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Last active March 21, 2025 03:45
PMX (Polygon Model eXtended) 2.0, 2.1 File Format Specifications

PMX (Polygon Model eXtended) 2.1

This is an English description of the .PMX file format used in Miku Miku Dance (MMD).

PMX is the successor to the .PMD format (Polygon Model Data).

This is work-in-progress! Please leave feedback in the comments.


If you are able to help with any of these, please do! Either fork and request a merge or write in the comments below what needs to be done.

  • Figure out how SDEF uses C, R0, R1
  • A lot of unknown/incomplete information in the Bone section onwards

Read Format

  • Must be read in binary mode
  • Format is Little-Endian throughout
  • Text encoding is UTF16LE or UTF8 depending on the global encoding setting


C Types

Name Size (bytes) Range Notes std type
byte 1 -128..127 char int8_t
ubyte 1 0..255 unsigned char uint8_t
short 2 -2^15..( 2^15 - 1 ) short int16_t
ushort 2 0..( 2^16 - 1 ) unsigned short uint16_t
int 4 -2^31..( 2^31 - 1 ) int int32_t
uint 4 0..( 2^32 - 1 ) unsigned int uint32_t
float 4 IEEE 754 single float float

PMX Types

Name Size (bytes) Structure Notes
vec2 8 float, float XY vector
vec3 12 float, float, float XYZ vector
vec4 16 float, float, float, float XYZW vector
text 4 + length int, byte[] Byte sequence encoding defined in Globals
flag 1 byte 8 flags per byte. 0 = false, 1 = true
index 1/2/4 byte/ubyte/short/ushort/int Type defined in file header, sign depends on usage

Index Types

Name Type 1 Type 2 Type 4 Type 1 limit Type 2 limit Type 4 limit Nil Value
Vertex ubyte ushort int 255 65535 2147483647 N/A
Bone byte short int 127 32767 2147483647 -1
Texture byte short int 127 32767 2147483647 -1
Material byte short int 127 32767 2147483647 -1
Morph byte short int 127 32767 2147483647 -1
Rigidbody byte short int 127 32767 2147483647 -1

File Structure

Header Ver
Model information 2.0
[int] Vertex count Vertices 2.0
[int] Surface count Surfaces 2.0
[int] Texture count Textures 2.0
[int] Material count Materials 2.0
[int] Bone count Bones 2.0
[int] Morph count Morphs 2.0
[int] Displayframe count Displayframes 2.0
[int] Rigidbody count Rigidbodies 2.0
[int] Joint count Joints 2.0
[int] SoftBody count SoftBodies 2.1


Field Structure Value Notes
Signature byte[4] "PMX " [0x50, 0x4D, 0x58, 0x20] Notice the space at the end
Version float 2.0, 2.1 Compare as floating point values
Globals count byte Fixed at 8 for PMX 2.0 This could be variable
Globals byte[N] N = Globals count See Globals below
Model name local text Name of model Usually in Japanese
Model name universal text Name of model Usually in English
Comments local text Additional information (license) Usually in Japanese
Comments universal text Additional information (license) Usually in English


Index Name Values Effect
0 Text encoding 0, 1 Byte encoding for the "text" type, 0 = UTF16LE, 1 = UTF8
1 Additional vec4 count 0..4 Additional vec4 values are added to each vertex
2 Vertex index size 1, 2, 4 The index type for vertices (See Index Types above)
3 Texture index size 1, 2, 4 The index type for textures (See Index Types above)
4 Material index size 1, 2, 4 The index type for materials (See Index Types above)
5 Bone index size 1, 2, 4 The index type for bones (See Index Types above)
6 Morph index size 1, 2, 4 The index type for morphs (See Index Types above)
7 Rigidbody index size 1, 2, 4 The index type for rigid bodies (See Index Types above)


Additional Vec4s

Each vertex may gain up to 4 additional vec4 values as defined in the Globals list in the header. Usage tends to vary as most applications will simply pass the values to a vertex shader and let the shader decide the usage.

As an example, additional vec4 may be used for the following;

  • Additional texture UV
  • Specular map UV
  • Normal map UV
  • Vertex colour (PMX 2.1 has a material extension that uses the first additional vec4 for this)

As they are implementation dependant it is most-likely safe to ignore additional vec4, however this isn't a guarantee, a PMX model can be produced expecting additional vec4 to be used in a specific way.

Deform Types

Each vertex can be tied and weighted to bones based on the Bone Index (See Index Types above). A single vertex can be tied to a maximum of 4 bones.

There are multiple types of deforms, each one varies in length and usage.

The bone index of -1 is a nil value, the bone should be ignored.


Version 2.0

type name Notes
index Bone index Weight = 1.0


Version 2.0

type name Notes
index Bone index 1
index Bone index 2
float Bone 1 weight Bone 2 weight = 1.0 - Bone 1 weight


Version 2.0

type name Notes
index Bone index 1
index Bone index 2
index Bone index 3
index Bone index 4
float Bone 1 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0
float Bone 2 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0
float Bone 3 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0
float Bone 4 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0


Spherical deform blending

Version 2.0

type name Notes
index Bone index 1
index Bone index 2
float Bone 1 weight Bone 2 weight = 1.0 - Bone 1 weight
vec3 C ???
vec3 R0 ???
vec3 R1 ???


Dual quaternion deform blending

Version 2.1

type name Notes
index Bone index 1
index Bone index 2
index Bone index 3
index Bone index 4
float Bone 1 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0
float Bone 2 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0
float Bone 3 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0
float Bone 4 weight Weight total not guaranteed to be 1.0

Vertex Data

The vertex section starts with an int defining how many vertices there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Position vec3 XYZ
Normal vec3 XYZ
UV vec2 XY
Additional vec4 vec4[N] N is defined in the Globals (Can be 0)
Weight deform type byte 0 = BDEF1, 1 = BDEF2, 2 = BDEF4, 3 = SDEF, 4 = QDEF
Weight deform ~ See Deform Types above
Edge scale float Pencil-outline scale (1.0 should be around 1 pixel)


Surfaces are in groups of 3, they define a single triangle face based on the vertices that they are referencing.

[surface 0 -> A, surface 1 -> B, surface 2 -> C] = triangle [vertex A, vertex B, vertex C]

Triangle facing is defined in clockwise winding order (As with DirectX).

Surface Data

The surface section starts with an int defining how many surfaces there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Vertex index index See Index Types above

Additional Surface Types (PMX 2.1)

The material data is extended for PMX 2.1 to include point and line drawing. See the Material section to learn more about this.


This is a table of texture paths. The format of the paths is not defined, so it may be system dependant and it may feature absolute paths, this information is beyond the spec.

The file structure itself is also not defined, so textures may be in sub folders or may be expecting textures to be pre-defined by the implementation.

Some implementations will change texture behaviour based on file name, such as using "_s" as sphere map or "_n" as normal map or may have texture entries that do not even reference files but reference some other data.

There is also no preferred texture format; the most common texture formats are probably BMP, PNG, TGA but JPG and DDS formats are also sometimes used.

Reserved texture names

Textures "toon01.bmp" through to "toon10.bmp" are reserved. A model should not be referencing these textures via the texture data section. The resulting behaviour if this occurs is implementation dependant, some implementations will ignore these entries or some will directly reference internal textures.

Texture Data

The texture section starts with an int defining how many textures there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Path text File system path to a texture file (Usually relative)


Internally, materials would define the shading for the model when being rendered.

PMX is intended for material-based rendering, not physically-based rendering,

Material Flags

Materials can have the following bit flags:

Bit index Name Set effect Version
0 No-cull Disables back-face culling 2.0
1 Ground shadow Projects a shadow onto the geometry 2.0
2 Draw shadow Renders to the shadow map 2.0
3 Receive shadow Receives a shadow from the shadow map 2.0
4 Has edge Has "pencil" outline 2.0
5 Vertex colour Uses additional vec4 1 for vertex colour 2.1
6 Point drawing Each of the 3 vertices are points 2.1
7 Line drawing The triangle is rendered as lines 2.1

Point and Line drawing (PMX 2.1)

The point-drawing flag will override the line-drawing flag if both are set.

  • A standard triangle is rendered with vertices [A->B->C].
  • With point drawing each vertex is rendered as individual points [A, B, C] resulting in 3 points.
  • Line drawing will render 3 lines [A->B, B->C, C->A] resulting in 3 lines.

When point rendering is enabled the edge scale value from the material (Not the vertices) will control the size of the point.

It is undefined if point or lines will have edges if the edge flag is set.

Material Data

The material section starts with an int defining how many materials there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Material name local text Handy name for the material (Usually Japanese)
Material name universal text Handy name for the material (Usually English)
Diffuse colour vec4 RGBA colour (Alpha will set a semi-transparent material)
Specular colour vec3 RGB colour of the reflected light
Specular strength float The "size" of the specular highlight
Ambient colour vec3 RGB colour of the material shadow (When out of light)
Drawing flags flag See Material Flags
Edge colour vec4 RGBA colour of the pencil-outline edge (Alpha for semi-transparent)
Edge scale float Pencil-outline scale (1.0 should be around 1 pixel)
Texture index index See Index Types, this is from the texture table by default
Environment index index Same as texture index, but for environment mapping
Environment blend mode byte 0 = disabled, 1 = multiply, 2 = additive, 3 = additional vec4*
Toon reference byte 0 = Texture reference, 1 = internal reference
Toon value index/byte Behaviour depends on Toon reference value**
Meta data text This is used for scripting or additional data
Surface count int How many surfaces this material affects***

* Environment blend mode 3 will use the first additional vec4 to map the environment texture, using just the X and Y values as the texture UV. It is mapped as an additional texture layer. This may conflict with other uses for the first additional vec4.

** Toon value will be a texture index much like the standard texture and environment texture indexes unless the Toon reference byte is equal to 1, in which case Toon value will be a byte that references a set of 10 internal toon textures (Most implementations will use "toon01.bmp" to "toon10.bmp" as the internal textures, see the reserved names for Textures above).

*** Surface count will always be a multiple of 3. It is based on the offset of the previous material through to the size of the current material. If you add up all the surface counts for all materials you should end up with the total number of surfaces.


Bones are used for vertex animation.

Bone Flags

Bones can have the following bit flags:

Bit index Name Set effect Version
0 Indexed tail position Is the tail position a vec3 or bone index 2.0
1 Rotatable Enables rotation 2.0
2 Translatable Enables translation (shear) 2.0
3 Is visible ??? 2.0
4 Enabled ??? 2.0
5 IK Use inverse kinematics (physics) 2.0
8 Inherit rotation Rotation inherits from another bone 2.0
9 Inherit translation Translation inherits from another bone 2.0
10 Fixed axis The bone's shaft is fixed in a direction 2.0
11 Local co-ordinate ??? 2.0
12 Physics after deform ??? 2.0
13 External parent deform ??? 2.0

Inherit Bone

Name Type Notes
Parent index index See Index Types
Parent influence float Weight of how much influence this parent has on this bone

Bone Fixed Axis

Name Type Notes
Axis direction vec3 Direction this bone points

Bone Local Co-ordinate

Name Type Notes
X vector vec3 ???
Z vector vec3 ???

Bone External Parent

Name Type Notes
Parent index index ???

IK Angle Limit

Name Type Notes
Limit min vec3 Minimum angle (radians)
Limit max vec3 Maximum angle (radians)

IK Links

Name Type Notes
Bone index index See Index Types
Has limits byte When equal to 1, use angle limits
IK Angle limits ~ Used if has limits is 1. See IK Angle Limit

Bone IK

Name Type Notes
Target index index See Index Types
Loop count int ???
Limit radian float ???
Link count int How many bones this IK links with
IK links ~[N] N is link count; can be zero. See IK Links

Bone Data

The bone section starts with an int defining how many bones there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Bone name local text Handy name for the bone (Usually Japanese)
Bone name universal text Handy name for the bone (Usually English)
Position vec3 The local translation of the bone
Parent bone index index See Index Types
Layer int Deformation hierarchy
Flags flag[2] See Bone Flags
Tail position vec3/index If indexed tail position flag is set then this is a bone index
Inherit bone ~ Used if either of the inherit flags are set. See Inherit Bone
Fixed axis ~ Used if fixed axis flag is set. See Bone Fixed Axis
Local co-ordinate ~ Used if local co-ordinate flag is set. See Bone Local Co-ordinate
External parent ~ Used if external parent deform flag is set. See Bone External Parent
IK ~ Used if IK flag is set. See Bone IK


Offset Data

Offset data depends on the morph type.

Index Type Notes Version
0 Group 2.0
1 Vertex 2.0
2 Bone 2.0
3 UV 2.0
4 UV ext1 2.0
5 UV ext2 2.0
6 UV ext3 2.0
7 UV ext4 2.0
8 Material 2.0
9 Flip 2.1
10 Impulse 2.1


Name Type Notes
Morph index index See Index Types
Influence float Weight of indexed morph


Name Type Notes
Vertex index index See Index Types
Translation vec3 Translation to apply to vertex


Name Type Notes
Bone index index See Index Types
Translation vec3 Translation to apply to bone
Rotation vec4 Rotation to apply to bone


Name Type Notes
Vertex index index See Index Types
Floats vec4 What these do depends on the UV ext


Name Type Notes
Material index index See Index Types. -1 is all materials
Diffuse vec4
Specular vec3
Specularity float
Ambient vec3
Edge colour vec4
Edge size float
Texture tint vec4
Environment tint vec4
Toon tint vec4


Name Type Notes
Morph index index See Index Types
Influence float Weight of indexed morph


Name Type Notes
Rigid body index index See Index Types
Local flag byte
Movement speed vec3
Rotation torque vec3

Morph Data

The morph section starts with an int defining how many morphs there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Morph name local text Handy name for the morph (Usually Japanese)
Morph name universal text Handy name for the morph (Usually English)
Panel type byte See Morph Panel Types
Morph type byte See Morph Types
Offset size int Number of morph offsets
Offset data ~[N] N is offset count; can be zero. See Offset Data

Display Frame

Frame Type

Index Type Notes Version
0 Bone 2.0
1 Morph 2.0

Bone Frame Data

Name Type Notes
Bone index index See Index Types

Morph Frame Data

Name Type Notes
Morph index index See Index Types

Frame Data

Name Type Notes
Frame type byte See Frame Type
Frame data ~ See Frame Datas

Display Data

The display frame section starts with an int defining how many frames there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Display name local text Handy name for the display (Usually Japanese)
Display name universal text Handy name for the display (Usually English)
Special flag byte 0 = normal frame, 1 = special frame
Frame count int How many frames are in this display
Frames ~[N] N is frame count. See Frame Data

Rigid Body

Shape Type

Index Type Notes Version
0 Sphere 2.0
1 Box 2.0
2 Capsule 2.0

Physics Modes

Index Type Notes Version
0 Follow bone Rigid body sticks to bone 2.0
1 Physics Rigid body uses gravity 2.0
2 Physics + bone Rigid body uses gravity pivoted to bone 2.0

Rigid Body Data

The rigid body section starts with an int defining how many rigid bodies there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Rigid body name local text Handy name for the rigid body (Usually Japanese)
Rigid body name universal text Handy name for the rigid body (Usually English)
Related bone index index See Index Types
Group id byte Group id
Non-collision group short Non collision mask
Shape byte See Shape Type
Shape size vec3 XYZ bounds of the shape
Shape position vec3 XYZ shape location
Shape rotation vec3 XYZ shape rotation angles in radians
Mass float
Move attenuation float
Rotation damping float
Repulsion float
Friction force float
Physics mode byte See Physics Modes


Joint Type

Index Type Notes Version
0 Spring 6DOF 2.0
1 6DOF 2.1
2 P2P 2.1
3 ConeTwist 2.1
4 Slider 2.1
5 Hinge 2.1

Joint Data

The joint section starts with an int defining how many joints there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Joint name local text Handy name for the rigid body (Usually Japanese)
Joint name universal text Handy name for the rigid body (Usually English)
Type byte See Joint Type
Rigid body index A index See Index Types
Rigid body index B index
Position vec3
Rotation vec3 Rotation angle radian
Position minimum vec3 Minimum position value
Position maximum vec3 Maximum position value
Rotation minimum vec3 Minimum rotation value
Rotation maximum vec3 Maximum rotation value
Position spring vec3
Rotation spring vec3

Soft Body

Soft bodies are based on Bullet Physics and are introduced with PMX 2.1

Shape Types

Index Type Notes Version
0 TriMesh 2.1
1 Rope 2.1


Bit index Name Set effect Version
0 B-Link ??? 2.1
1 Cluster creation ??? 2.1
2 Link crossing ??? 2.1

Aerodynamics Models

Index Type Notes Version
0 V_Point ??? 2.1
1 V_TwoSided ??? 2.1
2 V_OneSided ??? 2.1
3 F_TwoSided ??? 2.1
4 F_OneSided ??? 2.1

Anchor Rigid Bodies

Name Type Notes
Rigid body index index See Index Types
Vertex index index See Index Types
Near mode byte ???

Vertex Pins

Name Type Notes
Vertex index index See Index Types

Soft Body Data

The soft body section starts with an int defining how many soft bodies there are (Note that it is a signed int).

Name Type Notes
Soft body name local text Handy name for the soft body (Usually Japanese)
Soft body name universal text Handy name for the soft body (Usually English)
Shape byte See Shape Types
Material index index See Index Types
Group byte Group id
No collision mask short Non collision mask
Flags flag See Flags
B-link create distance int ???
Number of clusters int ???
Total mass float
Collision margin float
Aerodynamics model int See Aerodynamics Models
Config VCF float Velocities correction factor (Baumgarte)
Config DP float Damping coefficient
Config DG float Drag coefficient
Config LF float Lift coefficient
Config PR float Pressure coefficient
Config VC float Volume conversation coefficient
Config DF float Dynamic friction coefficient
Config MT float Pose matching coefficient
Config CHR float Rigid contacts hardness
Config KHR float Kinetic contacts hardness
Config SHR float Soft contacts hardness
Config AHR float Anchors hardness
Cluster SRHR_CL float Soft vs rigid hardness
Cluster SKHR_CL float Soft vs kinetic hardness
Cluster SSHR_CL float Soft vs soft hardness
Cluster SR_SPLT_CL float Soft vs rigid impulse split
Cluster SK_SPLT_CL float Soft vs kinetic impulse split
Cluster SS_SPLT_CL float Soft vs soft impulse split
Interation V_IT int Velocities solver iterations
Interation P_IT int Positions solver iterations
Interation D_IT int Drift solver iterations
Interation C_IT int Cluster solver iterations
Material LST int Linear stiffness coefficient
Material AST int Area / Angular stiffness coefficient
Material VST int Volume stiffness coefficient
Anchor rigid body count int How many anchoring rigid bodies there are
Anchor rigid bodies ~[N] N is the anchor rigid body count. See Anchor Rigid Bodies
Vertex pin count int How many vertex pins there are
Vertex pins ~[N] N is the vertex pin count. See Vertex Pins
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where is the physics/selekton/morph information?
maybe could you give me the japanese version?

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hakanai commented Mar 18, 2018

I have a question. I ran into a file which is a PMX, but the header has a 0x10 instead of the 0x20. When I edit the byte to 0x20, the file I get turns out to be completely parsable normally, so I'm not sure what's going on here. The same format has two possible magic numbers?

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Wampa842 commented Nov 5, 2018

I've found out what the byte, in the material offset, after the index does. It's a boolean value that indicates the blending mode. Zero means the offsets are multiplicative, non-zero is additive.

You're also missing the morph panel table, which is:

Value Group Panel in MMD
0 Hidden None
1 Eyebrows Bottom left
2 Eyes Top left
3 Mouth Top right
4 Other Bottom right

@trejkaz Probably exported by a third party application, PMX editor should always use the "PMX " signature.

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Nuthouse01 commented Apr 7, 2020

Hello, I've found a mistake in your documentation here. Under a bone definition, the "Bone External Parent" section is incorrect: it does not hold a "bone index", it simply holds a 4-byte signed int.
As far as the "magic numbers" at the file head being different sometimes, I believe that is the result of people using a "PMX Locker" tool to try and prevent editing tools from recognizing it as a PMX. But yeah, the structure is otherwise identical and can be parsed without incident.
Side note, I've actually written a PMX reader/writer with Python that as far as I know handles the full PMX specification; my code is available here. It's mostly for my personal use, so it's not amazingly documented, but it's there if anyone wants to use it. I didn't write any custom classes, after parsing the data it's just structured as a list of lists of lists etc. You can figure out the structure by seeing how I arrange the variables into a list before returning from the various functions.

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hakanai commented Jul 17, 2020

I ran across some code from 2018 where I'd tried to formalise PMX format in Kaitai Struct, but forgotten to push the repository. I assume that it probably correlates somewhat with this document because I see myself in the comments in the same year, but I'm going to comb over it and update things where they look off.

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hakanai commented May 15, 2021

Keeping people up to date, there is an in progress pull request to get this into the main kaitai struct formats repository.


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hakanai commented Sep 9, 2021

Bone parent being -1 for no parent probably should be documented as that seems to be the sole reason to treat it as signed. Open questions:

  1. If it is signed, what happens if the index is for example -2?
  2. Are there other index types where there is this special value?

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hakanai commented Sep 10, 2021

I updated to be very specific about the coordinate system since it didn't seem to be mentioned.

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Bone has a missing flag.

The seventh bit index in bone flag indicates whether additional transform is local.

This means the value of the button written "L" on this screen. Based on the English PMX editor.

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