - Fixed up the logging formatter to use the proper prefixes for u=user and p=process
  • display logging - Re-added the name attribute to the log formatter so that the source of the log can be seen
  • dnf - Fix idempotence of state: installed (ansible/ansible#64963)
  • dnf - Unified error messages when trying to install a nonexistent package with newer dnf (4.2.18) vs older dnf (4.2.9)
  • dnf - Unified error messages when trying to remove a wildcard name that is not currently installed, with newer dnf (4.2.18) vs older dnf (4.2.9)
  • dnf - enable logging using setup_loggers() API in dnf-4.2.17-6 or later
  • dnf - remove custom fetch_rpm_from_url method in favor of more general ansible.module_utils.urls.fetch_file.
  • dnf module - Ensure the modules exit_json['msg'] response is always string, not sometimes a tuple.
  • ensure delegated vars can resolve hostvars object and access vars from hostvars[inventory_hostname].
  • ensure we pass on interpreter discovery values to delegated host.
  • env lookup plugin - Fix handling of environment variables values containing utf-8 characters. (ansible/ansible#65298)
  • fact gathering - Display warnings and deprecation messages that are created during the fact gathering phase
  • facts - account for Slackware OS with + in the name (ansible/ansible#38760)
  • facts - fix detection of virtualization type when dmi product name is KVM Server
  • facts - fix incorrect UTC timestamp in iso8601_micro and iso8601
  • facts - introduce fact "ansible_processor_nproc" which reflects the number of vcpus available to processes (falls back to the number of vcpus available to the scheduler)
  • file - Removed unreachable code in module
  • file - change _diff_peek in argument spec to be the correct type, which is bool (ansible/ansible#59433)
  • file - return 'state': 'absent' when a file does not exist (ansible/ansible#66171)
  • find - clarify description of contains (ansible/ansible#61983)
  • fix issue in which symlinked collection cannot be listed, though the docs/plugins can be loaded if referenced directly.
  • fix issue with inventory_hostname and delegated host vars mixing on connection settings.
  • fix wrong command line length calculation in ansible-console when long command inputted
  • for those running uids for invalid users (containers), fallback to uid=<uid> when logging fixes #68007
  • fortimanager httpapi plugin - fix redirect to point to the fortinet.fortimanager collection (ansible/ansible#71073).
  • free strategy - Include failed hosts when filtering notified hosts for handlers. The strategy base should determine whether or not to run handlers on those hosts depending on whether forcing handlers is enabled (ansible/ansible#65254).
  • galaxy - Fix an AttributeError on ansible-galaxy install with an empty requirements.yml (ansible/ansible#66725).
  • get_url - Don't treat no checksum as a checksum match (ansible/ansible#61978)
  • get_url pass incorrect If-Modified-Since header (ansible/ansible#67417)
  • git - when force=True, apply --force flag to git fetches as well
  • gluster modules - fix redirect to point to the gluster.gluster collection (ansible/ansible#71240).
  • group - The group module was not correctly detecting whether a local group is existing or not with local set to yes if the same group exists in a non local group repository e.g. LDAP. (ansible/ansible#58619)
  • group_by now should correctly refect changed status.
  • hostname - Fixed an issue where the hostname on the cloudlinux 6 server could not be set.
  • hostname - make module work on Manjaro Linux (ansible/ansible#61382)
  • hurd - Address FIXMEs. Extract functionality and exit early.
  • if the type for a module parameter in the argument spec is callable, do not pass kwargs to avoid errors (ansible/ansible#70017)
  • include_vars - fix stack trace when passing dirs in an ad-hoc command (ansible/ansible#62633)
  • interpreter discovery will now use correct vars (from delegated host) when in delegate_to task.
  • junit callback - avoid use of deprecated junit_xml method
  • lineinfile - add example of using alternative backrefs syntax (ansible/ansible#42794)
  • lineinfile - don't attempt mkdirs when path doesn't contain directory path
  • lineinfile - fix bug that caused multiple line insertions (ansible/ansible#58923).
  • lineinfile - fix not subscriptable error in exception handling around file creation
  • lineinfile - properly handle inserting a line when backrefs are enabled and the line already exists in the file (ansible/ansible#63756)
  • lineinfile - use module.tmpdir to allow configuration of the remote temp directory (ansible/ansible#68218)
  • lineinfile - use correct index value when inserting a line at the end of a file (ansible/ansible#63684)
  • linux network facts - get the correct value for broadcast address (ansible/ansible#64384)
  • loops - Do not indiscriminately mark loop items as unsafe, only apply unsafe to with_ style loops. The items from loop should not be explicitly wrapped in unsafe. The underlying templating mechanism should dictate this. (ansible/ansible#64379)
  • make no_log=False on a module option silence the no_log warning (ansible/ansible#49465 ansible/ansible#64656)
  • match docs for ssh and ensure pipelining is configurable per connection plugin.
  • module executor - Address issue where changes to Ansiballz module code, change the behavior of module execution as it pertains to __file__ and sys.modules (ansible/ansible#64664)
  • module_defaults - support candidate action names for relocated content
  • module_defaults - support short group names for content relocated to collections
  • native jinja2 types - properly handle Undefined in nested data.
  • now correclty merge and not just overwrite facts when gathering using multiple modules.
  • objects - Remove FIXME comment because no fix is needed.
  • optimize 'smart' detection from being run over and over and preferably do it at config time.
  • package_facts - fix value of vital attribute which is returned when pkg manager is used
  • package_facts - use module warnings rather than a custom implementation for reporting warnings
  • packaging_yum - replace legacy file handling with a file manager.
  • paramiko - catch and handle exception to prevent stack trace when running in FIPS mode
  • paramiko_ssh - Removed redundant conditional statement in _parse_proxy_command that always evaluated to True.
  • paramiko_ssh - improve authentication error message so it is less confusing
  • paramiko_ssh - optimized file handling by using a context manager.
  • pause - handle exception when there is no stdout (ansible/ansible#47851)
  • pip - The virtualenv_command option can now include arguments without requiring the full path to the binary. (ansible/ansible#52275)
  • pip - check_mode with state: present now returns the correct state for pre-release versioned packages
  • playbooks - detect and propagate failures in always blocks after rescue (ansible/ansible#70000)
  • plugins - Allow ensure_type to decrypt the value for string types (and implicit string types) when value is an inline vault.
  • powershell - fix escaping of strings that broken modules like fetch when dealing with special chars - ansible/ansible#62781
  • powershell - fix the CLIXML parser when it contains nested CLIXML objects - ansible/ansible#69550
  • psexec - Fix issue where the Kerberos package was not detected as being available.
  • psexec - Fix issue where the interactive option was not being passed down to the library.
  • psrp - Use native PSRP mechanism when copying files to support custom endpoints
  • reboot - Add support for the runit init system, used on Void Linux, that does not support the normal Linux syntax.
  • reboot, win_reboot - add boot_time_command parameter to override the default command used to determine whether or not a system was rebooted (ansible/ansible#58868)
  • remove update/restore of vars from play_context as it is now redundant.
  • replace use of deprecated functions from ansible.module_utils.basic.
  • reset logging level to INFO due to CVE-2019-14846.
  • roles - Ensure that allow_duplicates: true enables to run single role multiple times (ansible/ansible#64902)
  • runas - Fix the runas become_pass variable fallback from ansible_runas_runas to ansible_runas_pass
  • service_facts - Now correctly parses systemd list-unit-files for systemd >=245
  • setup - properly detect yum package manager for IBM i.
  • setup - service_mgr - detect systemd even if it isn't running, such as during a container build
  • shell - fix quoting of mkdir command in creation of remote_tmp in order to allow spaces and other special characters (ansible/ansible#69577).
  • shell cmd - Properly escape double quotes in the command argument
  • splunk httpapi plugin - switch from splunk.enterprise_security to in runtime.yml to reflect upstream change of Collection Name
  • ssh connection plugin - use get_option() rather than _play_context to ensure ANSBILE_SSH_ARGS are applied properly (ansible/ansible#70437)
  • strftime filter - Input epoch is allowed to be a float (ansible/ansible#71257)
  • synchronize - allow data to be passed between two managed nodes when using the docker connection plugin (ansible/ansible#65698)
  • synchronize - fix password authentication on Python 2 (ansible/ansible#56629)
  • sysctl - Remove FIXME comments to avoid confusion
  • systemd - don't require systemd to be running to enable/disable or mask/unmask units
  • systemd - fixed chroot usage on new versions of systemd, that broke because of upstream changes in systemctl output
  • systemd - made the systemd module work correctly when the SYSTEMD_OFFLINE environment variable is set
  • systemd - the module should fail in check_mode when service not found on host (ansible/ansible#68136).
  • sysvinit - Add missing parameter module in call to daemonize().
  • template lookup - ensure changes to the templar in the lookup, do not affect the templar context outside of the lookup (ansible/ansible#60106)
  • template lookup - fix regression when templating hostvars (ansible/ansible#63940)
  • templating - fix error message for x in y when y is undefined (ansible/ansible#70984)
  • the default parsing will now show existing JSON errors and not just YAML (last attempted), also we avoid YAML parsing when we know we only want JSON issue
  • throttle: the linear strategy didn't always stuck with the throttle limit
  • unarchive - Remove incorrect and unused function arguments.
  • unarchive - check fut_gid against run_gid in addition to supplemental groups (ansible/ansible#49284)
  • unsafe_proxy - Ensure that data within a tuple is marked as unsafe (ansible/ansible#65722)
  • update user module to support silencing no_log warnings in the future (see: ansible/ansible#64733)
  • uri - Don't return the body even if it failed (ansible/ansible#21003)
  • user - allow 13 asterisk characters in password field without warning
  • user - don't create home directory and missing parents when create_home == false (ansible/ansible#70600).
  • user - fix comprasion on macOS so module does not improperly report a change (ansible/ansible#62969)
  • user - fix stack trace on AIX when attempting to parse shadow file that does not exist (ansible/ansible#62510)
  • user - on systems using busybox, honor the on_changed parameter to prevent unnecessary password changing (ansible/ansible#65711)
  • user - update docs to reflect proper way to remove account from all groups
  • validate-modules - Fix hang when inspecting module with a delegate args spec type
  • virtual facts - detect generic container environment based on non-empty "container" env var
  • wait_for_connection - with pipelining enabled, interpreter discovery would fail if the first connection attempt was not successful
  • win setup - Fix redirection path for the windows setup module
  • win_exec_wrapper - Be more defensive when it comes to getting unhandled exceptions
  • win_package - Handle quoted and unquoted strings in the registry UninstallString value - ansible/ansible#40973
  • win_uri win_get_url - Fix the behaviour of follow_redirects: safe to actual redirect on GET and HEAD requests - ansible/ansible#65556
  • windows async - use full path when calling PowerShell to reduce reliance on environment vars being correct - ansible/ansible#70655
  • windows environment - Support env vars that contain the unicode variant of single quotes - ansible-collections/
  • winrm - preserve winrm forensic data on put_file failures
  • yum - fix bug that caused enablerepo to not be honored when used with disablerepo all wildcard/glob (ansible/ansible#66549)
  • yum - fixed the handling of releasever parameter
  • yum - performance bugfix, the YumBase object was being instantiated multiple times unnecessarily, which lead to considerable overhead when operating against large sets of packages.
  • yum - yum tasks can no longer end up running non-yum modules
  • yum/dnf - check type of elements in a name
  • aws_ec2 - fix idempotency when managing tags
  • aws_ec2 - fix idempotency when metrics are enable
  • aws_s3 - Delete objects and delete markers so versioned buckets can be removed.
  • aws_s3 - Try to wait for the bucket to exist before setting the access control list.
  • cloudformation_info - Fix a KeyError returning information about the stack(s).
  • ec2 module_utils - Ensure boto3 verify parameter isn't overridden by setting a profile (ansible-collections/
  • ec2_asg - Ensure "wait" is honored during replace operations
  • ec2_launch_template - Update output to include latest_version and default_version, matching the documentation
  • ec2_transit_gateway - Use AWSRetry before ClientError is handled when describing transit gateways
  • ec2_transit_gateway - fixed issue where auto_attach set to yes was not being honored (ansible/ansible#61907)
  • ec2_vol - fix filtering bug
  • s3_bucket - Accept XNotImplemented response to support NetApp StorageGRID.
  • s3_bucket - Ceph compatibility: treat error code NoSuchTagSetError used by Ceph synonymously to NoSuchTagSet used by AWS
  • Fixed "Object of type Capabilities is not JSON serializable" when using default netconf plugin.
  • Replace deprecated getiterator call with iter
  • cli_config fixes issue when rollback_id = 0 evalutes to False
  • ipaddr - "host" query supports /31 subnets properly
  • ipaddr filter - Fixed issue where the first IPv6 address in a subnet was not being considered a valid address.
  • ipaddr filter now returns empty list instead of False on empty list input
  • net_put - Restore missing function removed when action plugin stopped inheriting NetworkActionBase
  • nthhost filter now returns str instead of IPAddress object
  • slaac filter now returns str instead of IPAddress object
  • sort_list will sort a list of dicts using the sorted method with key as an argument.
  • Fix detection of DHCP setting so that resetting to DHCP doesn't cause CHANGED status on every run. See ansible/ansible#66450
  • setup - Remove usage of WMI to speed up execution time and work with standard user accounts
  • win_acl - Fixed error when setting rights on directory for which inheritance from parent directory has been disabled.
  • win_dns_client - Only configure network adapters that are IP Enabled - ansible/ansible#58958
  • win_dsc - Always import module that contains DSC resource to ensure the required assemblies are loaded before parsing it - ansible-collections/
  • win_find - Fix deduped files mistaken for directories (ansible/ansible#58511)
  • win_find - Get-FileStat used [int] instead of [int64] for file size calculations
  • win_package - Handle quoted and unquoted strings in the registry UninstallString value - ansible/ansible#40973
  • win_reboot - add boot_time_command parameter to override the default command used to determine whether or not a system was rebooted (ansible/ansible#58868)
  • win_share - Allow for root letters paths
  • win_uri win_get_url - Fix the behaviour of follow_redirects: safe to actual redirect on GET and HEAD requests - ansible/ansible#65556
  • Added error pattern to the terminal plugin to handle change mode error seen in lag interfaces config.
  • Fixes mismatch in documentation and code for using eos_lag_interfaces where the code required 'Port-Channeld.*:' but the docs did not document this. The module now supports both 'Port-Channeld.*:' and 'd.*:'.
  • Make src, backup and backup_options in eos_config work when module alias is used (ansible-collections/arista.eos#85).
  • Fix sanity issues to support 2.10.0
  • Fix some doc issues for a few modules
  • Fix some formatting issues (flake8) in unit tests.
  • Fixing integration tests and sanity. Tested on ACI 4.2(3l).
  • Fixed sanity errors in all modules including documentation and argument specs
  • Remove unnecessary files from the collection package, significantly reduces package size
  • meraki_admin - Fix error when adding network privileges to admin using network name
  • meraki_ssid - Specifying tags for VLAN information would crash as it was an improper type
  • meraki_switch_stack - Fix situation where module may crash due to switch being in or not in a stack already
  • meraki_webhook - Fix crash with missing variable
  • meraki_webhook - Fix response when creating webhook test
  • meraki_webhook - Proper response is shown when creating webhook test
  • Add aliases for backward support of permissions in role module.
  • Add integration test for mso_schema_template_db and fix un-needed push to API found by integration test.
  • Add login_domain to existing test.
  • Add missing tests for VRF settings and changing those settings.
  • Add test for specifying read-only roles and increase overall test coverage of mso_user (CiscoDevNet/ansible-mso#77)
  • Add test to mso_schema_template_vrf, mso_schema_template_external_epg and mso_schema_template_anp_epg to check for API error when pushing changes to object with existing contract.
  • Cleanup unused imports, unused variables and branches and change a variable from ambiguous name to reduce warnings at Ansible Galaxy import
  • Consistent object output on domain_associations
  • Fix API error when pushing EPG with existing contracts
  • Fix EPG / External EPG Contract issue and create test for mso_schema_template_anp_epg_contract and mso_schema_template_external_epg_contract
  • Fix contract filter issue and add contract-filter test file
  • Fix duplicate user, add admin user to associated user list and update tenant test file
  • Fix intersite_multicast_source attribute issue in mso_schema_template_anp_epg and add the proxy_arp argument.
  • Fix mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr to automatically create VRF and Region if not present at site level
  • Fix mso_schema_template_anp_epg idempotancy for both EPG and EPG with contracts
  • Fix query condition when VRF or Region do not exist at site level
  • Fix role tests to work with pre/post 2.2.4 and re-enable them
  • Fix sanity issues to support 2.10.0
  • Fix site issue if no site present and fix test issues with MSO v3.0
  • Fixing External EPG renaming for 2.9 and later
  • Fixing L3MCast test to pass on 2.2.4
  • Fixing wrong removal of schemas
  • Remove label with test domain before create it
  • Remove unused regions attribute from mso_schema_template_vrf
  • Send context instead of vrf when vrf parameter is used
  • Test hub network module after creating region manually
  • Update example for BD in another schema
  • Updating Azure site IP in inventory and add second MSO version to inventory
  • security issue - Convert CLI provided passwords to text initially, to prevent unsafe context being lost when converting from bytes->text during post processing of PlayContext. This prevents CLI provided passwords from being incorrectly templated (CVE-2019-14856)
  • security issue - Update AnsibleUnsafeText and AnsibleUnsafeBytes to maintain unsafe context by overriding .encode and .decode. This prevents future issues with to_text, to_bytes, or to_native removing the unsafe wrapper when converting between string types (CVE-2019-14856)
  • aws_codecommit - fixes issue where module execution would fail if an existing repository has empty description (ansible-collections/
  • aws_kms_info - fixes issue where module execution fails because certain AWS KMS keys (e.g. aws/acm) do not permit the calling the API kms:GetKeyRotationStatus (example - (ansible-collections/
  • azure_rm_dnsrecordset_info - no longer returns empty azure_dnsrecordset facts when called as _info module.
  • azure_rm_resourcegroup_info - no longer returns azure_resourcegroups facts when called as _info module.
  • azure_rm_storageaccount_info - no longer returns empty azure_storageaccounts facts when called as _info module.
  • azure_rm_virtualmachineimage_info - no longer returns empty azure_vmimages facts when called as _info module.
  • azure_rm_virtualmachinescaleset_info - fix wrongly empty result, or ansible_facts result, when called as _info module.
  • azure_rm_virtualnetwork_info - no longer returns empty azure_virtualnetworks facts when called as _info module.
  • cloudfront_distribution - Always add field_level_encryption_id to cache behaviour to match AWS requirements
  • cloudwatchlogs_log_group - Fix a KeyError when updating a log group that does not have a retention period (ansible/ansible#47945)
  • cloudwatchlogs_log_group_info - remove limitation of max 50 results
  • ec2_asg - Ensure "wait" is honored during replace operations
  • ec2_instance - Fix a bug where tags were updated in check_mode.
  • ec2_instance - fixes issue where security groups were not changed if the instance already existed. ansible-collections/
  • ec2_launch_template - Update output to include latest_version and default_version, matching the documentation
  • ec2_transit_gateway - Use AWSRetry before ClientError is handled when describing transit gateways
  • ec2_transit_gateway - fixed issue where auto_attach set to yes was not being honored (ansible/ansible#61907)
  • edgeos_config - fix issue where module would silently filter out encrypted passwords
  • fixed issue with sns_topic's delivery_policy option resulting in changed always being true
  • iam - Fix false positive warning regarding use of no_log on update_password
  • lineinfile - properly handle inserting a line when backrefs are enabled and the line already exists in the file (ansible/ansible#63756)
  • route53 - improve handling of octal encoded characters
  • win_credential - Fix issue that errors when trying to add a name with wildcards.
  • ACME modules: fix bug in ACME v1 account update code
  • ACME modules: make sure some connection errors are handled properly
  • ACME modules: support Buypass' ACME v1 endpoint
  • acme_certificate - fix crash when module is used with Python 2.x.
  • acme_certificate - fix misbehavior when ACME v1 is used with modify_account set to false.
  • acme_inspect - fix problem with Python 3.5 that JSON was not decoded (ansible-collections/community.crypto#86).
  • ecs_certificate - Always specify header connection: keep-alive for ECS API connections.
  • ecs_certificate - Fix formatting of contents of full_chain_path.
  • get_certificate - Fix cryptography backend when pyopenssl is unavailable (ansible/ansible#67900)
  • get_certificate - fix ca_cert option handling when proxy_host is used (ansible-collections/community.crypto#84).
  • meta/runtime.yml - convert Ansible version numbers for old names of modules to collection version numbers (ansible-collections/community.crypto#108).
  • openssh_keypair - add logic to avoid breaking password protected keys.
  • openssh_keypair - fixes idempotence issue with public key (ansible/ansible#64969).
  • openssh_keypair - public key's file attributes (permissions, owner, group, etc.) are now set to the same values as the private key.
  • openssl_* modules - prevent crash on fingerprint determination in FIPS mode (ansible/ansible#67213).
  • openssl_*, x509_* modules - fix handling of general names which refer to IP networks and not IP addresses (ansible-collections/community.crypto#92).
  • openssl_certificate - When provider is entrust, use a connection: keep-alive header for ECS API connections.
  • openssl_certificate - provider option was documented as required, but it was not checked whether it was provided. It is now only required when state is present.
  • openssl_certificate - fix assertonly provider certificate verification, causing 'private key mismatch' and 'subject mismatch' errors.
  • openssl_certificate and openssl_csr - fix Ed25519 and Ed448 private key support for cryptography backend. This probably needs at least cryptography 2.8, since older versions have problems with signing certificates or CSRs with such keys. (ansible/ansible#59039, PR ansible/ansible#63984)
  • openssl_csr - a warning is issued if an unsupported value for version is used for the cryptography backend.
  • openssl_csr - improve handling of IDNA errors (ansible-collections/community.crypto#105).
  • openssl_csr - the module will now enforce that privatekey_path is specified when state=present.
  • openssl_publickey - fix a module crash caused when pyOpenSSL is not installed (ansible/ansible#67035).
  • Fix an issue in grafana_dashboard that made dashboard import no more detecting changes and fail.
  • Fix an issue with grafana_datasource idempotency
  • Fix issue #45 in grafana_plugin
  • Refactor module grafana_datasource to ease its support.
  • Cloudengine module_utils - the set-id (RPC-REPLY XML attribute) may change over the time althougth set-id is the identity of the next RPC packet.
  • Cloudengine netconf plugin - add a dispatch RPC function,just return original RPC-REPLY, the function is used by Cloudengine module_utils.
  • Fixes in network action plugins to work in network connection plugin and modules in collection
  • Make netconf plugin configurable to set ncclient device handler name in netconf plugin (ansible/ansible#65718)
  • Some cloudengine modules have options which should have been removed for Ansible 2.9. see ansible/ansible#67020 and ansible-collections/
  • Some cloudengine modules were missing import __future__ and metaclass. (ansible/ansible#67634).
  • Some cloudengine modules were missing import __future__ and metaclass. (ansible/ansible#67635).
  • action/ce - fix a bug, some new version os will not discard uncommitted configure with a return directly.(ansible/ansible#63513).
  • ce - Modify exception handling method to make display information more obvious (ansible-collections/
  • ce - Modify the way of parsing NETCONF XML message in (ansible-collections/
  • ce_config - fixed issue - Re-building commands(config src) by replacing '#' with 'quit','quit' commands may close connection (ansible/ansible#62872)
  • ce_is_is_interface - fix compile error for Python 3.9 (ansible-collections/
  • edgeos_config - Added cat command to allow display of large files without less. Led to a timeout error. (ansible-collections/
  • edgeos_config - fix issue where module would silently filter out encrypted passwords
  • edgeos_config - fixed issue of handling single quotation marks. Now fails when unmatched (odd numbers)
  • edgeos_config - fixed issue where any change in check mode would cause all subsequent tasks to be treated as changes
  • edgeos_config - fixed issue where config could be saved while in check mode (ansible-collections/
  • edgeos_facts - Added cat command to allow display of large files without less. Led to a timeout error. (ansible-collections/
  • netscaler_nitro_request - use all filters for get_filtered instead of only the first one (ansible-collections/
  • plugins-netconf-ce - Fix failed to get version information.
  • plugins-netconf-ce - to get attribute 'set-id' from rpc-reply.
  • routeros module_utils - created a try/except block on the function get_capabilities (ansible-collections/
  • routeros_facts - Prevent crash of module when ipv6 package is not installed
  • Refactor RabbitMQ user module to first check the version of the daemon and then, when possible add flags to rabbitmqctl so that a machine readable output is returned. Also, depending on the version, parse the output in correctly. Expands tests accordingly. (ansible/ansible#48890)
  • rabbitmq lookup plugin - Fix for rabbitmq lookups failing when using pika v1.0.0 and newer.
  • rabbitmq_publish - Fix to ensure the module works correctly for pika v1.0.0 and later. (ansible/ansible#61960)
  • Added 'compose' and 'groups' feature in vmware_vm_inventory plugin.
  • Added keyed_groups feature in vmware_vm_inventory plugin.
  • Added support to vmware_tag_manager module for specifying tag and category as dict if any of the name contains colon (ansible/ansible#65765).
  • Check for virtualNicManager in Esxi host system before accessing properties in vmware_vmkernel_info (ansible/ansible#62772).
  • Fixed typo in vmware_guest_powerstate module (ansible/ansible#65161).
  • Handle Base64 Binary while JSON serialization in vmware_vm_inventory.
  • Handle NoneType error when accessing service system info in vmware_host_service_info module (ansible/ansible#67615).
  • Handle list items in vSphere schema while handling facts using to_json API (ansible-collections/community.vmware#33).
  • Handle multiple tags name with different category id in vmware_tag module (ansible/ansible#66340).
  • Handle slashes in VMware network name (ansible/ansible#64399).
  • In inventory plugin, serialize properties user specifies which are objects as dicts (ansible-collections/community.vmware#58).
  • In vmware_guest_network module use appropriate network while creating or reconfiguring (ansible/ansible#65968).
  • Made vmnics attributes optional when creating DVS as they are optional on the API and GUI as well.
  • VMware Guest Inventory plugin enhancements and features.
  • VMware guest inventory plugin support for filters.
  • Vmware Fix for Create overwrites a VM of same name even when the folder is different(ansible/ansible#43161)
  • vmware_content_deploy_template's cluster argument no longer fails with an error message about resource pools.
  • return correct datastore cluster placement recommendations during when adding disk using the vmware_guest_disk module
  • vmware - Ensure we can use the modules with Python < 2.7.9 or RHEL/CentOS < 7.4, this as soon as validate_certs is disabled.
  • vmware_category - fix associable datatypes (ansible-collections/community.vmware#197).
  • vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - fixed issue where wrong resource pool identifier was returned when same resource pool name was used across clusters in the same datacenter (ansible-collections/community.vmware#363)
  • vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template - use datastore_id in deployment_spec (ansible-collections/community.vmware#287).
  • vmware_content_deploy_template - Added param content_library to the main function
  • vmware_deploy_ovf - Fixed ova deploy error occur if vm exists
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup - Implemented configuration changes on an existing Distributed vSwitch portgroup.
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup_find - Cast variable to integer for comparison.
  • vmware_dvs_portgroup_find - Fix comparison between str and int on method vlan_match (ansible-collections/community.vmware#52).
  • vmware_guest - Add ability to upgrade the guest hardware version to latest fix issue (ansible/ansible#56273).
  • vmware_guest - Allow '-' (Dash) special char in windows DNS name.
  • vmware_guest - Exclude dvswitch_name from triggering guest os customization.
  • vmware_guest - Updated reference link to vapp_properties property
  • vmware_guest - cdrom.controller_number, cdrom.unit_number are handled as integer. (ansible-collections/community.vmware#274).
  • vmware_host_capability_facts - Fixed vSphere API legacy version errors occur in pyvmomi 7.0 and later
  • vmware_host_capability_info - Fixed vSphere API legacy version errors occur in pyvmomi 7.0 and later
  • vmware_host_facts - handle facts when ESXi hostsystem is poweredoff (ansible-collections/community.vmware#183).
  • vmware_host_firewall_manager - Ensure we can set rule with no allowed_hosts key (ansible/ansible#61332)
  • vmware_host_firewall_manager - Fixed creating IP specific firewall rules with Python 2 (ansible/ansible#67303)
  • vmware_host_vmhba_info - fixed node_wwn and port_wwn for FC HBA to hexadecimal format(ansible/ansible#63045).
  • vmware_vcenter_settings - Fixed when runtime_settings parameters not defined occur error(ansible/ansible#66713)
  • vmware_vcenter_statistics - Fix some corner cases like increasing some interval and decreasing another at the same time.
  • vmware_vm_inventory - CustomFieldManager is not present in ESXi, handle this condition (ansible-collections/community.vmware#269).
  • vmware_vm_inventory inventory plugin, use the port value while connecting to vCenter (ansible/ansible#64096).
  • vmware_vmkernel - Remove duplicate checks.
  • vmware_vmkernel - fixed issue where Repl and ReplNFC services were not being identified as enabled on a vmk interface (ansible-collections/community.vmware#362).
  • vmware_vspan_session - Extract repeated code and reduce complexity of function.
  • security issue win_unzip - normalize paths in archive to ensure extracted files do not escape from the target directory (CVE-2020-1737)
  • psexec - Fix issue where the Kerberos package was not detected as being available.
  • psexec - Fix issue where the interactive option was not being passed down to the library.
  • win_credential - Fix issue that errors when trying to add a name with wildcards.
  • win_domain_computer - Fix idempotence checks when sAMAccountName is different from name
  • win_domain_computer - Honour the explicit domain server and credentials when moving or removing a computer object - ansible/ansible#63093
  • win_domain_user - Better handle cases when getting a new user's groups fail - ansible/ansible#54331
  • win_format - Idem not working if file exist but same fs (ansible/ansible#58302)
  • win_format - fixed issue where module would not change allocation unit size (ansible/ansible#56961)
  • win_iis_webapppool - Do not try and set attributes in check mode when the pool did not exist
  • win_iis_website - Actually restart the site when state=restarted - ansible/ansible#63828
  • win_partition - Fix invalid variable name causing a failure on checks - ansible/ansible#62401
  • win_partition - don't resize partitions if size difference is < 1 MiB
  • win_scoop - add checks for globally installed packages for better idempotency checks
  • win_timezone - Allow for _dstoff timezones
  • win_unzip - Fix support for paths with square brackets not being detected properly
  • all roles - a handler is configured when zabbix_http(s)_proxy is defined which will remove the proxy line from the repository files. This results that execution of the roles are not idempotent anymore.
  • zabbix_action - allow str values for esc_period options (see #66841).
  • zabbix_action - choices for the inventory paramter sub option in *operations arguments have been clarified to manual and automatic.
  • zabbix_action - documented value2 parameter and notify_all_involved option.
  • zabbix_action - fixed error on changed API fields *default_message and *default_subject for Zabbix 5.0 (see #92).
  • zabbix_action - module will no longer fail when searching for global script provided to script_name parameter.
  • zabbix_action - no longer requires esc_period and event_source arguments when state=absent.
  • zabbix_action - now correctly selects mediatype for the (normal|recovery|update) operations with Zabbix 4.4 and newer.
  • zabbix_agent - fixed installation of agent on Windows to directories with spaces.
  • zabbix_agent - role should no longer fail when looking for getenforce binary.
  • zabbix_host - module will no longer convert context part of user macro to upper case.
  • zabbix_host - now supports configuring user macros and host tags on the managed host (see #66777).
  • zabbix_host_info - host_name based search results now include host groups.
  • zabbix_hostmacro - macro_name now accepts macros in zabbix native format as well (e.g. {$MACRO}).
  • zabbix_hostmacro - macro_value is no longer required when state=absent.
  • zabbix_maintenance - changing value of description parameter now actually updates maintenance's description.
  • zabbix_proxy (module) - interface sub-options type and main are now deprecated and will be removed in community.general 3.0.0. Also, the values passed to interface are now checked for correct types and unexpected keys.
  • zabbix_proxy (module) - added option proxy_address for comma-delimited list of IP/CIDR addresses or DNS names to accept active proxy requests from.
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - StartPreprocessors only works with version 4.2 or higher. When a lower version is used, it will not be added to the configuration.
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - only install the sql files that needs to be executed for when zabbix_repo is set to epel.
  • zabbix_proxy (role) - will now correctly install python3-libsemanage on RHEL OS family.
  • zabbix_server - StartPreprocessors only works with version 4.2 or higher. When a lower version is used, it will not be added to the configuration.
  • zabbix_server - only install the sql files that needs to be executed for when zabbix_repo is set to epel.
  • zabbix_service - fixed the zabbix_service has no idempotency with Zabbix 5.0.
  • zabbix_template - add new option omit_date to remove date from exported/dumped template (see #67302).
  • zabbix_template - adding new update rule templateLinkage.deleteMissing for newer zabbix versions (see #66747).
  • zabbix_template - is now able to perform state=dump when using ansible-playbook --check.
  • zabbix_template - no longer imports template from template_json or template_xml when using ansible-playbook --check.
  • zabbix_template_info - add new option omit_date to remove date from exported/dumped template (see #67302).
  • zabbix_web - now no longer fails when rendering apache vhost template.
  • buildah_connection - Fix buildah debug output for py2
  • podman_connection - Add check for empty dir for podman connection mount
  • podman_connection - Chown file for users when copy them to container
  • podman_connection - Increase verbosity for mount failure messages
  • podman_connection - Run pause=false w/o message condition
  • podman_container - Add idempotency for existing local volumes
  • podman_container - Add idempotency for ulimits and tests
  • podman_container - Add idempotency for user and stop signal
  • podman_container - Add inspect of image and user idempotency
  • podman_container - Fix idempotency for case with = in env
  • podman_container - Fix idempotency for networks and add tests
  • podman_container - Fix idempotency for podman > 2 versions
  • podman_container - Fix idempotency issues with workdir and volumes
  • podman_container - Fix image, healthcheck and other idempotency
  • podman_container - Fix issue with idempotency uts, ipc with pod
  • podman_container - Improve idempotency for volumes with slashesAdd idempotency for ulimits and tests
  • podman_container - Improve idempotency of podman_container in uts, ipc, networks, cpu_shares
  • podman_container - Improve ports idempotency and support UDP
  • podman_image - Add option for tls_verify=false for images
  • podman_image - only set changed=true if there is a new image
  • podman_image - use correct option for remove_signatures flag
  • podman_volume_info - Improve podman volume info tests with new module
  • Change bigip_data_group module's records parameter type to 'raw'
  • Fix '?' character handling in value for bigip_data_group module
  • Fix ASM policy import issue by users with web-application-security-administrator role
  • Fix IPv6 netmask for self IPs in bigip_device_info
  • Fix a bug with using the true_name parameter in the bigip_profile_client_ssl module
  • Fix allowing authenticated not authorized users using modules to modify a resource
  • Fix an issue with /32 IPV6 subnets being saved as host rather than a network in bigip_data_group module
  • Fix attribute error in bigip_software_install module
  • Fix check_profiles boolean parameter conversion in bigip_virtual_server
  • Fix handling of duplicate records by the bigip_imish_config module
  • Fix idempotency when using true_names parameter in bigip_profile_client_ssl module
  • Fix invalid data type of partition_access parameter in the bigip_user module
  • Fix issue with control characters in pool_id in bigiq_regkey_license_assignment module
  • Fix save_when parameter not saving the configuration as expected in bigip_imish_config module
  • Fix the download of an APM policy in bigip_apm_policy_fetch module
  • Makes sure that docstring and argspec are in sync and removes sanity ignores (ansible-collections/frr.frr#23).
  • Update docs after sanity fixes to modules.
  • hcloud inventory plugin - Allow usage of hcloud.yml and hcloud.yaml - this was removed by error within the migration from build-in ansible to our collection
  • galaxy.yml - fix path to github repository.
  • galaxy.yml - fix repository and homepage links.
  • na_elementsw_access_group - fix check_mode so that no action is taken.
  • na_elementsw_admin_users - fix check_mode so that no action is taken.
  • na_elementsw_cluster - create cluster if it does not exist. Do not expect MVIP or SVIP to exist before create.
  • na_elementsw_cluster_snmp - double exception because of AttributeError.
  • na_elementsw_drive - node_id or drive_id were not handled properly when using numeric ids.
  • na_elementsw_initiators - volume_access_group_id was ignored. volume_access_groups was ignored and redundant.
  • na_elementsw_ldap - double exception because of AttributeError.
  • na_elementsw_snapshot_schedule - ignore schedules being deleted (idempotency), remove default values and fix documentation.
  • na_elementsw_vlan - AttributeError if VLAN already exists.
  • na_elementsw_vlan - change in attributes was ignored.
  • na_elementsw_vlan - fix check_mode so that no action is taken.
  • na_elementsw_volume - Argument '512emulation' in argument_spec is not a valid python identifier - renamed to enable512emulation.
  • na_elementsw_volume - double exception because of AttributeError.
  • - report error in case of connection error rather than raising a generic exception by default.
  • REST API call now honors the http_port parameter.
  • REST API detection now works with vserver (use_rest - Auto).
  • module_utils/netapp_module - cater for empty lists in get_modified_attributes().
  • module_utils/netapp_module - cater for lists with duplicate elements in compare_lists().
  • na ontap_net_routes - change metric type from string to int.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - Fixed traceback when running as vsadmin and cleanly error out.
  • na_ontap_aggregate - disk-info error when using disks option.
  • na_ontap_autosupport_invoke - message has changed to autosupport_message as Redhat has reserved this word. message has been alias'd to autosupport_message.
  • na_ontap_autosupport_invoke - when using ZAPI and name is not given, send autosupport message to all nodes in the cluster.
  • na_ontap_cg_snapshot - properly states it does not support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - Fixed KeyError exception on 'cifs_server_name'
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - delete AD account if username and password are provided when state=absent
  • na_ontap_cifs_server - minor documentation changes correction of create example with "name" parameter and adding type to parameters.
  • na_ontap_cifs_vserver - fix documentation and add more examples.
  • na_ontap_cluster - ONTAP 9.3 or earlier does not support ZAPI element single-node-cluster.
  • na_ontap_cluster - autosupport log pushed after cluster create is performed, removed license add or remove option.
  • na_ontap_cluster - module was not idempotent when changing location or contact information.
  • na_ontap_cluster_ha - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_cluster_peer - EMS log wrongly uses destination credentials with source hostname.
  • na_ontap_cluster_peer - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_command - fixed traceback when using return_dict if u'1' is present in result value.
  • na_ontap_command - replace invalid backspace characters (0x08) with '.'.
  • na_ontap_command - stdout_lines_filter contains data only if include/exlude_lines parameter is used. (zeten30)
  • na_ontap_command - stripped_line len is checked only once, filters are inside if block. (zeten30)
  • na_ontap_disks - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_dns - report error if modify or delete operations are attempted on cserver when using REST. Make create operation idempotent for cserver when using REST. Support for modify/delete on cserver when using REST will be added later.
  • na_ontap_dns - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_efficiency_policy - change duration type from int to str to support '-' input.
  • na_ontap_fcp - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_firewall_policy - documentation changed for supported service parameter.
  • na_ontap_firewall_policy - portmap added as a valid service
  • na_ontap_firmware_download - exception on PCDATA if ONTAP returns a BEL (0x07) character.
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - ignore timeout when downloading firmware images by default.
  • na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - images are not downloaded, but the module reports success.
  • na_ontap_flexcache - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_igroup - idempotency issue when using uppercase hex digits (A, B, C, D, E, F) in WWN (ONTAP uses lowercase).
  • na_ontap_igroup_initiator - idempotency issue when using uppercase hex digits (A, B, C, D, E, F) in WWN (ONTAP uses lowercase).
  • na_ontap_info - Fixed error causing module to fail on metrocluster_check_info, env_sensors_info and volume_move_target_aggr_info.
  • na_ontap_info - metrocluster_check_info has been removed as it was breaking the info module for everyone who didn't have a metrocluster set up. We are working on adding this back in a future update.
  • na_ontap_info - metrocluster_check_info does not trigger a traceback but adds an "error" info element if the target system is not set up for metrocluster.
  • na_ontap_info - cifs_server_info - fix KeyError exception on domain if only domain-workgroup is present.
  • na_ontap_info - conversion from '-' to '_' was not done for lists of dictionaries.
  • na_ontap_info - lists were incorrectly processed in convert_keys, returning {}.
  • na_ontap_info - qtree_info is missing most entries. Changed key from vserver:id to vserver:volume:id .
  • na_ontap_info - return all records of each gathered subset.
  • na_ontap_interface - allow module to run on node before joining the cluster.
  • na_ontap_iscsi_security - Fixed modify functionality for CHAP and typo correction
  • na_ontap_iscsi_security - adding no_log for password parameters.
  • na_ontap_kerberos_realm - fix kdc_vendor case sensitivity issue.
  • na_ontap_license - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_login_messages - Fixed example documentation and spelling mistake issue
  • na_ontap_login_messages - fix documentation link.
  • na_ontap_ndmp - minor documentation changes for restore_vm_cache_size and data_port_range.
  • na_ontap_net_ifgrp - Fixed error for na_ontap_net_ifgrp if no port is given.
  • na_ontap_net_routes - REST does not support the metric attribute
  • na_ontap_net_subnet - fix ip_ranges option fails on existing subnet.
  • na_ontap_net_subnet - fix rename idempotency issue and updated rename check.
  • na_ontap_node - support check mode.
  • na_ontap_ntfs_dacl - example fix in documentation string.
  • na_ontap_ntfs_sd - documentation string update for examples and made sure owner or group not mandatory.
  • na_ontap_nvme_subsystem - fix fetching unique nvme subsytem based on vserver filter.
  • na_ontap_nvme_subsystem - fixed bug when creating subsystem, vserver was not filtered.
  • na_ontap_password - do not error out if password is identical to previous password (idempotency).
  • na_ontap_ports - now support check mode.
  • na_ontap_portset - adding explicit error message as modify portset is not supported.
  • na_ontap_qtree - Fixed issue with Get function for REST
  • na_ontap_qtree - REST API takes "unix_permissions" as parameter instead of "mode".
  • na_ontap_qtree - unix permission is not available when security style is ntfs
  • na_ontap_restit - error can be a string in addition to a dict. This fix removes a traceback with AttributeError.
  • na_ontap_routes - support Check Mode correctly.
  • na_ontap_security_certificates - allows (common_name, type) as an alternate key since name is not supported in ONTAP 9.6 and 9.7.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - Fixed traceback when running as vsadmin. Do not attempt to break a relationship that is 'Uninitialized'.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - added initialize boolean option which specifies whether to initialize SnapMirror relation.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - calling quiesce before snapmirror break.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - could not delete all rules (bug in netapp_module).
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - fixed KeyError when accessing elationship_type parameter.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - fixed snapmirror delete for loadsharing to not go to quiesce state for the rest of the set.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - fixed a race condition when creating a new policy.
  • na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - fixed idempotency issue withis_network_compression_enabled for REST.
  • na_ontap_snapshot_policy - Fixed KeyError on prefix issue when prefix parameter isn't supplied.
  • na_ontap_snapshot_policy - fix vsadmin approach for managing snapshot policy.
  • na_ontap_software_update - Incorrectly stated that it support check mode, it does not.
  • na_ontap_software_update - ignore connection errors during update as nodes cannot be reachable.
  • na_ontap_svm - allowed_protocols added to param in proper way in case of using REST API
  • na_ontap_svm - if language C.UTF-8 is specified, the module is not idempotent
  • na_ontap_svm - if snapshot policy is changed, modify fails with "Extra input - snapshot_policy"
  • na_ontap_svm_options - support check_mode.
  • na_ontap_ucadapter - fixed KeyError if type is not provided and mode is 'cna'.
  • na_ontap_user - checked applications does not contain snmp when using REST API call.
  • na_ontap_user - enable lock state and password to be set in the same task for existing user.
  • na_ontap_user - fixed KeyError if locked key not set with REST API call.
  • na_ontap_user - fixed KeyError if password is not provided.
  • na_ontap_user - fixed KeyError if vserver - is empty with REST API call (useful to indicate cluster scope).
  • na_ontap_user - minor documentation update for application parameter.
  • na_ontap_volume - Fixed error reporting if efficiency policy cannot be read. Do not attempt to read efficiency policy if not needed.
  • na_ontap_volume - Fixed error when modifying volume efficiency policy.
  • na_ontap_volume - efficiency_policy was ignored
  • na_ontap_volume - volume_security_style option now allows modify.
  • na_ontap_volume - wait_on_completion is supported with volume moves.
  • na_ontap_volume - enforce that space_slo and space_guarantee are mutually exclusive
  • na_ontap_volume - fix KeyError on 'style' when volume is of type - data-protection.
  • na_ontap_volume - fix KeyError on 'style' when volume is offline.
  • na_ontap_volume - fixed KeyError when getting info on a MVD volume
  • na_ontap_volume - fixed error when deleting flexGroup volume with ONTAP 9.7.
  • na_ontap_volume - improve error reporting if required parameter is present but not set.
  • na_ontap_volume - issue when snapdir_access and atime_update not passed together.
  • na_ontap_volume - modify was invoked multiple times when once is enough.
  • na_ontap_volume - suppress traceback in wait_for_completion as volume may not be completely ready.
  • na_ontap_volume - tiering option requires 9.4 or later (error on volume-comp-aggr-attributes)
  • na_ontap_volume_autosize - Support check_mode when reset option is given.
  • na_ontap_volume_clone - Fixed KeyError exception on volume
  • na_ontap_volume_clone - fixed 'Extra input - parent-vserver' error when running as cluster admin.
  • na_ontap_volume_snaplock - Fixed KeyError exception on 'is-volume-append-mode-enabled'
  • na_ontap_volume_snaplock - fix documentation link.
  • na_ontap_vscan_on_access_policy - bool type was not properly set for scan_files_with_no_ext.
  • na_ontap_vscan_on_access_policy - policy_status enable/disable option was not supported.
  • na_ontap_vscan_on_demand_task - file_ext_to_include was not handled properly.
  • na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool - fix module only gets one scanner pool.
  • na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool - has been updated to match the standard format used for all other ontap modules
  • na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool_policy - scanner_pool apply policy support on modification.
  • na_ontap_vserver_cifs_security - fix int and boolean options when modifying vserver cifs security.
  • na_ontap_vserver_create(role) - lif creation now defaults to system-defined unless iscsi lif type.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - EMS log wrongly uses destination credentials with source hostname.
  • na_ontap_vserver_peer - support check_mode.
  • use_rest is now case insensitive.
  • vultr - Fixed the issue retry max delay param was ignored.
  • Fix non existing attribuites in SDK exception
  • baremetal_node - Correct parameter name
  • coe_cluster - Retrive id/uuid correctly
  • federation_mapping - Fixup some minor nits found in followup reviews
  • inventory_openstack - Fix constructed compose
  • network - Bump minimum openstacksdk version when using os_network/dns_domain
  • role_assignment - Fix os_user_role for groups in multidomain context
  • role_assignment - Fix os_user_role issue to grant a role in a domain
  • security_group_rule - Don't pass tenant_id for remote group
  • server_info - Fix broken server_info module and add tests
  • purefa_host - resolve hostname case inconsistencies
  • purefa_host - resolve issue found when using in Pure Storage Test Drive
  • purefb_bucket - Add warning message if state is absent without eradicate:
  • purefb_fs - Add graceful exist when state is absent and filesystem not eradicated
  • purefb_fs - Add warning message if state is absent without eradicate
  • Added workaround to avoid set_fact dynamically assigning value. This behavior seems to have been broken after ansible2.9.
  • Make src, backup and backup_options in vyos_config work when module alias is used (vyos/vyos.vyos#67).
  • vyos_config - fixed issue where config could be saved while in check mode (vyos/vyos.vyos#53)
  • Due to a limitation in pip, you cannot pip install --upgrade from ansible-2.9 or earlier to ansible-2.10 or higher. Instead, you must explicitly use pip uninstall ansible before pip installing the new version. If you attempt to upgrade Ansible with pip without first uninstalling, the installer warns you to uninstall first.
  • The individual collections that make up the ansible-2.10.0 package can be viewed independently. However, they are not currently listed by ansible-galaxy. To view these collections with ansible-galaxy, explicitly specify where ansible has installed the collections -- COLLECTION_INSTALL=$(python -c 'import ansible, os.path ; print("%s/../ansible_collections" % os.path.dirname(ansible.__file__))') ansible-galaxy collection list -p "$COLLECTION_INSTALL".
  • These fortios modules are not automatically redirected from their 2.9.x names to the new 2.10.x names within collections. You must modify your playbooks to use fully qualified collection names for them. You can use the documentation ( for the fortinet.fortios collection to determine what the fully qualified collection names are.
    • fortios_address
    • fortios_config
    • fortios_firewall_DoS_policy
    • fortios_firewall_DoS_policy6
    • fortios_ipv4_policy
    • fortios_switch_controller_802_1X_settings
    • fortios_switch_controller_security_policy_802_1X
    • fortios_system_firmware_upgrade
    • fortios_system_nd_proxy
    • fortios_webfilter
  • grafana_datasource doesn't set password correctly (#113)
  • ansible.netcommon.enable - Switch to elevated permissions on a network device
  • - Customize the output
  • arista.eos.eos - Use eos cliconf to run command on Arista EOS platform
  • cisco.asa.asa - Use asa cliconf to run command on Cisco ASA platform
  • cisco.ios.ios - Use ios cliconf to run command on Cisco IOS platform
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr - Use iosxr cliconf to run command on Cisco IOS XR platform
  • cisco.nxos.nxos - Use NX-OS cliconf to run commands on Cisco NX-OS platform
  • dellemc.os10.os10 - Use OS10 cliconf to run commands on Dell EMC PowerSwitch devices.
  • frr.frr.frr - Use frr cliconf to run command on Free Range Routing platform
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos - Use junos cliconf to run command on Juniper Junos OS platform
  • vyos.vyos.vyos - Use vyos cliconf to run command on VyOS platform
  • ansible.netcommon.httpapi - Use httpapi to run command on network appliances
  • ansible.netcommon.napalm - Provides persistent connection using NAPALM
  • ansible.netcommon.netconf - Provides a persistent connection using the netconf protocol
  • ansible.netcommon.network_cli - Use network_cli to run command on network appliances
  • ansible.netcommon.persistent - Use a persistent unix socket for connection
  • ansible.netcommon.restconf - HttpApi Plugin for devices supporting Restconf API
  • arista.eos.eos - Use eAPI to run command on eos platform
  • cisco.nxos.nxos - Use NX-API to run commands on Cisco NX-OS platform
  • community.general.cobbler - Cobbler inventory source
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt - oVirt inventory source
  • ansible.builtin.unvault - read vaulted file(s) contents
  • community.general.dsv - Get secrets from Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault
  • community.general.etcd3 - Get key values from etcd3 server
  • community.general.lmdb_kv - fetch data from LMDB
  • community.general.tss - Get secrets from Thycotic Secret Server
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_license - Returns a random license from the list.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.license_hopper - Returns a random license from the list.
  • ansible.netcommon.default - Use default netconf plugin to run standard netconf commands as per RFC
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr - Use iosxr netconf plugin to run netconf commands on Cisco IOSXR platform
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos - Use junos netconf plugin to run netconf commands on Juniper JUNOS platform
  • ansible.netcommon.cli_command - Run a cli command on cli-based network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.cli_config - Push text based configuration to network devices over network_cli
  • ansible.netcommon.cli_parse - Parse cli output or text using a variety of parsers
  • ansible.netcommon.net_banner - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage multiline banners on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_get - Copy a file from a network device to Ansible Controller
  • ansible.netcommon.net_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_l2_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Layer-2 interface on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L3 interfaces on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_linkagg - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage link aggregation groups on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_lldp - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP service configuration on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_lldp_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_logging - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage logging on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_ping - Tests reachability using ping from a network device
  • ansible.netcommon.net_put - Copy a file from Ansible Controller to a network device
  • ansible.netcommon.net_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage static IP routes on network appliances (routers, switches et. al.)
  • ansible.netcommon.net_system - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage the system attributes on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_user - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage the aggregate of local users on network device
  • ansible.netcommon.net_vlan - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage VLANs on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.net_vrf - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage VRFs on network devices
  • ansible.netcommon.netconf_config - netconf device configuration
  • ansible.netcommon.netconf_get - Fetch configuration/state data from NETCONF enabled network devices.
  • ansible.netcommon.netconf_rpc - Execute operations on NETCONF enabled network devices.
  • ansible.netcommon.restconf_config - Handles create, update, read and delete of configuration data on RESTCONF enabled devices.
  • ansible.netcommon.restconf_get - Fetch configuration/state data from RESTCONF enabled devices.
  • ansible.netcommon.telnet - Executes a low-down and dirty telnet command
  • ansible.posix.acl - Set and retrieve file ACL information.
  • - Schedule the execution of a command or script file via the at command
  • ansible.posix.authorized_key - Adds or removes an SSH authorized key
  • ansible.posix.mount - Control active and configured mount points
  • ansible.posix.patch - Apply patch files using the GNU patch tool
  • ansible.posix.seboolean - Toggles SELinux booleans
  • ansible.posix.selinux - Change policy and state of SELinux
  • ansible.posix.synchronize - A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy
  • ansible.posix.sysctl - Manage entries in sysctl.conf.
  • arista.eos.eos_acl_interfaces - ACL interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_acls - ACLs resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_banner - Manage multiline banners on Arista EOS devices
  • arista.eos.eos_bgp - Configure global BGP protocol settings on Arista EOS.
  • arista.eos.eos_command - Run arbitrary commands on an Arista EOS device
  • arista.eos.eos_config - Manage Arista EOS configuration sections
  • arista.eos.eos_eapi - Manage and configure Arista EOS eAPI.
  • arista.eos.eos_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Arista EOS
  • arista.eos.eos_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on Arista EOS network devices
  • arista.eos.eos_interfaces - Interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_l2_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L2 interfaces on Arista EOS network devices.
  • arista.eos.eos_l2_interfaces - L2 interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L3 interfaces on Arista EOS network devices.
  • arista.eos.eos_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_lacp - LACP resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_lacp_interfaces - LACP interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_lag_interfaces - LAG interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_linkagg - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage link aggregation groups on Arista EOS network devices
  • arista.eos.eos_lldp - Manage LLDP configuration on Arista EOS network devices
  • arista.eos.eos_lldp_global - LLDP resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_logging - Manage logging on network devices
  • arista.eos.eos_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage static IP routes on Arista EOS network devices
  • arista.eos.eos_static_routes - Static routes resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_system - Manage the system attributes on Arista EOS devices
  • arista.eos.eos_user - Manage the collection of local users on EOS devices
  • arista.eos.eos_vlan - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage VLANs on Arista EOS network devices
  • arista.eos.eos_vlans - VLANs resource module
  • arista.eos.eos_vrf - Manage VRFs on Arista EOS network devices
  • cisco.asa.asa_acl - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage access-lists on a Cisco ASA
  • cisco.asa.asa_acls - Access-Lists resource module
  • cisco.asa.asa_command - Run arbitrary commands on Cisco ASA devices
  • cisco.asa.asa_config - Manage configuration sections on Cisco ASA devices
  • cisco.asa.asa_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Cisco ASA
  • cisco.asa.asa_og - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage object groups on a Cisco ASA
  • cisco.asa.asa_ogs - Object Group resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_acl_interfaces - ACL interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_acls - ACLs resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_banner - Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_bgp - Configure global BGP protocol settings on Cisco IOS.
  • cisco.ios.ios_command - Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS
  • cisco.ios.ios_config - Manage Cisco IOS configuration sections
  • cisco.ios.ios_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Cisco IOS
  • cisco.ios.ios_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on Cisco IOS network devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_interfaces - Interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_l2_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco IOS devices.
  • cisco.ios.ios_l2_interfaces - L2 interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Layer-3 interfaces on Cisco IOS network devices.
  • cisco.ios.ios_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_lacp - LACP resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_lacp_interfaces - LACP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_lag_interfaces - LAG interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_linkagg - Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco IOS network devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_lldp - Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco IOS network devices.
  • cisco.ios.ios_lldp_global - LLDP resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_logging - Manage logging on network devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_ntp - Manages core NTP configuration.
  • cisco.ios.ios_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_ping - Tests reachability using ping from Cisco IOS network devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage static IP routes on Cisco IOS network devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_static_routes - Static routes resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_system - Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_user - Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS device
  • cisco.ios.ios_vlan - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage VLANs on IOS network devices
  • cisco.ios.ios_vlans - VLANs resource module
  • cisco.ios.ios_vrf - Manage the collection of VRF definitions on Cisco IOS devices
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_acl_interfaces - ACL interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_acls - ACLs resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_banner - Manage multiline banners on Cisco IOS XR devices
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_bgp - Configure global BGP protocol settings on Cisco IOS-XR
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_command - Run commands on remote devices running Cisco IOS XR
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_config - Manage Cisco IOS XR configuration sections
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_facts - Get facts about iosxr devices.
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on Cisco IOS XR network devices
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_interfaces - Interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_l2_interfaces - L2 interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_lacp - LACP resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_lacp_interfaces - LACP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_lag_interfaces - LAG interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_lldp_global - LLDP resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_logging - Configuration management of system logging services on network devices
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_netconf - Configures NetConf sub-system service on Cisco IOS-XR devices
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_static_routes - Static routes resource module
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_system - Manage the system attributes on Cisco IOS XR devices
  • cisco.iosxr.iosxr_user - Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS XR device
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_aaa_server - Manages AAA server global configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_aaa_server_host - Manages AAA server host-specific configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_acl - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manages access list entries for ACLs.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_acl_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manages applying ACLs to interfaces.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_acl_interfaces - ACL interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_acls - ACLs resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_banner - Manage multiline banners on Cisco NXOS devices
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_bfd_global - Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) global-level configuration
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_bfd_interfaces - BFD interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_bgp - Manages BGP configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_bgp_af - Manages BGP Address-family configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_bgp_neighbor - Manages BGP neighbors configurations.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_bgp_neighbor_af - Manages BGP address-family's neighbors configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_command - Run arbitrary command on Cisco NXOS devices
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_config - Manage Cisco NXOS configuration sections
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_evpn_global - Handles the EVPN control plane for VXLAN.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_evpn_vni - Manages Cisco EVPN VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI).
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_facts - Gets facts about NX-OS switches
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_feature - Manage features in NX-OS switches.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_file_copy - Copy a file to a remote NXOS device.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_gir - Trigger a graceful removal or insertion (GIR) of the switch.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_gir_profile_management - Create a maintenance-mode or normal-mode profile for GIR.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_hsrp - Manages HSRP configuration on NX-OS switches.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_hsrp_interfaces - HSRP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_igmp - Manages IGMP global configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_igmp_interface - Manages IGMP interface configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_igmp_snooping - Manages IGMP snooping global configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_install_os - Set boot options like boot, kickstart image and issu.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manages physical attributes of interfaces.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_interface_ospf - Manages configuration of an OSPF interface instance.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_interfaces - Interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_l2_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Layer-2 interface on Cisco NXOS devices.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_l2_interfaces - L2 interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L3 interfaces on Cisco NXOS network devices
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_lacp - LACP resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_lacp_interfaces - LACP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_lag_interfaces - LAG interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_linkagg - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage link aggregation groups on Cisco NXOS devices.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_lldp - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP configuration on Cisco NXOS network devices.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_lldp_global - LLDP resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_logging - Manage logging on network devices
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ntp - Manages core NTP configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ntp_auth - Manages NTP authentication.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ntp_options - Manages NTP options.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_nxapi - Manage NXAPI configuration on an NXOS device.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ospf - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manages configuration of an ospf instance.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ospf_vrf - Manages a VRF for an OSPF router.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_overlay_global - Configures anycast gateway MAC of the switch.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_pim - Manages configuration of a PIM instance.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_pim_interface - Manages PIM interface configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_pim_rp_address - Manages configuration of an PIM static RP address instance.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_ping - Tests reachability using ping from Nexus switch.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_reboot - Reboot a network device.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_rollback - Set a checkpoint or rollback to a checkpoint.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_rpm - Install patch or feature rpms on Cisco NX-OS devices.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_smu - Perform SMUs on Cisco NX-OS devices.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snapshot - Manage snapshots of the running states of selected features.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_community - Manages SNMP community configs.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_contact - Manages SNMP contact info.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_host - Manages SNMP host configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_location - Manages SNMP location information.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_traps - Manages SNMP traps.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_snmp_user - Manages SNMP users for monitoring.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manages static route configuration
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_static_routes - Static routes resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_system - Manage the system attributes on Cisco NXOS devices
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_telemetry - TELEMETRY resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_udld - Manages UDLD global configuration params.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_udld_interface - Manages UDLD interface configuration params.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_user - Manage the collection of local users on Nexus devices
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vlan - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manages VLAN resources and attributes.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vlans - VLANs resource module
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vpc - Manages global VPC configuration
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vpc_interface - Manages interface VPC configuration
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vrf - Manages global VRF configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vrf_af - Manages VRF AF.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vrf_interface - Manages interface specific VRF configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vrrp - Manages VRRP configuration on NX-OS switches.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vtp_domain - Manages VTP domain configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vtp_password - Manages VTP password configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vtp_version - Manages VTP version configuration.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vxlan_vtep - Manages VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint (NVE).
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni - Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI)
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_devicealias - Configuration of device alias.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_vsan - Configuration of vsan.
  • cisco.nxos.nxos_zone_zoneset - Configuration of zone/zoneset.
  • - Manages objects users on the IaaS service
  • - Upload and delete certificates in the AWS Certificate Manager service
  • - Retrieve certificate information from AWS Certificate Manager service
  • - Manage AWS API Gateway APIs
  • - Manage Application Auto Scaling Scaling Policies
  • - Manage AWS Batch Compute Environments
  • - Manage AWS Batch Job Definitions
  • - Manage AWS Batch Job Queues
  • - Create or delete an AWS CodeBuild project
  • - Manage repositories in AWS CodeCommit
  • - Create or delete AWS CodePipelines
  • - Manage cross-account AWS Config authorizations
  • - Manage AWS Config aggregations across multiple accounts
  • - Manage AWS Config delivery channels
  • - Manage AWS Config Recorders
  • - Manage AWS Config resources
  • - Creates, deletes, modifies a DirectConnect connection
  • - Manage AWS Direct Connect gateway
  • - Manage Direct Connect LAG bundles
  • - Manage Direct Connect virtual interfaces
  • - Manage Elastic Kubernetes Service Clusters
  • - Create, update, and delete an elastic beanstalk application
  • - Manage an AWS Glue connection
  • - Manage an AWS Glue job
  • - Create, Update and Delete Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets
  • - Perform various KMS management tasks.
  • - Gather information about AWS KMS keys
  • - Gather information about AWS regions.
  • - Lists S3 buckets in AWS
  • - Manage CORS for S3 buckets in AWS
  • - Manage secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager.
  • - Manages SES email and domain identity
  • - Manages SES sending authorization policies
  • - Manages SES inbound receipt rule sets
  • - Fetch AWS Storage Gateway information
  • - Manage key-value pairs in aws parameter store.
  • - Manage AWS Step Functions state machines
  • - Start or stop execution of an AWS Step Functions state machine.
  • - Create and delete WAF Conditions
  • - Retrieve information for WAF ACLs, Rule , Conditions and Filters.
  • - Create and delete WAF Rules
  • - Create and delete WAF Web ACLs.
  • - Read a value from CloudFormation Exports
  • - Manage groups of CloudFormation stacks
  • - Create, update and delete AWS CloudFront distributions.
  • - Obtain facts about an AWS CloudFront distribution
  • - create invalidations for AWS CloudFront distributions
  • - Create, update and delete origin access identities for a CloudFront distribution
  • - manage CloudTrail create, delete, update
  • - Manage CloudWatch Event rules and targets
  • - create or delete log_group in CloudWatchLogs
  • - Get information about log_group in CloudWatchLogs
  • - Manage CloudWatch log group metric filter
  • - Create and manage AWS Datapipelines
  • - Creates or destroys a data migration services endpoint
  • - creates or destroys a data migration services subnet group
  • - Create, update or delete AWS Dynamo DB tables
  • - Set TTL for a given DynamoDB table
  • - copies AMI between AWS regions, return new image id
  • - Create or delete AWS AutoScaling Groups (ASGs)
  • - Gather information about ec2 Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) in AWS
  • - Create, delete or update AWS ASG Lifecycle Hooks.
  • - Manage an AWS customer gateway
  • - Gather information about customer gateways in AWS
  • - manages EC2 elastic IP (EIP) addresses.
  • - List EC2 EIP details
  • - De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
  • - Gather information about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
  • - Create & manage EC2 instances
  • - Gather information about ec2 instances in AWS
  • - Manage EC2 launch templates
  • - Create or delete AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
  • - Find AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations
  • - Gather information about AWS Autoscaling Launch Configurations.
  • - Create/update or delete AWS Cloudwatch 'metric alarms'
  • - Create or delete an EC2 Placement Group
  • - List EC2 Placement Group(s) details
  • - Create or delete AWS scaling policies for Autoscaling groups
  • - Copies an EC2 snapshot and returns the new Snapshot ID.
  • - Create and delete AWS Transit Gateways
  • - Gather information about ec2 transit gateways in AWS
  • - Manage an AWS VPC Egress Only Internet gateway
  • - Create and delete AWS VPC Endpoints.
  • - Retrieves AWS VPC endpoints details using AWS methods.
  • - Manage an AWS VPC Internet gateway
  • - Gather information about internet gateways in AWS
  • - create and delete Network ACLs.
  • - Gather information about Network ACLs in an AWS VPC
  • - Manage AWS VPC NAT Gateways.
  • - Retrieves AWS VPC Managed Nat Gateway details using AWS methods.
  • - create, delete, accept, and reject VPC peering connections between two VPCs.
  • - Retrieves AWS VPC Peering details using AWS methods.
  • - Manage route tables for AWS virtual private clouds
  • - Gather information about ec2 VPC route tables in AWS
  • - Create and delete AWS VPN Virtual Gateways.
  • - Gather information about virtual gateways in AWS
  • - Create, modify, and delete EC2 VPN connections.
  • - Gather information about VPN Connections in AWS.
  • - Gets the default administrator password for ec2 windows instances
  • - manage ecs attributes
  • - Create or terminate ECS clusters.
  • - Manage Elastic Container Registry repositories
  • - Create, terminate, start or stop a service in ECS
  • - List or describe services in ECS
  • - create and remove tags on Amazon ECS resources
  • - Run, start or stop a task in ecs
  • - register a task definition in ecs
  • - Describe a task definition in ECS
  • - create and maintain EFS file systems
  • - Get information about Amazon EFS file systems
  • - Manage cache clusters in Amazon ElastiCache
  • - Retrieve information for AWS ElastiCache clusters
  • - Manage cache parameter groups in Amazon ElastiCache.
  • - Manage cache snapshots in Amazon ElastiCache
  • - manage ElastiCache subnet groups
  • - Manage an Application load balancer
  • - Gather information about application ELBs in AWS
  • - Creates or destroys Amazon ELB.
  • - Gather information about EC2 Elastic Load Balancers in AWS
  • - De-registers or registers instances from EC2 ELBs
  • - Manage a Network Load Balancer
  • - Manage a target in a target group
  • - Manage a target group for an Application or Network load balancer
  • - Gather information about ELB target groups in AWS
  • - Gathers which target groups a target is associated with.
  • - Execute an AWS Lambda function
  • - Manage IAM users, groups, roles and keys
  • - Manage server certificates for use on ELBs and CloudFront
  • - Manage AWS IAM groups
  • - Manage User Managed IAM policies
  • - List the MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) devices registered for a user
  • - Update an IAM Password Policy
  • - Manage inline IAM policies for users, groups, and roles
  • - Retrieve inline IAM policies for users, groups, and roles
  • - Manage AWS IAM roles
  • - Gather information on IAM roles
  • - Maintain IAM SAML federation configuration.
  • - Retrieve the information of a server certificate
  • - Manage AWS IAM users
  • - Gather IAM user(s) facts in AWS
  • - Manage a Kinesis Stream.
  • - Manage AWS Lambda functions
  • - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function aliases
  • - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda function event mappings
  • - Gathers AWS Lambda function details as Ansible facts
  • - Gathers AWS Lambda function details
  • - Creates, updates or deletes AWS Lambda policy statements.
  • - Manage instances in AWS Lightsail
  • - create, delete, or modify Amazon rds instances, rds snapshots, and related facts
  • - Manage RDS instances
  • - obtain information about one or more RDS instances
  • - manage RDS parameter groups
  • - manage Amazon RDS snapshots.
  • - obtain information about one or more RDS snapshots
  • - manage RDS database subnet groups
  • - Manage Redshift Cross Region Snapshots
  • - Gather information about Redshift cluster(s)
  • - add or delete entries in Amazons Route53 DNS service
  • - Add or delete health-checks in Amazons Route53 DNS service
  • - Retrieves route53 details using AWS methods
  • - add or delete Route53 zones
  • - Creates, updates or deletes S3 Bucket notification for lambda
  • - Manage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS
  • - Manage logging facility of an s3 bucket in AWS
  • - Efficiently upload multiple files to S3
  • - Configure an s3 bucket as a website
  • - Send Amazon Simple Notification Service messages
  • - Manages AWS SNS topics and subscriptions
  • - Creates or deletes AWS SQS queues.
  • - Assume a role using AWS Security Token Service and obtain temporary credentials
  • - Obtain a session token from the AWS Security Token Service
  • community.crypto.ecs_domain - Request validation of a domain with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API
  • community.crypto.openssl_signature - Sign data with openssl
  • community.crypto.openssl_signature_info - Verify signatures with openssl
  • community.crypto.x509_crl - Generate Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
  • community.crypto.x509_crl_info - Retrieve information on Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
  • community.general.docker_stack_info - Return information on a docker stack
  • community.general.docker_stack_task_info - Return information of the tasks on a docker stack
  • community.general.hwc_ecs_instance - Creates a resource of Ecs/Instance in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_evs_disk - Creates a resource of Evs/Disk in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_eip - Creates a resource of Vpc/EIP in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_peering_connect - Creates a resource of Vpc/PeeringConnect in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_port - Creates a resource of Vpc/Port in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_private_ip - Creates a resource of Vpc/PrivateIP in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_route - Creates a resource of Vpc/Route in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_security_group - Creates a resource of Vpc/SecurityGroup in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_security_group_rule - Creates a resource of Vpc/SecurityGroupRule in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.hwc_vpc_subnet - Creates a resource of Vpc/Subnet in Huawei Cloud
  • community.general.ovh_monthly_billing - Manage OVH monthly billing
  • community.general.packet_ip_subnet - Assign IP subnet to a bare metal server.
  • community.general.packet_project - Create/delete a project in Packet host.
  • community.general.packet_volume - Create/delete a volume in Packet host.
  • community.general.packet_volume_attachment - Attach/detach a volume to a device in the Packet host.
  • community.general.odbc - Execute SQL via ODBC
  • community.general.redis_info - Gather information about Redis servers
  • community.general.mysql_query - Run MySQL queries
  • community.general.postgresql_subscription - Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL subscription
  • community.general.postgresql_user_obj_stat_info - Gather statistics about PostgreSQL user objects
  • community.general.iso_create - Generate ISO file with specified files or folders
Net Tools
  • community.general.hetzner_firewall - Manage Hetzner's dedicated server firewall
  • community.general.hetzner_firewall_info - Manage Hetzner's dedicated server firewall
  • community.general.ipwcli_dns - Manage DNS Records for Ericsson IPWorks via ipwcli
  • community.general.ldap_attrs - Add or remove multiple LDAP attribute values
  • community.general.ldap_search - Search for entries in a LDAP server
  • community.general.mas - Manage Mac App Store applications with mas-cli
  • community.general.dpkg_divert - Override a debian package's version of a file
  • community.general.iptables_state - Save iptables state into a file or restore it from a file
  • community.general.launchd - Manage macOS services
  • community.general.lbu - Local Backup Utility for Alpine Linux
  • community.general.shutdown - Shut down a machine
  • community.general.sysupgrade - Manage OpenBSD system upgrades
  • community.kubernetes.helm - Manages Kubernetes packages with the Helm package manager
  • community.kubernetes.helm_info - Get information from Helm package deployed inside the cluster
  • community.kubernetes.helm_plugin - Manage Helm plugins
  • community.kubernetes.helm_plugin_info - Gather information about Helm plugins
  • community.kubernetes.helm_repository - Add and remove Helm repository
  • community.kubernetes.k8s_exec - Execute command in Pod
  • community.kubernetes.k8s_log - Fetch logs from Kubernetes resources
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_balancer - Manages the MongoDB Sharded Cluster Balancer.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_index - Creates or drops indexes on MongoDB collections.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_info - Gather information about MongoDB instance.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_maintenance - Enables or disables maintenance mode for a secondary member.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_oplog - Resizes the MongoDB oplog.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_parameter - Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_replicaset - Initialises a MongoDB replicaset.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_shard - Add or remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_shutdown - Cleans up all database resources and then terminates the mongod/mongos process.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_status - Validates the status of the cluster.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_stepdown - Step down the MongoDB node from a PRIMARY state.
  • community.mongodb.mongodb_user - Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database
  • - Run arbitrary commands on APCON devices
  • - Manages isis process id configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
  • - Manages isis interface configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
  • - Manages isis view configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine devices.
  • - Manages Eth-Trunk interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches
  • - Manages LLDP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
  • - Manages INTERFACE LLDP configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
  • - Manages MDN configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
  • - Manages multicast global configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
  • - Manages multicast igmp enable configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
  • - Manages static route configuration on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
  • - Manage L2 interfaces on Extreme Networks EXOS devices.
  • - Manage link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) attributes of interfaces on EXOS platforms.
  • - Manage VLANs on Extreme Networks EXOS devices.
  • - Configures AAA parameters
  • - Configures BFD parameters
  • - Manage NTP general configurations and ntp keys configurations on Mellanox ONYX network devices
  • - Configures NTP peers and servers parameters
  • - Manages SNMP general configurations on Mellanox ONYX network devices
  • - Configures SNMP host parameters
  • - Configures SNMP User parameters
  • - Configure file management syslog module
  • - Configure remote syslog module
  • - Configure username module
  • - Ansible module for RouterOS API
  • - Manage Scoop buckets
  • community.zabbix.zabbix_discovery_rule - Manage Zabbix discovery rules
  • community.zabbix.zabbix_usergroup - Manage Zabbix user groups
  • containers.podman.podman_container - Manage Podman containers
  • containers.podman.podman_network_info module - Retrieve information about Podman networks
  • containers.podman.podman_pod - Manage Podman pods
  • containers.podman.podman_pod_info - Retrieve information about Podman pods
  • containers.podman.podman_volume - Manage Podman volumes
  • dellemc.os10.os10_command - Run commands on devices running Dell EMC SmartFabric OS1O.
  • dellemc.os10.os10_config - Manage configuration on devices running OS10.
  • dellemc.os10.os10_facts - Collect facts from devices running OS10.
  • dellemc.os6.os6_command - Run commands on devices running Dell EMC os6.
  • dellemc.os6.os6_config - Manage configuration on devices running os6.
  • dellemc.os6.os6_facts - Collect facts from devices running os6.
  • dellemc.os9.os9_command - Run commands on devices running Dell EMC os9.
  • dellemc.os9.os9_config - Manage configuration on devices running os9.
  • dellemc.os9.os9_facts - Collect facts from devices running os9.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_apm_acl - Manages user-defined APM ACLs.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_apm_network_access - Manages the APM Network Access resource.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_apm_policy_fetch - Exports the APM policy or APM access profile from remote nodes.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_apm_policy_import - Manages BIG-IP APM policy or APM access profile imports.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_advanced_settings - Manages BIG-IP system ASM advanced settings.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_dos_application - Manages application settings for DOS profiles.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_policy_fetch - Exports the ASM policy from remote nodes.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_policy_import - Manages BIG-IP ASM policy imports.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_policy_manage - Manages BIG-IP ASM policies
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_policy_server_technology - Manages the Server Technology on an ASM policy.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_asm_policy_signature_set - Manages Signature Sets on an ASM policy.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_cgnat_lsn_pool - Manages CGNAT LSN Pools.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_cli_alias - Manages CLI aliases on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_cli_script - Manages CLI scripts on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_command - Runs TMSH and BASH commands on F5 devices.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_config - Manages BIG-IP configuration sections.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_configsync_action - Performs actions related to configuration synchronization (ConfigSync).
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_data_group - Manages data groups on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_auth - Manages system authentication on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_auth_ldap - Manages LDAP device authentication settings on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_auth_radius - Manages RADIUS auth configuration on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_auth_radius_server - Manages the RADIUS server configuration on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_certificate - Manages self-signed device certificates.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_connectivity - Manages device IP configuration settings for HA on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_dns - Manages BIG-IP device DNS settings.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_group - Manages device groups on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_group_member - Manages members in a device group.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_ha_group - Manages HA group settings on a BIG-IP system.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_httpd - Manages HTTPD related settings on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_info - Collects information from F5 BIG-IP devices.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_license - Manages license installation and activation on BIG-IP devices.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_ntp - Manages NTP servers on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_sshd - Manages the SSHD settings of a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_syslog - Manages system-level syslog settings on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_traffic_group - Manages traffic groups on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_device_trust - Manages the trust relationships between BIG-IPs.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_dns_cache_resolver - Manages DNS resolver cache configurations on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_dns_nameserver - Manages LTM DNS nameservers on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_dns_resolver - Manages DNS resolvers on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_dns_zone - Manages DNS zones on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_file_copy - Manages files in datastores on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_address_list - Manages address lists on BIG-IP AFM.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_dos_profile - Manages AFM DoS profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_dos_vector - Manages the attack vector configuration in an AFM DoS profile.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_global_rules - Manages AFM global rule settings on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_log_profile - Manages AFM logging profiles configured in the system.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_log_profile_network - Configures Network Firewall related settings of the log profile.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_policy - Manages AFM security firewall policies on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_port_list - Manages port lists on BIG-IP AFM.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_rule - Manages AFM Firewall rules.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_rule_list - Manages AFM security firewall policies on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_firewall_schedule - Manages BIG-IP AFM schedule configurations.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_datacenter - Manages the Datacenter configuration on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_dns_listener - Configures the BIG-IP DNS system to answer TCP or UDP DNS requests.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_global - Manages global GTM settings.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_bigip - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM BIG-IP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_external - Manages external GTM monitors on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_firepass - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM FirePass monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_http - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM HTTP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_https - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM HTTPS monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_tcp - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM TCP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_monitor_tcp_half_open - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM TCP half-open monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_pool - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM pools.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_pool_member - Manages GTM pool member settings.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_server - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM servers.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_topology_record - Manages GTM Topology Records.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_topology_region - Manages GTM Topology Regions.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_virtual_server - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM virtual servers.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_gtm_wide_ip - Manages F5 BIG-IP GTM wide IPs.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_hostname - Manages the hostname of a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_iapp_service - Manages TCL iApp services on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_iapp_template - Manages TCL iApp templates on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ike_peer - Manages IPSec IKE Peer configuration on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_imish_config - Manages the BIG-IP advanced routing configuration sections.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_interface - Manages BIG-IP physical interfaces.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ipsec_policy - Manages IPSec policies on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_irule - Manages iRules across different modules on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_log_destination - Manages log destinations on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_log_publisher - Manages log publishers on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_lx_package - Manages Javascript LX packages on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_management_route - Manages system management routes on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_message_routing_peer - Manages peers for routing generic message protocol messages.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_message_routing_protocol - Manages generic message parser profiles.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_message_routing_route - Manages static routes for routing message protocol messages.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_message_routing_router - Manages router profiles for message-routing protocols.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_message_routing_transport_config - Manages the configuration for an outgoing connection.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_dns - Manages DNS monitors on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_external - Manages external LTM monitors on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_ftp - Manages FTP monitors on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_gateway_icmp - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM gateway ICMP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_http - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM HTTP monitors
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_https - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM HTTPS monitors
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_icmp - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM ICMP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_ldap - Manages BIG-IP LDAP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_mysql - Manages BIG-IP MySQL monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_oracle - Manages BIG-IP Oracle monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_smtp - Manages SMTP monitors on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_snmp_dca - Manages BIG-IP SNMP data collecting agent (DCA) monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_tcp_echo - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP echo monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_tcp_half_open - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM TCP half-open monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_monitor_udp - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM UDP monitors.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_network_globals - Manages network global settings on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_node - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM nodes.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_partition - Manages BIG-IP partitions.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_password_policy - Manages the authentication password policy on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_policy - Manages the general policy configuration on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_policy_rule - Manages LTM policy rules on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_pool_member - Manages F5 BIG-IP LTM pool members.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_analytics - Manages HTTP analytics profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_client_ssl - Manages client SSL profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_dns - Manages DNS profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_fastl4 - Manages Fast L4 profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_ftp - Manages FTP profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_http - Manages HTTP profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_http2 - Manages HTTP2 profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_http_compression - Manages HTTP compression profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_oneconnect - Manages OneConnect profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_persistence_cookie - Manages cookie persistence profiles on BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_persistence_src_addr - Manages source address persistence profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_persistence_universal - Manages universal persistence profiles.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_server_ssl - Manages server SSL profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_sip - Manages SIP profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_tcp - Manages TCP profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_profile_udp - Manages UDP profiles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_provision - Manages BIG-IP module provisioning.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_qkview - Manages qkviews on the device.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_remote_role - Manages remote roles on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_remote_syslog - Manipulates remote syslog settings on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_remote_user - Manages the default settings for remote user accounts on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_routedomain - Manages route domains on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_selfip - Manages Self IP addresses on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_service_policy - Manages service policies on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_smtp - Manages SMTP settings on the BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_snat_pool - Manages SNAT pools on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_snat_translation - Manages SNAT Translations on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_snmp - Manipulates general SNMP settings on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_snmp_community - Manages SNMP communities on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_snmp_trap - Manipulates SNMP trap information on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_software_image - Manages software images on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_software_install - Installs software images on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_software_update - Manages the software update settings of a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ssl_certificate - Imports/Deletes certificates from a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ssl_csr - Creates SSL CSR files on the BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ssl_key - Imports/Deletes SSL keys from a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ssl_ocsp - Manages OCSP configurations on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_static_route - Manipulates static routes on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_sys_daemon_log_tmm - Manages BIG-IP tmm daemon log settings.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_sys_db - Manages BIG-IP system database variables.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_sys_global - Manages BIG-IP global settings.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_timer_policy - Manages timer policies on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_traffic_selector - Manages IPSec Traffic Selectors on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_trunk - Manages trunks on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_tunnel - Manages tunnels on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ucs - Manages upload, installation, and removal of UCS files.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_ucs_fetch - Fetches a UCS file from remote nodes.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_user - Manages user accounts and user attributes on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_vcmp_guest - Manages vCMP guests on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_virtual_address - Manages LTM virtual addresses on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_virtual_server - Manages LTM virtual servers on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_vlan - Manages VLANs on a BIG-IP.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigip_wait - Manages the wait time for a BIG-IP condition before continuing.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_application_fasthttp - Manages BIG-IQ FastHTTP applications.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_application_fastl4_tcp - Manages BIG-IQ FastL4 TCP applications.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_application_fastl4_udp - Manages BIG-IQ FastL4 UDP applications.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_application_http - Manages BIG-IQ HTTP applications.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_application_https_offload - Manages BIG-IQ HTTPS offload applications.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_application_https_waf - Manages BIG-IQ HTTPS WAF applications.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_device_discovery - Manages BIG-IP devices through BIG-IQ.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_device_info - Collects information from F5 BIG-IQ devices.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_regkey_license - Manages licenses in a BIG-IQ registration key pool.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_regkey_license_assignment - Manages regkey license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_regkey_pool - Manages registration key pools on BIG-IQ.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_utility_license - Manages utility licenses on a BIG-IQ.
  • f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_utility_license_assignment - Manages utility license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_antivirus_profile - Configure AntiVirus profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_antivirus_profile_obj - Configure AntiVirus profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_application_list - Configure application control lists.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_application_list_obj - Configure application control lists.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_device_profile_fortianalyzer - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_device_profile_fortiguard - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_filter - Filters for remote system server.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_log_syslogd_setting - Global settings for remote syslog server.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_centralmanagement - Configure central management.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_dns - Configure DNS.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_emailserver - Configure the email server used by the FortiGate various things. For example, for sending email messages to users to support user authen...
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_global - Configure global attributes.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_ntp - Configure system NTP information.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_community - SNMP community configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_community_obj - SNMP community configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_sysinfo - SNMP system info configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_user - SNMP user configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_devprof_system_snmp_user_obj - SNMP user configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dnsfilter_profile - Configure DNS domain filter profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dnsfilter_profile_obj - Configure DNS domain filter profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvm_cmd_add_device - Add a device to the Device Manager database.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvm_cmd_del_device - Delete a device.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvm_cmd_discover_device - Probe a remote device and retrieve its device information and system status.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvm_cmd_update_device - Refresh the FGFM connection and system information of a device.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_device - Device table, most attributes are read-only and can only be changed internally. Refer to Device Manager Command module for API to add, d...
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_device_obj - Device table, most attributes are read-only and can only be changed internally. Refer to Device Manager Command module for API to add, d...
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_group - Device group table.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_group_obj - Device group table.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_script - Script table.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_script_execute - Run script.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_dvmdb_script_obj - Script table.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_address - Configure IPv4 addresses.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_address6 - Configure IPv6 firewall addresses.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_address6_obj - Configure IPv6 firewall addresses.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_address_obj - Configure IPv4 addresses.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_addrgrp - Configure IPv4 address groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_addrgrp6 - Configure IPv6 address groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_addrgrp6_obj - Configure IPv6 address groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_addrgrp_obj - Configure IPv4 address groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_ippool - Configure IPv4 IP pools.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_ippool6 - Configure IPv6 IP pools.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_ippool6_obj - Configure IPv6 IP pools.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_ippool_obj - Configure IPv4 IP pools.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_multicastaddress - Configure multicast addresses.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_multicastaddress_obj - Configure multicast addresses.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_profilegroup - Configure profile groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_profilegroup_obj - Configure profile groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_service_category - Configure service categories.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_service_category_obj - Configure service categories.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_service_custom - Configure custom services.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_service_custom_obj - Configure custom services.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_service_group - Configure service groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_service_group_obj - Configure service groups.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile - Configure SSL/SSH protocol options.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_sslsshprofile_obj - Configure SSL/SSH protocol options.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_vip - Configure virtual IP for IPv4.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_firewall_vip_obj - Configure virtual IP for IPv4.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_ips_sensor - Configure IPS sensor.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_ips_sensor_obj - Configure IPS sensor.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy - Configure IPv4 policies.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_pkg_firewall_policy_obj - Configure IPv4 policies.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_pm_devprof_adom_obj - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_pm_devprof_obj - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_pm_pkg_adom_obj - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_pm_pkg_obj - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_securityconsole_install_device - no description
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_securityconsole_install_package - Copy and install a policy package to devices.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_spamfilter_profile - Configure AntiSpam profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_spamfilter_profile_obj - Configure AntiSpam profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_system_global - Global range attributes.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_system_ha - HA configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_system_ha_peer - Peer.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_system_interface - Interface configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_system_interface_obj - Interface configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_task_task - Read-only table containing the 10000 most recent tasks of the system. This table can be used for tracking non-blocking tasks initiated b...
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_task_task_obj - Read-only table containing the 10000 most recent tasks of the system. This table can be used for tracking non-blocking tasks initiated b...
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_voip_profile - Configure VoIP profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_voip_profile_obj - Configure VoIP profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_waf_profile - Web application firewall configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_waf_profile_obj - Web application firewall configuration.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_wanopt_profile - Configure WAN optimization profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_wanopt_profile_obj - Configure WAN optimization profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_webfilter_profile - Configure Web filter profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_webfilter_profile_obj - Configure Web filter profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_webproxy_profile - Configure web proxy profiles.
  • fortinet.fortimanager.fmgr_webproxy_profile_obj - Configure web proxy profiles.
  • frr.frr.frr_bgp - Configure global BGP settings on Free Range Routing(FRR).
  • frr.frr.frr_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Free Range Routing (FRR).
  • gluster.gluster.geo_rep - Manage geo-replication sessions
  • gluster.gluster.gluster_heal_info - Gather facts about either self-heal or rebalance status
  • gluster.gluster.gluster_peer - Attach/Detach peers to/from the cluster
  • gluster.gluster.gluster_volume - Manage GlusterFS volumes
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_floating_ip - Create and manage cloud Floating IPs on the Hetzner Cloud.
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_load_balancer - Create and manage cloud Load Balancers on the Hetzner Cloud.
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_load_balancer_network - Manage the relationship between Hetzner Cloud Networks and Load Balancers
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_load_balancer_service - Create and manage the services of cloud Load Balancers on the Hetzner Cloud.
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_load_balancer_target - Manage Hetzner Cloud Load Balancer targets
  • hetzner.hcloud.hcloud_load_balancer_type_info - Gather infos about the Hetzner Cloud Load Balancer types.
  • - Trigger a qradar configuration deployment
  • - Manage Log Sources in QRadar
  • - Take action on a QRadar Offense
  • - Obtain information about one or many QRadar Offenses, with filter options
  • - Create or update a QRadar Offense Note
  • - Manage state of QRadar Rules, with filter options
  • - Obtain information about one or many QRadar Rules, with filter options
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_acl_interfaces - ACL interfaces resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_acls - ACLs resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_banner - Manage multiline banners on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_command - Run arbitrary commands on an Juniper JUNOS device
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_config - Manage configuration on devices running Juniper JUNOS
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_facts - Collect facts from remote devices running Juniper Junos
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_interfaces - Junos Interfaces resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_l2_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L2 Interface on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_l2_interfaces - L2 interfaces resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L3 interfaces on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lacp - Global Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) Junos resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lacp_interfaces - LACP interfaces resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lag_interfaces - Link Aggregation Juniper JUNOS resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_linkagg - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage link aggregation groups on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lldp - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lldp_global - LLDP resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lldp_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_logging - Manage logging on network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_netconf - Configures the Junos Netconf system service
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_package - Installs packages on remote devices running Junos
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_ping - Tests reachability using ping from devices running Juniper JUNOS
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_rpc - Runs an arbitrary RPC over NetConf on an Juniper JUNOS device
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_scp - Transfer files from or to remote devices running Junos
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage static IP routes on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_static_routes - Static routes resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_system - Manage the system attributes on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_user - Manage local user accounts on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_vlan - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage VLANs on Juniper JUNOS network devices
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_vlans - VLANs resource module
  • junipernetworks.junos.junos_vrf - Manage the VRF definitions on Juniper JUNOS devices
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_access_group - NetApp Element Software Manage Access Groups
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_access_group_volumes - NetApp Element Software Add/Remove Volumes to/from Access Group
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_account - NetApp Element Software Manage Accounts
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_admin_users - NetApp Element Software Manage Admin Users
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_backup - NetApp Element Software Create Backups
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_check_connections - NetApp Element Software Check connectivity to MVIP and SVIP.
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_cluster - NetApp Element Software Create Cluster
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_cluster_config - Configure Element SW Cluster
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_cluster_pair - NetApp Element Software Manage Cluster Pair
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_cluster_snmp - Configure Element SW Cluster SNMP
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_drive - NetApp Element Software Manage Node Drives
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_initiators - Manage Element SW initiators
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_ldap - NetApp Element Software Manage ldap admin users
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_network_interfaces - NetApp Element Software Configure Node Network Interfaces
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_node - NetApp Element Software Node Operation
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_snapshot - NetApp Element Software Manage Snapshots
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_snapshot_restore - NetApp Element Software Restore Snapshot
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_snapshot_schedule - NetApp Element Software Snapshot Schedules
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_vlan - NetApp Element Software Manage VLAN
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_volume - NetApp Element Software Manage Volumes
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_volume_clone - NetApp Element Software Create Volume Clone
  • netapp.elementsw.na_elementsw_volume_pair - NetApp Element Software Volume Pair
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_aggregate - NetApp ONTAP manage aggregates.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_autosupport - NetApp ONTAP Autosupport
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_autosupport_invoke - NetApp ONTAP send AutoSupport message
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_broadcast_domain - NetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domains.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_broadcast_domain_ports - NetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domain ports
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cg_snapshot - NetApp ONTAP manage consistency group snapshot
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cifs - NetApp ONTAP Manage cifs-share
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cifs_acl - NetApp ONTAP manage cifs-share-access-control
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cifs_server - NetApp ONTAP CIFS server configuration
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cluster - NetApp ONTAP cluster - create a cluster and add/remove nodes.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cluster_ha - NetApp ONTAP Manage HA status for cluster
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_cluster_peer - NetApp ONTAP Manage Cluster peering
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_command - NetApp ONTAP Run any cli command, the username provided needs to have console login permission.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_disks - NetApp ONTAP Assign disks to nodes
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_dns - NetApp ONTAP Create, delete, modify DNS servers.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_efficiency_policy - NetApp ONTAP manage efficiency policies (sis policies)
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_export_policy - NetApp ONTAP manage export-policy
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_export_policy_rule - NetApp ONTAP manage export policy rules
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_fcp - NetApp ONTAP Start, Stop and Enable FCP services.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_file_directory_policy - NetApp ONTAP create, delete, or modify vserver security file-directory policy
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_firewall_policy - NetApp ONTAP Manage a firewall policy
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_firmware_upgrade - NetApp ONTAP firmware upgrade for SP, shelf, ACP, and disk.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_flexcache - NetApp ONTAP FlexCache - create/delete relationship
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_igroup - NetApp ONTAP iSCSI or FC igroup configuration
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_igroup_initiator - NetApp ONTAP igroup initiator configuration
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_info - NetApp information gatherer
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_interface - NetApp ONTAP LIF configuration
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ipspace - NetApp ONTAP Manage an ipspace
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_iscsi - NetApp ONTAP manage iSCSI service
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_iscsi_security - NetApp ONTAP Manage iscsi security.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_job_schedule - NetApp ONTAP Job Schedule
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_kerberos_realm - NetApp ONTAP vserver nfs kerberos realm
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ldap - NetApp ONTAP LDAP
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ldap_client - NetApp ONTAP LDAP client
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_license - NetApp ONTAP protocol and feature licenses
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_login_messages - Setup login banner and message of the day
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_lun - NetApp ONTAP manage LUNs
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_lun_copy - NetApp ONTAP copy LUNs
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_lun_map - NetApp ONTAP LUN maps
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_motd - Setup motd
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ndmp - NetApp ONTAP NDMP services configuration
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_net_ifgrp - NetApp Ontap modify network interface group
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_net_port - NetApp ONTAP network ports.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_net_routes - NetApp ONTAP network routes
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_net_subnet - NetApp ONTAP Create, delete, modify network subnets.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_net_vlan - NetApp ONTAP network VLAN
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_nfs - NetApp ONTAP NFS status
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_node - NetApp ONTAP Rename a node.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ntfs_dacl - NetApp Ontap create, delate or modify NTFS DACL (discretionary access control list)
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ntfs_sd - NetApp ONTAP create, delete or modify NTFS security descriptor
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ntp - NetApp ONTAP NTP server
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_nvme - NetApp ONTAP Manage NVMe Service
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_nvme_namespace - NetApp ONTAP Manage NVME Namespace
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_nvme_subsystem - NetApp ONTAP Manage NVME Subsystem
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_object_store - NetApp ONTAP manage object store config.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ports - NetApp ONTAP add/remove ports
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_portset - NetApp ONTAP Create/Delete portset
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_qos_adaptive_policy_group - NetApp ONTAP Adaptive Quality of Service policy group.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_qos_policy_group - NetApp ONTAP manage policy group in Quality of Service.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_qtree - NetApp ONTAP manage qtrees
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_quota_policy - NetApp Ontap create, rename or delete quota policy
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_quotas - NetApp ONTAP Quotas
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_rest_cli - NetApp ONTAP Run any cli command, the username provided needs to have console login permission.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_rest_info - NetApp ONTAP information gatherer using REST APIs
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_restit - NetApp ONTAP Run any REST API on ONTAP
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_security_certificates - NetApp ONTAP manage security certificates.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_security_key_manager - NetApp ONTAP security key manager.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_service_processor_network - NetApp ONTAP service processor network
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_snapmirror - NetApp ONTAP or ElementSW Manage SnapMirror
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_snapmirror_policy - NetApp ONTAP create, delete or modify SnapMirror policies
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_snapshot - NetApp ONTAP manage Snapshots
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_snapshot_policy - NetApp ONTAP manage Snapshot Policy
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_snmp - NetApp ONTAP SNMP community
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_snmp_traphosts - NetApp ONTAP SNMP traphosts.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_software_update - NetApp ONTAP Update Software
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ssh_command - NetApp ONTAP Run any cli command over plain SSH using paramiko.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_svm - NetApp ONTAP SVM
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_svm_options - NetApp ONTAP Modify SVM Options
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_ucadapter - NetApp ONTAP UC adapter configuration
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_unix_group - NetApp ONTAP UNIX Group
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_unix_user - NetApp ONTAP UNIX users
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_user - NetApp ONTAP user configuration and management
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_user_role - NetApp ONTAP user role configuration and management
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_volume - NetApp ONTAP manage volumes.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_volume_autosize - NetApp ONTAP manage volume autosize
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_volume_clone - NetApp ONTAP manage volume clones.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_volume_snaplock - NetApp ONTAP manage volume snaplock retention.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_vscan - NetApp ONTAP Vscan enable/disable.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_vscan_on_access_policy - NetApp ONTAP Vscan on access policy configuration.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_vscan_on_demand_task - NetApp ONTAP Vscan on demand task configuration.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool - NetApp ONTAP Vscan Scanner Pools Configuration.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_vserver_cifs_security - NetApp ONTAP vserver CIFS security modification
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_vserver_peer - NetApp ONTAP Vserver peering
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_wait_for_condition - NetApp ONTAP wait_for_condition. Loop over a get status request until a condition is met.
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_wwpn_alias - NetApp ONTAP set FCP WWPN Alias
  • netapp.ontap.na_ontap_zapit - NetApp ONTAP Run any ZAPI on ONTAP
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_aggregate - Creates or removes aggregates from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_cable - Create, update or delete cables within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_circuit - Create, update or delete circuits within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_circuit_termination - Create, update or delete circuit terminations within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_circuit_type - Create, update or delete circuit types within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_cluster - Create, update or delete clusters within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_cluster_group - Create, update or delete cluster groups within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_cluster_type - Create, update or delete cluster types within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_console_port - Create, update or delete console ports within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_console_port_template - Create, update or delete console port templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_console_server_port - Create, update or delete console server ports within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_console_server_port_template - Create, update or delete console server port templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_device_bay - Create, update or delete device bays within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_device_bay_template - Create, update or delete device bay templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_device_interface_template - Creates or removes interfaces on devices from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_device_role - Create, update or delete devices roles within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_device_type - Create, update or delete device types within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_front_port - Create, update or delete front ports within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_front_port_template - Create, update or delete front port templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_inventory_item - Creates or removes inventory items from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_ipam_role - Creates or removes ipam roles from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_manufacturer - Create or delete manufacturers within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_platform - Create or delete platforms within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_power_feed - Create, update or delete power feeds within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_power_outlet - Create, update or delete power outlets within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_power_outlet_template - Create, update or delete power outlet templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_power_panel - Create, update or delete power panels within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_power_port - Create, update or delete power ports within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_power_port_template - Create, update or delete power port templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_provider - Create, update or delete providers within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_rack - Create, update or delete racks within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_rack_group - Create, update or delete racks groups within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_rack_role - Create, update or delete racks roles within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_rear_port - Create, update or delete rear ports within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_rear_port_template - Create, update or delete rear port templates within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_region - Creates or removes regions from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_rir - Create, update or delete RIRs within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_service - Creates or removes service from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_tenant - Creates or removes tenants from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_tenant_group - Creates or removes tenant groups from Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_virtual_chassis - Create, update or delete virtual chassis within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_virtual_machine - Create, update or delete virtual_machines within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_vlan - Create, update or delete vlans within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_vlan_group - Create, update or delete vlans groups within Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_vm_interface - Creates or removes interfaces from virtual machines in Netbox
  • netbox.netbox.netbox_vrf - Create, update or delete vrfs within Netbox
  • ngine_io.vultr.vultr_plan_baremetal_info - Gather information about the Vultr Bare Metal plans available.
  • ngine_io.vultr.vultr_server_baremetal - Manages baremetal servers on Vultr.
  • - Add support for Keystone Identity Providers
  • - Add support for fetching the information about federation IDPs
  • - Add support for Keystone mappings
  • - Add support for fetching the information about Keystone mappings
  • - Add support for Keystone federation Protocols
  • - Add support for getting information about Keystone federation Protocols
  • - Retrieve information about one or more OpenStack routers.
  • - Retrieve information about Openstack volumes.
  • openvswitch.openvswitch.openvswitch_bridge - Manage Open vSwitch bridges
  • openvswitch.openvswitch.openvswitch_db - Configure open vswitch database.
  • openvswitch.openvswitch.openvswitch_port - Manage Open vSwitch ports
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_affinity_group - Module to manage affinity groups in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_affinity_label - Module to manage affinity labels in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_affinity_label_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV affinity labels
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_api_info - Retrieve information about the oVirt/RHV API
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_auth - Module to manage authentication to oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_cluster - Module to manage clusters in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_cluster_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV clusters
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_datacenter - Module to manage data centers in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_datacenter_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV datacenters
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk - Module to manage Virtual Machine and floating disks in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_disk_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV disks
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_event - Create or delete an event in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_event_info - This module can be used to retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV events
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_external_provider - Module to manage external providers in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_external_provider_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV external providers
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_group - Module to manage groups in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_group_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV groups
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_host - Module to manage hosts in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_host_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV hosts
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_host_network - Module to manage host networks in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_host_pm - Module to manage power management of hosts in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_host_storage_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV HostStorages (applicable only for block storage)
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_instance_type - Module to manage Instance Types in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_job - Module to manage jobs in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_mac_pool - Module to manage MAC pools in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_network - Module to manage logical networks in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_network_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV networks
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_nic - Module to manage network interfaces of Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_nic_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine network interfaces
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_permission - Module to manage permissions of users/groups in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_permission_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV permissions
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_quota - Module to manage datacenter quotas in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_quota_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV quotas
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_role - Module to manage roles in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_scheduling_policy_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt scheduling policies
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_snapshot - Module to manage Virtual Machine Snapshots in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_snapshot_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machine snapshots
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_storage_connection - Module to manage storage connections in oVirt
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_storage_domain - Module to manage storage domains in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_storage_domain_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV storage domains
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_storage_template_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV templates relate to a storage domain.
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_storage_vm_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines relate to a storage domain.
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_tag - Module to manage tags in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_tag_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV tags
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_template - Module to manage virtual machine templates in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_template_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV templates
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_user - Module to manage users in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_user_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV users
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm - Module to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV virtual machines
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vm_os_info - Retrieve information on all supported oVirt/RHV operating systems
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vmpool - Module to manage VM pools in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vmpool_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV vmpools
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vnic_profile - Module to manage vNIC profile of network in oVirt/RHV
  • ovirt.ovirt.ovirt_vnic_profile_info - Retrieve information about one or more oVirt/RHV vnic profiles
  • - Manage Splunk Enterprise Security Notable Event Adaptive Responses
  • - Manage Splunk Enterprise Security Correlation Searches
  • - Manage Splunk Enterprise Security Correlation Searches
  • - Manage Splunk Data Inputs of type Monitor
  • - Manage Splunk Data Inputs of type TCP or UDP
  • theforeman.foreman.activation_key - Manage Activation Keys
  • theforeman.foreman.architecture - Manage Architectures
  • theforeman.foreman.auth_source_ldap - Manage LDAP Authentication Sources
  • theforeman.foreman.bookmark - Manage Bookmarks
  • theforeman.foreman.compute_attribute - Manage Compute Attributes
  • theforeman.foreman.compute_profile - Manage Compute Profiles
  • theforeman.foreman.compute_resource - Manage Compute Resources
  • theforeman.foreman.config_group - Manage (Puppet) Config Groups
  • theforeman.foreman.content_credential - Manage Content Credentials
  • theforeman.foreman.content_upload - Upload content to a repository
  • theforeman.foreman.content_view - Manage Content Views
  • theforeman.foreman.content_view_filter - Manage Content View Filters
  • theforeman.foreman.content_view_version - Manage Content View Versions
  • theforeman.foreman.domain - Manage Domains
  • theforeman.foreman.external_usergroup - Manage External User Groups
  • theforeman.foreman.global_parameter - Manage Global Parameters
  • theforeman.foreman.hardware_model - Manage Hardware Models
  • - Manage Hosts
  • theforeman.foreman.host_collection - Manage Host Collections
  • theforeman.foreman.host_power - Manage Power State of Hosts
  • theforeman.foreman.hostgroup - Manage Hostgroups
  • theforeman.foreman.http_proxy - Manage HTTP Proxies
  • theforeman.foreman.image - Manage Images
  • theforeman.foreman.installation_medium - Manage Installation Media
  • theforeman.foreman.job_template - Manage Job Templates
  • theforeman.foreman.lifecycle_environment - Manage Lifecycle Environments
  • theforeman.foreman.location - Manage Locations
  • theforeman.foreman.operatingsystem - Manage Operating Systems
  • theforeman.foreman.organization - Manage Organizations
  • theforeman.foreman.os_default_template - Manage Default Template Associations To Operating Systems
  • theforeman.foreman.partition_table - Manage Partition Table Templates
  • theforeman.foreman.product - Manage Products
  • theforeman.foreman.provisioning_template - Manage Provisioning Templates
  • theforeman.foreman.puppet_environment - Manage Puppet Environments
  • theforeman.foreman.realm - Manage Realms
  • theforeman.foreman.redhat_manifest - Interact with a Red Hat Satellite Subscription Manifest
  • theforeman.foreman.repository - Manage Repositories
  • theforeman.foreman.repository_set - Enable/disable Repositories in Repository Sets
  • theforeman.foreman.repository_sync - Sync a Repository or Product
  • theforeman.foreman.resource_info - Gather information about resources
  • theforeman.foreman.role - Manage Roles
  • theforeman.foreman.scap_content - Manage SCAP content
  • theforeman.foreman.scap_tailoring_file - Manage SCAP Tailoring Files
  • theforeman.foreman.scc_account - Manage SUSE Customer Center Accounts
  • theforeman.foreman.scc_product - Subscribe SUSE Customer Center Account Products
  • theforeman.foreman.setting - Manage Settings
  • theforeman.foreman.smart_class_parameter - Manage Smart Class Parameters
  • theforeman.foreman.snapshot - Manage Snapshots
  • theforeman.foreman.subnet - Manage Subnets
  • theforeman.foreman.subscription_manifest - Manage Subscription Manifests
  • theforeman.foreman.sync_plan - Manage Sync Plans
  • theforeman.foreman.templates_import - Sync Templates from a repository
  • theforeman.foreman.user - Manage Users
  • theforeman.foreman.usergroup - Manage User Groups
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_banner - Manage multiline banners on VyOS devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_command - Run one or more commands on VyOS devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_config - Manage VyOS configuration on remote device
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_facts - Get facts about vyos devices.
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_firewall_global - FIREWALL global resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_firewall_interfaces - FIREWALL interfaces resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_firewall_rules - FIREWALL rules resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage Interface on VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_interfaces - Interfaces resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage L3 interfaces on VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_l3_interfaces - L3 interfaces resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_lag_interfaces - LAG interfaces resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_linkagg - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage link aggregation groups on VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_lldp - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP configuration on VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_lldp_global - LLDP global resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_lldp_interface - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_lldp_interfaces - LLDP interfaces resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_logging - Manage logging on network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_ospfv2 - OSPFv2 resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_ospfv3 - OSPFV3 resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_ping - Tests reachability using ping from VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_static_route - (deprecated, removed after 2022-06-01) Manage static IP routes on Vyatta VyOS network devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_static_routes - Static routes resource module
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_system - Run set system commands on VyOS devices
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_user - Manage the collection of local users on VyOS device
  • vyos.vyos.vyos_vlan - Manage VLANs on VyOS network devices
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