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Created June 12, 2018 05:40
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# Can be used in an Ansible module to check whether a certificate is revoked using OCSP.
# Needs filenames of certificate and intermediate certificate.
import base64
import os
import re
import tempfile
import traceback
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
def _get_host_from_uri(uri):
"""Extract the hostname from an URI."""
from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urlparse import urlparse
netloc = urlparse(uri).netloc
i = netloc.find(':')
return netloc[:i] if i >= 0 else netloc
def _run_openssl(module, args, acceptable_rcs=None):
"""Run OpenSSL command with given arguments."""
if acceptable_rcs is None:
acceptable_rcs = [0]
openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True)
openssl_cmd = [openssl_bin] + args
rc, out, error = module.run_command(openssl_cmd, check_rc=True, encoding=None)
if rc not in acceptable_rcs:
msg = 'Command "{0}" returned the not acceptable return code {1}. Error output: {2}'
raise ModuleFailException(msg.format(' '.join(openssl_cmd), rc, error.decode('utf8')))
return out.decode('utf8')
def is_revoked_ocsp(module, certificate, intermediate_certificate):
"""Check whether the given certificate is revoked by querying OCSP.
``certificate`` must be a path pointing to a certificate (PEM format).
``intermediate_certificate`` must be a path pointing to the intermediate
certificate, i.e. to the next certificate in the certificate chain.
# Determine OCSP URL
ocsp_uri = _run_openssl(module, ['x509', '-in', certificate, '-noout', '-ocsp_uri']).strip()
if not ocsp_uri:
raise ModuleFailException('Cannot determine OCSP URI from certificate!')
# Determine OpenSSL version
version_string = _run_openssl(module, ['version'])
m = re.match(r'^OpenSSL (\d+)\.(\d+)\..*', version_string)
if not m:
raise ModuleFailException('Cannot identify OpenSSL version from version string "{0}"!'.format(version_string))
openssl_version = (int(m[1]), int(m[2]))
# Get OCSP response. Note that we need to specify the Host header,
# but that the way to specify this depends on the OpenSSL version.
if openssl_version < (1, 1):
host_header = ['Host', _get_host_from_uri(ocsp_uri)]
host_header = ['Host=' + _get_host_from_uri(ocsp_uri)]
# Compose arguments for OpenSSL
args = ['ocsp', '-no_nonce', '-header']
args.extend(['-issuer', intermediate_certificate, '-cert', certificate, '-url', ocsp_uri, '-VAfile', intermediate_certificate])
result = _run_openssl(module, args)
# Interpret result
m = re.match(r'^.*: ([a-zA-Z]+)(?:\n|\r|$)', result)
if not m:
m = re.match(r'^Responder Error: (.*)(?:\n|\r|$)', result)
if m:
raise ModuleFailException('OCSP responder error: {0}'.format(m[1]))
raise ModuleFailException('Cannot parse OpenSSL OCSP output: {0}'.format(result))
return m[1] == 'revoked'
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