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Created July 19, 2013 13:41
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Prints IP address and expiration time for a domain. See first comment for usage.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=python :
Usage: dns_expire <domain>...
import calendar
import time
import dns.resolver
from docopt import docopt
def remain(domain):
x = dns.resolver.query(domain)
now = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
ip = x.response.answer[0][0].address
remaining = x.expiration - calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
return ip, remaining
def main(domains):
for domain in domains:
ip, remain_sec = remain(domain)
if remain_sec < 60:
print '%s (%s): %d sec' % (domain, ip, remain_sec)
print '%s (%s): %d sec (about %.1d min)' % (domain, ip, remain_sec, remain_sec / 60.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
domains = args['<domain>']
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Requires dnspython and docopt.

sudo pip install dnspython docopt
\curl -L | python

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