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Created December 17, 2013 01:49
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//CodePen Evaluation License
//Copyright (c) 2013, Inc.
// Non-sublicensable permission is hereby granted, free of charge,
// to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
// documentation files directly from (the "Software"), solely to
// internally make and internally use copies of the Software to test,
// explore, and evaluate the Software solely in such person’s non-commercial,
// non-production environments, provided that the above copyright
// notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
// substantial portions of the Software.
* almond 0.2.6 Copyright (c) 2011-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
* Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
* see: for details
/*! @source*/
!function(t, i) {
if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd)
else if ("object" == typeof window) {
var e;
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
t.Famous = i(), e && t.Famous(e)
}), t.Famous = function(t) {
e = t
} else
t.Famous = i()
}(this, function() {
var requirejs, require, define;
return function(t) {
function i(t, i) {
return, i)
function e(t, i) {
var e, s, o, n, r, a, h, u, c, p, l = i && i.split("/"), f =, d = f && f["*"] || {};
if (t && "." === t.charAt(0))
if (i) {
for (l = l.slice(0, l.length - 1), t = l.concat(t.split("/")), u = 0; u < t.length; u += 1)
if (p = t[u], "." === p)
t.splice(u, 1), u -= 1;
else if (".." === p) {
if (1 === u && (".." === t[2] || ".." === t[0]))
u > 0 && (t.splice(u - 1, 2), u -= 2)
t = t.join("/")
} else
0 === t.indexOf("./") && (t = t.substring(2));
if ((l || d) && f) {
for (e = t.split("/"), u = e.length; u > 0; u -= 1) {
if (s = e.slice(0, u).join("/"), l)
for (c = l.length; c > 0; c -= 1)
if (o = f[l.slice(0, c).join("/")], o && (o = o[s])) {
n = o, r = u;
if (n)
!a && d && d[s] && (a = d[s], h = u)
!n && a && (n = a, r = h), n && (e.splice(0, r, n), t = e.join("/"))
return t
function s(i, e) {
return function() {
return c.apply(t,, 0).concat([i, e]))
function o(t) {
return function(i) {
return e(i, t)
function n(t) {
return function(i) {
f[t] = i
function r(e) {
if (i(d, e)) {
var s = d[e];
delete d[e], v[e] = !0, u.apply(t, s)
if (!i(f, e) && !i(v, e))
throw new Error("No " + e);
return f[e]
function a(t) {
var i, e = t ? t.indexOf("!") : -1;
return e > -1 && (i = t.substring(0, e), t = t.substring(e + 1, t.length)), [i, t]
function h(t) {
return function() {
return m && m.config && m.config[t] || {}
var u, c, p, l, f = {}, d = {}, m = {}, v = {}, y = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, g = [].slice;
p = function(t, i) {
var s, n = a(t), h = n[0];
return t = n[1], h && (h = e(h, i), s = r(h)), h ? t = s && s.normalize ? s.normalize(t, o(i)) : e(t, i) : (t = e(t, i), n = a(t), h = n[0], t = n[1], h && (s = r(h))), {f: h ? h + "!" + t : t,n: t,pr: h,p: s}
}, l = {require: function(t) {
return s(t)
},exports: function(t) {
var i = f[t];
return "undefined" != typeof i ? i : f[t] = {}
},module: function(t) {
return {id: t,uri: "",exports: f[t],config: h(t)}
}}, u = function(e, o, a, h) {
var u, c, m, y, g, S, _ = [];
if (h = h || e, "function" == typeof a) {
for (o = !o.length && a.length ? ["require", "exports", "module"] : o, g = 0; g < o.length; g += 1)
if (y = p(o[g], h), c = y.f, "require" === c)
_[g] = l.require(e);
else if ("exports" === c)
_[g] = l.exports(e), S = !0;
else if ("module" === c)
u = _[g] = l.module(e);
else if (i(f, c) || i(d, c) || i(v, c))
_[g] = r(c);
else {
if (!y.p)
throw new Error(e + " missing " + c);
y.p.load(y.n, s(h, !0), n(c), {}), _[g] = f[c]
m = a.apply(f[e], _), e && (u && u.exports !== t && u.exports !== f[e] ? f[e] = u.exports : m === t && S || (f[e] = m))
} else
e && (f[e] = a)
}, requirejs = require = c = function(i, e, s, o, n) {
return "string" == typeof i ? l[i] ? l[i](e) : r(p(i, e).f) : (i.splice || (m = i, e.splice ? (i = e, e = s, s = null) : i = t), e = e || function() {
}, "function" == typeof s && (s = o, o = n), o ? u(t, i, e, s) : setTimeout(function() {
u(t, i, e, s)
}, 4), c)
}, c.config = function(t) {
return m = t, m.deps && c(m.deps, m.callback), c
}, requirejs._defined = f, define = function(t, e, s) {
e.splice || (s = e, e = []), i(f, t) || i(d, t) || (d[t] = [t, e, s])
}, define.amd = {jQuery: !0}
}(), define("lib/almond", function() {
}), "undefined" == typeof document || "classList" in document.createElement("a") || function(t) {
var i = "classList", e = "prototype", s = (t.HTMLElement || t.Element)[e], o = Object, n = String[e].trim || function() {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
}, r = Array[e].indexOf || function(t) {
for (var i = 0, e = this.length; e > i; i++)
if (i in this && this[i] === t)
return i;
return -1
}, a = function(t, i) { = t, this.code = DOMException[t], this.message = i
}, h = function(t, i) {
if ("" === i)
throw new a("SYNTAX_ERR", "An invalid or illegal string was specified");
if (/\s/.test(i))
throw new a("INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR", "String contains an invalid character");
return, i)
}, u = function(t) {
for (var i =, e = i ? i.split(/\s+/) : [], s = 0, o = e.length; o > s; s++)
this._updateClassName = function() {
t.className = this.toString()
}, c = u[e] = [], p = function() {
return new u(this)
if (a[e] = Error[e], c.item = function(t) {
return this[t] || null
}, c.contains = function(t) {
return t += "", -1 !== h(this, t)
}, c.add = function(t) {
t += "", -1 === h(this, t) && (this.push(t), this._updateClassName())
}, c.remove = function(t) {
t += "";
var i = h(this, t);
-1 !== i && (this.splice(i, 1), this._updateClassName())
}, c.toggle = function(t) {
t += "", -1 === h(this, t) ? this.add(t) : this.remove(t)
}, c.toString = function() {
return this.join(" ")
}, o.defineProperty) {
var l = {get: p,enumerable: !0,configurable: !0};
try {
o.defineProperty(s, i, l)
} catch (f) {
-2146823252 === f.number && (l.enumerable = !1, o.defineProperty(s, i, l))
} else
o[e].__defineGetter__ && s.__defineGetter__(i, p)
}(self), define("lib/classList", function() {
}), Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function(t) {
if ("function" != typeof this)
throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");
var i =, 1), e = this, s = function() {
}, o = function() {
return e.apply(this instanceof s && t ? this : t, i.concat(
return s.prototype = this.prototype, o.prototype = new s, o
}), define("lib/functionPrototypeBind", function() {
}), window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(t) {
return window.setTimeout(function() {
t(+new Date)
}, 1e3 / 60)
}), define("lib/requestAnimationFrame", function() {
}), define("famous/Entity", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
var i = r.length;
return n(i, t), i
function o(t) {
return r[t]
function n(t, i) {
r[t] = i
var r = [];
e.exports = {register: s,get: o,set: n}
}), define("famous/EventHandler", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
this.listeners = {}, this.downstream = [], this.downstreamFn = [], this.owner = this
function o(t, i) {
for (var e = !1, s = 0; s < this.downstream.length; s++)
e = this.downstream[s].emit(t, i) || e;
for (var s = 0; s < this.downstreamFn.length; s++)
e = this.downstreamFn[s](t, i) || e;
return e
s.prototype.emit = function(t, i) {
i || (i = {});
var e = this.listeners[t], s = !1;
if (e)
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
e[n].call(this.owner, i) && (s = !0);
return, t, i) || s
}, s.prototype.on = function(t, i) {
this.listeners[t] || (this.listeners[t] = []);
var e = this.listeners[t].indexOf(i);
return 0 > e && this.listeners[t].push(i), this
}, s.prototype.unbind = function(t, i) {
var e = this.listeners[t].indexOf(i);
e >= 0 && this.listeners[t].splice(e, 1)
}, s.prototype.pipe = function(t) {
var i = t instanceof Function ? this.downstreamFn : this.downstream, e = i.indexOf(t);
return 0 > e && i.push(t), t instanceof Function ? t("pipe") : t.emit("pipe"), t
}, s.prototype.unpipe = function(t) {
var i = t instanceof Function ? this.downstreamFn : this.downstream, e = i.indexOf(t);
return e >= 0 ? (i.splice(e, 1), t instanceof Function ? t("unpipe") : t.emit("unpipe"), t) : !1
}, s.prototype.bindThis = function(t) {
this.owner = t
}, s.setInputHandler = function(t, i) {
t.emit = i.emit.bind(i)
}, s.setOutputHandler = function(t, i) {
i instanceof s && i.bindThis(t), t.pipe = i.pipe.bind(i), t.unpipe = i.unpipe.bind(i), t.on = i.on.bind(i), t.unbind = i.unbind.bind(i)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Matrix", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
var s = {};
s.precision = 1e-6, s.identity = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], s.multiply4x4 = function o(t, i) {
var e = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
return e[0] = t[0] * i[0] + t[1] * i[4] + t[2] * i[8] + t[3] * i[12], e[1] = t[0] * i[1] + t[1] * i[5] + t[2] * i[9] + t[3] * i[13], e[2] = t[0] * i[2] + t[1] * i[6] + t[2] * i[10] + t[3] * i[14], e[3] = t[0] * i[3] + t[1] * i[7] + t[2] * i[11] + t[3] * i[15], e[4] = t[4] * i[0] + t[5] * i[4] + t[6] * i[8] + t[7] * i[12], e[5] = t[4] * i[1] + t[5] * i[5] + t[6] * i[9] + t[7] * i[13], e[6] = t[4] * i[2] + t[5] * i[6] + t[6] * i[10] + t[7] * i[14], e[7] = t[4] * i[3] + t[5] * i[7] + t[6] * i[11] + t[7] * i[15], e[8] = t[8] * i[0] + t[9] * i[4] + t[10] * i[8] + t[11] * i[12], e[9] = t[8] * i[1] + t[9] * i[5] + t[10] * i[9] + t[11] * i[13], e[10] = t[8] * i[2] + t[9] * i[6] + t[10] * i[10] + t[11] * i[14], e[11] = t[8] * i[3] + t[9] * i[7] + t[10] * i[11] + t[11] * i[15], e[12] = t[12] * i[0] + t[13] * i[4] + t[14] * i[8] + t[15] * i[12], e[13] = t[12] * i[1] + t[13] * i[5] + t[14] * i[9] + t[15] * i[13], e[14] = t[12] * i[2] + t[13] * i[6] + t[14] * i[10] + t[15] * i[14], e[15] = t[12] * i[3] + t[13] * i[7] + t[14] * i[11] + t[15] * i[15], arguments.length <= 2 ? e : o.apply(null, [e].concat(, 2)))
}, s.multiply = function n(t, i) {
if (!t || !i)
return t || i;
var e = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return e[0] = t[0] * i[0] + t[1] * i[4] + t[2] * i[8], e[1] = t[0] * i[1] + t[1] * i[5] + t[2] * i[9], e[2] = t[0] * i[2] + t[1] * i[6] + t[2] * i[10], e[4] = t[4] * i[0] + t[5] * i[4] + t[6] * i[8], e[5] = t[4] * i[1] + t[5] * i[5] + t[6] * i[9], e[6] = t[4] * i[2] + t[5] * i[6] + t[6] * i[10], e[8] = t[8] * i[0] + t[9] * i[4] + t[10] * i[8], e[9] = t[8] * i[1] + t[9] * i[5] + t[10] * i[9], e[10] = t[8] * i[2] + t[9] * i[6] + t[10] * i[10], e[12] = t[12] * i[0] + t[13] * i[4] + t[14] * i[8] + i[12], e[13] = t[12] * i[1] + t[13] * i[5] + t[14] * i[9] + i[13], e[14] = t[12] * i[2] + t[13] * i[6] + t[14] * i[10] + i[14], arguments.length <= 2 ? e : n.apply(null, [e].concat(, 2)))
}, s.move = function(t, i) {
return i[2] || (i[2] = 0), [t[0], t[1], t[2], 0, t[4], t[5], t[6], 0, t[8], t[9], t[10], 0, t[12] + i[0], t[13] + i[1], t[14] + i[2], 1]
}, s.moveThen = function(t, i) {
t[2] || (t[2] = 0);
var e = t[0] * i[0] + t[1] * i[4] + t[2] * i[8], o = t[0] * i[1] + t[1] * i[5] + t[2] * i[9], n = t[0] * i[2] + t[1] * i[6] + t[2] * i[10];
return s.move(i, [e, o, n])
}, s.translate = function(t, i, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = 0), [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, t, i, e, 1]
}, s.scale = function(t, i, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = 1), [t, 0, 0, 0, 0, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
}, s.rotateX = function(t) {
var i = Math.cos(t), e = Math.sin(t);
return [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, i, e, 0, 0, -e, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
}, s.rotateY = function(t) {
var i = Math.cos(t), e = Math.sin(t);
return [i, 0, -e, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, e, 0, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
}, s.rotateZ = function(t) {
var i = Math.cos(t), e = Math.sin(t);
return [i, e, 0, 0, -e, i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
}, s.rotate = function(t, i, e) {
var s = Math.cos(t), o = Math.sin(t), n = Math.cos(i), r = Math.sin(i), a = Math.cos(e), h = Math.sin(e), u = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return u[0] = n * a, u[1] = s * h + o * r * a, u[2] = o * h - s * r * a, u[4] = -n * h, u[5] = s * a - o * r * h, u[6] = o * a + s * r * h, u[8] = r, u[9] = -o * n, u[10] = s * n, u
}, s.rotateAxis = function(t, i) {
var e = Math.sin(i), s = Math.cos(i), o = 1 - s, n = t[0] * t[0] * o, r = t[0] * t[1] * o, a = t[0] * t[2] * o, h = t[1] * t[1] * o, u = t[1] * t[2] * o, c = t[2] * t[2] * o, p = t[0] * e, l = t[1] * e, f = t[2] * e, d = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return d[0] = n + s, d[1] = r + f, d[2] = a - l, d[4] = r - f, d[5] = h + s, d[6] = u + p, d[8] = a + l, d[9] = u - p, d[10] = c + s, d
}, s.aboutOrigin = function(t, i) {
var e = t[0] - (t[0] * i[0] + t[1] * i[4] + t[2] * i[8]), o = t[1] - (t[0] * i[1] + t[1] * i[5] + t[2] * i[9]), n = t[2] - (t[0] * i[2] + t[1] * i[6] + t[2] * i[10]);
return s.move(i, [e, o, n])
}, s.formatCSS = function(t) {
for (var i = t.slice(0), e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
i[e] < 1e-6 && i[e] > -1e-6 && (i[e] = 0);
return "matrix3d(" + i.join() + ")"
}, s.skew = function(t, i, e) {
return [1, 0, 0, 0, Math.tan(e), 1, 0, 0, Math.tan(i), Math.tan(t), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
}, s.getTranslate = function(t) {
return [t[12], t[13], t[14]]
}, s.inverse = function(t) {
var i = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], e = t[5] * t[10] - t[6] * t[9], s = t[4] * t[10] - t[6] * t[8], o = t[4] * t[9] - t[5] * t[8], n = t[1] * t[10] - t[2] * t[9], r = t[0] * t[10] - t[2] * t[8], a = t[0] * t[9] - t[1] * t[8], h = t[1] * t[6] - t[2] * t[5], u = t[0] * t[6] - t[2] * t[4], c = t[0] * t[5] - t[1] * t[4], p = t[0] * e - t[1] * s + t[2] * o, l = 1 / p;
return i[0] = l * e, i[1] = -l * n, i[2] = l * h, i[4] = -l * s, i[5] = l * r, i[6] = -l * u, i[8] = l * o, i[9] = -l * a, i[10] = l * c, i[12] = -t[12] * i[0] - t[13] * i[4] - t[14] * i[8], i[13] = -t[12] * i[1] - t[13] * i[5] - t[14] * i[9], i[14] = -t[12] * i[2] - t[13] * i[6] - t[14] * i[10], i
}, s.interpret = function(t) {
function i(t) {
return 2 == t.length ? t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1] : t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1] + t[2] * t[2]
function e(t) {
return Math.sqrt(i(t))
function o(t) {
return 0 > t ? -1 : 1
var n = [t[0], t[1], t[2]], r = o(n[0]), a = e(n), h = [n[0] + r * a, n[1], n[2]], u = 2 / i(h), c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
c[0] = 1 - u * h[0] * h[0], c[5] = 1 - u * h[1] * h[1], c[10] = 1 - u * h[2] * h[2], c[1] = -u * h[0] * h[1], c[2] = -u * h[0] * h[2], c[6] = -u * h[1] * h[2], c[4] = c[1], c[8] = c[2], c[9] = c[6];
var p = s.multiply(t, c), l = [p[5], p[6]], f = o(l[0]), d = e(l), m = [l[0] + f * d, l[1]], v = 2 / i(m), y = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
y[5] = 1 - v * m[0] * m[0], y[10] = 1 - v * m[1] * m[1], y[6] = -v * m[0] * m[1], y[9] = y[6];
var g = s.multiply(c, y), S = s.multiply(t, g), _ = s.scale(S[0] < 0 ? -1 : 1, S[5] < 0 ? -1 : 1, S[10] < 0 ? -1 : 1);
S = s.multiply(_, S), g = s.multiply(g, _);
var w = {};
return w.translate = s.getTranslate(t), w.rotate = [Math.atan2(-g[6], g[10]), Math.asin(g[2]), Math.atan2(-g[1], g[0])], w.rotate[0] || (w.rotate[0] = 0, w.rotate[2] = Math.atan2(g[4], g[5])), w.scale = [S[0], S[5], S[10]], w.skew = [Math.atan(S[9] / w.scale[2]), Math.atan(S[8] / w.scale[2]), Math.atan(S[4] / w.scale[0])], Math.abs(w.rotate[0]) + Math.abs(w.rotate[2]) > 1.5 * Math.PI && (w.rotate[1] = Math.PI - w.rotate[1], w.rotate[1] > Math.PI && (w.rotate[1] -= 2 * Math.PI), w.rotate[1] < -Math.PI && (w.rotate[1] += 2 * Math.PI), w.rotate[0] < 0 ? w.rotate[0] += Math.PI : w.rotate[0] -= Math.PI, w.rotate[2] < 0 ? w.rotate[2] += Math.PI : w.rotate[2] -= Math.PI), w
}, = function(t) {
var i = s.scale(t.scale[0], t.scale[1], t.scale[2]), e = s.skew(t.skew[0], t.skew[1], t.skew[2]), o = s.rotate(t.rotate[0], t.rotate[1], t.rotate[2]);
return s.move(s.multiply(i, e, o), t.translate)
}, s.equals = function(t, i) {
if (t === i)
return !0;
if (!t || !i)
return !1;
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
if (t[e] != i[e])
return !1;
return !0
}, s.normalizeRotation = function(t) {
var i = t.slice(0);
for ((i[0] == Math.PI / 2 || i[0] == -Math.PI / 2) && (i[0] = -i[0], i[1] = Math.PI - i[1], i[2] -= Math.PI), i[0] > Math.PI / 2 && (i[0] = i[0] - Math.PI, i[1] = Math.PI - i[1], i[2] -= Math.PI), i[0] < -Math.PI / 2 && (i[0] = i[0] + Math.PI, i[1] = -Math.PI - i[1], i[2] -= Math.PI); i[1] < -Math.PI; )
i[1] += 2 * Math.PI;
for (; i[1] >= Math.PI; )
i[1] -= 2 * Math.PI;
for (; i[2] < -Math.PI; )
i[2] += 2 * Math.PI;
for (; i[2] >= Math.PI; )
i[2] -= 2 * Math.PI;
return i
}, s.vecMultiply = function(t, i) {
return [t[0] * i[0] + t[1] * i[4] + t[2] * i[8] + i[12], t[0] * i[1] + t[1] * i[5] + t[2] * i[9] + i[13], t[0] * i[2] + t[1] * i[6] + t[2] * i[10] + i[14]]
}, s.applyPerspective = function(t, i) {
var e = i / (i - t[2]);
return [e * t[0], e * t[1]]
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Surface", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Entity", "./EventHandler", "./Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {}, = {}, this.content = "", this.classList = [], this.size = void 0, this._classesDirty = !0, this._stylesDirty = !0, this._sizeDirty = !0, this._contentDirty = !0, this._dirtyClasses = [], this._matrix = void 0, this._opacity = 1, this._origin = void 0, this._size = void 0, this.eventForwarder = function(t) {
this.emit(t.type, t)
}.bind(this), this.eventHandler = new f, this.eventHandler.bindThis(this), = l.register(this), t && this.setOptions(t), this._currTarget = void 0
function o(t) {
for (var i = this.surfaceEvents, e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
t.addEventListener(i[e], this.eventForwarder)
function r(t) {
for (var i = this.surfaceEvents, e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
t.removeEventListener(i[e], this.eventForwarder)
function a(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._dirtyClasses.length; i++)
this._dirtyClasses = []
function h(t) {
for (var i in[i] =[i]
function u(t) {
for (var i in[i] = ""
function c(t, i) {
return t || i ? t && i ? t[0] == i[0] && t[1] == i[1] : !1 : !0
function p(t) {
return (100 * t[0]).toFixed(6) + "% " + (100 * t[1]).toFixed(6) + "%"
var l = t("./Entity"), f = t("./EventHandler"), d = t("./Matrix"), m = void 0 !==;
s.prototype.surfaceEvents = ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel", "click", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousewheel", "wheel"], s.prototype.elementType = "div", s.prototype.elementClass = "surface", s.prototype.on = function(t, i) {
this.eventHandler.on(t, i)
}, s.prototype.unbind = function(t, i) {
this.eventHandler.unbind(t, i)
}, s.prototype.emit = function(t, i) {
i && !i.origin && (i.origin = this);
var e = this.eventHandler.emit(t, i);
return e && i.stopPropagation && i.stopPropagation(), e
}, s.prototype.pipe = function(t) {
return this.eventHandler.pipe(t)
}, s.prototype.pipeEvents = function() {
return console.warn("pipeEvents is deprecated; use pipe instead"), this.pipe.apply(this, arguments)
}, s.prototype.unpipe = function(t) {
return this.eventHandler.unpipe(t)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
}, s.prototype.setProperties = function(t) {
for (n in t)[n] = t[n];
this._stylesDirty = !0
}, s.prototype.getProperties = function() {
}, s.prototype.addClass = function(t) {
this.classList.indexOf(t) < 0 && (this.classList.push(t), this._classesDirty = !0)
}, s.prototype.removeClass = function(t) {
var i = this.classList.indexOf(t);
i >= 0 && (this._dirtyClasses.push(this.classList.splice(i, 1)[0]), this._classesDirty = !0)
}, s.prototype.setClasses = function(t) {
for (var i = [], e = 0; e < this.classList.length; e++)
t.indexOf(this.classList[e]) < 0 && i.push(this.classList[e]);
for (var e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
}, s.prototype.getClassList = function() {
return this.classList
}, s.prototype.setContent = function(t) {
this.content != t && (this.content = t, this._contentDirty = !0)
}, s.prototype.getContent = function() {
return this.content
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
t.size && this.setSize(t.size), t.classes && this.setClasses(t.classes), && this.setProperties(, t.content && this.setContent(t.content)
var v, y, g;
v = m ? function(t, i) { = d.formatCSS(i)
} : function(t, i) { = d.formatCSS(i)
}, y = m ? function(t, i) { = p(i)
} : function(t, i) { = p(i)
}, g = m ? function(t) { = "scale3d(0.0001,0.0001,1)", = 0
} : function(t) { = "scale3d(0.0001,0.0001,1)", = 0
}, s.prototype.setup = function(t) {
var i = t.allocate(this.elementType);
if (this.elementClass)
if (this.elementClass instanceof Array)
for (var e = 0; e < this.elementClass.length; e++)
i.classList.add(this.elementClass);, i), y(i, [0, 0]), this._currTarget = i, this._stylesDirty = !0, this._classesDirty = !0, this._sizeDirty = !0, this._contentDirty = !0, this._matrix = void 0, this._opacity = void 0, this._origin = void 0, this._size = void 0
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, s, o) {
this._currTarget || this.setup(t.getAllocator());
var n = this._currTarget;
if (this.size) {
var r = o;
o = this.size.slice(0), void 0 === o[0] && r[0] && (o[0] = r[0]), void 0 === o[1] && r[1] && (o[1] = r[1])
if (c(this._size, o) || (this._size = o.slice(0), this._sizeDirty = !0), !i && this._matrix)
return this._matrix = void 0, this._opacity = 0, g(n), void 0;
if (this._opacity !== e && (this._opacity = e, = Math.min(e, .999999)), !c(this._origin, s) || !d.equals(this._matrix, i)) {
i || (i = d.identity), s || (s = [0, 0]), this._origin = s.slice(0), this._matrix = i;
var u = i;
s && (u = d.moveThen([-this._size[0] * s[0], -this._size[1] * s[1]], i)), v(n, u)
if (this._classesDirty || this._stylesDirty || this._sizeDirty || this._contentDirty) {
if (this._classesDirty) {, n);
for (var p = this.getClassList(), l = 0; l < p.length; l++)
this._classesDirty = !1
this._stylesDirty && (, n), this._stylesDirty = !1), this._sizeDirty && (this._size && ( = this._size[0] !== !0 ? this._size[0] + "px" : "", = this._size[1] !== !0 ? this._size[1] + "px" : ""), this._sizeDirty = !1), this._contentDirty && (this.deploy(n), this._contentDirty = !1)
}, s.prototype.cleanup = function(t) {
var i = this._currTarget;
this.recall(i), = "", = "", this._size = void 0,, i);
var e = this.getClassList();, i);
for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++)
i.classList.remove(e[s]);, i), this._currTarget = void 0, t.deallocate(i), g(i)
}, s.prototype.deploy = function(t) {
var i = this.getContent();
"string" == typeof i ? t.innerHTML = i : t.appendChild(i)
}, s.prototype.recall = function(t) {
for (var i = document.createDocumentFragment(); t.hasChildNodes(); )
}, s.prototype.getSize = function(t) {
return t ? this._size : this.size || this._size
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t) {
this.size = t ? t.slice(0, 2) : void 0, this._sizeDirty = !0
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/CanvasSurface", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t && t.canvasSize && (this.canvasSize = t.canvasSize),, t), this.canvasSize || (this.canvasSize = this.getSize()), this.backBuffer = document.createElement("canvas"), this.canvasSize && (this.backBuffer.width = this.canvasSize[0], this.backBuffer.height = this.canvasSize[1]), this._contextId = void 0
var o = t("./Surface");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.elementType = "canvas", s.prototype.elementClass = "surface", s.prototype.setContent = function() {
}, s.prototype.deploy = function(t) {
this.canvasSize && (t.width = this.canvasSize[0], t.height = this.canvasSize[1]), "2d" == this._contextId && (t.getContext(this._contextId).drawImage(this.backBuffer, 0, 0), this.backBuffer.width = 0, this.backBuffer.height = 0)
}, s.prototype.recall = function(t) {
this.getSize(), this.backBuffer.width = t.width, this.backBuffer.height = t.height, "2d" == this._contextId && (this.backBuffer.getContext(this._contextId).drawImage(t, 0, 0), t.width = 0, t.height = 0)
}, s.prototype.getContext = function(t) {
return this._contextId = t, this._currTarget ? this._currTarget.getContext(t) : this.backBuffer.getContext(t)
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t, i) {
o.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments), i && (this.canvasSize = i.slice(0)), this._currTarget && (this._currTarget.width = this.canvasSize[0], this._currTarget.height = this.canvasSize[1])
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/SpecParser", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
function o(t, i) {
return [t[0] * i[0] + t[1] * i[4] + t[2] * i[8], t[0] * i[1] + t[1] * i[5] + t[2] * i[9], t[0] * i[2] + t[1] * i[6] + t[2] * i[10]]
var n = t("./Matrix");
s.parse = function(t, i) {
var e = new s, o = e.parse(t);
return i ? (i(o), void 0) : o
}, s.prototype.parse = function(t) {
return this.reset(), this._parseSpec(t, n.identity, 1, [0, 0], void 0, n.identity), this.result
}, s.prototype.reset = function() {
this.result = {}
}, s.prototype._parseSpec = function(t, i, e, s, r, a) {
if (void 0 == t)
else if ("number" == typeof t) {
var h = t, u = r ? [s[0] * r[0], s[1] * r[1], 0] : [0, 0, 0];
i || (i = n.identity), this.result[h] = [n.move(i, o(u, a)), e, s, r]
} else if (t instanceof Array)
for (var c = 0; c < t.length; c++)
this._parseSpec(t[c], i, e, s, r, a);
else if (void 0 !== {
var p =, l = i, f = e, d = s, m = r;
void 0 !== t.opacity && (f = e * t.opacity), t.transform && (l = n.multiply(t.transform, i)), t.origin && (d = t.origin), t.size && (m = t.size, void 0 === m[0] && (m[0] = r[0]), void 0 === m[1] && (m[1] = r[1]), r || (r = m), d || (d = [0, 0]), l || (l = n.identity), l = n.move(l, o([d[0] * r[0], d[1] * r[1], 0], a)), l = n.moveThen([-d[0] * m[0], -d[1] * m[1], 0], l), a = i ? i : n.identity, d = [0, 0]), this._parseSpec(p, l, f, d, m, a)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/RenderNode", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Entity", "./SpecParser", "./Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.modifiers = [], this.object = void 0, t && this.set(t), this._hasCached = !1, this._resultCache = {}, this._prevResults = {}
function o(t, i, e) {
var s = r.parse(t);
for (var a in s) {
var h = n.get(a), u = s[a];
var c = h.commit.apply(h, u);
c ? o(c, i, e) : e[a] = u
var n = t("./Entity"), r = t("./SpecParser");
t("./Matrix"), s.prototype.get = function() {
return this.object
}, s.prototype.set = function(t) {
this.object = t
}, = function(t) {
if (t instanceof Array)
else {
var i = this.get();
i ? i instanceof Array ? this.modifiers.unshift(t) : (this.modifiers.unshift(i), this.set(t)) : this.set(t)
return this
}, s.prototype.add = function(t) {
this.get() instanceof Array || this.set([]);
var i = new s(t);
return this.get().push(i), i
}, s.prototype.mod = function(t) {
return this.modifiers.push(t), this
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, s, r) {
var a = this.render(void 0, this._hasCached);
if (a !== !0) {
for (var h in this._prevResults)
if (!(h in this._resultCache)) {
var u = n.get(h);
u.cleanup && u.cleanup(t.getAllocator())
this._prevResults = this._resultCache, this._resultCache = {}, o({transform: i,size: r,origin: s,opacity: e,target: a}, t, this._resultCache), this._hasCached = !0
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
var i = t, e = this.get();
if (e)
if (e.render)
i = e.render(t);
else {
var s = e.length - 1;
for (i = new Array(s); s >= 0; )
i[s] = e[s].render(), s--
for (var o = this.modifiers.length, s = 0; o > s; s++)
i = this.modifiers[s].render(i);
return i
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/ElementAllocator", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t || (t = document.createDocumentFragment()), this.container = t, this.detachedNodes = {}, this.nodeCount = 0
s.prototype.migrate = function(t) {
var i = this.container;
if (t !== i) {
if (i instanceof DocumentFragment)
for (; i.hasChildNodes(); )
this.container = t
}, s.prototype.allocate = function(t) {
t = t.toLowerCase(), t in this.detachedNodes || (this.detachedNodes[t] = []);
var i, e = this.detachedNodes[t];
return e.length > 0 ? i = e.pop() : (i = document.createElement(t), this.container.appendChild(i)), this.nodeCount++, i
}, s.prototype.deallocate = function(t) {
var i = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), e = this.detachedNodes[i];
e.push(t), this.nodeCount--
}, s.prototype.getNodeCount = function() {
return this.nodeCount
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Utility", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
var s = {};
s.Curve = {linear: function(t) {
return t
},easeIn: function(t) {
return t * t
},easeOut: function(t) {
return t * (2 - t)
},easeInOut: function(t) {
return .5 >= t ? 2 * t * t : -2 * t * t + 4 * t - 1
},easeOutBounce: function(t) {
return t * (3 - 2 * t)
},spring: function(t) {
return (1 - t) * Math.sin(6 * Math.PI * t) + t
}}, s.Direction = {X: 0,Y: 1,Z: 2}, s.Origin = {tl: [0, 0],t: [.5, 0],tr: [1, 0],l: [0, .5],c: [.5, .5],r: [1, .5],bl: [0, 1],b: [.5, 1],br: [1, 1]}, s.after = function(t, i) {
var e = t;
return function() {
e--, 0 === e && i.apply(this, arguments)
}, s.loadURL = function(t, i) {
var e = new XMLHttpRequest;
e.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == this.readyState && i && i(this.responseText)
},"GET", t), e.send()
}, s.transformInFrontMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], s.transformInFront = {render: function(t) {
return {transform: s.transformInFrontMatrix,target: t}
}}, s.transformBehindMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1], s.transformBehind = {render: function(t) {
return {transform: s.transformBehindMatrix,target: t}
}}, s.customizeComponent = function(t, i, e) {
var s = function(s) {, i), s && this.setOptions(s), e &&
return s.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype), s
}, s.createDocumentFragmentFromHTML = function(t) {
var i = document.createElement("div");
i.innerHTML = t;
for (var e = document.createDocumentFragment(); i.hasChildNodes(); )
return e
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/MultipleTransition", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.method = t, this._instances = [], this.state = []
var o = t("./Utility");
s.SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE = !0, s.prototype.get = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._instances.length; t++)
this.state[t] = this._instances[t].get();
return this.state
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
for (var s = o.after(t.length, e), n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
this._instances[n] || (this._instances[n] = new this.method), this._instances[n].set(t[n], i, s)
}, s.prototype.reset = function(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
this._instances[i] || (this._instances[i] = new this.method), this._instances[i].reset(t[i])
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/TweenTransition", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), t && this.setOptions(t), this._startTime = 0, this._startValue = 0, this._updateTime = 0, this._endValue = 0, this._curve = void 0, this._duration = 0, this._active = !1, this._callback = void 0, this.state = 0
function o(t, i, e) {
return (1 - e) * t + e * i
function n(t) {
return t instanceof Object ? t instanceof Array ? t.slice(0) : Object.create(t) : t
function r(t, i) {
var e = {curve: i.curve};
return i.duration && (e.duration = i.duration), i.speed && (e.speed = i.speed), t instanceof Object && (void 0 !== t.duration && (e.duration = t.duration), t.curve && (e.curve = t.curve), t.speed && (e.speed = t.speed)), "string" == typeof e.curve && (e.curve = s.getCurve(e.curve)), e
var a = t("famous/Utility");
s.SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE = !0, s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {curve: a.Curve.linear,duration: 500,speed: 0};
var h = {};
s.registerCurve = function(t, i) {
return h[t] ? !1 : (h[t] = i, !0)
}, s.unregisterCurve = function(t) {
return h[t] ? (delete h[t], !0) : !1
}, s.getCurve = function(t) {
return h[t]
}, s.getCurves = function() {
return h
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.curve && (this.options.curve = t.curve), void 0 !== t.duration && (this.options.duration = t.duration), void 0 !== t.speed && (this.options.speed = t.speed)
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
if (!i)
return this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0;
if (this._startValue = n(this.get()), i = r(i, this.options), i.speed) {
var s = this._startValue;
if (s instanceof Object) {
var o = 0;
for (var a in s)
o += (t[a] - s[a]) * (t[a] - s[a]);
i.duration = Math.sqrt(o) / i.speed
} else
i.duration = Math.abs(t - s) / i.speed
this._startTime =, this._endValue = n(t), this._duration = i.duration, this._curve = i.curve, this._active = !0, this._callback = e
}, s.prototype.reset = function(t) {
if (this._callback) {
var i = this._callback;
this._callback = void 0, i()
this.state = n(t), this._startTime = 0, this._duration = 0, this._updateTime = 0, this._startValue = this.state, this._endValue = this.state, this._active = !1
}, s.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this.update(t), this.state
}, s.prototype.update = function(t) {
if (this._active) {
if (t || (t =, !(this._updateTime >= t)) {
this._updateTime = t;
var i = t - this._startTime;
if (i >= this._duration)
this.state = this._endValue, this._active = !1;
else if (0 > i)
this.state = this._startValue;
else {
var e = i / this._duration;
if (this.state instanceof Object)
for (var s in this.state)
this.state[s] = o(this._startValue[s], this._endValue[s], this._curve(e));
this.state = o(this._startValue, this._endValue, this._curve(e))
} else if (this._callback) {
var n = this._callback;
this._callback = void 0, n()
}, s.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
}, s.registerCurve("linear", a.Curve.linear), s.registerCurve("easeIn", a.Curve.easeIn), s.registerCurve("easeOut", a.Curve.easeOut), s.registerCurve("easeInOut", a.Curve.easeInOut), s.registerCurve("easeOutBounce", a.Curve.easeOutBounce), s.registerCurve("spring", a.Curve.spring), e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Transitionable", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Utility", "./MultipleTransition", "./TweenTransition"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.currentAction = null, this.actionQueue = [], this.callbackQueue = [], this.state = 0, this._callback = void 0, this._engineInstance = null, this._currentMethod = null, this.set(t)
function o() {
if (this._callback) {
var t = this._callback;
this._callback = void 0, t()
if (this.actionQueue.length <= 0)
return this.set(this._engineInstance), void 0;
this.currentAction = this.actionQueue.shift(), this._callback = this.callbackQueue.shift();
var i = null, e = this.currentAction[0], s = this.currentAction[1];
s instanceof Object && s.method ? (i = s.method, "string" == typeof i && (i = a[i])) : i = r, this._currentMethod !== i && (this._engineInstance = !(e instanceof Object) || i.SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE === !0 || e.length <= i.SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE ? new i : new n(i), this._currentMethod = i), this._engineInstance.reset(this.state), this._engineInstance.set(e, s, o.bind(this))
var n = t("./MultipleTransition"), r = t("./TweenTransition"), a = {};
s.registerMethod = function(t, i) {
return t in a ? !1 : (a[t] = i, !0)
}, s.unregisterMethod = function(t) {
return t in a ? (delete a[t], !0) : !1
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
if (!i)
return this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0;
var s = [t, i];
this.actionQueue.push(s), this.callbackQueue.push(e), this.currentAction ||
}, s.prototype.reset = function(t) {
this._currentMethod = null, this._engineInstance = null, this.state = t, this.currentAction = null, this.actionQueue = [], this.callbackQueue = []
}, s.prototype.delay = function(t, i) {
this.set(this._engineInstance, {duration: t,curve: function() {
return 0
}}, i)
}, s.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this._engineInstance && (this.state = this._engineInstance.get(t)), this.state
}, s.prototype.isActive = function() {
return !!this.currentAction
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Context", ["require", "exports", "module", "./RenderNode", "./EventHandler", "./SpecParser", "./ElementAllocator", "./Matrix", "./Transitionable"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.container = t, this.allocator = new a(t), this.srcNode = new n, this.eventHandler = new r, this._size = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight], this.perspectiveState = new u(0), this._perspective = void 0, this.eventHandler.on("resize", function() {
this._size = o(this.container)
function o(t) {
return [t.clientWidth, t.clientHeight]
var n = t("./RenderNode"), r = t("./EventHandler");
var a = t("./ElementAllocator"), h = t("./Matrix"), u = t("./Transitionable");
s.prototype.getAllocator = function() {
return this.allocator
}, = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.add = function(t) {
return this.srcNode.add(t)
}, s.prototype.mod = function(t) {
return this.srcNode.mod(t)
}, s.prototype.migrate = function(t) {
t !== this.container && (this.container = t, this.allocator.migrate(t))
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this._size
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t) {
t || (t = o(this.container)), this._size = t
}, s.prototype.update = function() {
var t = this.perspectiveState.get();
t !== this._perspective && ( = t ? t.toFixed() + "px" : "", = t ? t.toFixed() : "", this._perspective = t), this.srcNode && this.srcNode.commit(this, h.identity, 1, [0, 0], this._size)
}, s.prototype.getOutputTransform = function(t) {
var i = this.parsedCache;
if (i) {
var e =, s = {transform: i.transforms[e],opacity: i.opacities[e]};
if ([e] && (s.origin =[e]), i.groups[e]) {
var o = i.groups[e];
s.transform = h.multiply(s.transform, i.groupTransforms[o]), i.groupOpacities[o] && (s.opacity *= i.groupOpacities[o])
return s
}, s.prototype.getPerspective = function() {
return this.perspectiveState.get()
}, s.prototype.setPerspective = function(t, i, e) {
return this.perspectiveState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.emit = function(t, i) {
return this.eventHandler.emit(t, i)
}, s.prototype.on = function(t, i) {
return this.eventHandler.on(t, i)
}, s.prototype.unbind = function(t, i) {
return this.eventHandler.unbind(t, i)
}, s.prototype.pipe = function(t) {
return this.eventHandler.pipe(t)
}, s.prototype.unpipe = function(t) {
return this.eventHandler.unpipe(t)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/ContainerSurface", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Surface", "./Context"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {, t), this._container = document.createElement("div"), this._container.classList.add("group"), = "100%", = "100%", = "relative", this._shouldRecalculateSize = !1, this.context = new n(this._container), this.setContent(this._container)
var o = t("./Surface"), n = t("./Context");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.elementType = "div", s.prototype.elementClass = "surface", = function() {
return, arguments)
}, s.prototype.add = function() {
return this.context.add.apply(this.context, arguments)
}, s.prototype.mod = function() {
return this.context.mod.apply(this.context, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this._sizeDirty && (this._shouldRecalculateSize = !0),
}, s.prototype.commit = function() {
var t = o.prototype.commit.apply(this, arguments);
return this._shouldRecalculateSize && (this.context.setSize(), this._shouldRecalculateSize = !1), this.context.update(), t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Engine", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Context", "./EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
var t =;
if (T && T > t - x)
return requestAnimationFrame(s), void 0;
O = t - x, x = t, I.emit("prerender");
for (var i = 0; i < _.length; i++)
for (_ = []; w.length && - t < b; )
for (var i = 0; i < S.length; i++)
I.emit("postrender"), requestAnimationFrame(s)
function o(t) {
if (document.activeElement && "INPUT" == document.activeElement.nodeName)
return document.activeElement.addEventListener("blur", function e() {
this.removeEventListener("blur", e), o(t)
}), void 0;
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < S.length; i++)
function n(t) {
return I.pipe(t)
function r(t) {
return I.unpipe(t)
function a(t, i) {
I.on(t, i)
function h(t, i) {
I.emit(t, i)
function u(t, i) {
I.unbind(t, i)
function c() {
return 1e3 / O
function p(t) {
T = Math.floor(1e3 / t)
function l(t) {
void 0 === t ? (t = document.createElement("div"), t.classList.add("container"), document.body.appendChild(t)) : t instanceof Element || (t = document.createElement("div"), console.warn("Tried to create context on non-existent element"));
var i = new y(t);
return S.push(i), i
function f(t) {
function d(t) {
return C[t]
function m(t) {
var i = C.length;
return C[i] = t, i
function v(t) {
var y = t("./Context"), g = t("./EventHandler"), S = [], _ = [], w = [], x =, O = void 0, T = void 0, I = new g, b = 10, C = [];
requestAnimationFrame(s), window.addEventListener("resize", o, !1), o(), window.addEventListener("touchmove", function(t) {
}, !1);
for (var M = ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel", "click", "keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "mouseup", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mousewheel", "wheel", "resize"], E = 0; E < M.length; E++) {
var F = M[E];
document.body.addEventListener(F, function(t) {
I.emit(t.type, t, !1)
}, !1)
e.exports = {on: a,defer: v,emit: h,unbind: u,pipe: n,unpipe: r,createContext: l,getFPS: c,setFPSCap: p,nextTick: f,getEntity: d,registerEntity: m}
}), define("famous/EventArbiter", ["require", "exports", "module", "./EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.dispatchers = {}, this.currMode = void 0, this.setMode(t)
var o = t("./EventHandler");
s.prototype.setMode = function(t) {
if (t != this.currMode) {
var i = this.currMode;
this.dispatchers[this.currMode] && this.dispatchers[this.currMode].emit("unpipe"), this.currMode = t, this.dispatchers[t] && this.dispatchers[t].emit("pipe"), this.emit("change", {from: i,to: t})
}, s.prototype.forMode = function(t) {
return this.dispatchers[t] || (this.dispatchers[t] = new o), this.dispatchers[t]
}, s.prototype.emit = function(t, i) {
if (void 0 == this.currMode)
return !1;
i || (i = {});
var e = this.dispatchers[this.currMode];
return e ? e.emit(t, i) : void 0
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Group", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Context", "./Matrix", "./Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {, t), this._shouldRecalculateSize = !1, this._container = document.createDocumentFragment(), this.context = new o(this._container), this.setContent(this._container), this._groupSize = [void 0, void 0], this._origin = void 0, this._originTransfer = {render: function(t) {
return {origin: this._origin,target: t}
var o = t("./Context"), n = t("./Matrix"), r = t("./Surface");
s.SIZE_ZERO = [0, 0], s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), s.prototype.elementType = "div", s.prototype.elementClass = "group", = function() {
var t =;
return, arguments)
}, s.prototype.add = function() {
return this.context.add.apply(this.context, arguments)
}, s.prototype.mod = function() {
return this.context.mod.apply(this.context, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
}, s.prototype.deploy = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.recall = function() {
this._container = document.createDocumentFragment(), this.context.migrate(this._container)
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, o, a) {
i = n.moveThen([-o[0] * a[0], -o[1] * a[1], 0], i);
var h =, t, i, e, o, s.SIZE_ZERO);
return this._origin = o, (a[0] != this._groupSize[0] || a[1] != this._groupSize[1]) && (this.context.setSize(a), this._groupSize[0] = a[0], this._groupSize[1] = a[1]), this.context.update(), h
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/ImageSurface", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
this.imageUrl = void 0, o.apply(this, arguments)
var o = t("./Surface");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.surfaceEvents = o.prototype.surfaceEvents.concat(["load"]), s.prototype.elementType = "img", s.prototype.elementClass = "surface", s.prototype.setContent = function(t) {
this.imageUrl = t, this._contentDirty = !0
}, s.prototype.deploy = function(t) {
t.src = this.imageUrl || ""
}, s.prototype.recall = function(t) {
t.src = ""
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Modifier", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Matrix", "./Transitionable", "./Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
var i = o.identity, e = 1, s = void 0, r = void 0;
arguments.length > 1 || arguments[0] instanceof Array ? (void 0 !== arguments[0] && (i = arguments[0]), void 0 !== arguments[1] && (e = arguments[1]), s = arguments[2], r = arguments[3]) : t && (t.transform && (i = t.transform), void 0 !== t.opacity && (e = t.opacity), t.origin && (s = t.origin), t.size && (r = t.size)), this.transformTranslateState = new n([0, 0, 0]), this.transformRotateState = new n([0, 0, 0]), this.transformSkewState = new n([0, 0, 0]), this.transformScaleState = new n([1, 1, 1]), this.opacityState = new n(e), this.originState = new n([0, 0]), this.sizeState = new n([0, 0]), this._originEnabled = !1, this._sizeEnabled = !1, this.setTransform(i), this.setOpacity(e), this.setOrigin(s), this.setSize(r)
var o = t("./Matrix"), n = t("./Transitionable"), r = t("./Utility");
s.prototype.getTransform = function() {
return this.isActive() ?{translate: this.transformTranslateState.get(),rotate: this.transformRotateState.get(),skew: this.transformSkewState.get(),scale: this.transformScaleState.get()}) : this.getFinalTransform()
}, s.prototype.getFinalTransform = function() {
return this._finalTransform
}, s.prototype.setTransform = function(t, i, e) {
var s = e ? r.after(4, e) : void 0;
if (i) {
if (this._transformDirty) {
var n = o.interpret(this.getFinalTransform());
this.transformTranslateState.set(n.translate), this.transformRotateState.set(n.rotate), this.transformSkewState.set(n.skew), this.transformScaleState.set(n.scale), this._transformDirty = !1
var a = o.interpret(t);
this.transformTranslateState.set(a.translate, i, s), this.transformRotateState.set(a.rotate, i, s), this.transformSkewState.set(a.skew, i, s), this.transformScaleState.set(a.scale, i, s)
} else
this.transformTranslateState.halt(), this.transformRotateState.halt(), this.transformSkewState.halt(), this.transformScaleState.halt(), this._transformDirty = !0;
this._finalTransform = t
}, s.prototype.getOpacity = function() {
return this.opacityState.get()
}, s.prototype.setOpacity = function(t, i, e) {
this.opacityState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.getOrigin = function() {
return this._originEnabled ? this.originState.get() : void 0
}, s.prototype.setOrigin = function(t, i, e) {
this._originEnabled = !!t, t || (t = [0, 0]), t instanceof Array || (t =[t]), this.originState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this._sizeEnabled ? this.sizeState.get() : void 0
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t, i, e) {
this._sizeEnabled = !!t, t || (t = [0, 0]), this.sizeState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.setDefaultTransition = function(t) {
this.transformTranslateState.setDefault(t), this.transformRotateState.setDefault(t), this.transformSkewState.setDefault(t), this.transformScaleState.setDefault(t), this.opacityState.setDefault(t), this.originState.setDefault(t), this.sizeState.setDefault(t)
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
this.transformTranslateState.halt(), this.transformRotateState.halt(), this.transformSkewState.halt(), this.transformScaleState.halt(), this.opacityState.halt(), this.originState.halt(), this.sizeState.halt()
}, s.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this.transformTranslateState.isActive() || this.transformRotateState.isActive() || this.transformSkewState.isActive() || this.transformScaleState.isActive()
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
return {transform: this.getTransform(),opacity: this.getOpacity(),origin: this.getOrigin(),size: this.getSize(),target: t}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/OptionsManager", ["require", "exports", "module", "./EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this._value = t, this.eventOutput = null
function o() {
this.eventOutput = new n, this.eventOutput.bindThis(this), n.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput)
var n = t("./EventHandler");
s.patch = function(t) {
for (var i = new s(t), e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++)
return t
}, s.prototype.patch = function() {
for (var t = this._value, i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var e = arguments[i];
for (var s in e)
!(s in t && "object" == typeof t[s]) || t[s] instanceof Array || "object" != typeof e[s] || e[s] instanceof Array ? this.set(s, e[s]) : (t.hasOwnProperty(s) || (t[s] = Object.create(t[s])), this.key(s).patch(e[s]), this.eventOutput && this.eventOutput.emit("change", {id: s,value: this.key(s).value()}))
return this
}, s.prototype.setOptions = s.prototype.patch, s.prototype.key = function(t) {
var i = new s(this._value[t]);
return (!(i._value instanceof Object) || i._value instanceof Array) && (i._value = {}), i
}, s.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this._value[t]
}, s.prototype.getOptions = s.prototype.get, s.prototype.set = function(t, i) {
var e = this.get(t);
return this._value[t] = i, this.eventOutput && i !== e && this.eventOutput.emit("change", {id: t,value: i}), this
}, s.prototype.value = function() {
return this._value
}, s.prototype.on = function() {
return, this.on.apply(this, arguments)
}, s.prototype.unbind = function() {
return, this.unbind.apply(this, arguments)
}, s.prototype.pipe = function() {
return, this.pipe.apply(this, arguments)
}, s.prototype.unpipe = function() {
return, this.unpipe.apply(this, arguments)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/SceneCompiler", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
var i = {varCounter: 0}, e = [], s =, t, e);
return e.push("return " + s + ";"), new Function(["FT", "RenderNode", "RN_link", "RN_include", "id", "transforms"], e.join("\n"))
function o(t, i) {
return "var " + t + " = " + i + ";"
function n(t, i) {
return "id." + t + " = " + i + ";"
function r(t) {
return "transforms.push(" + t + ");"
function a() {
return "_" + this.varCounter++
function h(t, i) {
var e;
if (t instanceof Array)
e =, t, i);
else if (e =, {
var s =,, i), p =, t, i);
i.push(o(e, "new RenderNode(" + p + ")")), i.push("" + e + ", " + s + ");"), && i.push(n(, p)), i.push(r(p))
} else && (i.push(o(e, "new RenderNode()")), i.push(n(, e)));
return e
function u(t, i) {
var e =;
i.push(o(e, "new RenderNode()"));
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
var n =, t[s], i);
n && i.push("" + e + ", " + n + ");")
return e
function c(t, i) {
var e = t.transform, s = t.opacity, n = t.origin, r = t.size;;
var h = l.identity;
if (e instanceof Array)
if (16 == e.length && "number" == typeof e[0])
h = e;
for (var u = 0; u < e.length; u++)
h = l.multiply(h, p(e[u]));
e instanceof Object && (h = p(e));
var c =, f = "[" + h.join(",") + "]", d = n ? "[" + n.join(",") + "]" : void 0, m = r ? "[" + r.join(",") + "]" : void 0;
return i.push(o(c, "new FT(" + f + "," + s + "," + d + "," + m + ")")), c
function p(t) {
for (var i in f)
if (i in t) {
var e = t[i];
return e instanceof Array || (e = [e]), f[i].apply(this, e)
var l = t("./Matrix"), f = {translate: l.translate,rotate: l.rotate,rotateX: l.rotateX,rotateY: l.rotateY,rotateZ: l.rotateZ,rotateAxis: l.rotateAxis,scale: l.scale,skew: l.skew,matrix3d: function() {
return arguments
e.exports = {compile: s}
}), define("famous/Scene", ["require", "exports", "module", "./RenderNode", "./Modifier", "./SceneCompiler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) { = {}, this.transforms = [], this.node = new o, this._def = void 0, t && this.load(t)
var o = t("./RenderNode"), n = t("./Modifier"), r = t("./SceneCompiler"), a =, h = o.prototype.add;
s.prototype.create = function() {
return new s(this._def)
}, s.prototype.load = function(t) {
t instanceof s ? t = t._def : t instanceof Function || (t = r.compile(t)), this.node = t(n, o, a, h,, this.transforms), this._def = t
}, s.prototype.getTransforms = function() {
return this.transforms
}, s.prototype.add = function() {
return this.node.add.apply(this.node, arguments)
}, s.prototype.mod = function() {
return this.node.mod.apply(this.node, arguments)
}, = function() {
return, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.node.render.apply(this.node, arguments)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/Timer", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Engine"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
return u.on(c, t), t
function o(t, i) {
var e = p(), o = function() {
var s = p();
s - e >= i && (t.apply(this, arguments), u.unbind(c, o))
return s(o)
function n(t, i) {
var e = p(), o = function() {
var s = p();
s - e >= i && (t.apply(this, arguments), e = p())
return s(o)
function r(t, i) {
if (void 0 !== i) {
var e = function() {
i--, 0 >= i && (t.apply(this, arguments), h(e))
return s(e)
function a(t, i) {
i = i || 1;
var e = i, o = function() {
i--, 0 >= i && (t.apply(this, arguments), i = e)
return s(o)
function h(t) {
u.unbind(c, t)
var u = t("famous/Engine"), c = "prerender", p = window.performance ? function() {
} : function() {
e.exports = {setTimeout: o,setInterval: n,after: r,every: a,clear: h}
}), define("famous/VideoSurface", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.autoplay = t.autoplay || !1, this.videoUrl = void 0, o.apply(this, arguments)
var o = t("./Surface");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.elementType = "video", s.prototype.elementClass = "surface", s.prototype.setContent = function(t) {
this.videoUrl = t, this.contentDirty = !0
}, s.prototype.deploy = function(t) {
t.src = this.videoUrl, t.autoplay = this.autoplay
}, s.prototype.recall = function(t) {
t.src = ""
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/View", ["require", "exports", "module", "./RenderNode", "./EventHandler", "./OptionsManager"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.node = new o, this.eventInput = new n, this.eventOutput = new n, n.setInputHandler(this, this.eventInput), n.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this.options = Object.create(this.constructor.DEFAULT_OPTIONS || s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.optionsManager = new r(this.options), t && this.setOptions(t)
var o = t("./RenderNode"), n = t("./EventHandler"), r = t("./OptionsManager");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {}, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.optionsManager.value()
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
}, s.prototype._add = function() {
return this.node.add.apply(this.node, arguments)
}, s.prototype._link = function() {
return, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.node.render.apply(this.node, arguments)
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
var t = this.node.get();
return t.getSize ? t.getSize.apply(t, arguments) : this.options.size
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/ViewSequence", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i, e) {
this.array = t || [], this.index = i || 0, this.loop = e || !1, this._prev = void 0, this._prevIndex = void 0, this._next = void 0, this._nextIndex = void 0
function o(t) {
for (var i = this.index, e = this; e && i < this.array.length; )
e.index += t, void 0 !== e._prevIndex && (e._prevIndex += t), void 0 !== e._nextIndex && (e._nextIndex += t), e = e._next
s.prototype._createPrevious = function() {
var t = new this.constructor(this.array, this._prevIndex, this.loop);
return t._next = this, t._nextIndex = this.index, t
}, s.prototype._createNext = function() {
var t = new this.constructor(this.array, this._nextIndex, this.loop);
return t._prev = this, t._prevIndex = this.index, t
}, s.prototype.getPrevious = function() {
var t = this.index - 1;
if (0 == this.index) {
if (!this.loop)
return void 0;
t = this.array.length - 1
return this._prev && this._prevIndex == t || (this._prevIndex = t, this._prev = this._createPrevious()), this._prev
}, s.prototype.getNext = function() {
var t = this.index + 1;
if (t >= this.array.length) {
if (!this.loop)
return void 0;
t = 0
return this._next && this._nextIndex == t || (this._nextIndex = t, this._next = this._createNext()), this._next
}, s.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.index
}, s.prototype.unshift = function() {
if (this._prev && 0 !== this.index)
this._prev.unshift.apply(this._prev, arguments);
else {
var t = arguments.length;
this.array.unshift.apply(this.array, arguments),, t)
}, s.prototype.push = function() {
this.array.push.apply(this.array, arguments)
}, s.prototype.splice = function(t, i) {
if (this._prev && this.index !== t)
this._prev.splice.apply(this._prev, arguments);
else {
var e = this.index >= t ? arguments.length - 2 - i : 0;
this.array.splice.apply(this.array, arguments), e &&, e)
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
return this.array[this.index]
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
var t = this.get();
if (t)
return t.getSize ? t.getSize.apply(t, arguments) : void 0
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
var t = this.get();
if (t)
return t.render.apply(t, arguments)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous/WebGLSurface", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.options = i, this._canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),, t), this.setContent(this._canvas), this.setSize(t)
var o = t("./Surface");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.getContext = function() {
return this._canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", this.options)
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t) {
o.prototype.setSize.apply(this, arguments), = t[0] + "px", = t[1] + "px";
var i = window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1;
this._canvas.width = t[0] * i, this._canvas.height = t[1] * i
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-modifiers/Camera", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Transitionable", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this._renderMatrix = r.identity, this._scaleState = new n([1, 1, 1]), this._skewState = new n([0, 0, 0]), this._rotateState = new n([0, 0, 0]), this._translateState = new n([0, 0, 0]), this._dirty = !1, t && this.lookAt(t)
function o() {
var t = r.scale.apply(this, this._scaleState.get()), i = r.skew.apply(this, this._skewState.get()), e = r.rotate.apply(this, this._rotateState.get()), s = r.move(r.multiply(t, i, e), this._translateState.get());
return r.inverse(s)
var n = t("famous/Transitionable"), r = t("famous/Matrix"), a = t("famous/Utility");
s.prototype.halt = function() {
this._scaleState.halt(), this._skewState.halt(), this._rotateState.halt(), this._translateState.halt()
}, s.prototype.getScale = function() {
return this._scaleState.get()
}, s.prototype.setScale = function(t, i, e) {
return this._dirty = !0, this._scaleState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.getSkew = function() {
return this._skewState.get()
}, s.prototype.setSkew = function(t, i, e) {
return this._dirty = !0, this._skewState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.getRotation = function() {
return this._rotateState.get()
}, s.prototype.setRotation = function(t, i, e) {
return this._dirty = !0, this._rotateState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.getSpin = s.prototype.getRotation, s.prototype.setSpin = s.prototype.setRotation, s.prototype.getPos = function() {
return this._translateState.get()
}, s.prototype.setPos = function(t, i, e) {
return this._dirty = !0, this._translateState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.lookAt = function(t, i, e) {
var s = void 0;
e && (s = a.after(4, e)), this.halt();
var o = r.interpret(t);
this.setScale(o.scale, i, s), this.setSkew(o.skew, i, s), this.setRotation(o.rotate, i, s), this.setPos(o.translate, i, s)
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
return this._dirty |= this._scaleState.isActive() || this._skewState.isActive() || this._rotateState.isActive() || this._translateState.isActive(), this._dirty && (this._renderMatrix =, this._dirty = !1), {transform: this._renderMatrix,group: !0,target: t}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/MouseSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.targetGet = t, this.options = {direction: void 0,rails: !1,scale: 1,stallTime: 50,propogate: !0}, i ? this.setOptions(i) : this.setOptions(this.options), this.input = new h, this.output = new h, h.setInputHandler(this, this.input), h.setOutputHandler(this, this.output), this._prevCoord = void 0, this._prevTime = void 0, this._prevVel = void 0, this.input.on("mousedown", o.bind(this)), this.input.on("mousemove", n.bind(this)), this.input.on("mouseup", r.bind(this)), this.options.propogate ? this.input.on("mouseleave", a.bind(this)) : this.input.on("mouseleave", r.bind(this))
function o(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this._prevCoord = [t.clientX, t.clientY], this._prevTime =, this._prevVel = void 0 !== this.options.direction ? 0 : [0, 0], this.output.emit("start")
function n(t) {
if (this._prevCoord) {
var i = this._prevCoord, e = this._prevTime, o = [t.clientX, t.clientY], n =, r = o[0] - i[0], a = o[1] - i[1];
this.options.rails && (Math.abs(r) > Math.abs(a) ? a = 0 : r = 0);
var h, u, c = Math.max(n - e, 8), p = r / c, l = a / c, f = this.targetGet(), d = this.options.scale;
this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_X ? (h = f + d * r, u = d * p) : this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_Y ? (h = f + d * a, u = d * l) : (h = [f[0] + d * r, f[1] + d * a], u = [d * p, d * l]), this.output.emit("update", {p: h,v: u}), this._prevCoord = o, this._prevTime = n, this._prevVel = u
function r() {
if (this._prevCoord) {
var t = this._prevTime, i =;
i - t > this.options.stallTime && (this._prevVel = void 0 == this.options.direction ? [0, 0] : 0);
var e = this.targetGet();
this.output.emit("end", {p: e,v: this._prevVel}), this._prevCoord = void 0, this._prevTime = void 0, this._prevVel = void 0
function a() {
if (this._prevCoord) {
var t = function(t) {, t)
}.bind(this), i = function(e) {, e), document.removeEventListener("mousemove", t), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", i)
document.addEventListener("mousemove", t), document.addEventListener("mouseup", i)
var h = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.DIRECTION_X = 0, s.DIRECTION_Y = 1, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.direction && (this.options.direction = t.direction), void 0 !== t.rails && (this.options.rails = t.rails), void 0 !== t.scale && (this.options.scale = t.scale), void 0 !== t.stallTime && (this.options.stallTime = t.stallTime), void 0 !== t.propogate && (this.options.propogate = t.propogate)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/TouchTracker", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.selective = t, this.touchHistory = {}, this.eventHandler = new u(!0)
function o(t, i, e, s) {
var o = {};
for (var n in t)
o[n] = t[n];
return {touch: o,origin: i,timestamp:,count: s,history: e}
function n(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.changedTouches.length; i++) {
var e = t.changedTouches[i], s = o(e, t.origin, void 0, t.touches.length);
this.eventHandler.emit("trackstart", s), this.selective || this.touchHistory[e.identifier] || this.track(s)
function r(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.changedTouches.length; i++) {
var e = t.changedTouches[i], s = this.touchHistory[e.identifier];
if (s) {
var n = o(e, t.origin, s, t.touches.length);
this.touchHistory[e.identifier].push(n), this.eventHandler.emit("trackmove", n)
function a(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.changedTouches.length; i++) {
var e = t.changedTouches[i], s = this.touchHistory[e.identifier];
if (s) {
var n = o(e, t.origin, s, t.touches.length);
this.eventHandler.emit("trackend", n), delete this.touchHistory[e.identifier]
function h() {
for (var t in this.touchHistory) {
var i = this.touchHistory[t];
this.eventHandler.emit("trackend", {touch: i[i.length - 1].touch,timestamp:,count: 0,history: i}), delete this.touchHistory[t]
var u = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.prototype.track = function(t) {
this.touchHistory[t.touch.identifier] = [t]
}, s.prototype.emit = function(t, i) {
return "touchstart" == t ?, i) : "touchmove" == t ?, i) : "touchend" == t ?, i) : "touchcancel" == t ?, i) : "unpipe" == t ? : void 0
}, s.prototype.on = function(t, i) {
return this.eventHandler.on(t, i)
}, s.prototype.unbind = function(t, i) {
return this.eventHandler.unbind(t, i)
}, s.prototype.pipe = function(t) {
return this.eventHandler.pipe(t)
}, s.prototype.unpipe = function(t) {
return this.eventHandler.unpipe(t)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/TouchSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "./TouchTracker", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.targetGet = t, this.output = new h, this.touchTracker = new a, this.options = {direction: void 0,rails: !1,scale: 1}, i ? this.setOptions(i) : this.setOptions(this.options), h.setOutputHandler(this, this.output), h.setInputHandler(this, this.touchTracker), this.touchTracker.on("trackstart", o.bind(this)), this.touchTracker.on("trackmove", n.bind(this)), this.touchTracker.on("trackend", r.bind(this))
function o(t) {
this.output.emit("start", {count: t.count,touch: t.touch.identifier})
function n(t) {
var i = t.history, e = i[i.length - 2].timestamp, o = i[i.length - 1].timestamp, n = i[i.length - 2].touch, r = i[i.length - 1].touch, a = r.pageX - n.pageX, h = r.pageY - n.pageY;
this.options.rails && (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(h) ? h = 0 : a = 0);
var u = Math.max(o - e, 8), c = a / u, p = h / u;
if (i.length > 2)
var l = i[i.length - 3].touch, f = (r.pageX - 2 * n.pageX + l.pageX) / (u * u), d = (r.pageY - 2 * n.pageY + l.pageY) / (u * u);
var f = 0, d = 0;
var m, v, y, g = this.targetGet(), S = this.options.scale;
this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_X ? (m = g + S * a, v = S * c, y = S * p) : this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_Y ? (m = g + S * h, v = S * p, y = S * d) : (m = [g[0] + S * a, g[1] + S * h], v = [S * c, S * p], y = [S * f, S * d]), this.output.emit("update", {p: m,v: v,a: y,touch: t.touch.identifier})
function r(t) {
var i = void 0 !== this.options.direction ? 0 : [0, 0], e = t.history, o = t.count, n = this.targetGet();
if (e.length > 1) {
var r = e[e.length - 2].timestamp, a = e[e.length - 1].timestamp, h = e[e.length - 2].touch, u = e[e.length - 1].touch, c = u.pageX - h.pageX, p = u.pageY - h.pageY;
this.options.rails && (Math.abs(c) > Math.abs(p) ? p = 0 : c = 0);
var i, l = Math.max(a - r, 1), f = c / l, d = p / l, m = this.options.scale;
i = this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_X ? m * f : this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_Y ? m * d : [m * f, m * d]
this.output.emit("end", {p: n,v: i,count: o,touch: t.touch.identifier})
var a = t("./TouchTracker"), h = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.DIRECTION_X = 0, s.DIRECTION_Y = 1, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.direction && (this.options.direction = t.direction), void 0 !== t.rails && (this.options.rails = t.rails), void 0 !== t.scale && (this.options.scale = t.scale)
}, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/ScrollSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Engine"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.targetGet = t, this.options = {direction: void 0,minimumEndSpeed: 1 / 0,rails: !1,scale: 1,stallTime: 50}, i ? this.setOptions(i) : this.setOptions(this.options), this.input = new r, this.output = new r, r.setInputHandler(this, this.input), r.setOutputHandler(this, this.output), this._prevTime = void 0, this._prevVel = void 0, this._lastFrame = void 0, this.input.on("mousewheel", n.bind(this)), this.input.on("wheel", n.bind(this)), this.inProgress = !1, this._loopBound = !1
function o() {
var t =;
if (this.inProgress && t - this._prevTime > this.options.stallTime) {
var i = this.targetGet();
this.inProgress = !1;
var e = 0;
Math.abs(this._prevVel) >= this.options.minimumEndSpeed && (e = this._prevVel), this.output.emit("end", {p: i,v: e,slip: !0})
function n(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this.inProgress || (this.inProgress = !0, this.output.emit("start", {slip: !0}), this._loopBound || (a.on("prerender", o.bind(this)), this._loopBound = !0));
var i = this._prevTime, e = void 0 !== t.wheelDeltaX ? t.wheelDeltaX : -t.deltaX, n = void 0 !== t.wheelDeltaY ? t.wheelDeltaY : -t.deltaY, r =;
this.options.rails && (Math.abs(e) > Math.abs(n) ? n = 0 : e = 0);
var h, u, c = Math.max(r - i, 8), p = e / c, l = n / c, f = this.targetGet(), d = this.options.scale;
this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_X ? (h = f + d * e, u = d * p) : this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_Y ? (h = f + d * n, u = d * l) : (h = [f[0] + d * e, f[1] + d * n], u = [d * p, d * l]), this.output.emit("update", {p: h,v: u,slip: !0}), this._prevTime = r, this._prevVel = u
var r = t("famous/EventHandler"), a = t("famous/Engine");
s.DIRECTION_X = 0, s.DIRECTION_Y = 1, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.direction && (this.options.direction = t.direction), void 0 !== t.minimumEndSpeed && (this.options.minimumEndSpeed = t.minimumEndSpeed), void 0 !== t.rails && (this.options.rails = t.rails), void 0 !== t.scale && (this.options.scale = t.scale), void 0 !== t.stallTime && (this.options.stallTime = t.stallTime)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/GenericSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "./TouchSync", "./ScrollSync"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.targetGet = t, this.eventInput = new n, n.setInputHandler(this, this.eventInput), this.eventOutput = new n, n.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this._handlers = void 0, this.options = {syncClasses: h}, this._handlerOptions = this.options, i && this.setOptions(i), this._handlers ||
function o() {
if (this._handlers)
for (var t = 0; t < this._handlers.length; t++)
this.eventInput.unpipe(this._handlers[t]), this._handlers[t].unpipe(this.eventOutput);
this._handlers = [];
for (var t = 0; t < this.options.syncClasses.length; t++) {
var i = this.options.syncClasses[t];
this._handlers[t] = new i(this.targetGet, this._handlerOptions), this.eventInput.pipe(this._handlers[t]), this._handlers[t].pipe(this.eventOutput)
var n = t("famous/EventHandler"), r = t("./TouchSync"), a = t("./ScrollSync"), h = [r, a];
s.register = function(t) {
h.indexOf(t) < 0 && h.push(t)
}, s.DIRECTION_X = 0, s.DIRECTION_Y = 1, s.DIRECTION_Z = 2, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
if (this._handlerOptions = t, t.syncClasses && (this.options.syncClasses = t.syncClasses,, this._handlers)
for (var i = 0; i < this._handlers.length; i++)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-modifiers/Draggable", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Matrix", "famous-sync/MouseSync", "famous-sync/TouchSync", "famous-sync/GenericSync", "famous/Transitionable", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), t && this.setOptions(t), this._positionState = new f([0, 0]), this._cursorPos = [0, 0], this._active = !0, this.sync = new l(function() {
return this._cursorPos
}.bind(this), {scale: this.options.scale,syncClasses: [c, p]}), this.eventOutput = new d, d.setInputHandler(this, this.sync), d.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput),
function o() {
var t = this.getPosition();
this._cursorPos = t.slice(), this.eventOutput.emit("dragstart", {p: t})
function n(t) {
this._active && (this.setPosition(, t.p), this.options.transition), this._cursorPos = t.p), this.eventOutput.emit("dragmove", {p: this.getPosition()})
function r() {
this.eventOutput.emit("dragend", {p: this.getPosition()})
function a() {
this.sync.on("start", o.bind(this)), this.sync.on("update", n.bind(this)), this.sync.on("end", r.bind(this))
function h(t) {
var i = this.options, e = i.projection, s = i.maxX, o = i.maxY, n = i.snapX, r = i.snapY, a = e & m.x ? t[0] : 0, h = e & m.y ? t[1] : 0;
return n > 0 && (a -= a % n), r > 0 && (h -= h % r), a = Math.max(Math.min(a, s), -s), h = Math.max(Math.min(h, o), -o), [a, h]
var u = t("famous/Matrix"), c = t("famous-sync/MouseSync"), p = t("famous-sync/TouchSync"), l = t("famous-sync/GenericSync"), f = t("famous/Transitionable"), d = t("famous/EventHandler"), m = {x: 1,y: 2};
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {projection: m.x | m.y,scale: 1,maxX: 1 / 0,maxY: 1 / 0,snapX: 0,snapY: 0,transition: {duration: 0}}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
var i = this.options;
if (void 0 !== t.projection) {
var e = t.projection;
this.options.projection = 0, ["x", "y"].forEach(function(t) {
-1 != e.indexOf(t) && (i.projection |= m[t])
void 0 !== t.scale && (i.scale = t.scale), void 0 !== t.maxX && (i.maxX = t.maxX), void 0 !== t.maxY && (i.maxY = t.maxY), void 0 !== t.snapX && (i.snapX = t.snapX), void 0 !== t.snapY && (i.snapY = t.snapY), void 0 !== t.transition && (i.transition = t.transition)
}, s.prototype.getPosition = function() {
return this._positionState.get()
}, s.prototype.setPosition = function(t, i, e) {
this._positionState.isActive() && this._positionState.halt(), this._positionState.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.activate = function() {
this._active = !0
}, s.prototype.deactivate = function() {
this._active = !1
}, s.prototype.toggle = function() {
this._active = !this._active
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
var i = this.getPosition();
return {transform: u.translate(i[0], i[1]),target: t}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-modifiers/Swappable", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Modifier"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {initTransform: h.identity,initOpacity: 0,finalTransform: h.identity,finalOpacity: 0,inTransition: {duration: 500,curve: "easeInOut"},outTransition: {duration: 500,curve: "easeInOut"},async: !1}, this.nodes = {}, this.transforms = [], this.currIndex = -1, this.prevIndex = -1, this.setOptions(t)
function o(t, i, e, s, o, n, r) {
if (t in this.nodes) {
var a = this.nodes[t].get();
a.isMoving() || (i && a.setTransform(i), void 0 !== e && a.setOpacity(e)), a.setTransform(s, n), a.setOpacity(o, n, r)
function n(t, i) {, t, this.options.initTransform, this.options.initOpacity, h.identity, 1, this.options.inTransition, i)
function r(t, i) {, t, void 0, void 0, this.options.finalTransform, this.options.finalOpacity, this.options.outTransition, i)
var a = t("famous/RenderNode"), h = t("famous/Matrix"), u = t("famous/Modifier");
s.prototype.item = function(t) {
var i = new a(new u(this.options.initTransform, this.options.initOpacity), !0);
return this.nodes[t] = i, i
}, = function(t, i) {
t != this.currIndex && (this.options.async ?, this.currIndex, function() {, this.currIndex, i)
}.bind(this)) : (, this.currIndex),, t, i)), this.currIndex = t)
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.options[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
var t = [];
for (var i in this.nodes)
return t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/math/Vector", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i, e) {
return 1 === arguments.length ? this.set(t) : (this.x = t || 0, this.y = i || 0, this.z = e || 0), this
var o = new s(0, 0, 0);
s.prototype.add = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(this.x + (t.x || 0), this.y + (t.y || 0), this.z + (t.z || 0))
}, s.prototype.sub = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(this.x - t.x, this.y - t.y, this.z - t.z)
}, s.prototype.mult = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(t * this.x, t * this.y, t * this.z)
}, s.prototype.div = function(t, i) {
return this.mult(1 / t, i)
}, s.prototype.cross = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(this.y * t.z - this.z * t.y, this.z * t.x - this.x * t.z, this.x * t.y - this.y * t.x)
}, s.prototype.equals = function(t) {
return t.x == this.x && t.y == this.y && t.z == this.z
}, s.prototype.rotateX = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t);
return i.setXYZ(e, -n * a + s * r, n * r - s * a)
}, s.prototype.rotateY = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t);
return i.setXYZ(-n * a + e * r, s, n * r + e * a)
}, s.prototype.rotateZ = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t);
return i.setXYZ(-s * a + e * r, s * r + e * a, n)
}, = function(t) {
return this.x * t.x + this.y * t.y + this.z * t.z
}, s.prototype.normSquared = function() {
}, s.prototype.norm = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.normSquared())
}, s.prototype.normalize = function(t, i) {
t = void 0 !== t ? t : 1, i = i || o;
var e = 1e-7, s = this.norm();
return Math.abs(s) > e ? this.mult(t / s, i) : i.setXYZ(t, 0, 0)
}, s.prototype.clone = function() {
return new s(this)
}, s.prototype.isZero = function() {
return !(this.x || this.y || this.z)
}, s.prototype.set = function(t) {
return t instanceof Array ? (this.x = t[0], this.y = t[1], this.z = t[2] || 0) : (this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.z = t.z || 0), this !== o && o.clear(), this
}, s.prototype.put = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.setXYZ = function(t, i, e) {
return o.clear(), this.x = t, this.y = i, this.z = e, this
}, s.prototype.clear = function() {
this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.z = 0
}, s.prototype.cap = function(t, i) {
if (i = i || o, 1 / 0 === t)
return i;
var e = this.norm();
return e > t && this.normalize().mult(t, i), i
}, s.prototype.project = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, t.mult(, i)
}, s.prototype.reflectAcross = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, t.normalize(), this.sub(this.project(t).mult(2), i)
}, s.prototype.toArray = function() {
return [this.x, this.y, this.z]
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
return this.toArray()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/bodies/Particle", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/RenderNode", "famous-physics/math/Vector", "famous/Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t = t || {}, this.p = t.p ? new n(t.p) : new n(0, 0, 0), this.v = t.v ? new n(t.v) : new n(0, 0, 0), this.f = t.f ? new n(t.f) : new n(0, 0, 0), this.m = void 0 !== t.m ? t.m : 1, this.restitution = void 0 !== t.restitution ? t.restitution : .5, this.dissipation = void 0 !== t.dissipation ? t.dissipation : 0, this.axis = void 0 !== t.axis ? t.axis : void 0, this.setImmunity(t.immunity || s.IMMUNITIES.NONE), this.mInv = 1 / this.m, this.size = [0, 0, 0], this.node = void 0, this.spec = {size: [0, 0],target: {origin: [.5, .5],transform: void 0,target: void 0}}
var o = t("famous/RenderNode"), n = t("famous-physics/math/Vector"), r = t("famous/Matrix");
for (var a in s.IMMUNITIES)
s.prototype.setPos = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.getPos = function() {
return this.p.get()
}, s.prototype.setVel = function(t) {
this.hasImmunity(s.IMMUNITIES.VELOCITY) || this.v.set(t)
}, s.prototype.getVel = function() {
return this.v.get()
}, s.prototype.setMass = function(t) {
this.m = t, this.mInv = 1 / t
}, s.prototype.getMass = function() {
return this.m
}, s.prototype.addImmunity = function(t) {
"string" == typeof t && (t = s.IMMUNITIES[t.toUpperCase()]), this.immunity |= t
}, s.prototype.removeImmunity = function(t) {
"string" == typeof t && (t = s.IMMUNITIES[t.toUpperCase()]), this.immunity &= ~t
}, s.prototype.setImmunity = function(t) {
"string" == typeof t && (t = s.IMMUNITIES[t.toUpperCase()]), this.immunity = t
}, s.prototype.hasImmunity = function(t) {
return "string" == typeof t && (t = s.IMMUNITIES[t.toUpperCase()]), this.getImmunity() & t
}, s.prototype.getImmunity = function() {
return this.immunity
}, s.prototype.reset = function(t, i) {
t = t || [0, 0, 0], i = i || [0, 0, 0], this.setPos(t), this.setVel(i)
}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t) {
this.hasImmunity(s.IMMUNITIES.AGENTS) || this.f.add(t, this.f)
}, s.prototype.applyImpulse = function(t) {
this.hasImmunity(s.IMMUNITIES.AGENTS) || this.setVel(this.v.add(t.mult(this.mInv)))
}, s.prototype.getEnergy = function() {
return .5 * this.m * this.v.normSquared()
}, s.prototype.getTransform = function() {
var t = this.p, i = this.axis;
return void 0 !== i && (i & ~s.AXIS.X && (t.x = 0), i & ~s.AXIS.Y && (t.y = 0), i & ~s.AXIS.Z && (t.z = 0)), r.translate(t.x, t.y, t.z)
}, = function(t) {
return this.node || (this.node = new o),
}, s.prototype.add = function(t) {
return this.node || (this.node = new o), this.node.add(t)
}, s.prototype.replace = function(t) {
this.node.object = t
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
return t = void 0 !== t ? t : this.node.render(), = this.getTransform(), = t, this.spec
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/math/Quaternion", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i, e, s) {
return 1 == arguments.length ? this.set(t) : (this.w = void 0 !== t ? t : 1, this.x = i || 0, this.y = e || 0, this.z = s || 0), this
var o = new s(1, 0, 0, 0);
s.prototype.add = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setWXYZ(this.w + t.w, this.x + t.x, this.y + t.y, this.z + t.z)
}, s.prototype.sub = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setWXYZ(this.w - t.w, this.x - t.x, this.y - t.y, this.z - t.z)
}, s.prototype.scalarDivide = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, this.scalarMult(1 / t, i)
}, s.prototype.scalarMult = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setWXYZ(this.w * t, this.x * t, this.y * t, this.z * t)
}, s.prototype.multiply = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = this.w, a = t.x, h = t.y, u = t.z, c = t.w;
return i.setWXYZ(r * c - e * a - s * h - n * u, r * a + e * c + s * u - n * h, r * h - e * u + s * c + n * a, r * u + e * h - s * a + n * c)
}, s.prototype.inverse = function(t) {
return t = t || o, this.conj().scalarDivide(this.normSquared(), t)
}, s.prototype.negate = function(t) {
return t = t || o, this.scalarMult(-1, t)
}, s.prototype.conj = function(t) {
return t = t || o, t.setWXYZ(this.w, -this.x, -this.y, -this.z)
}, s.prototype.normalize = function(t) {
t = t || o;
var i = this.norm();
return Math.abs(i) < 1e-7 ? t.setWXYZ(1, 0, 0, 0) : this.scalarDivide(i, t)
}, s.prototype.makeFromAngleAndAxis = function(t, i) {
i.normalize(1, i);
var e = .5 * t, s = Math.sin(e);
return this.x = s * i.x, this.y = s * i.y, this.z = s * i.z, this.w = Math.cos(e), this
}, s.prototype.getAngle = function() {
return 2 * Math.acos(this.w)
}, s.prototype.getAxis = function() {
var t = this.w;
if (t >= 1)
return [0, 0, 0];
var i = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 - t * t);
return [i * this.x, i * this.y, this.z]
}, s.prototype.setWXYZ = function(t, i, e, s) {
return o.clear(), this.w = t, this.x = i, this.y = e, this.z = s, this
}, s.prototype.set = function(t) {
return t instanceof Array ? (this.w = t[0], this.x = t[1], this.y = t[2], this.z = t[3]) : (this.w = t.w, this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.z = t.z), this !== o && o.clear(), this
}, s.prototype.put = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.clone = function() {
return new s(this)
}, s.prototype.clear = function() {
return this.w = 1, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.z = 0, this
}, s.prototype.isEqual = function(t) {
return t.w == this.w && t.x == this.x && t.y == this.y && t.z == this.z
}, = function(t) {
return this.w * t.w + this.x * t.x + this.y * t.y + this.z * t.z
}, s.prototype.normSquared = function() {
}, s.prototype.norm = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.normSquared())
}, s.prototype.isZero = function() {
return !(this.x || this.y || this.z || 1 != this.w)
}, s.prototype.zeroRotation = function() {
return this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.z = 0, this.w = 1, this
}, s.prototype.getMatrix = function() {
var t = 1 / this.norm(), i = this.x * t, e = this.y * t, s = this.z * t, o = this.w * t;
return [1 - 2 * e * e - 2 * s * s, -2 * i * e - 2 * s * o, 2 * i * s - 2 * e * o, 0, -2 * i * e + 2 * s * o, 1 - 2 * i * i - 2 * s * s, -2 * e * s - 2 * i * o, 0, 2 * i * s + 2 * e * o, -2 * e * s + 2 * i * o, 1 - 2 * i * i - 2 * e * e, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
var n = 1e-5;
s.prototype.slerp = function(t, i, e) {
e = e || o;
var s, r, a, h, u;
return r =, 0 > r && (r *= -1), 1 - r > n ? (s = Math.acos(r), a = Math.sin(s), h = Math.sin((1 - i) * s) / a, u = Math.sin(i * s) / a) : (h = 1 - i, u = i), this.scalarMult(h / u).add(t).mult(u, e)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/bodies/Body", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Particle", "famous-physics/math/Vector", "famous-physics/math/Quaternion", "famous/Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {, t), this.q = t.q ? new r(t.q) : new r, this.w = t.w ? new n(t.w) : new n, this.L = t.L ? new n(t.L) : new n, this.t = t.t ? new n(t.t) : new n, this.I = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], this.Iinv = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], this.w.w = 0, this.pWorld = new n
var o = t("./Particle"), n = t("famous-physics/math/Vector"), r = t("famous-physics/math/Quaternion"), a = t("famous/Matrix");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = s, s.IMMUNITIES = o.IMMUNITIES, s.prototype.updateAngularVelocity = function() {
var t = this.Iinv, i = this.L, e = i.x, s = i.y, o = i.z, n = t[0], r = t[1], a = t[2];
this.w.setXYZ(n[0] * e + n[1] * s + n[2] * o, r[0] * e + r[1] * s + r[2] * o, a[0] * e + a[1] * s + a[2] * o)
}, s.prototype.toWorldCoordinates = function(t) {
var i = this.q;
return t.w = 0, this.pWorld.set(i.inverse().multiply(t).multiply(i))
}, s.prototype.getEnergy = function() {
var t = this.w, i = this.I, e = t.x, s = t.y, o = t.z, n = this.I[0], r = i[1], a = i[2];
return .5 * (this.m * this.v.normSquared() + n[0] * e * e + n[1] * e * s + n[2] * e * o + r[0] * s * e + r[1] * s * s + r[2] * s * o + a[0] * o * e + a[1] * o * s + a[2] * o * o)
}, s.prototype.reset = function(t, i, e, s) {
this.setPos(t || [0, 0, 0]), this.setVel(i || [0, 0, 0]), this.w.clear(), this.setOrientation(e || [1, 0, 0, 0]), this.setAngularMomentum(s || [0, 0, 0])
}, s.prototype.setOrientation = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.setAngularMomentum = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t, i) {
this.hasImmunity(s.IMMUNITIES.AGENTS) || (this.f.add(t, this.f), void 0 !== i && this.applyTorque(i.cross(t)))
}, s.prototype.applyTorque = function(t) {
this.hasImmunity(s.IMMUNITIES.ROTATION) || this.t.add(t, this.t)
}, s.prototype.getTransform = function() {
return a.move(this.q.getMatrix(), this.p.get())
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/bodies/Circle", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Body"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {, t), t = t || {}, this.r = t.r || 0, this.size = [2 * this.r, 2 * this.r];
var i = this.r, e = this.m;
this.I = [[.25 * e * i * i, 0, 0], [0, .25 * e * i * i, 0], [0, 0, .5 * e * i * i]], this.Iinv = [[4 / (e * i * i), 0, 0], [0, 4 / (e * i * i), 0], [0, 0, 2 / (e * i * i)]]
var o = t("./Body");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = s, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/bodies/Rectangle", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Body"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {, t), t = t || {}, this.size = t.size || [0, 0];
var i = this.size[0], e = this.size[1];
this.I = [[e * e / 12, 0, 0], [0, i * i / 12, 0], [0, 0, (i * i + e * e) / 12]], this.Iinv = [[12 / (e * e), 0, 0], [0, 12 / (i * i), 0], [0, 0, 12 / (i * i + e * e)]]
var o = t("./Body");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = s, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function() {
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init && t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/math/vector", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i, e) {
return 1 === arguments.length ? this.set(t) : (this.x = t || 0, this.y = i || 0, this.z = e || 0), this
var o = new s(0, 0, 0);
s.prototype.add = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(this.x + (t.x || 0), this.y + (t.y || 0), this.z + (t.z || 0))
}, s.prototype.sub = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(this.x - t.x, this.y - t.y, this.z - t.z)
}, s.prototype.mult = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(t * this.x, t * this.y, t * this.z)
}, s.prototype.div = function(t, i) {
return this.mult(1 / t, i)
}, s.prototype.cross = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, i.setXYZ(this.y * t.z - this.z * t.y, this.z * t.x - this.x * t.z, this.x * t.y - this.y * t.x)
}, s.prototype.equals = function(t) {
return t.x == this.x && t.y == this.y && t.z == this.z
}, s.prototype.rotateX = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t);
return i.setXYZ(e, -n * a + s * r, n * r - s * a)
}, s.prototype.rotateY = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t);
return i.setXYZ(-n * a + e * r, s, n * r + e * a)
}, s.prototype.rotateZ = function(t, i) {
i = i || o;
var e = this.x, s = this.y, n = this.z, r = Math.cos(t), a = Math.sin(t);
return i.setXYZ(-s * a + e * r, s * r + e * a, n)
}, = function(t) {
return this.x * t.x + this.y * t.y + this.z * t.z
}, s.prototype.normSquared = function() {
}, s.prototype.norm = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.normSquared())
}, s.prototype.normalize = function(t, i) {
t = void 0 !== t ? t : 1, i = i || o;
var e = 1e-7, s = this.norm();
return Math.abs(s) > e ? this.mult(t / s, i) : i.setXYZ(t, 0, 0)
}, s.prototype.clone = function() {
return new s(this)
}, s.prototype.isZero = function() {
return !(this.x || this.y || this.z)
}, s.prototype.set = function(t) {
return t instanceof Array ? (this.x = t[0], this.y = t[1], this.z = t[2] || 0) : (this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.z = t.z || 0), this !== o && o.clear(), this
}, s.prototype.put = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.setXYZ = function(t, i, e) {
return o.clear(), this.x = t, this.y = i, this.z = e, this
}, s.prototype.clear = function() {
this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.z = 0
}, s.prototype.cap = function(t, i) {
if (i = i || o, 1 / 0 === t)
return i;
var e = this.norm();
return e > t && this.normalize().mult(t, i), i
}, s.prototype.project = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, t.mult(, i)
}, s.prototype.reflectAcross = function(t, i) {
return i = i || o, t.normalize(), this.sub(this.project(t).mult(2), i)
}, s.prototype.toArray = function() {
return [this.x, this.y, this.z]
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
return this.toArray()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Collision", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/vector", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {restitution: .5}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.eventOutput = new r, r.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this.n = new n, this.vRel = new n, this.I = new n, this.disp = new n
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/vector"), r = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i) {
if (void 0 !== i)
for (var e = i.p, s = i.r, o = i.v, n = this.n, r = this.I, a = this.vRel, h = this.disp, u = this.opts.restitution, c = 0; c < t.length; c++) {
var p = t[c];
if (i != p) {
var l = p.p, f = p.r, d = i.mInv;
var m = h.norm(), v = s + f - m;
if (v > 0) {
var y = {target: p,source: i,overlap: v,normal: n};
this.eventHandler.emit("preCollision", y), this.eventHandler.emit("collision", y);
var g = p.v, S = p.mInv;
a.set(o.sub(g)), r.set(n.mult((1 + u) * / (d + S))), o.sub(r.mult(d), o), e.add(n.mult(v / 2), e), g.add(r.mult(S), g), l.add(n.mult(-v / 2), l), this.eventHandler.emit("postCollision", y)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/CollisionJacobian", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "famous-physics/math/vector", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {k: .5,restitution: .5}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.eventOutput = new r, r.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this.n = new n, this.pDiff = new n, this.vDiff = new n, this.impulse1 = new n, this.impulse2 = new n, this.slop = 0
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("famous-physics/math/vector"), r = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
if (void 0 !== i)
for (var s = i.v, o = i.p, n = i.mInv, r = i.r, a = this.opts.k, h = this.n, u = this.pDiff, c = this.vDiff, p = this.impulse1, l = this.impulse2, f = i.restitution, d = 0; d < t.length; d++) {
var m = t[d];
if (m != i) {
var v = m.v, y = m.p, g = m.mInv, S = m.r, _ = m.restitution, w = void 0 !== this.opts.restitution ? this.opts.restitution : Math.sqrt(f * _);
u.set(y.sub(o)), c.set(v.sub(s));
var x = u.norm(), O = x - (r + S), T = 1 / (n + g), I = 0;
if (0 > O) {
var b = {target: m,source: i,overlap: O,normal: h};
this.eventOutput.emit("preCollision", b), this.eventOutput.emit("collision", b);
var C = O <= this.slop ? ((1 + w) * + a / e * (O - this.slop)) / (I + e / T) : (1 + w) * / (I + e / T);
h.mult(e * C).put(p), p.mult(-1).put(l), i.applyImpulse(p), m.applyImpulse(l), o.add(h.mult(O / 2), o), y.add(h.mult(-O / 2), y), this.eventOutput.emit("postCollision", b)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Curve", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {f: function(t, i) {
return 100 * Math.sin(t / 100) - i
},df: void 0,g: function(t, i, e) {
return e
},dg: void 0,dampingRatio: 0,period: 0}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.J = new n, this.impulse = new n
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
for (var s = this.impulse, o = this.J, n = this.opts.f, r = this.opts.f, a = this.opts.df, h = this.opts.dg, u = 0, c = 0; c < t.length; c++) {
var p = t[c], l = p.v, f = p.p, d = p.m;
if (0 == this.opts.period)
var m = 0, v = 1;
var y = 4 * d * Math.PI * this.opts.dampingRatio / this.opts.period, g = 4 * d * Math.PI * Math.PI / (this.opts.period * this.opts.period), m = 1 / (y + e * g), v = e * g / (y + e * g);
if (void 0 === a) {
var S = 1e-7, _ = n(f.x, f.y, f.z), w = (n(f.x + S, f.y, f.z) - _) / S, x = (n(f.x, f.y + S, f.z) - _) / S, O = (n(f.x, f.y, f.z + S) - _) / S, T = r(f.x, f.y, f.z), I = (r(f.x + S, f.y, f.z) - T) / S, b = (r(f.x, f.y + S, f.z) - T) / S, C = (r(f.x, f.y, f.z + S) - T) / S;
o.setXYZ(w + I, x + b, O + C)
} else {
var M = a(f.x, f.y, f.z), E = h(f.x, f.y, f.z);
o.setXYZ(M[0] + E[0], M[1] + E[1], M[2] + E[2])
var F = v / e * (n(f.x, f.y, f.z) + r(f.x, f.y, f.z)), z = -( + F) / (m + e * o.normSquared() / d);
s.set(o.mult(e * z)), p.applyImpulse(s), u += Math.abs(z)
return u
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Distance", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {length: 0,anchor: void 0,dampingRatio: 0,period: 0}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.impulse = new n, this.n = new n, this.diffP = new n, this.diffV = new n
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor.p instanceof n && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof n && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new n(t.anchor))), void 0 !== t.length && (this.opts.length = t.length), void 0 !== t.dampingRatio && (this.opts.dampingRatio = t.dampingRatio), void 0 !== t.period && (this.opts.period = t.period)
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
var s = this.n, o = this.diffP, n = this.diffV, r = this.impulse;
if (i)
var a = i.p, h = i.mInv, u = i.v;
var a = this.opts.anchor, h = 0;
for (var c = this.opts.length, p = 0, l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var f = t[l], d = f.v, m = f.p, v = f.mInv;
o.set(m.sub(a)), s.set(o.normalize());
var y = o.norm() - c;
i ? n.set(d.sub(u)) : n.set(d);
var g = 1 / (v + h);
if (0 == this.opts.period)
var S = 0, _ = 1;
var w = 4 * g * Math.PI * this.opts.dampingRatio / this.opts.period, x = 4 * g * Math.PI * Math.PI / (this.opts.period * this.opts.period), S = 1 / (w + e * x), _ = e * x / (w + e * x);
var O = _ / e * y, T = -( + O) / (S + e / g);
r.set(s.mult(e * T)), f.applyImpulse(r), i && i.applyImpulse(r.mult(-1)), p += Math.abs(T)
return p
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Distance1D", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {length: 0,anchor: void 0,dampingRatio: 0,period: 0}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.impulse = new n
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
var s, o, n = this.impulse;
if (i)
var r = i.p.x, a = i.mInv, h = i.v.x;
var r = this.opts.anchor, a = 0;
for (var u = this.opts.length, c = this.opts.period, p = this.opts.dampingRatio, l = 0, f = 0; f < t.length; f++) {
var d = t[f], m = d.v.x, v = d.p.x, y = d.mInv;
s = v - r;
var g = s - u;
o = i ? m - h : m;
var S = 1 / (y + a);
if (0 == c)
var _ = 0, w = 1;
var x = 4 * S * Math.PI * p / c, O = 4 * S * Math.PI * Math.PI / (c * c), _ = 1 / (x + e * O), w = e * O / (x + e * O);
var T = w / e * g, I = -(o + T) / (_ + e / S);
n.setXYZ(e * I, 0, 0), d.applyImpulse(n), i && i.applyImpulse(n.mult(-1)), l += Math.abs(I)
return l
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init instanceof Function && t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Rod", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {length: 0,anchor: void 0,stiffness: 1}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.disp = new n, this.push = new n
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor.p instanceof n && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new n(t.anchor)), delete t.anchor);
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
var s = this.opts, o = this.disp, n = this.push, r = s.length, a = s.stiffness, h = s.anchor || i.p, u = t[0], c = u.p;
var p = o.norm(), l = (r - p) / p;
Math.abs(l) > 0 && (o.mult(.5 * l * a, n), u.immunity || (c.add(n, c), u.v.add(n.div(e), u.v)), i && !i.immunity && (i.p.sub(n, i.p), i.v.sub(n.div(e), i.v)))
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Rope", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {length: 0,anchor: void 0,dampingRatio: 0,period: 0}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.impulse = new n, this.n = new n, this.diffP = new n, this.diffV = new n
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor instanceof n && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor), t.anchor.p instanceof n && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new n(t.anchor))), void 0 !== t.length && (this.opts.length = t.length), void 0 !== t.dampingRatio && (this.opts.dampingRatio = t.dampingRatio), void 0 !== t.period && (this.opts.period = t.period)
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
var s = this.n, o = this.diffP, n = this.diffV, r = this.impulse;
if (i)
var a = i.p, h = i.mInv, u = i.v;
var a = this.opts.anchor, h = 0;
for (var c = this.opts.length, p = 0, l = 0; l < t.length; l++) {
var f = t[l], d = f.v, m = f.p, v = f.mInv;
var y = o.norm() - c;
if (0 > y)
s.set(o.normalize()), i ? n.set(d.sub(u)) : n.set(d);
var g = 1 / (v + h);
if (0 == this.opts.period)
var S = 0, _ = 1;
var w = 4 * g * Math.PI * this.opts.dampingRatio / this.opts.period, x = 4 * g * Math.PI * Math.PI / (this.opts.period * this.opts.period), S = 1 / (w + e * x), _ = e * x / (w + e * x);
var O = _ / e * y, T = -( + O) / (S + e / g);
r.set(s.mult(e * T)), f.applyImpulse(r), i && i.applyImpulse(r.mult(-1)), p += Math.abs(T)
return p
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {length: 0,anchor: void 0,dampingRatio: 1,period: 1e3,callback: void 0,callbackTolerance: 1e-4}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.pDiff = new a, this.vDiff = new a, this.n = new a, this.impulse1 = new a, this.impulse2 = new a, this._canFireCallback = !0
function o(t, i, e) {
e < this.opts.callbackTolerance ? this._canFireCallback && (, t), this._canFireCallback = !1) : this._canFireCallback = !0
function n(t, i, e) {
var s = Math.abs( / e);
return s
var r = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), a = t("../math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = r, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor instanceof a && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor), t.anchor.p instanceof a && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new a(t.anchor))), void 0 !== t.length && (this.opts.length = t.length), void 0 !== t.dampingRatio && (this.opts.dampingRatio = t.dampingRatio), void 0 !== t.period && (this.opts.period = t.period), void 0 !== t.callback && (this.opts.callback = t.callback, this._canFireCallback = !0), void 0 !== t.callbackTolerance && (this.opts.callbackTolerance = t.callbackTolerance)
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
for (var s = this.opts, r = this.pDiff, a = this.vDiff, h = this.impulse1, u = this.impulse2, c = s.length, p = s.anchor || i.p, l = s.period, f = s.dampingRatio, d = 0; d < t.length; d++) {
var m = t[d], v = m.p, y = m.v, g = m.m, S = m.mInv;
var _ = r.norm() - c;
if (i) {
var w = i.mInv, x = i.v;
var O = 1 / (S + w)
} else {
var O = g
if (0 == this.opts.period)
var T = 0, I = 1;
var b = 4 * O * Math.PI * Math.PI / (l * l), C = 4 * O * Math.PI * f / l, I = e * b / (C + e * b), T = 1 / (C + e * b);
var M = I / e * _;
if (r.normalize(-M).sub(a).mult(e / (T + e / O)).put(h), m.applyImpulse(h), i && (h.mult(-1).put(u), i.applyImpulse(u)), this.opts.callback) {
var E = m.getEnergy() + n(h, r, e);, m, this.opts.callback, E)
}, s.prototype.getEnergy = function(t, i) {
var e = this.opts, s = e.length, o = e.period, n = e.anchor || i.p;
if (0 === o)
return 0;
var r = 4 * t.m * Math.PI * Math.PI / (o * o), a = n.sub(t.p), h = a.norm() - s;
return .5 * r * h * h
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init instanceof Function && t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Surface", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {f: void 0,df: void 0,dampingRatio: 0,period: 0}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.J = new n, this.impulse = new n, this.eps = 1e-7
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
for (var s = this.impulse, o = this.J, n = this.opts.f, r = this.opts.df, a = 0, h = 0; h < t.length; h++) {
var u = t[h], c = u.v, p = u.p, l = u.m;
if (0 == this.opts.period)
var f = 0, d = 1;
var m = 4 * l * Math.PI * this.opts.dampingRatio / this.opts.period, v = 4 * l * Math.PI * Math.PI / (this.opts.period * this.opts.period), f = 1 / (m + e * v), d = e * v / (m + e * v);
if (void 0 === r) {
var y = this.eps, g = n(p.x, p.y, p.z), S = (n(p.x + y, p.y, p.z) - g) / y, _ = (n(p.x, p.y + y, p.z) - g) / y, w = (n(p.x, p.y, p.z + y) - g) / y;
o.setXYZ(S, _, w)
} else
o.setXYZ.apply(o, r(p.x, p.y, p.z));
var x = d / e * n(p.x, p.y, p.z), O = -( + x) / (f + e * o.normSquared() / l);
s.set(o.mult(e * O)), u.applyImpulse(s), a += Math.abs(O)
return a
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Wall", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "../math/Vector", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {restitution: .7,k: 0,n: new n,d: 0,onContact: s.ON_CONTACT.REFLECT}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.diff = new n, this.impulse = new n, this.slop = -1, this.eventHandler = new r, r.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventHandler)
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("../math/Vector"), r = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.ON_CONTACT = {REFLECT: 0,WRAP: 1,ABSORB: 2}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.restitution && (this.opts.restitution = t.restitution), void 0 !== t.k && (this.opts.k = t.k), void 0 !== t.d && (this.opts.d = t.d), void 0 !== t.onContact && (this.opts.onContact = t.onContact), void 0 !== t.n && this.opts.n.set(t.n)
}, s.prototype.getNormalVelocity = function(t) {
var i = this.opts.n;
}, s.prototype.getDistance = function(t) {
var i = this.opts.n, e = this.opts.d;
return + e
}, s.prototype.onEnter = function(t, i, e) {
var o = t.p, n = t.v, r = t.m, a = this.opts.n, h = this.opts.onContact, u = this.opts.restitution, c = this.impulse, p = this.opts.k, l = 0, f = {particle: t,wall: this,overlap: i};
switch (this.eventHandler.emit("enter", f), h) {
var d = i < this.slop ? -((1 + u) * + p / e * (i - this.slop)) / (r * e + l) : -((1 + u) * / (r * e + l);
c.set(a.mult(e * d)), t.applyImpulse(c), o.add(a.mult(-i), o);
var d = / (r * e + l);
c.set(a.mult(e * d)), t.applyImpulse(c), o.add(a.mult(-i), o), n.clear();
i < -t.r && this.eventHandler.emit("wrap", f)
}, s.prototype.onExit = function(t, i) {
var e = this.opts.onContact, o = t.p, n = this.opts.n;
e == s.ON_CONTACT.REFLECT ? o.add(n.mult(-i), o) : e == s.ON_CONTACT.WRAP || e == s.ON_CONTACT.ABSORB, this.eventHandler.emit("exit", {particle: t,wall: this,overlap: i})
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
for (var s = this.opts.n, o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var n = t[o], r = n.p, a = n.v, h = n.r || 0, u = this.getDistance(r.add(s.mult(-h))), c = this.getNormalVelocity(a);
0 > u && (0 > c ? this.onEnter(n, u, e) : this.onExit(n, u, e))
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/Walls", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "famous-physics/math/Vector", "famous-physics/constraints/Wall"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {sides: [s.SIDES.LEFT, s.SIDES.RIGHT, s.SIDES.TOP, s.SIDES.BOTTOM],size: [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, 0],origin: [.5, .5, .5],k: 0,restitution: .5,onContact: s.ON_CONTACT.REFLECT}, this.setSize(this.opts.size, this.opts.origin), this.setOptsForEach({restitution: this.opts.restitution,k: this.opts.k}), t && this.setOpts(t)
var o = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), n = t("famous-physics/math/Vector"), r = t("famous-physics/constraints/Wall");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.SIDES = {LEFT: new r({n: new n(1, 0, 0)}),RIGHT: new r({n: new n(-1, 0, 0)}),TOP: new r({n: new n(0, 1, 0)}),BOTTOM: new r({n: new n(0, -1, 0)}),FRONT: new r({n: new n(0, 0, 1)}),BACK: new r({n: new n(0, 0, -1)})}, s.ON_CONTACT = r.ON_CONTACT, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
var i = !1;
void 0 !== t.restitution && this.setOptsForEach({restitution: t.restitution}), void 0 !== t.k && this.setOptsForEach({k: t.k}), void 0 !== t.size && (this.opts.size = t.size, i = !0), void 0 !== t.sides && (this.opts.sides = t.sides), void 0 !== t.onContact && (this.opts.onContact = t.onContact, this.setOnContact(t.onContact)), void 0 !== t.origin && (this.opts.origin = t.origin, i = !0), i && this.setSize(this.opts.size, this.opts.origin)
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t, i) {
i = i || this.opts.origin, i.length < 3 && (i[2] = .5), s.SIDES.LEFT.setOpts({d: t[0] * i[0]}), s.SIDES.TOP.setOpts({d: t[1] * i[1]}), s.SIDES.FRONT.setOpts({d: t[2] * i[2]}), s.SIDES.RIGHT.setOpts({d: t[0] * (1 - i[0])}), s.SIDES.BOTTOM.setOpts({d: t[1] * (1 - i[1])}), s.SIDES.BACK.setOpts({d: t[2] * (1 - i[2])}), this.opts.size = t, this.opts.origin = i
}, s.prototype.setOptsForEach = function(t) {
this.forEachWall(function(i) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.setOnContact = function(t) {
switch (this.forEachWall(function(i) {
i.setOpts({onContact: t})
}), t) {
this.forEachWall(function(i) {
i.setOpts({onContact: t}), i.on("wrap", function(t) {
var e = t.particle, o = i.opts.n, n = i.opts.d;
switch (i) {
var r = s.SIDES.LEFT.opts.d;
case s.SIDES.LEFT:
var r = s.SIDES.TOP.opts.d;
case s.SIDES.TOP:
var r = s.SIDES.BOTTOM.opts.d;
var r = s.SIDES.TOP.opts.d
e.p.add(o.mult(n + r), e.p)
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function(t, i, e) {
this.forEachWall(function(s) {
s.applyConstraint(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.forEachWall = function(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.opts.sides.length; i++)
}, s.prototype.rotateZ = function(t) {
this.forEachWall(function(i) {
var e = i.opts.n;
e.rotateZ(t, e)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/math/matrix", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(require, exports, module) {
function Matrix(t, i, e, s) {
this.nRows = t, this.nCols = i, this.values = e || [[]], s && this.loop(s)
Matrix.prototype = {loop: function(t) {
for (var i = this.values, e = 0; e < this.nRows; e++) {
i[e] = [];
for (var s = 0; s < this.nCols; s++)
i[e][s] = t(e, s)
return this
},set: function(t) {
return this.values = t, this
},create: function(t) {
return this.loop(t)
},identity: function() {
return this.loop(function(t, i) {
return t == i ? 1 : 0
},print: function() {
for (var row = 0; row < this.nRows; row++) {
for (var str = "console.log(", col = 0; col < this.nCols; col++)
str += "this.values[" + row + "][" + col + "].toFixed(1)", col < this.nCols - 1 && (str += ",");
str += ")", eval(str)
},rightMult: function(t, i) {
t.nRows != this.nCols && console.warn("cant multiply");
for (var e = this.values, s = t.values, o = this.nRows, n = t.nCols, r = [], a = 0; o > a; a++) {
r[a] = [];
for (var h = 0; n > h; h++) {
for (var u = 0, c = 0; c < this.nCols; c++)
u += e[a][c] * s[c][h];
r[a][h] = u
return i ? i.set(r) : new Matrix(o, n).set(r)
},vMult: function(t) {
for (var i = t.length, e = [], s = 0; s < this.nRows; s++) {
for (var o = 0, n = 0; i > n; n++)
o += this.values[s][n] * t[n];
e[s] = o
return e
},diag: function(t) {
var i = function(i, e) {
return i == e ? t[i] : 0
return this.loop(i)
},transpose: function(t) {
var i = function(t, i) {
return this.values[i][t]
return t ? t.loop(i) : new Matrix(this.nCols, this.nRows, [[]], i)
}}, module.exports = Matrix
}), define("famous-physics/math/GaussSeidel", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.numIterations = t || 10, this.tolerance = i || 1e-7, this.prevX = [], this.x = []
function o() {
for (var t = 0, i = this.x.length, e = 0; i > e; e++)
t += Math.pow(this.prevX[e] - this.x[e], 2) / (this.x[e] * this.x[e]);
return Math.sqrt(t)
s.prototype.solve = function(t, i) {
for (var e, s = this.numIterations, n = i.length, r = this.x, a = this.prevX, h = 0; n > h; h++)
this.x[h] = 0;
for (var u = 0, c = 1 / 0; s > u && c > this.tolerance; ) {
for (var h = 0; n > h; h++) {
a[h] = r[h], e = 0;
for (var p = 0; n > p; p++)
p != h && (e += t[h][p] * r[p]);
r[h] = (i[h] - e) / t[h][h]
c = o(), u++
return r
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/constraints/joint", ["require", "exports", "module", "../math/matrix", "../math/GaussSeidel", "../math/vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {length: 0}, t && this.setOpts(t);
var i = 10, e = 1e-5;
this.solver = new n(i, e)
var o = t("../math/matrix"), n = t("../math/GaussSeidel"), r = t("../math/vector");
s.prototype.getPosition = function(t, i, e) {
var s = 2, n = 1, a = [], h = [], u = [], c = [], p = [], l = t;
a[0] = l.getVel(), h[0] = l.p, u[0] = l.mInv, c[0] = l.f, p[0] = l.m, a[1] = i.v, h[1] = i.p, u[1] = i.mInv, c[1] = i.f, p[1] = i.m;
for (var f = [], d = 0; n > d; d++) {
f[d] = [];
for (var m = 0; s > m; m++) {
var v;
m == d ? v = h[d].sub(h[d + 1]) : m == d + 1 && (v = h[d + 1].sub(h[d])), f[d][3 * m + 0] = v.x, f[d][3 * m + 1] = v.y, f[d][3 * m + 2] = v.z
var y = new o(n, 3 * s);
for (var g = [], d = 0; n > d; d++) {
g[d] = [];
for (var m = 0; s > m; m++) {
var v;
m == d ? v = a[d].sub(a[d + 1]) : m == d + 1 && (v = a[d + 1].sub(a[d])), g[d][3 * m + 0] = v.x, g[d][3 * m + 1] = v.y, g[d][3 * m + 2] = v.z
for (var S = [], _ = [], w = 0; s > w; w++)
S[3 * w + 0] = u[w], S[3 * w + 1] = u[w], S[3 * w + 2] = u[w], _[3 * w + 0] = a[w].x, _[3 * w + 1] = a[w].y, _[3 * w + 2] = a[w].z;
var x = new o(3 * s, 3 * s).diag(S), O = new o(n, n);
y.rightMult(x).rightMult(y.transpose(), O);
for (var T = y.vMult(_), I = 1, b = [], w = 0; n > w; w++) {
var C = this.length, M = h[w + 1].sub(h[w]).normSquared();
b[w] = .5 * (M - C * C)
for (var E = [], F = 0; n > F; F++)
E[F] = -T[F] - I / e * b[F];
for (var z = this.solver.solve(O.values, E), P = y.transpose().vMult(z), R = [], w = 0; s > w; w++)
R[w] = new r(P[3 * w + 0], P[3 * w + 1], P[3 * w + 2]);
for (var w = 0; s > w; w++) {
var _ = a[w], A = p[w], k = R[w];
(0 != w || 0 != && (1 == w && 0 == ? _.add(k.sub(R[0]).div(A), _) : _.add(k.div(A), _))
}, s.prototype.getError = function() {
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/Force", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/math/vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
this.force = new o
var o = t("famous-physics/math/vector");
s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyConstraint = function() {
}, s.prototype.setupSlider = function(t, i) {
i = i ||, t.setOpts({value: this.opts[i]}), t.init && t.init(), t.on("change", function(t) {
this.opts[i] = t.value
}, s.prototype.getEnergy = function() {
return 0
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/Drag", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/forces/Force"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {strength: .01,forceFunction: s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS.LINEAR}, t && this.setOpts(t),
var o = t("famous-physics/forces/Force");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS = {LINEAR: function(t) {
return t
},QUADRATIC: function(t) {
return t.mult(t.norm())
}}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t) {
var i = this.opts.strength, e = this.opts.forceFunction, s = this.force;
for (var o in t) {
var n = t[o];
e(n.v).mult(-i).put(s), n.applyForce(s)
}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/Repulsion", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {strength: 1,anchor: void 0,radii: {min: 0,max: 1 / 0},cutoff: 0,cap: 1 / 0,decayFunction: s.DECAY_FUNCTIONS.GRAVITY}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.setOpts(t), this.disp = new n,
var o = t("famous-physics/forces/Force"), n = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.DECAY_FUNCTIONS = {LINEAR: function(t, i) {
return Math.max(1 - 1 / i * t, 0)
},MORSE: function(t, i) {
var e = 0 == i ? 100 : i, s = t + e * (1 - Math.log(2));
return Math.max(1 - Math.pow(1 - Math.exp(s / e - 1), 2), 0)
},INVERSE: function(t, i) {
return 1 / (1 - i + t)
},GRAVITY: function(t, i) {
return 1 / (1 - i + t * t)
}}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor.p instanceof n && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new n(t.anchor)), delete t.anchor);
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t, i) {
var e = this.opts, s = this.force, o = this.disp, n = e.strength, r = e.anchor || i.p, a = e.cap, h = e.cutoff, u = e.radii.max, c = e.radii.min, p = e.decayFunction;
if (0 != n)
for (var l in t) {
var f = t[l];
if (f != i) {
var d = f.m, m = f.p;
var v = o.norm();
u > v && v > c && (o.normalize(n * d * p(v, h)).cap(a).put(s), f.applyForce(s))
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/Spring", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {period: 300,dampingRatio: .1,length: 0,lMin: 0,lMax: 1 / 0,anchor: void 0,bodyAnchor: new u(0, 0, 0),forceFunction: s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS.HOOK,callback: void 0,callbackTolerance: 1e-7}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.init(), this._canFireCallback = void 0,, this.disp = new u(0, 0, 0)
function o(t) {
this.forceFunction = t
function n(t) {
t.stiffness = Math.pow(2 * Math.PI / t.period, 2)
function r(t) {
t.damping = 4 * Math.PI * t.dampingRatio / t.period
function a(t, i) {
return .5 * t * i * i
var h = t("famous-physics/forces/Force"), u = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = h, s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS = {FENE: function(t, i) {
var e = .99 * i, s = Math.max(Math.min(t, e), -e);
return s / (1 - s * s / (i * i))
},HOOK: function(t) {
return t
}}, s.prototype.init = function() {
var t = this.opts;, t.forceFunction),, t),, t)
}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t, i) {
for (var e = this.force, s = this.disp, o = this.opts, n = o.stiffness, r = o.damping, h = o.length, u = o.anchor || i.p, c = o.callback, p = 0; p < t.length; p++) {
var l = t[p];
var f = s.norm() - h;
if (0 == f)
var d = l.m;
if (n *= d, r *= d, e.set(s.normalize(n * this.forceFunction(f, this.opts.lMax))), r && (i ? e.add(l.v.sub(i.v).mult(-r), e) : e.add(l.v.mult(-r), e)), l.applyForce(e), i && i.applyForce(e.mult(-1)), this.opts.callback) {
var m = l.getEnergy() + a(n, f);
this.fireCallback(l, c, m)
}, s.prototype.fireCallback = function(t, i, e) {
e < this.opts.callbackTolerance ? (this._canFireCallback &&, t), this._canFireCallback = !1) : this._canFireCallback = !0
}, s.prototype.getEnergy = function(t, i) {
var e = this.opts, s = e.length, o = e.anchor || i.p, n = e.stiffness, r = o.sub(t.p), a = r.norm() - s;
return .5 * n * a * a
}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor.p instanceof u && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof u && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new u(t.anchor))), void 0 !== t.bodyAnchor && (t.bodyAnchor instanceof u && (this.opts.bodyAnchor = t.bodyAnchor), t.bodyAnchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.bodyAnchor = new u(t.bodyAnchor))), void 0 !== t.period && (this.opts.period = t.period), void 0 !== t.dampingRatio && (this.opts.dampingRatio = t.dampingRatio), void 0 !== t.length && (this.opts.length = t.length), void 0 !== t.lMin && (this.opts.lMin = t.lMin), void 0 !== t.lMax && (this.opts.lMax = t.lMax), void 0 !== t.forceFunction && (this.opts.forceFunction = t.forceFunction), void 0 !== t.callback && (this.opts.callback = t.callback), void 0 !== t.callbackTolerance && (this.opts.callbackTolerance = t.callbackTolerance), this.init()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/TorqueSpring", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {period: 300,dampingRatio: 0,length: 0,lMin: 0,lMax: 1 / 0,anchor: void 0,forceFunction: s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS.HOOK,callback: void 0,callbackTolerance: 1e-7}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.torque = new h, this.init(), this._canFireCallback = void 0,, this.disp = new h(0, 0, 0)
function o(t) {
this.forceFunction = t
function n(t) {
t.stiffness = Math.pow(2 * Math.PI / t.period, 2)
function r(t) {
t.damping = 4 * Math.PI * t.dampingRatio / t.period
var a = t("famous-physics/forces/Force"), h = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = a, s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS = {FENE: function(t, i) {
var e = .99 * i, s = Math.max(Math.min(t, e), -e);
return s / (1 - s * s / (i * i))
},HOOK: function(t) {
return t
}}, s.prototype.init = function() {
var t = this.opts;, t.forceFunction),, t),, t)
}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t) {
for (var i = this.torque, e = this.opts, s = this.disp, o = e.stiffness, n = e.damping, r = e.length, a = e.anchor, h = 0; h < t.length; h++) {
var u = t[h];
var c = s.norm() - r;
if (0 == c)
var p = u.m;
o *= p, n *= p, i.set(s.normalize(o * this.forceFunction(c, this.opts.lMax))), n && i.add(u.w.mult(-n), i), u.applyTorque(i)
}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.anchor && (t.anchor.p instanceof h && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor.p), t.anchor instanceof h && (this.opts.anchor = t.anchor), t.anchor instanceof Array && (this.opts.anchor = new h(t.anchor))), void 0 !== t.period && (this.opts.period = t.period), void 0 !== t.dampingRatio && (this.opts.dampingRatio = t.dampingRatio), void 0 !== t.length && (this.opts.length = t.length), void 0 !== t.lMin && (this.opts.lMin = t.lMin), void 0 !== t.lMax && (this.opts.lMax = t.lMax), void 0 !== t.forceFunction && (this.opts.forceFunction = t.forceFunction), void 0 !== t.callback && (this.opts.callback = t.callback), void 0 !== t.callbackTolerance && (this.opts.callbackTolerance = t.callbackTolerance), this.init()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/VectorField", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "../math/vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {strength: 1,field: s.FIELDS.CONSTANT}, t && this.setOpts(t), this.setFieldOptions(this.opts.field), this.timeDependent = 3 == this.opts.field.length, this.tOrig = void 0, this.register = new n(0, 0, 0),
var o = t("famous-physics/forces/Force"), n = t("../math/vector");
s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.FIELDS = {CONSTANT: function(t, i) {
return t.set(i.direction)
},LINEAR: function(t, i) {
return t.mult(i.k, t)
},RADIAL_GRAVITY: function(t) {
return t.mult(-1, t)
},SPHERE_ATTRACTOR: function(t, i) {
return t.mult((i.radius - t.norm()) / t.norm(), t)
},POINT_ATTRACTOR: function(t, i) {
return t.set(i.p.sub(t))
}}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, s.prototype.evaluate = function(t, i) {
return this.register.set(t), this.opts.field(this.register, this.opts, i)
}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t) {
var i, e = this.force;
this.timeDependent ? (this.tOrig && (this.tOrig =, i = .001 * ( - this.tOrig)) : i = void 0;
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
var o = t[s];
e.set(this.evaluate(o.p, i).mult(o.m * this.opts.strength)), o.applyForce(e)
}, s.prototype.setFieldOptions = function(t) {
var i = s.FIELDS;
switch (t) {
case i.CONSTANT:
this.opts.direction || (this.opts.direction = new n(0, 1, 0));
this.opts.p || (this.opts.p = new n(0, 0, 0));
this.opts.radius || (this.opts.radius = 1);
case i.LINEAR:
this.opts.k || (this.opts.k = 1)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/forces/rotationalDrag", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {strength: .01,forceFunction: s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS.LINEAR}, t && this.setOpts(t),
var o = t("famous-physics/forces/Force");
t("famous-physics/math/Vector"), s.prototype = Object.create(o.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = o, s.FORCE_FUNCTIONS = {LINEAR: function(t) {
return t
},QUADRATIC: function(t) {
return t.mult(t.norm())
}}, s.prototype.applyForce = function(t) {
var i = this.opts.strength, e = this.opts.forceFunction, s = this.force;
for (var o in t) {
var n = t[o];
e(n.w).mult(-100 * i).put(s), n.applyTorque(s)
}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/integrator/SymplecticEuler", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {velocityCap: 1 / 0,angularVelocityCap: 1 / 0}, t && this.setOpts(t)
s.prototype.integrateVelocity = function(t, i) {
var e = t.v, s = t.m, o = t.f;
o.isZero() || (t.setVel(e.add(o.mult(i / s))), o.clear())
}, s.prototype.integratePosition = function(t, i) {
var e = t.p, s = t.v;
s.isZero() || (s.cap(this.opts.velocityCap, s), t.setPos(e.add(s.mult(i))))
}, s.prototype.integrateAngularMomentum = function(t, i) {
var e = t.L, s = t.t;
s.isZero() || (s.cap(this.opts.angularVelocityCap, s), e.add(s.mult(i), e), s.clear())
}, s.prototype.integrateOrientation = function(t, i) {
var e = t.q, s = t.w;
s.isZero() || (e.add(e.multiply(s).scalarMult(.5 * i), e), e.set(e.normalize()))
}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] = t[i]
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/integrator/verlet", ["require", "exports", "module", "../math/vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t = t || {}, this.vCap = t.vCap || 1 / 0, this.aCap = t.aCap || 1 / 0, this.drag = t.drag || 1, this.diff = new o, this.pOldCopy = new o, this.dragVector = new o
var o = t("../math/vector");
s.prototype.integrate = function(t, i, e) {
var s = t.pOld, o = t.p, n = t.a;
if (this.diff.set(o.sub(s)), e) {
var r = t.v;
t.hasImmunity("velocity") || r.add(n.mult(.5 * i), r), t.hasImmunity("position") || (s.set(o), o.add(r.mult(i), o))
} else
this.pOldCopy.set(s), t.hasImmunity("position") || (this.dragVector.set(this.diff.mult(this.drag)), s.set(o), o.add(n.mult(i * i), o), o.add(this.dragVector, o))
}, s.prototype.integrateVelocity = function(t, i, e) {
var s = t.p, o = t.a;
if (e) {
var n = t.v;
n.add(o.mult(.5 * i), n), s.add(n.mult(i), s)
} else
s.add(o.mult(i * i), s)
}, s.prototype.integratePosition = function(t) {
var i = t.p, e = t.pOld, s = this.pOldCopy;
s.set(e), e.set(i), i.add(i.sub(s).mult(this.drag), i)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/math/Random", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
return t + Math.random() * (i - t)
function o(t, i) {
return Math.floor(t + Math.random() * (i - t + 1))
e.exports = {integer: function(t, i, e) {
if (t = void 0 !== t ? t : 0, i = void 0 !== i ? i : 1, void 0 !== e) {
for (var s = [], n = 0; e > n; n++)
s.push(o(t, i));
return s
return o(t, i)
},range: function(t, i, e) {
if (t = void 0 !== t ? t : 0, i = void 0 !== i ? i : 1, void 0 !== e) {
for (var o = [], n = 0; e > n; n++)
o.push(s(t, i));
return o
return s(t, i)
},sign: function(t) {
return t = void 0 !== t ? t : .5, Math.random() < t ? 1 : -1
},bool: function(t) {
return t = void 0 !== t ? t : .5, Math.random() < t
}), define("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/bodies/Particle", "famous-physics/bodies/Body", "famous-physics/bodies/Circle", "famous-physics/bodies/Rectangle", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "famous-physics/integrator/SymplecticEuler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = {speed: 1,steps: 1,velocityCap: 1 / 0,angularVelocityCap: 1 / 0,constraintSteps: 1,constraintTolerance: 1e-4}, t && this.setOpts(t), this._particles = [], this._agents = {}, this._forces = [], this._constraints = [], this._playing = !0, this._buffer = 0, this._timestep = 1e3 / 60 / this.opts.steps, this._prevTime = void 0, this._currTime = void 0, this._integrator = new E({velocityCap: this.opts.velocityCap,angularVelocityCap: this.opts.angularVelocityCap}), this._currAgentId = 0, this.BODIES = s.BODIES
function o() {
function n(t, i, e) {
return void 0 === i && (i = this.getParticles()), i instanceof Array || (i = [i]), this._agents[this._currAgentId] = {agent: t,targets: i,source: e},, t).push(this._currAgentId), this._currAgentId++
function r(t) {
return t instanceof C ? this._forces : t instanceof M ? this._constraints : void 0
function a(t) {
return this._agents[t]
function h(t) {
var i =, this._forces[t]);
i.agent.applyForce(i.targets, i.source)
function u(t, i) {
var e = this._agents[this._constraints[t]];
return e.agent.applyConstraint(e.targets, e.source, i)
function c() {
for (var t = this._forces.length - 1; t > -1; t--), t)
function p(t) {
var i = 1 / 0, e = 0;
for (this.opts.constraintTolerance; e < this.opts.constraintSteps; ) {
i = 0;
for (var s = this._constraints.length - 1; s > -1; s--)
i +=, s, t);
function l(t, i) {
t.hasImmunity(O.IMMUNITIES.UPDATE) || this._integrator.integrateVelocity(t, i)
function f(t) {
t.hasImmunity(O.IMMUNITIES.ROTATION) || t instanceof T && t.updateAngularVelocity()
function d(t, i) {
t.hasImmunity(O.IMMUNITIES.ROTATION) || t instanceof T && this._integrator.integrateAngularMomentum(t, i)
function m(t, i) {
t.hasImmunity(O.IMMUNITIES.UPDATE) || this._integrator.integratePosition(t, i)
function v(t, i) {
t.hasImmunity(O.IMMUNITIES.ROTATION) || t instanceof T && this._integrator.integrateOrientation(t, i)
function y(t) {
this.forEachParticle(l, t)
function g(t) {
this.forEachParticle(m, t)
function S() {
function _(t) {
this.forEachParticle(d, t)
function w(t) {
this.forEachParticle(v, t)
function x(t) {,, t),, t),, t),, t),, t),, t)
var O = t("famous-physics/bodies/Particle"), T = t("famous-physics/bodies/Body"), I = t("famous-physics/bodies/Circle"), b = t("famous-physics/bodies/Rectangle"), C = t("famous-physics/forces/Force"), M = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), E = t("famous-physics/integrator/SymplecticEuler");
s.BODIES = {POINT: O,BODY: T,CIRCLE: I,RECTANGLE: b}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in t)
this.opts[i] && (this.opts[i] = t[i])
}, s.prototype.addBody = function(t) {
return this._particles.push(t), t
}, s.prototype.createParticle = function(t) {
return this.addBody(new O(t))
}, s.prototype.createBody = function(t) {
var i = t.shape || s.BODIES.POINT;
return this.addBody(new i(t))
}, s.prototype.remove = function(t) {
var i = this._particles.indexOf(t);
if (i > -1) {
for (var e = 0; e < Object.keys(this._agents); e++)
this.detachFrom(e, t);
this._particles.splice(i, 1)
}, s.prototype.attach = function(t, i, e) {
if (t instanceof Array) {
for (var s = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
s[o] =, t[o], i, e);
return s
return, t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.attachTo = function(t, i) {, t).targets.push(i)
}, s.prototype.detach = function(t) {
var i = this.getAgent(t), e =, i), s = e.indexOf(t);
e.splice(s, 1), delete this._agents[t]
}, s.prototype.detachFrom = function(t, i) {
var e =, t);
if (e.source === i)
else {
var s = e.targets, o = s.indexOf(i);
o > -1 && s.splice(o, 1)
}, s.prototype.detachAll = function() {
this._agents = {}, this._forces = [], this._constraints = [], this._currAgentId = 0
}, s.prototype.getAgent = function(t) {
return, t).agent
}, s.prototype.getParticles = function() {
return this._particles
}, s.prototype.getParticlesExcept = function(t) {
var i = [];
return this.forEachParticle(function(e) {
-1 === t.indexOf(e) && i.push(e)
}), i
}, s.prototype.getPos = function(t) {
return (t || this._particles[0]).getPos()
}, s.prototype.getVel = function(t) {
return (t || this._particles[0]).getVel()
}, s.prototype.getTransform = function(t) {
return (t || this._particles[0]).getTransform()
}, s.prototype.setPos = function(t, i) {
(i || this._particles[0]).setPos(t)
}, s.prototype.setVel = function(t, i) {
(i || this._particles[0]).setVel(t)
}, s.prototype.forEachParticle = function(t, i) {
for (var e = this.getParticles(), s = 0, o = e.length; o > s; s++), e[s], i)
}, s.prototype.step = function() {
if (this._playing) {
this._prevTime || (this._prevTime = o()), this._currTime = o();
var t = this._currTime - this._prevTime;
this._prevTime = this._currTime, 0 != t &&, this.opts.speed * this._timestep)
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
var i = [];
return this.forEachParticle(function(e) {
}), i
}, = function() {
this._prevTime = o(), this._playing = !0
}, s.prototype.pause = function() {
this._playing = !1
}, s.prototype.toggle = function() {
this._playing ? this.pause() :
}, s.prototype.reverseTime = function() {
this.opts.speed *= -1
}, s.prototype.reverseVelocities = function() {
this.forEachParticle(function(t) {
t.v.mult(-1, t.v)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring", "famous-physics/constraints/Wall", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.defaultDefinition = {spring: {period: 300,dampingRatio: .5},v: 0,wall: !1}, t = t || 0, this._anchor = new g(t, 0, 0), this.endState = t, this.prevState = void 0, this.direction = void 0, this.atRest = !0, this.spring = new v({anchor: this._anchor}), this.wall = new y({restitution: .5,k: 0,n: new g(-1, 0, 0)}), this.attachedWall = void 0, this.PE = new m, this.particle = this.PE.createParticle({p: [t, 0, 0]}), this.attachedSpring = this.PE.attach(this.spring, this.particle)
function o() {
if (!this.atRest) {
var t =;
S > t && (this.atRest = !0,, this.endState), this.callback && this.callback())
function n() {
return this.particle.getEnergy() + this.spring.getEnergy(this.particle)
function r(t) {
this.spring.setOpts(t.spring),, t.v), t.wall ? :
function a(t) {
this.prevState = this.endState, this.endState = t, this.direction = this.endState - this.prevState > 0 ? 1 : this.endState < 0 ? -1 : 0, void 0 !== this.attachedSpring && (this._anchor.x = t), void 0 !== this.attachedWall && this.wall.setOpts({d: Math.abs(t),n: [-this.direction, 0, 0]}),, this.direction *
function h() {
this.attachedWall = this.PE.attach(this.wall, this.particle)
function u() {
void 0 !== this.attachedWall && this.PE.detach(this.attachedWall)
function c(t) {
this.particle.p.x = t
function p(t) {
this.particle.v.x = t
function l() {
return this.particle.p.x
function f() {
return this.particle.v.x
function d(t) {
this.callback = t
var m = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), v = t("famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring"), y = t("famous-physics/constraints/Wall"), g = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.forceFunctions = v.forceFunctions;
var S = 1e-5;
s.prototype.reset = function(t, i) {
t = t || 0, i = i || 0, this.prevState = void 0,, t),, i),, t),, void 0)
}, s.prototype.getVelocity = function() {
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
return i ? (this.atRest = !1,, i),, t),, e), void 0) : (this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition2", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring", "famous-physics/forces/VectorField", "famous-physics/constraints/Wall", "famous-physics/math/Vector", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t = t || 0, this.endState = t, this.prevState = void 0, this.direction = void 0, this.defaultDefinition = {transition: {curve: {v: 1,thrust: 0},duration: 500},bounce: {period: 0,dampingRatio: 0},walls: !1}, this._anchor = new I(t, 0, 0), this.stageOneActive = !1, this.attachedSpring = void 0, this.attachedWall = void 0, this.attachedThrust = void 0, this.eventHandler = new b, this.eventHandler.on("initStageTwo", v.bind(this)), this.PE = new w, this.particle = this.PE.createBody({p: [t, 0, 0],v: [0, 0, 0]}), this.spring = new x({anchor: this._anchor}), this.thrust = new O({strength: 0,field: O.FIELDS.CONSTANT,direction: [1, 0, 0]}), this.wall = new T({restitution: .5,k: 0,n: new I(-1, 0, 0)})
function o() {
return this.particle.p.x <= this.endState ? 1 : -1
function n(t) {
this.direction = t
function r() {
1 == this.stageOneActive && this.direction != && this.eventHandler.emit("initStageTwo")
function a(t) {
var i, e, o = t.transition.duration, n = t.transition.curve;
"string" == typeof n && (n = s.TRANSITIONS[n]), e = this.direction * n.v, i = this.direction * n.thrust;
var r = this.endState - this.particle.p.x;
if (0 == o)
this.v = e || 0, this.a = 0;
else {
var a;
0 == i ? a = r / (e * o) : (0 > e * e + 2 * i * r && console.warn("unphysical choices for (v,a), target cannot be reached"), a = r > 0 ? (-e + Math.sqrt(e * e + 2 * i * r)) / (i * o) : (-e - Math.sqrt(e * e + 2 * i * r)) / (i * o)), this.v = a * e, this.a = a * a * i
var h = t.bounce;
"string" == typeof h && (h = s.BOUNCE[h]), this.spring.setOpts({period: h.period,dampingRatio: h.dampingRatio}), this.wallsActive = t.walls
function h(t) {
this.prevState = this.endState, this.endState = t,,
function u(t) {
void 0 === this.attachedSpring && (this._anchor.x = t, this.attachedSpring = this.PE.attach(this.spring, this.particle))
function c() {
void 0 !== this.attachedSpring && (this.PE.detach(this.attachedSpring, this.particle), this.attachedSpring = void 0)
function p(t, i) {
this.wallsActive && (this.wall.setOpts({d: Math.abs(t),n: [-i, 0, 0]}), this.attachedWall = this.PE.attach(this.wall, this.particle))
function l() {
void 0 !== this.attachedWall && (this.PE.detach(this.attachedWall, this.particle), this.attachedWall = void 0)
function f(t) {
this.thrust.setOpts({strength: t}), this.attachedThrust = this.PE.attach(this.thrust, this.particle)
function d() {
void 0 !== this.attachedThrust && (this.PE.detach(this.attachedThrust), this.attachedThrust = void 0)
function m() {
this.stageOneActive = !0,,,,, this.a),, this.v), C =
function v() {
console.log("Duration : ", - C), this.stageOneActive = !1,,, this.endState),, this.endState),, this.endState, this.direction)
function y(t) {
this.particle.v.x = t
function g(t) {
this.particle.p.x = t
function S(t) {
this.spring.setOpts({callback: t})
function _() {
var w = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), x = t("famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring"), O = t("famous-physics/forces/VectorField"), T = t("famous-physics/constraints/Wall"), I = t("famous-physics/math/Vector"), b = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.TRANSITIONS = {linear: {v: 1,thrust: 0},easeIn: {v: 0,thrust: 2},backIn: {v: -1,thrust: 2}}, s.BOUNCE = {none: {dampingRatio: 0,period: 0},low: {dampingRatio: .5,period: 300},medium: {dampingRatio: .3,period: 600},high: {dampingRatio: .1,period: 800}};
var C;
s.forceFunctions = x.forceFunctions, s.prototype.reset = function(t, i) {
i = i || 0, t = t || 0, this.PE.detachAll(),, t),, i),, void 0)
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
return i ? (, t),, i),, e),, void 0) : (this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0)
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
return, this.particle.p.x
}, s.prototype.getVelocity = function() {
return, this.particle.v.x
}, s.prototype.getTarget = function() {
return this.endState
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/utils/SpringTransition", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-physics/forces/Spring", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t = t || 0, this._anchor = new m(t, 0, 0), this.endState = t, this.prevState = void 0, this.atRest = !0, this.spring = new d({anchor: this._anchor}), this.PE = new f, this.particle = this.PE.createParticle({p: [t, 0, 0]}), this.PE.attach(this.spring, this.particle)
function o() {
if (!this.atRest) {
var t =;
v > t && (this.atRest = !0,, this.endState), this.callback && this.callback())
function n() {
return this.particle.getEnergy() + this.spring.getEnergy(this.particle)
function r(t) {
void 0 === t.period && (t.period = i.period), void 0 === t.dampingRatio && (t.dampingRatio = i.dampingRatio), void 0 === t.velocity && (t.velocity = i.velocity), t.period < 150 && console.warn("period may be unstable, increase the period or use a stiff transition"), this.spring.setOpts({period: t.period,dampingRatio: t.dampingRatio}),, t.velocity)
function a(t) {
this.prevState = this.endState, this.endState = t;
var i;
i = this.endState - this.prevState > 0 ? 1 : this.endState < 0 ? -1 : 0, this._anchor.x = t,, i *
function h(t) {
this.particle.p.x = t
function u(t) {
this.particle.v.x = t
function c() {
return this.particle.p.x
function p() {
return this.particle.v.x
function l(t) {
this.callback = t
var f = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), d = t("famous-physics/forces/Spring"), m = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {period: 300,dampingRatio: .5,velocity: 0}, s.forceFunctions = d.forceFunctions;
var v = 1e-5;
s.prototype.reset = function(t, i) {
t = t || 0, i = i || 0, this.prevState = void 0,, t),, i),, t),, void 0)
}, s.prototype.getVelocity = function() {
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
return i ? (this.atRest = !1,, i),, t),, e), void 0) : (this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/utils/StiffSpringTransition", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t = t || 0, this._anchor = new m(t, 0, 0), this.endState = t, this.prevState = void 0, this.atRest = !0, this.spring = new d({anchor: this._anchor}), this.PE = new f, this.particle = this.PE.createParticle({p: [t, 0, 0]}), this.PE.attach(this.spring, this.particle)
function o() {
if (!this.atRest) {
var t =;
v > t && (this.atRest = !0,, this.endState), this.callback && this.callback())
function n() {
return this.particle.getEnergy() + this.spring.getEnergy(this.particle)
function r(t) {
void 0 === t.period && (t.period = i.period), void 0 === t.dampingRatio && (t.dampingRatio = i.dampingRatio), void 0 === t.velocity && (t.velocity = i.velocity), this.spring.setOpts({period: t.period,dampingRatio: t.dampingRatio}),, t.velocity)
function a(t) {
this.prevState = this.endState, this.endState = t;
var i;
i = this.endState - this.prevState > 0 ? 1 : this.endState < 0 ? -1 : 0, this._anchor.x = t,, i *
function h(t) {
this.particle.p.x = t
function u(t) {
this.particle.v.x = t
function c() {
return this.particle.p.x
function p() {
return this.particle.v.x
function l(t) {
this.callback = t
var f = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), d = t("famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring"), m = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {period: 300,dampingRatio: .5,velocity: 0}, s.forceFunctions = d.forceFunctions;
var v = 1e-5;
s.prototype.reset = function(t, i) {
t = t || 0, i = i || 0, this.prevState = void 0,, t),, i),, t),, void 0)
}, s.prototype.getVelocity = function() {
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
return i ? (this.atRest = !1,, i),, t),, e), void 0) : (this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-physics/utils/WallTransition", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-physics/forces/Spring", "famous-physics/constraints/Wall", "famous-physics/math/Vector"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
t = t || 0, this._anchor = new v(t, 0, 0), this.endState = t, this.prevState = void 0, this.atRest = !0, this.spring = new d({anchor: this._anchor}), this.wall = new m, this.PE = new f, this.particle = this.PE.createParticle({p: [t, 0, 0]}), this.PE.attach(this.spring, this.particle), this.PE.attach(this.wall, this.particle)
function o() {
if (!this.atRest) {
var t =;
y > t && (this.atRest = !0,, this.endState), this.callback && this.callback())
function n() {
return this.particle.getEnergy() + this.spring.getEnergy(this.particle)
function r(t) {
void 0 === t.period && (t.period = i.period), void 0 === t.dampingRatio && (t.dampingRatio = i.dampingRatio), void 0 === t.velocity && (t.velocity = i.velocity), void 0 === t.restitution && (t.restitution = i.restitution), this.spring.setOpts({period: t.period,dampingRatio: t.dampingRatio}), this.wall.setOpts({restitution: t.restitution}),, t.velocity)
function a(t) {
this.prevState = this.endState, this.endState = t;
var i;
i = this.endState - this.prevState > 0 ? 1 : this.endState < 0 ? -1 : 0, this._anchor.x = t, this.wall.setOpts({d: Math.abs(t),n: [-i, 0, 0]}),, i *
function h(t) {
this.particle.p.x = t
function u(t) {
this.particle.v.x = t
function c() {
return this.particle.p.x
function p() {
return this.particle.v.x
function l(t) {
this.callback = t
var f = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), d = t("famous-physics/forces/Spring"), m = t("famous-physics/constraints/Wall"), v = t("famous-physics/math/Vector");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {period: 300,dampingRatio: 0,restitution: .4,velocity: 0}, s.forceFunctions = d.forceFunctions;
var y = 1e-5;
s.prototype.reset = function(t, i) {
t = t || 0, i = i || 0, this.prevState = void 0,, t),, i),, t),, void 0)
}, s.prototype.getVelocity = function() {
}, s.prototype.halt = function() {
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
return i ? (this.atRest = !1,, i),, t),, e), void 0) : (this.reset(t), e && e(), void 0)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/FastClick", ["require", "exports", "module"], function() {
if (window.CustomEvent) {
var t = 300, i = {};
document.addEventListener("touchstart", function(t) {
for (var e =, s = 0; s < t.changedTouches.length; s++) {
var o = t.changedTouches[s];
i[o.identifier] = e
}), window.addEventListener("touchmove", function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.changedTouches.length; e++) {
var s = t.changedTouches[e];
delete i[s.identifier]
}), document.addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
for (var s =, o = 0; o < e.changedTouches.length; o++) {
var n = e.changedTouches[o], r = i[n.identifier];
if (r && t > s - r) {
var a = new CustomEvent("click", {bubbles: !0,details: n});
delete i[n.identifier]
}), define("famous-sync/TwoFingerSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.targetGet = t, this.options = {scale: 1}, i ? this.setOptions(i) : this.setOptions(this.options), this.input = new o, this.output = new o, o.setInputHandler(this, this.input), o.setOutputHandler(this, this.output), this.touchAId = void 0, this.posA = void 0, this.timestampA = void 0, this.touchBId = void 0, this.posB = void 0, this.timestampB = void 0, this.input.on("touchstart", this.handleStart.bind(this)), this.input.on("touchmove", this.handleMove.bind(this)), this.input.on("touchend", this.handleEnd.bind(this)), this.input.on("touchcancel", this.handleEnd.bind(this))
var o = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.scale && (this.options.scale = t.scale)
}, s.prototype.handleStart = function(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.changedTouches.length; i++) {
var e = t.changedTouches[i];
this.touchAId ? this.touchBId || (this.touchBId = e.identifier, this.posB = [e.pageX, e.pageY], this.timestampB =, this._startUpdate()) : (this.touchAId = e.identifier, this.posA = [e.pageX, e.pageY], this.timestampA =
}, s.prototype.handleMove = function(t) {
if (this.touchAId && this.touchBId) {
for (var i, e = this.timestampA, s = this.timestampB, o = 0; o < t.changedTouches.length; o++) {
var n = t.changedTouches[o];
n.identifier == this.touchAId ? (this.posA = [n.pageX, n.pageY], this.timestampA =, i = this.timestampA - e) : n.identifier == this.touchBId && (this.posB = [n.pageX, n.pageY], this.timestampB =, i = this.timestampB - s)
i && this._moveUpdate(i)
}, s.prototype.handleEnd = function(t) {
for (var i = this.targetGet(), e = this.options.scale, s = 0; s < t.changedTouches.length; s++) {
var o = t.changedTouches[s];
(o.identifier == this.touchAId || o.identifier == this.touchBId) && (this.touchAId && this.touchBId && this.output.emit("end", {p: i,v: e * this._vel,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],angle: this._angle}), this.touchAId = void 0, this.touchBId = void 0)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/PinchSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "./TwoFingerSync"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {, t, i), this._dist = void 0
function o(t, i) {
var e = i[0] - t[0], s = i[1] - t[1];
return Math.sqrt(e * e + s * s)
var n = t("./TwoFingerSync");
s.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), s.prototype._startUpdate = function() {
this._dist = o(this.posA, this.posB), this._vel = 0, this.output.emit("start", {count: event.touches.length,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],distance: this._dist})
}, s.prototype._moveUpdate = function(t) {
var i = o(this.posA, this.posB), e = i - this._dist, s = e / t, n = this.targetGet(), r = this.options.scale;
this.output.emit("update", {p: n + r * e,v: r * s,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],distance: i}), this._dist = i, this._vel = s
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/RotateSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "./TwoFingerSync"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {, t, i), this._angle = void 0
function o(t, i) {
var e = i[0] - t[0], s = i[1] - t[1];
return Math.atan2(s, e)
var n = t("./TwoFingerSync");
s.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), s.prototype._startUpdate = function() {
this._angle = o(this.posA, this.posB), this._vel = 0, this.output.emit("start", {count: event.touches.length,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],angle: this._angle})
}, s.prototype._moveUpdate = function(t) {
var i = o(this.posA, this.posB), e = i - this._angle, s = e / t, n = this.targetGet(), r = this.options.scale;
this.output.emit("update", {p: n + r * e,v: r * s,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],angle: i}), this._angle = i, this._vel = s
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-sync/ScaleSync", ["require", "exports", "module", "./TwoFingerSync"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {, t, i), this._startDist = void 0, this._prevScale = void 0, this.input.on("pipe", n.bind(this))
function o(t, i) {
var e = i[0] - t[0], s = i[1] - t[1];
return Math.sqrt(e * e + s * s)
function n() {
this.touchAId = void 0, this.touchBId = void 0
var r = t("./TwoFingerSync");
s.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), s.prototype._startUpdate = function() {
this._prevScale = 1, this._startDist = o(this.posA, this.posB), this._vel = 0, this.output.emit("start", {count: event.touches.length,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],distance: this._startDist})
}, s.prototype._moveUpdate = function(t) {
var i = o(this.posA, this.posB), e = i / this._startDist, s = e - this._prevScale, n = s / t, r = this.targetGet(), a = this.options.scale;
this.output.emit("update", {p: r + a * s,v: a * n,touches: [this.touchAId, this.touchBId],distance: i}), this._prevScale = e, this._vel = n
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-utils/FormatTime", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
var e = t.toString().match(/(\d+)/g), s = new Date(e[0], e[1] - 1, e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], 0), r = new Date, a = .001 * (r.getTime() - s.getTime()), h = parseInt(a / 60, 10), u = parseInt(h / 60, 10), c = parseInt(u / 24, 10), p = o(s), l = 10, f = "";
return 720 > h ? 60 > h ? 2 > h ? (f = "just now", l = 1, [f, l]) : 30 > h ? (f = h + " minutes ago", l = 2, [f, l]) : 40 > h ? (f = "about a half hour ago", l = 2, [f, l]) : 50 > h ? (f = "about 45 minutes ago", l = 3, [f, l]) : (f = "about an hour ago", l = 4, [f, l]) : (f = 1 == i ? p[6] + ":" + p[7] + p[8] : "earlier today at " + p[6] + ":" + p[7] + p[8], l = 5, [f, l]) : 1440 > h ? (f = "yesterday at " + p[6] + ":" + p[7] + p[8], l = 6, [f, l]) : c >= 1 && 2 >= c ? (f = "yesterday at " + p[6] + ":" + p[7] + p[8], l = 7, [f, l]) : 6 > c ? (f = p[0] + " at " + p[6] + ":" + p[7] + p[8], l = 8, [f, l]) : 30 > c ? (f = 1 == i ? p[3] + "/" + p[1] + " at " + p[6] + ":" + p[7] + p[8] : p[4] + " " + p[1] + p[2] + " around " + p[6] + p[8], l = 9, [f, l]) : (f = n(p, r), l = 10, [f, l])
function o(t) {
var i = t.getDate(), e = t.getDay(), s = t.getMonth() + 1, o = t.getFullYear(), n = t.getHours(), r = t.getMinutes().toString(), a = 12 > n ? "am" : "pm";
r.length < 2 && (r = "0" + r);
var h = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], u = {1: "st",2: "nd",3: "rd",4: "th",5: "th",6: "th",7: "th",8: "th",9: "th",10: "th",11: "th",12: "th",13: "th",14: "th",15: "th",16: "th",17: "th",18: "th",19: "th",20: "th",21: "st",22: "nd",23: "rd",24: "th",25: "th",26: "th",27: "th",28: "th",29: "th",30: "th",31: "st"}, c = {1: "Jan",2: "Feb",3: "Mar",4: "April",5: "May",6: "June",7: "July",8: "Aug",9: "Sep",10: "Oct",11: "Nov",12: "Dec"};
return 0 === n && (n = 12), n > 12 && (n -= 12), [h[e], i, u[i], s, c[s], o, n, r, a]
function n(t, i) {
i ? i : new Date;
var e = i.getFullYear() === t[5] ? t[4] + " " + t[1] + t[2] : t[4] + " " + t[1] + t[2] + " " + t[5];
return e
e.exports = s
}), define("famous-utils/KeyCodes", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
var s = {0: 48,1: 49,2: 50,3: 51,4: 52,5: 53,6: 54,7: 55,8: 56,9: 57,A: 65,B: 66,C: 67,D: 68,E: 69,F: 70,G: 71,H: 72,I: 73,J: 74,K: 75,L: 76,M: 77,N: 78,O: 79,P: 80,Q: 81,R: 82,S: 83,T: 84,U: 85,V: 86,W: 87,X: 88,Y: 89,Z: 90,a: 97,b: 98,c: 99,d: 100,e: 101,f: 102,g: 103,h: 104,i: 105,j: 106,k: 107,l: 108,m: 109,n: 110,o: 111,p: 112,q: 113,r: 114,s: 115,t: 116,u: 117,v: 118,w: 119,x: 120,y: 121,z: 122,ENTER: 13,LEFT_ARROW: 37,RIGHT_ARROW: 39,UP_ARROW: 38,DOWN_ARROW: 40,SPACE: 32,SHIFT: 16,TAB: 9};
e.exports = s
}), define("famous-utils/NoiseImage", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i, e) {
t || (t = [128, 128]), i || (i = 8), o.width = t[0], o.height = t[1];
var s = i >> 1, r = o.width / i, a = i * i >> 1, h = 1 / s;
u(e), n.fillRect(0, 0, t[0], t[1]), u(e);
for (var c, p, l = 0; a > l; l++)
Math.random() + .5 >> 0 && (p = l * h >> 0, c = l - s * p, n.fillRect(c * r, p * r, r, r), n.fillRect((i - (c + 1)) * r, p * r, r, r));
var f = o.toDataURL("image/png");
return f
var o = document.createElement("canvas"), n = o.getContext("2d"), r = function(t) {
var i = 361 * Math.random() >> 0, e = t ? 360 * .125 * t - (46 * Math.random() >> 0) : i;
return e
}, a = function() {
return 30 + 71 * Math.random() >> 0
}, h = function() {
return 30 + 71 * Math.random() >> 0
}, u = function(t) {
n.fillStyle = "hsl(" + r(t) + "," + a() + "%," + h() + "%)"
e.exports = {generate: s}
}), define("famous-utils/Time", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Engine"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
var e =, s = function() {
var s =;
s - e >= i && (t(), e =
return h.on("prerender", s), s
function o(t) {
h.unbind("prerender", t)
function n(t, i, e) {
var s =, o = function() {
var n =, r = (n - s) / t;
return n - s >= t ? (i(1), h.unbind("prerender", o), e && e(), void 0) : (i(r), void 0)
h.on("prerender", o)
function r(t, i) {
var e =, s = function() {
var o =;
return o - e >= i ? (h.unbind("prerender", s), t(), void 0) : void 0
return h.on("prerender", s), s
function a(t) {
h.unbind("prerender", t)
var h = t("famous/Engine");
e.exports = {setInterval: s,removeInterval: o,executeOver: n,setTimeout: r,removeTimeout: a}
}), define("famous-utils/TimeAgo", ["require", "exports", "module"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
var i =, e = i - t, s = 6e4, o = 60 * s, n = 24 * o;
if (s > e)
return "Just Now";
if (o > e) {
var r = ~~(e / s);
return r + "m"
if (n > e) {
var a = ~~(e / o);
return a + "h"
var h = ~~(e / n);
return h + "d"
e.exports = {parse: s}
}), define("famous-utils/Utils", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Time", "famous/Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
var s = t("./Time"), o = t("famous/Matrix"), n = {rad2deg: function(t) {
return 57.2957795 * t
},deg2rad: function(t) {
return .0174532925 * t
},distance: function(t, i, e, s) {
var o = e - t, n = s - i;
return Math.sqrt(o * o + n * n)
},distance3D: function(t, i, e, s, o, n) {
var r = s - t, a = o - i, h = n - e;
return Math.sqrt(r * r + a * a + h * h)
},map: function(t, i, e, s, o, n) {
var r = (t - i) / (e - i) * (o - s) + s;
return n && (o > s ? r > o ? r = o : s > r && (r = s) : o > r ? r = o : r > s && (r = s)), r
},limit: function(t, i, e) {
return t = Math.min(t, e), t = Math.max(t, i)
},perspective: function(t, i, e, s, o) {
var n = 1 / Math.tan(i / 2), r = 1 / (s - o);
return t[0] = n / e, t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = n, t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = (o + s) * r, t[11] = -1, t[12] = 0, t[13] = 0, t[14] = 2 * o * s * r, t[15] = 0, t
},ortho: function(t, i, e, s, o, n, r) {
var a = -(e + i) / (e - i), h = -(o + s) / (o - s), u = -(r + n) / (r - n);
return t[0] = 2 / (e - i), t[1] = 0, t[2] = 0, t[3] = 0, t[4] = 0, t[5] = 2 / (o - s), t[6] = 0, t[7] = 0, t[8] = 0, t[9] = 0, t[10] = -2 / (r - n), t[11] = -1, t[12] = a, t[13] = h, t[14] = u, t[15] = 1, t
},normalFromFM: function(t, i) {
var e = i[0], s = i[1], o = i[2], n = i[3], r = i[4], a = i[5], h = i[6], u = i[7], c = i[8], p = i[9], l = i[10], f = i[11], d = i[12], m = i[13], v = i[14], y = i[15], g = e * a - s * r, S = e * h - o * r, _ = e * u - n * r, w = s * h - o * a, x = s * u - n * a, O = o * u - n * h, T = c * m - p * d, I = c * v - l * d, b = c * y - f * d, C = p * v - l * m, M = p * y - f * m, E = l * y - f * v, F = g * E - S * M + _ * C + w * b - x * I + O * T;
return F ? (F = 1 / F, t[0] = (a * E - h * M + u * C) * F, t[1] = (h * b - r * E - u * I) * F, t[2] = (r * M - a * b + u * T) * F, t[3] = (o * M - s * E - n * C) * F, t[4] = (e * E - o * b + n * I) * F, t[5] = (s * b - e * M - n * T) * F, t[6] = (m * O - v * x + y * w) * F, t[7] = (v * _ - d * O - y * S) * F, t[8] = (d * x - m * _ + y * g) * F, t) : null
},clamp: function(t, i, e) {
return i > t ? i : t > e ? e : t
},color: function(t, i, e, s) {
return "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"
},backgroundTransparent: function() {
return {backgroundColor: "transparent"}
},backgroundColor: function(t, i, e, s) {
return {backgroundColor: "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"}
},borderRadius: function(t) {
return {borderRadius: t + "px"}
},borderTopWidth: function(t) {
return {borderTopWidth: t + "px"}
},borderBottomWidth: function(t) {
return {borderBottomWidth: t + "px"}
},borderLeftWidth: function(t) {
return {borderLeftWidth: t + "px"}
},borderRightWidth: function(t) {
return {borderRightWidth: t + "px"}
},borderWidth: function(t) {
return {borderWidth: t + "px"}
},borderColor: function(t, i, e, s) {
return 0 == s ? {borderColor: "transparent"} : {borderColor: "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"}
},borderTopColor: function(t, i, e, s) {
return 0 == s ? {borderTopColor: "transparent"} : {borderTopColor: "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"}
},borderBottomColor: function(t, i, e, s) {
return 0 == s ? {borderBottomColor: "transparent"} : {borderBottomColor: "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"}
},borderRightColor: function(t, i, e, s) {
return 0 == s ? {borderRightColor: "transparent"} : {borderRightColor: "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"}
},borderLeftColor: function(t, i, e, s) {
return 0 == s ? {borderLeftColor: "transparent"} : {borderLeftColor: "rgba(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "," + Math.floor(e) + "," + s + ")"}
},borderStyle: function(t) {
return {borderStyle: t}
},borderTopStyle: function(t) {
return {borderTopStyle: t}
},borderBottomStyle: function(t) {
return {borderBottomStyle: t}
},borderRightStyle: function(t) {
return {borderRightStyle: t}
},borderLeftStyle: function(t) {
return {borderLeftStyle: t}
},colorHSL: function(t, i, e, s) {
return "hsla(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "%," + Math.floor(e) + "%," + s + ")"
},backgroundTransparent: function() {
return {backgroundColor: "transparent"}
},backgroundColorHSL: function(t, i, e, s) {
return {backgroundColor: "hsla(" + Math.floor(t) + "," + Math.floor(i) + "%," + Math.floor(e) + "%," + s + ")"}
},clipCircle: function(t, i, e) {
return {"-webkit-clip-path": "circle(" + t + "px," + i + "px," + e + "px)"}
},getWidth: function() {
return window.innerWidth
},getHeight: function() {
return window.innerHeight
},getCenter: function() {
return [.5 * n.getWidth(), .5 * n.getHeight()]
},isMobile: function() {
return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? !0 : !1
},isString: function(t) {
return "string" == typeof t || t instanceof String
},isArray: function(t) {
return "[object Array]" ===
},extend: function(t, i) {
for (var e in i)
t[e] = i[e];
return t
},getDevicePixelRatio: function() {
return window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1
},getSurfacePosition: function(t) {
function i(t) {
var s = o(t);
if ("" !== s && void 0 !== s) {
var n = e(s);
r[0] += n[0], r[1] += n[1], r[2] += n[2], i(t.parentNode)
function e(t) {
var i = [];
t = s(t), i[0] = parseInt(t[12].replace(" ", "")), i[1] = parseInt(t[13].replace(" ", "")), i[2] = parseInt(t[14].replace(" ", ""));
for (var e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
"undefined" == typeof i[e] && (i[e] = 0);
return i
function s(t) {
return t = t.replace("matrix3d(", ""), t = t.replace(")", ""), t.split(",")
function o(t) {
var i = ||;
return i
var n = t._currTarget, r = [0, 0, 0];
return n ? (i(n), r) : void 0
},getCenterMatrix: function(t, i, e) {
return void 0 == e && (e = 0), o.translate(t[0] - .5 * i[0], t[1] - .5 * i[1], e)
},debounce: function(t, i) {
var e, o, n, r, a;
return function() {
o = this, a = arguments, n = new Date;
var h = function() {
var u = new Date - n;
i > u ? e = s.setTimeout(h, i - u) : (e = null, r = t.apply(o, a))
return e || (e = s.setTimeout(h, i)), r
},hasUserMedia: function() {
return !!(navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia)
},isWebkit: function() {
return !!window.webkitURL
e.exports = n
}), define("famous-views/CardsLayout", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Entity", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Utility", "famous-sync/GenericSync", "famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this._entityId = a.register(this), this._size = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight], this._cards = [], this._cardStates = [], this._activeIndex = -1, this._incomingIndex = -1, this._removedCards = [], this._removedCardStates = [], this.sync = new p(o.bind(this), {direction: c.Direction.X,rails: !0}), this.eventInput = new h, this.eventInput.pipe(this.sync), h.setInputHandler(this, this.eventInput), this.eventOutput = new h, h.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), t && this.setOptions(t), this.sync.on("start", function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._cardStates.length; t++)
}.bind(this)), this.sync.on("update", function(t) {
if (!(this._activeIndex < 0)) {
var i =, this._cards[this._activeIndex]);
t.p > this.getSize()[0] && this.activeIndex > 0 ? this._activeIndex-- : t.p < this.getSize()[0] - i ? this._activeIndex < this._cards.length - 1 ? this._activeIndex++ : this.eventOutput.emit("edgepull", {direction: 1,v: t.v}) : !this._activeIndex && t.p > .5 * i && t.v > 0 && this.eventOutput.emit("edgepull", {direction: -1,v: t.v})
}.bind(this)), this.sync.on("end", function(t) {
if (!(this._activeIndex < 0)) {
t.v > this.options.feel.pageSwitchSpeed && this._activeIndex > 0 ? this._activeIndex-- : t.v < -this.options.feel.pageSwitchSpeed && this._activeIndex < this._cards.length - 1 && this._activeIndex++;
var i = this._activeIndex, e = this._cards[i], s = this.getSize()[0] -, e);
this._cardStates[i].setAnchorPosition(s), this._cardStates[i].setVelocity(t.v)
function o() {
return this._activeIndex < 0 ? 0 : this._cardStates[this._activeIndex].getPosition()
function n(t) {
return t && t.getSize ? (size = t.getSize(), size && size[0] ? size[0] : this.options.look.size[0]) : this.options.look.size[0]
function r() {
var t = this.getSize()[0];
if (this._incomingIndex >= 0) {
var i = this._cardStates[this._incomingIndex].getPosition(), e = t;
this._activeIndex >= 0 && (e = Math.min(e, this._cardStates[this._activeIndex].getPosition() +, this._cards[this._activeIndex]))), e >= i && (this._activeIndex = this._incomingIndex, this._incomingIndex = -1)
var s;
if (this._cardStates.length) {
if (s = new Array(this._cards.length), this._activeIndex >= 0) {
for (var o = this._cardStates[this._activeIndex].getPosition(), r = o, a = this._activeIndex - 1; a >= 0; a--)
r -=, this._cards[a]), this._cardStates[a].reset(r > 0 ? r : 0);
r = o +, this._cards[this._activeIndex]);
for (var h = this._cardStates.length, a = this._activeIndex + 1; h > a; a++)
a != this._incomingIndex && (this._cardStates[a].reset(r), r +=, this._cards[a]))
for (var a = 0; a < this._cards.length; a++) {
var c = this._cardStates[a].getPosition();
s[a] = {transform: u.translate(.125 * (0 | 8 * c), 0, .01 * a),size: [, this._cards[a]), void 0],target: this._cards[a].render()}
} else
s = [];
for (var a = 0; a < this._removedCardStates.length; ) {
var c = this._removedCardStates[a].getPosition(), p = this._removedCardStates[a].getVelocity();
c >= t && Math.abs(p) < .001 ? (this._removedCardStates.splice(a, 1), this._removedCards.splice(a, 1)) : (s.push({transform: u.translate(c, 0, .01 * a),size: [, this._removedCards[a]), void 0],target: this._removedCards[a].render()}), a++)
return s
var a = t("famous/Entity"), h = t("famous/EventHandler"), u = t("famous/Matrix"), c = t("famous/Utility"), p = t("famous-sync/GenericSync"), l = t("famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {look: {size: [400, void 0]},feel: {dampingRatio: .8,period: 500,pageSwitchSpeed: 1},removalFudge: 10}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this._size
}, = function(t) {
if (!t)
return this.remove(0);
if (this._cards.indexOf(t) >= 0)
return !1;
t && t.emit && (t.pipe(this.eventInput), this.eventOutput.pipe(t));
var i, e = this._removedCards.indexOf(t);
0 > e ? (i = new l({dampingRatio: this.options.feel.dampingRatio,period: this.options.feel.period}), i.reset(this.getSize()[0])) : (i = this._removedCardStates[e], this._removedCardStates.splice(e, 1), this._removedCards.splice(e, 1));
var s = this.getSize()[0] -, t);
this._cardStates.length && (s = this._cardStates[this._cardStates.length - 1].getPosition() + n(this, this._cards[this._cardStates.length - 1])), s = Math.min(s, this.getSize()[0] -, t)), i.setAnchorPosition(s);
var o = this._cardStates.length;
return this._cards[o] = t, this._cardStates[o] = i, this._incomingIndex = o, o
}, s.prototype.remove = function(t) {
if (t || (t = 0), !(t >= this._cards.length)) {
this._activeIndex = t - 1;
for (var i = t; i < this._cards.length; i++)
this._cardStates[i].setAnchorPosition(this.getSize()[0] + this.options.removalFudge), this._removedCardStates.push(this._cardStates[i]), this._removedCards.push(this._cards[i]);
if (this._cards.splice(t), this._cardStates.splice(t), this._activeIndex >= 0 && this._activeIndex < t) {
var e = this.getSize()[0] -, this._cards[this._activeIndex]);
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.look && (this.options.look = t.look), void 0 !== t.feel && (this.options.feel = t.feel), void 0 !== t.removalFudge && (this.options.removalFudge = t.removalFudge)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this._entityId
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, s, o) {
return this._size = o, {transform: i,opacity: e,origin: s,size: o,target:}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/ControlSet", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
this.eventOutput = new o, o.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this.controls = []
var o = t("famous/EventHandler"), n = t("famous/Matrix");
s.prototype.include = function(t, i) {
i.on("change", function(i) {
this.eventOutput.emit(t, {value: i.value})
}.bind(this)), this.controls.push(i)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
for (var t = [], i = 0, e = 0, s = 0; s < this.controls.length; s++) {
var o = this.controls[s], r = o.getSize();
t.push({transform: n.translate(0, i),target: o.render()}), i += r[1], e = Math.max(e, r[0])
return {size: [e, i],target: t}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/LightBox", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Modifier", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {inTransform: o.scale(.001, .001, .001),inOpacity: 0,inOrigin: [.5, .5],outTransform: o.scale(.001, .001, .001),outOpacity: 0,outOrigin: [.5, .5],showTransform: o.identity,showOpacity: 1,showOrigin: [.5, .5],inTransition: !0,outTransition: !0,overlap: !1}, t && this.setOptions(t), this._showing = !1, this.nodes = [], this.transforms = []
var o = t("famous/Matrix"), n = t("famous/Modifier"), r = t("famous/RenderNode"), a = t("famous/Utility");
s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.inTransform && (this.options.inTransform = t.inTransform), void 0 !== t.inOpacity && (this.options.inOpacity = t.inOpacity), void 0 !== t.inOrigin && (this.options.inOrigin = t.inOrigin), void 0 !== t.outTransform && (this.options.outTransform = t.outTransform), void 0 !== t.outOpacity && (this.options.outOpacity = t.outOpacity), void 0 !== t.outOrigin && (this.options.outOrigin = t.outOrigin), void 0 !== t.showTransform && (this.options.showTransform = t.showTransform), void 0 !== t.showOpacity && (this.options.showOpacity = t.showOpacity), void 0 !== t.showOrigin && (this.options.showOrigin = t.showOrigin), void 0 !== t.inTransition && (this.options.inTransition = t.inTransition), void 0 !== t.outTransition && (this.options.outTransition = t.outTransition), void 0 !== t.overlap && (this.options.overlap = t.overlap)
}, = function(t, i, e) {
if (!t)
return this.hide(e);
if (i instanceof Function && (e = i, i = void 0), this._showing) {
if (!this.options.overlap)
return this.hide(, t, e)), void 0;
this._showing = !0;
var s = new n({transform: this.options.inTransform,opacity: this.options.inOpacity,origin: this.options.inOrigin}), o = new r;, this.nodes.push(o), this.transforms.push(s);
var h = e ? a.after(3, e) : void 0;
i || (i = this.options.inTransition), s.setTransform(this.options.showTransform, i, h), s.setOpacity(this.options.showOpacity, i, h), s.setOrigin(this.options.showOrigin, i, h)
}, s.prototype.hide = function(t, i) {
if (this._showing) {
this._showing = !1, t instanceof Function && (i = t, t = void 0);
var e = this.nodes[this.nodes.length - 1], s = this.transforms[this.transforms.length - 1], o = a.after(3, function() {
this.nodes.splice(this.nodes.indexOf(e), 1), this.transforms.splice(this.transforms.indexOf(s), 1), i &&
t || (t = this.options.outTransition), s.setTransform(this.options.outTransform, t, o), s.setOpacity(this.options.outOpacity, t, o), s.setOrigin(this.options.outOrigin, t, o)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
for (var t = [], i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++)
return t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/EdgeSwapper", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Entity", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Matrix", "./LightBox"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this._currTarget = void 0, this._size = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight], this.lightbox = new a(this.options), this.eventInput = new n, n.setInputHandler(this, this.eventInput), = o.register(this), t && this.setOptions(t)
var o = t("famous/Entity"), n = t("famous/EventHandler"), r = t("famous/Matrix"), a = t("./LightBox");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {inOrigin: [0, 0],outOrigin: [0, 0],showOrigin: [0, 0],inTransform: r.translate(window.innerWidth, 0, 0),outTransform: r.translate(window.innerWidth, 0, 0)}, = function(t) {
this._currTarget && this.eventInput.unpipe(this._currTarget), this._currTarget = t, this._currTarget && (this._currTarget.setSize && this._currTarget.setSize(this._size), this._currTarget.emit && this.eventInput.pipe(this._currTarget)),, arguments)
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, s, o) {
return (o[0] != this._size[0] || o[1] != this._size[1]) && (this._size = o, this.lightbox.setOptions({inTransform: r.translate(this._size[0], 0, 0),outTransform: r.translate(this._size[0], 0, 0)}), this._currTarget && this._currTarget.setSize && this._currTarget.setSize(o)), {transform: i,opacity: e,origin: s,size: o,target: this.lightbox.render()}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/Fader", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Transitionable"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t, i) {
this.options = {cull: !1,transition: !0,pulseInTransition: !0,pulseOutTransition: !0,visibilityThreshold: 0}, t && this.setOptions(t), i || (i = 0), this.transitionHelper = new o(i)
var o = t("famous/Transitionable");
s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.cull && (this.options.cull = t.cull), void 0 !== t.transition && (this.options.transition = t.transition), void 0 !== t.pulseInTransition && (this.options.pulseInTransition = t.pulseInTransition), void 0 !== t.pulseOutTransition && (this.options.pulseOutTransition = t.pulseOutTransition), void 0 !== t.visibilityThreshold && (this.options.visibilityThreshold = t.visibilityThreshold)
}, = function(t) {
this.set(1, this.options.transition, t)
}, s.prototype.hide = function(t) {
this.set(0, this.options.transition, t)
}, s.prototype.pulse = function(t, i) {
void 0 === t && (t = 1);
var e = this.transitionHelper.get();
this.transitionHelper.set(t, this.options.pulseInTransition), this.transitionHelper.set(e, this.options.pulseOutTransition, i)
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e) {
this.transitionHelper.halt(), this.transitionHelper.set(t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
var i = this.transitionHelper.get();
return this.options.cull && !i ? void 0 : {opacity: i,target: t}
}, s.prototype.isVisible = function() {
var t = this.options.visibilityThreshold;
return t >= 1 ? 1 == this.transitionHelper.get() : this.transitionHelper.get() > t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/Flip", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Transitionable", "famous/RenderNode"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {transition: !0,cull: !0}, t && this.setOptions(t), this._side = 0, this.state = new n(0), this.frontNode = new r, this.backNode = new r
var o = t("famous/Matrix"), n = t("famous/Transitionable"), r = t("famous/RenderNode");
s.prototype.setDefaultTransition = function(t) {
this.transition = t
}, s.prototype.flip = function(t, i) {
void 0 === t && (t = 1 == this._side ? 0 : 1), this._side = t, this.state.set(t, this.options.transition, i)
}, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.transition && (this.options.transition = t.transition), void 0 !== t.cull && (this.options.cull = t.cull)
}, s.prototype.linkFront = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.linkBack = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.render = function(t) {
var i = this.state.get();
return void 0 !== t ? {transform: o.rotateY(Math.PI * i),target: t} : this.options.cull && !this.state.isActive() ? i ? this.backNode.render() : this.frontNode.render() : [{transform: o.rotateY(Math.PI * i),target: this.frontNode.render()}, {transform: o.rotateY(Math.PI * (i + 1)),target: this.backNode.render()}]
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/GridLayout", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Entity", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/Matrix", "famous/ViewSequence"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {size: [1, 1]}, t && this.setOptions(t), = o.register(this), this._targetPositionsCache = [], this._targetSizesCache = [], this._contextSizeCache = [0, 0], this._gridSizeCache = [0, 0]
var o = t("famous/Entity");
var n = t("famous/Matrix"), r = t("famous/ViewSequence");
s.prototype.render = function() {
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.size && (this.options.size = t.size)
}, s.prototype.sequenceFrom = function(t) {
t instanceof Array && (t = new r(t)), this.sequence = t
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, s, o) {
var r = this.options.size[1], a = this.options.size[0];
if (o[0] != this._contextSizeCache[0] || o[1] !== this._contextSizeCache[1] || r !== this._gridSizeCache[0] || a !== this._gridSizeCache[1])
for (var h = o[1] / r, u = o[0] / a, c = 0; r > c; c++)
for (var p = Math.round(h * c), l = 0; a > l; l++) {
var f = Math.round(u * l), d = c * a + l;
this._targetPositionsCache[d] = n.translate(f, p), this._targetSizesCache[d] = [Math.round(u * (l + 1)) - f, Math.round(h * (c + 1)) - p]
for (var m = this.sequence, v = [], d = 0; m && d <= this._targetPositionsCache.length; ) {
var y = m.get();
y && (v[d] = {transform: this._targetPositionsCache[d],size: this._targetSizesCache[d],target: y.render()}), m = m.getNext(), d++
o && (i = n.move(i, [-o[0] * s[0], -o[1] * s[1], 0]));
var g = {transform: i,opacity: e,origin: s,size: o,target: v};
return g
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/HeaderFooterLayout", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Entity", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), t && this.setOptions(t), this._entityId = o.register(this), this._header = new n, this._footer = new n, this._content = new n, = {header: this._header,footer: this._footer,content: this._content}
var o = t("famous/Entity"), n = t("famous/RenderNode"), r = t("famous/Matrix");
s.DIRECTION_X = 0, s.DIRECTION_Y = 1, s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {direction: s.DIRECTION_Y,footerSize: 0,headerSize: 0}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this._entityId
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
for (var i in s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
void 0 !== t[i] && (this.options[i] = t[i])
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, o, n) {
function a(t, i) {
var e = t.get();
if (!e || !e.getSize)
return i;
var s = e.getSize();
return s[this.options.direction] || i
function h(t) {
return this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_X ? r.translate(t, 0, 0) : r.translate(0, t, 0)
function u(t) {
return this.options.direction == s.DIRECTION_X ? [t, n[1]] : [n[0], t]
var c =, this._header, this.options.headerSize), p =, this._footer, this.options.footerSize), l = n[this.options.direction] - c - p, f = [.5, .5], d = [.5, .5];
f[this.options.direction] = 0, d[this.options.direction] = 1;
var m = [{origin: f,size:, c),target: this._header.render()}, {transform:, c),origin: f,size:, l),target: this._content.render()}, {origin: d,size:, p),target: this._footer.render()}];
i = r.move(i, [-n[0] * o[0], -n[1] * o[1], 0]);
var v = {transform: i,opacity: e,origin: o,size: n,target: m};
return v
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/ImageFader", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/RenderNode", "./Fader", "famous/Matrix"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.nodes = [], this.faders = [], this.mode = -1, t && this.setOptions(t)
var o = t("famous/RenderNode"), n = t("./Fader"), r = t("famous/Matrix");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {crossfade: !1}, s.prototype.getMode = function() {
return this.mode
}, s.prototype.setMode = function(t, i, e) {
if (this.mode = t, this.options.crossfade) {
for (var s = 0; s < this.faders.length; s++)
this.faders[s].set(0, i);
this.faders[t].set(1, i, e)
} else
this.faders[t].set(1, i, function() {
if (this.mode == t) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.faders.length; i++)
i != t && this.faders[i].set(0);
e && e()
}, s.prototype.forMode = function(t) {
return this.nodes[t] || (this.nodes[t] = new o, this.faders[t] = new n(this.options)), this.nodes[t]
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.crossfade && (this.options.crossfade = t.crossfade)
}, s.behindMatrix = r.translate(0, 0, -.01), s.prototype.render = function() {
for (var t = [], i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
var e = this.faders[i].render(this.nodes[i].render());
i != this.mode && (e = {transform: s.behindMatrix,target: e}), t[i] = e
return t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/Scrollview", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Utility", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-physics/bodies/Particle", "famous-physics/forces/Drag", "famous-physics/forces/Spring", "famous/Matrix", "famous/EventHandler", "famous-sync/GenericSync", "famous/ViewSequence", "famous/Group", "famous/Entity"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {direction: _.Direction.Y,rails: !0,defaultItemSize: [100, 100],itemSpacing: 0,clipSize: void 0,margin: void 0,friction: .001,drag: 1e-4,edgeGrip: .5,edgePeriod: 300,edgeDamp: 1,paginated: !1,pagePeriod: 500,pageDamp: .8,pageStopSpeed: 1 / 0,pageSwitchSpeed: 1,speedLimit: 10}, this.node = null, this.physicsEngine = new w, this.particle = new x, this.physicsEngine.addBody(this.particle), this.spring = new T({anchor: [0, 0, 0]}), this.drag = new O({forceFunction: O.FORCE_FUNCTIONS.QUADRATIC}), this.friction = new O({forceFunction: O.FORCE_FUNCTIONS.LINEAR}), this.sync = new C(function() {
return -this.getPosition()
}.bind(this), {direction: this.options.direction == _.Direction.X ? C.DIRECTION_X : C.DIRECTION_Y}), this.eventInput = new b, this.eventOutput = new b, this.sync.pipe(this.eventInput), this.sync.pipe(this.eventOutput), b.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this._outputFunction = void 0, this._masterOutputFunction = void 0, this.setOutputFunction(), this.touchCount = 0, this._springAttached = !1, this._onEdge = 0, this._springPosition = 0, this._touchVelocity = void 0, this._earlyEnd = !1, this._masterOffset = 0, this._lastFrameNode = void 0, t ? this.setOptions(t) : this.setOptions({}),, = new E,{render: S.bind(this)}), this._entityId = F.register(this), this._contextSize = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight], this._offsets = {}
function o(t) {
this.touchCount = t.count, void 0 === t.count && (this.touchCount = 1),, this.setVelocity(0), this._touchVelocity = 0, this._earlyEnd = !1
function n(t) {
var i = -t.p, e = -t.v;
this._onEdge && t.slip && (0 > e && this._onEdge < 0 || e > 0 && this._onEdge > 0 ? this._earlyEnd || (, t), this._earlyEnd = !0) : this._earlyEnd && Math.abs(e) > Math.abs(this.particle.getVel()[0]) &&, t)), this._earlyEnd || (this._touchVelocity = e, this.setPosition(i))
function r(t) {
if (this.touchCount = t.count || 0, !this.touchCount) {, this._onEdge && (this._springAttached = !0),;
var i = -t.v, e = this.options.speedLimit;
t.slip && (e *= this.options.edgeGrip), -e > i ? i = -e : i > e && (i = e), this.setVelocity(i), this._touchVelocity = void 0
function a() {
this.eventInput.on("start", o.bind(this)), this.eventInput.on("update", n.bind(this)), this.eventInput.on("end", r.bind(this))
function h() {
this._springAttached ? this.physicsEngine.attach([this.spring], this.particle) : this.physicsEngine.attach([this.drag, this.friction], this.particle)
function u() {
this._springAttached = !1, this.physicsEngine.detachAll()
function c(t) {
return t || (t = this.options.defaultItemSize), t[this.options.direction == _.Direction.X ? 0 : 1]
function p(t) {
this._springPosition += t, this.setPosition(this.getPosition() + t), this.spring.setOpts({anchor: [this._springPosition, 0, 0]})
function l() {
for (var t = !1; !t && this.getPosition() < 0; ) {
var i = this.node.getPrevious ? this.node.getPrevious() : void 0;
if (i) {
var e = i.getSize ? i.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize, s =, e) + this.options.itemSpacing;, s), this._masterOffset -= s, this.node = i
} else
t = !0
for (var o = this.node && this.node.getSize ? this.node.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize; !t && this.getPosition() >=, o) + this.options.itemSpacing; ) {
var n = this.node.getNext ? this.node.getNext() : void 0;
if (n) {
var s =, o) + this.options.itemSpacing;, -s), this._masterOffset += s, this.node = n, o = this.node.getSize ? this.node.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize
} else
t = !0
Math.abs(this._masterOffset) > + this.options.margin && (this._masterOffset = 0)
function f(t) {
!this._onEdge && t ? (this.sync.setOptions({scale: this.options.edgeGrip}), this.touchCount || this._springAttached || (this._springAttached = !0, this.physicsEngine.attach([this.spring], this.particle))) : this._onEdge && !t && (this.sync.setOptions({scale: 1}), this._springAttached && (,, this._onEdge = t
function d() {
if (0 == this.touchCount && !this._springAttached && !this._onEdge && this.options.paginated && Math.abs(this.getVelocity()) < this.options.pageStopSpeed) {
var t = this.node.getSize ? this.node.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize, i = Math.abs(this.getVelocity()) > this.options.pageSwitchSpeed, e = this.getVelocity() > 0, s = this.getPosition() > .5 *, t);
i && e || !i && s ? this.goToNextPage() :
function m() {, 0, {period: this.options.pagePeriod,damp: this.options.pageDamp}), this._springAttached || (this._springAttached = !0, this.physicsEngine.attach([this.spring], this.particle))
function v(t, i) {
i || (i = {period: this.options.edgePeriod,damp: this.options.edgeDamp}), this._springPosition = t, this.spring.setOpts({anchor: [this._springPosition, 0, 0],period: i.period,dampingRatio: i.damp})
function y(t, i, e) {
var s = t.getSize ? t.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize;
s || (s = this.options.defaultItemSize);
var o = this._outputFunction(i);
return e.push({transform: o,target: t.render()}), s[this.options.direction == _.Direction.X ? 0 : 1]
function g() {
return this.options.clipSize ? this.options.clipSize :, this._contextSize)
function S() {
var t = {}, i = this.getPosition(), e = [], s = 0, o = 0, n = this.node;
for (t[n] = 0; n && o - i < + this.options.margin; )
o +=, n, o + this._masterOffset, e) + this.options.itemSpacing, n = n.getNext ? n.getNext() : void 0, t[n] = o, !n && o - i - this.options.itemSpacing <= && (this._onEdge ||, o - - this.options.itemSpacing), s = 1);
if (n = this.node && this.node.getPrevious ? this.node.getPrevious() : void 0, o = 0, n) {
var r = n.getSize ? n.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize;
o -=, r) + this.options.itemSpacing
} else
0 >= i && (this._onEdge ||, 0), s = -1);
for (; n && o - i > -( + this.options.margin); )
if (t[n] = o,, n, o + this._masterOffset, e), n = n.getPrevious ? n.getPrevious() : void 0) {
var r = n.getSize ? n.getSize() : this.options.defaultItemSize;
o -=, r) + this.options.itemSpacing
return this._offsets = t,, s),, this.options.paginated && this._lastFrameNode !== this.node && (this.eventOutput.emit("pageChange"), this._lastFrameNode = this.node), e
var _ = t("famous/Utility"), w = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), x = t("famous-physics/bodies/Particle"), O = t("famous-physics/forces/Drag"), T = t("famous-physics/forces/Spring"), I = t("famous/Matrix"), b = t("famous/EventHandler"), C = t("famous-sync/GenericSync"), M = t("famous/ViewSequence"), E = t("famous/Group"), F = t("famous/Entity");
s.prototype.emit = function(t, i) {
"update" == t || "start" == t || "end" == t ? this.eventInput.emit(t, i) : this.sync.emit(t, i)
}, s.prototype.getPosition = function(t) {
var i = this.particle.getPos()[0];
if (t) {
var e = this._offsets[t];
return void 0 !== e ? i - e : void 0
return i
}, s.prototype.setPosition = function(t) {
this.particle.setPos([t, 0, 0])
}, s.prototype.getVelocity = function() {
return this.touchCount ? this._touchVelocity : this.particle.getVel()[0]
}, s.prototype.setVelocity = function(t) {
this.particle.setVel([t, 0, 0])
}, s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.direction && (this.options.direction = t.direction, "x" === this.options.direction ? this.options.direction = _.Direction.X : "y" === this.options.direction && (this.options.direction = _.Direction.Y)), void 0 !== t.rails && (this.options.rails = t.rails), void 0 !== t.defaultItemSize && (this.options.defaultItemSize = t.defaultItemSize), void 0 !== t.itemSpacing && (this.options.itemSpacing = t.itemSpacing), void 0 !== t.clipSize && (t.clipSize !== this.options.clipSize && (this._onEdge = 0), this.options.clipSize = t.clipSize), void 0 !== t.margin && (this.options.margin = t.margin), void 0 !== t.drag && (this.options.drag = t.drag), void 0 !== t.friction && (this.options.friction = t.friction), void 0 !== t.edgeGrip && (this.options.edgeGrip = t.edgeGrip), void 0 !== t.edgePeriod && (this.options.edgePeriod = t.edgePeriod), void 0 !== t.edgeDamp && (this.options.edgeDamp = t.edgeDamp), void 0 !== t.paginated && (this.options.paginated = t.paginated), void 0 !== t.pageStopSpeed && (this.options.pageStopSpeed = t.pageStopSpeed), void 0 !== t.pageSwitchSpeed && (this.options.pageSwitchSpeed = t.pageSwitchSpeed), void 0 !== t.pagePeriod && (this.options.pagePeriod = t.pagePeriod), void 0 !== t.pageDamp && (this.options.pageDamp = t.pageDamp), void 0 !== t.speedLimit && (this.options.speedLimit = t.speedLimit), void 0 === this.options.margin && (this.options.margin = .5 * Math.max(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)), this.drag.setOpts({strength: this.options.drag}), this.friction.setOpts({strength: this.options.friction}), this.spring.setOpts({period: this.options.edgePeriod,dampingRatio: this.options.edgeDamp}), this.sync.setOptions({rails: this.options.rails,direction: this.options.direction == _.Direction.X ? C.DIRECTION_X : C.DIRECTION_Y})
}, s.prototype.setOutputFunction = function(t, i) {
t || (t = function(t) {
return this.options.direction == _.Direction.X ? I.translate(t, 0) : I.translate(0, t)
}.bind(this), i = t), this._outputFunction = t, this._masterOutputFunction = i ? i : function(i) {
return I.inverse(t(-i))
}, s.prototype.goToPreviousPage = function() {
if (this.node) {
var t = this.node.getPrevious ? this.node.getPrevious() : void 0;
if (t) {
var i =, this.node.getSize()) + this.options.itemSpacing;
this.setPosition(this.getPosition() + i), this.node = t;
for (var e in this._offsets)
this._offsets[e] += i;
return t
}, s.prototype.goToNextPage = function() {
if (this.node) {
var t = this.node.getNext ? this.node.getNext() : void 0;
if (t) {
var i =, this.node.getSize()) + this.options.itemSpacing;
this.setPosition(this.getPosition() - i), this.node = t;
for (var e in this._offsets)
this._offsets[e] -= i;
return t
}, s.prototype.getCurrentNode = function() {
return this.node
}, s.prototype.sequenceFrom = function(t) {
t instanceof Array && (t = new M(t)), this.node = t, this._lastFrameNode = t
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.options.direction == _.Direction.X ? [, void 0] : [void 0,]
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.node ? (this.physicsEngine.step(), this._entityId) : void 0
}, s.prototype.commit = function(t, i, e, s, o) {
this.options.clipSize || o[0] == this._contextSize[0] && o[1] == this._contextSize[1] || (this._onEdge = 0, this._contextSize = o),;
var n = this.getPosition(), r = this._masterOutputFunction(-(n + this._masterOffset));
return {transform: I.moveThen([-s[0] * o[0], -s[1] * o[1], 0], i),opacity: e,origin: s,size: o,target: {transform: r,origin: s,target:}}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/MediaReader", ["require", "exports", "module", "./Scrollview", "./HeaderFooterLayout", "famous/ImageSurface", "famous/Matrix", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.opts = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTS), t ? this.setOpts(t) : this.setOpts(this.opts);
var i = "y" == this.opts.axis ? n.DIR_X : n.DIR_Y, e = u.Direction[this.opts.axis.toUpperCase()];
this.layout = new n({footerSize: this.opts.menuSize,dir: i}), this.display = new o({direction: e,margin: this.opts.displayMargin,paginated: !0,pageStopSpeed: this.opts.pageStopSpeed,clipSize: this.opts.clipSize,itemSpacing: this.opts.itemSpacing}), = new o({direction: e,margin: this.opts.menuMargin,paginated: !0,pageStopSpeed: this.opts.pageStopSpeed,clipSize: this.opts.clipSize,itemSpacing: this.opts.itemSpacing});
var r = function(t) {
var i = this.opts.clipSize >> 1, e = this.opts.images[0].width >> 2, s = this.opts.images[0].height >> 2, o = i - e, n = i - s;
return function(t) {
return this.options.direction == u.Direction.X ? a.translate(t + o, n) : a.translate(o, t + n)
}.bind(this), c = function(t) {
var i = this.opts.clipSize >> 1, e = i - (this.opts.images[0].width >> 2 >> this.opts.scale), s = i - (this.opts.images[0].height >> 2 >> this.opts.scale);
return function(t) {
return this.options.direction == u.Direction.X ? a.translate(t + e, 0) : a.translate(0, t + s)
this.display.setOutputFunction(r(this.display)),,,, this.displayInput = new h, h.setInputHandler(this, this.displayInput), this.display.pipe(this.displayInput), this.displayInput.on("pageChange", function() { = this.display.node.index
}.bind(this)), this.load(this.opts.images)
var o = t("./Scrollview"), n = t("./HeaderFooterLayout"), r = t("famous/ImageSurface"), a = t("famous/Matrix"), h = t("famous/EventHandler"), u = t("famous/Utility");
s.DEFAULT_OPTS = {pageStopSpeed: 3,axis: "x",scale: 3,displayMargin: 1e4,images: [],menuMargin: 1e4,menuSize: 100,displayClasses: [],menuClasses: [],onClasses: [],clipSize: void 0,itemSpacing: 0}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.scrollview.getSize()
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t) {
this.scrollview.setOpts({clipSize: t[1]})
}, = function(t, i) {
var e = this[i].node.index, s = t, o = s - e;
if (-1 & o)
for (var n = 0 > o, r = n ? -o : o, a = n ? this[i].prevPage.bind(this[i]) : this[i].nextPage.bind(this[i]), h = 0; r > h; h++)
}, s.prototype.load = function(t) {
var i, e, s = [];
this.display.sequenceFrom(, o) {
return i = new r({content: t.url,size: [t.width, t.height],classes: this.opts.displayClasses}), i.pipe(this.display), e = new r({content: t.url,size: [t.width >> this.opts.scale, t.height >> this.opts.scale],classes: this.opts.menuClasses}), e.on("mousedown", function() {
this.notDragging = !0
}.bind(this)), e.on("mousemove", function() {
this.notDragging = !1
}.bind(this)), e.on("mouseup", function() {
this.notDragging &&, "display")
}.bind(this)), e.pipe(, s.push(e), i
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.layout.render()
}, s.prototype.getOpts = function() {
return this.opts
}, s.prototype.setOpts = function(t) {
for (var i in s.DEFAULT_OPTS)
void 0 !== t[i] && (this.opts[i] = t[i])
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/RenderArbiter", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/RenderNode", "./Fader"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.nodes = {}, this.faders = {}, this.mode = -1, this.cull = t, this.outputEvents = new o, o.setOutputHandler(this, this.outputEvents)
var o = t("famous/EventHandler"), n = t("famous/RenderNode"), r = t("./Fader");
s.prototype.getMode = function() {
return this.mode
}, s.prototype.setMode = function(t, i, e) {
for (var s in this.faders)
s != t ? this.faders[s].set(0, i) : this.faders[s].set(1, i, e);
var o = this.mode;
this.mode = t, this.outputEvents.emit("change", {from: o,to: t})
}, s.prototype.forMode = function(t) {
return this.nodes[t] || (this.nodes[t] = new n, this.faders[t] = new r({cull: this.cull})), this.nodes[t]
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
var t = [];
for (var i in this.nodes)
this.faders[i].isVisible() && t.push(this.faders[i].render(this.nodes[i].render()));
return t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/ScrollContainer", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/ContainerSurface", "famous/EventHandler", "./Scrollview", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.surface = new o(this.options.look), this.scrollview = new r(this.options.feel), t && this.setOptions(t),, n.setInputHandler(this, this.surface), n.setOutputHandler(this, this.surface), this.pipe(this.scrollview)
var o = t("famous/ContainerSurface"), n = t("famous/EventHandler"), r = t("./Scrollview"), a = t("famous/Utility");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {look: void 0,feel: {direction: a.Direction.X}}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.look && (this.options.look = t.look, this.surface.setOptions(this.options.look)), void 0 !== t.feel && (this.options.feel = t.feel, this.scrollview.setOptions(this.options.feel))
}, s.prototype.sequenceFrom = function() {
return this.scrollview.sequenceFrom.apply(this.scrollview, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.surface.render.apply(this.surface, arguments)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/SequentialLayout", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Transitionable", "famous/Modifier", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/ViewSequence", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.items = void 0, this._size = void 0, this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), t && this.setOptions(t)
var o = t("famous/Matrix");
t("famous/Transitionable"), t("famous/Modifier"), t("famous/RenderNode");
var n = t("famous/ViewSequence"), r = t("famous/Utility");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {direction: r.Direction.X,defaultItemSize: [50, 50],itemSpacing: 0}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this._size || this.render(), this._size
}, s.prototype.sequenceFrom = function(t) {
t instanceof Array && (t = new n(t)), this.items = t
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.direction && (this.options.direction = t.direction), void 0 !== t.defaultItemSize && (this.options.defaultItemSize = t.defaultItemSize), void 0 !== t.itemSpacing && (this.options.itemSpacing = t.itemSpacing), void 0 !== t.transition && (this.options.transition = t.transition)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
for (var t = 0, i = 0, e = this.options.direction == r.Direction.X ? 0 : 1, s = this.options.direction == r.Direction.X ? 1 : 0, n = this.items, a = []; n; ) {
var h = n.get();
t && (t += this.options.itemSpacing);
var u;
h && h.getSize && (u = h.getSize()), u || (u = this.options.defaultItemSize), i && u[s] !== !0 && (i = Math.max(i, u[s]));
var c = this.options.direction == r.Direction.X ? o.translate(t, 0) : o.translate(0, t);
a.push({transform: c,target: h.render()}), u[e] && u[e] !== !0 && (t += u[e]), n = n.getNext()
return i || (i = void 0), this._size || (this._size = [0, 0]), this._size[e] = t, this._size[s] = i, {group: !0,target: a}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-views/Shaper", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Modifier", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.nodes = [], this.transforms = [], this.defaultTransition = {duration: 1e3,curve: "easeInOut"};
for (var i in t)
var o = t("famous/RenderNode"), n = t("famous/Matrix"), r = t("famous/Modifier"), a = t("famous/Utility");
s.prototype.side = function(t) {
return this.nodes[t] || (this.transforms[t] = new r, this.transforms[t].setDefaultTransition(this.defaultTransition), this.nodes[t] = new o(this.transforms[t])), this.nodes[t]
}, s.prototype.halt = function(t) {
}, s.prototype.haltSet = function(t) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
}, s.prototype.haltAll = function() {
}, s.prototype.set = function(t, i, e, s) {
return this.transforms[t] ? (this.transforms[t].setTransform(i, e, s), void 0) : (s && s(), void 0)
}, s.prototype.setShape = function(t, i, e, s) {
for (var o = "function" == typeof i ? i : function(t) {
return i[t]
}, n = s ? a.after(t.length, s) : void 0, r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
this.set(t[r], o(r), e, n)
}, s.prototype.setShapeAll = function(t, i, e) {
this.setShape(this.all(), t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.modify = function(t, i, e, s) {
var o = n.multiply(this.transforms[t].getFinalTransform(), i);
this.set(t, o, e, s)
}, s.prototype.modifySet = function(t, i, e, s) {
for (var o = s ? a.after(t.length, s) : void 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
this.modify(t[n], i, e, o)
}, s.prototype.modifyAll = function(t, i, e) {
this.modify(this.all(), t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.setOpacity = function(t, i, e, s) {
this.transforms[t].setOpacity(i, e, s)
}, s.prototype.setOpacitySet = function(t, i, e, s) {
for (var o = s ? a.after(t.length, s) : void 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
this.setOpacity(t[n], i, e, o)
}, s.prototype.setOpacityAll = function(t, i, e) {
this.setOpacitySet(this.all(), t, i, e)
}, s.prototype.all = function() {
var t = [];
for (var i in this.nodes)
return t
}, s.prototype.getTransform = function(t) {
return this.transforms[t].getTransform()
}, s.prototype.getOpacity = function(t) {
return this.transforms[t].getOpacity()
}, s.prototype.isMoving = function(t) {
return this.transforms[t].isMoving()
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
for (var t = [], i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++)
t[i] = this.nodes[i].execute();
return t
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/FeedItem", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Surface", "famous/View", "famous-utils/TimeAgo"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
n.apply(this, arguments), this.surface = new o({size: this.options.size,classes: this.options.classes}), this.surface.pipe(this.eventInput), this.optionsManager.on("change", function(t) {
if ("content" ==
else {
var i = {};
i[] = t.value, this.surface.setOptions(i)
}.bind(this)), t && this.setOptions(t),
var o = t("famous/Surface"), n = t("famous/View"), r = t("famous-utils/TimeAgo");
s.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = s, s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {classes: ["feedItem"],size: [void 0, 80],content: {icon: void 0,source: void 0,time: void 0,text: ""}}, s.prototype.setContent = function(t) {
this.options.content = t;
var i = .6 * this.options.size[1], e = t.icon ? '<img src="' + t.icon + '" class="icon" width="' + i + '" height="' + i + '" />' : "", s = '<p class="source">' + t.source + "</p>", o = '<p class="time">' + r.parse(t.time) + "</p>", n = '<p class="text">' + t.text + "</p>";
this.surface.setContent(e + o + s + n)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/FeedStream", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "famous-views/Scrollview", "./FeedItem"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.scrollview = new n({direction: "y",margin: 0}), t && this.setOptions(t), this.eventInput = new o, o.setInputHandler(this, this.eventInput), this.eventInput.pipe(this.scrollview)
var o = t("famous/EventHandler"), n = t("famous-views/Scrollview"), r = t("./FeedItem");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {widget: r,content: []}, s.prototype.setContent = function(t) {
this.options.content = t;
var i = this.options.widget;
this.scrollview.sequenceFrom( {
return new i({content: t})
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.scrollview.getSize()
}, s.prototype.setSize = function(t) {
this.scrollview.setOptions({clipSize: t[1]})
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
t.widget && (this.options.widget = t.widget), t.content && this.setContent(t.content)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.scrollview.render()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/IconBar", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Utility", "famous/Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
var s = t("famous/Utility"), o = t("famous/Surface"), n = s.customizeComponent(o, {classes: ["iconBar"],icons: []});
n.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {, t), t.icons && (this.options.icons = t.icons)
}, n.prototype.setContent = function(t) {
return "string" == typeof t && (t += '<span class="icon">' + this.options.icons.join("") + "</span>"),, t)
}, e.exports = n
}), define("famous-widgets/InfoBox", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Surface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.surface = new r(this.options.look), t && this.setOptions(t), n.setInputHandler(this, this.surface), n.setOutputHandler(this, this.surface, !0)
function o(t) {
for (var i = "<ul>", e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var s = t[e], o = Object.keys(s)[0];
i += '<li><span class="key">' + o + "</span> " + s[o] + "</li>"
return i += "</ul>"
var n = t("famous/EventHandler"), r = t("famous/Surface");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {look: {classes: ["infoBox"],size: [void 0, !0]},content: []}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.content && (this.options.content = t.content, this.surface.setContent(o(this.options.content))), void 0 !== t.look && (this.options.look = t.look, this.surface.setOptions(this.options.look))
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.surface.render()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/ToggleButton", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Surface", "famous/EventHandler", "famous-views/ImageFader"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {content: "",offClasses: ["off"],onClasses: ["on"],size: void 0,outTransition: {curve: "easeInOut",duration: 300},inTransition: {curve: "easeInOut",duration: 300},toggleMode: s.TOGGLE,crossfade: !1}, this.eventOutput = new n, n.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this.offSurface = new o, this.offSurface.on("click", function() {
this.options.toggleMode !== s.OFF &&
}.bind(this)), this.offSurface.pipe(this.eventOutput), this.onSurface = new o, this.onSurface.on("click", function() {
this.options.toggleMode !== s.ON && this.deselect()
}.bind(this)), this.onSurface.pipe(this.eventOutput), this.arbiter = new r({crossfade: this.options.crossfade}), this.arbiter.forMode(s.OFF).link(this.offSurface), this.arbiter.forMode(s.ON).link(this.onSurface), this.arbiter.setMode(s.OFF), this.selected = !1, t && this.setOptions(t)
var o = t("famous/Surface"), n = t("famous/EventHandler"), r = t("famous-views/ImageFader");
s.OFF = 0, s.ON = 1, s.TOGGLE = 2, = function() {
this.selected = !0, this.arbiter.setMode(s.ON, this.options.inTransition), this.eventOutput.emit("select")
}, s.prototype.deselect = function() {
this.selected = !1, this.arbiter.setMode(s.OFF, this.options.outTransition), this.eventOutput.emit("deselect")
}, s.prototype.isSelected = function() {
return this.selected
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.content && (this.options.content = t.content, this.offSurface.setContent(this.options.content), this.onSurface.setContent(this.options.content)), t.offClasses && (this.options.offClasses = t.offClasses, this.offSurface.setClasses(this.options.offClasses)), t.onClasses && (this.options.onClasses = t.onClasses, this.onSurface.setClasses(this.options.onClasses)), void 0 !== t.size && (this.options.size = t.size, this.onSurface.setSize(this.options.size), this.offSurface.setSize(this.options.size)), void 0 !== t.toggleMode && (this.options.toggleMode = t.toggleMode), void 0 !== t.outTransition && (this.options.outTransition = t.outTransition), void 0 !== t.inTransition && (this.options.inTransition = t.inTransition), void 0 !== t.crossfade && (this.options.crossfade = t.crossfade, this.arbiter.setOptions({crossfade: this.options.crossfade}))
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.options.size
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.arbiter.render()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/NavMenu", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Utility", "famous/EventHandler", "famous-views/Scrollview", "./ToggleButton", "famous/ContainerSurface"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.buttons = [], this._buttonIds = {}, this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), t && this.setOptions(t), this.scrollview = new a({direction: this.options.look.direction,itemSpacing: this.options.look.itemSpacing}), this.eventOutput = new r, r.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), r.setInputHandler(this, this.scrollview), this.scrollview.sequenceFrom(this.buttons), this.surface = new u(this.options.look),, this.surface.pipe(this.scrollview)
function o(t) {
var i = this.options.sections[t], e = this.options.widget, s = new e;
if (this.options.feel && s.setOptions(this.options.feel), this.options.look) {
var o = Object.create(this.options.look);
o.size = this.options.look.itemSize, s.setOptions(o)
s.setOptions(i), s.on("select",, t));
var n = this.buttons.length;
this.buttons[n] = s, this._buttonIds[t] = n
var n = t("famous/Utility"), r = t("famous/EventHandler"), a = t("famous-views/Scrollview"), h = t("./ToggleButton"), u = t("famous/ContainerSurface");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {sections: [],widget: h,look: {size: [200, void 0],direction: n.Direction.X,itemSize: [void 0, 50],itemSpacing: 10,crossfade: !0},feel: void 0}, = function(t) {
var i = this._buttonIds[t];
this.buttons[i] && this.buttons[i].isSelected() ? this.eventOutput.emit("select", {id: t}) : this.buttons[i] && this.buttons[i].select();
for (var e = 0; e < this.buttons.length; e++)
e != i && this.buttons[e].deselect()
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
if (void 0 !== t.widget && (this.options.widget = t.widget), void 0 !== t.look) {
this.options.look = t.look, this.surface && this.surface.setOptions(this.options.look);
var i = Object.create(this.options.look);
i.size = this.options.look.itemSize;
for (var e = 0; e < this.buttons.length; e++)
if (void 0 !== t.feel) {
this.options.feel = t.feel;
for (var e = 0; e < this.buttons.length; e++)
if (void 0 !== t.sections) {
this.options.sections = t.sections;
for (var s in this.options.sections)
s in this._buttonIds ||, s)
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.options.look.size
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.buttons.length ? this.surface.render() : void 0
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/NavigationBar", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Utility", "famous/View", "famous-views/GridLayout", "./ToggleButton"], function(t, i, e) {
function s() {
a.apply(this, arguments), this.layout = new h, this.buttons = [], this._buttonIds = {}, this._buttonCallbacks = {}, this.layout.sequenceFrom(this.buttons), this._link(this.layout), this.optionsManager.on("change", o.bind(this))
function o(t) {
var i =, e = t.value;
if ("direction" === i)
this.layout.setOptions({size:, this.options.direction)});
else if ("buttons" === i)
for (var s in this.buttons)
else if ("sections" === i)
for (var i in this.options.sections)
this.defineSection(i, this.options.sections[i])
function n(t, i) {
return i === r.Direction.X ? [t, 1] : [1, t]
var r = t("famous/Utility"), a = t("famous/View"), h = t("famous-views/GridLayout"), u = t("./ToggleButton");
s.prototype = Object.create(a.prototype), s.prototype.constructor = s, s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {sections: [],widget: u,size: [void 0, 50],direction: r.Direction.X,buttons: {toggleMode: u.ON}}, s.prototype.defineSection = function(t, i) {
var e, s = this._buttonIds[t];
if (void 0 === s) {
s = this.buttons.length, this._buttonIds[t] = s;
var o = this.options.widget;
e = new o, this.buttons[s] = e, this.layout.setOptions({size: n(this.buttons.length, this.options.direction)})
} else
e = this.buttons[s], e.unbind("select", this._buttonCallbacks[t]);
this.options.buttons && e.setOptions(this.options.buttons), e.setOptions(i), this._buttonCallbacks[t] =, t), e.on("select", this._buttonCallbacks[t])
}, = function(t) {
var i = this._buttonIds[t];
this.buttons[i] && this.buttons[i].isSelected() ? this.eventOutput.emit("select", {id: t}) : this.buttons[i] && this.buttons[i].select();
for (var e = 0; e < this.buttons.length; e++)
e != i && this.buttons[e].deselect()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/ScrollContainer", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/ContainerSurface", "famous/EventHandler", "famous-views/Scrollview", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.surface = new o(this.options.look), this.scrollview = new r(this.options.feel), t && this.setOptions(t),, n.setInputHandler(this, this.surface), n.setOutputHandler(this, this.surface), this.pipe(this.scrollview)
var o = t("famous/ContainerSurface"), n = t("famous/EventHandler"), r = t("famous-views/Scrollview"), a = t("famous/Utility");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {look: void 0,feel: {direction: a.Direction.X}}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.look && (this.options.look = t.look, this.surface.setOptions(this.options.look)), void 0 !== t.feel && (this.options.feel = t.feel, this.scrollview.setOptions(this.options.feel))
}, s.prototype.sequenceFrom = function() {
return this.scrollview.sequenceFrom.apply(this.scrollview, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.surface.render.apply(this.surface, arguments)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/ShrinkContainer", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/ContainerSurface", "famous/EventHandler", "famous-views/SequentialLayout", "famous/Utility"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.surface = new n(this.options.look), this.layout = new a(this.options), t && this.setOptions(t),, r.setInputHandler(this, this.surface), r.setOutputHandler(this, this.surface, !0)
function o() {
var t = this.layout.getSize(), i = this.surface.getSize(), e = this.surface.context.getSize();
if (t && i && e) {
var s = [t[0] + (i[0] - e[0]), t[1] + (i[1] - e[1])];
isNaN(s[0]) && (s[0] = void 0), isNaN(s[1]) && (s[1] = void 0), (s[0] != i[0] || s[1] != i[1]) &&, s)
var n = t("famous/ContainerSurface"), r = t("famous/EventHandler"), a = t("famous-views/SequentialLayout");
t("famous/Utility"), s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {look: void 0}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.surface.getSize()
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
this.layout.setOptions(t), void 0 !== t.look && (this.options.look = t.look, this.surface.setOptions(this.options.look))
}, s.prototype.sequenceFrom = function() {
return this.layout.sequenceFrom.apply(this.layout, arguments)
}, s.prototype.mod = function() {
return this.surface.mod.apply(this.surface, arguments)
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return, this.surface.render.apply(this.surface, arguments)
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/Slider", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Surface", "famous/CanvasSurface", "famous-sync/GenericSync", "famous/Matrix", "famous/EventHandler"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = {size: [200, 60],indicatorSize: [200, 30],labelSize: [200, 30],range: [0, 1],precision: 2,defaultValue: 0,label: "",fillColor: "rgba(170, 170, 170, 1)"}, t && this.setOptions(t), this.value = this.options.defaultValue, this.indicator = new r({size: this.options.indicatorSize}), this.indicator.addClass("slider-back"), this.label = new n({size: this.options.labelSize,content: this.options.label,classes: ["slider-label"]}), this.label.setProperties({"pointer-events": "none"}), this.eventOutput = new u, this.eventInput = new u, u.setInputHandler(this, this.eventInput), u.setOutputHandler(this, this.eventOutput), this.sync = new a(this.get.bind(this), {scale: (this.options.range[1] - this.options.range[0]) / this.options.indicatorSize[0],direction: a.DIRECTION_X}), this.eventInput.on("update", function(t) {
}.bind(this)), this.indicator.pipe(this.sync).pipe(this.eventInput), this._drawPos = 0,
function o() {
this.label.setContent(this.options.label + '<span style="float: right">' + this.get().toFixed(this.options.precision) + "</span>")
var n = t("famous/Surface"), r = t("famous/CanvasSurface"), a = t("famous-sync/GenericSync"), h = t("famous/Matrix"), u = t("famous/EventHandler");
s.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.options
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
void 0 !== t.size && (this.options.size = t.size), void 0 !== t.indicatorSize && (this.options.indicatorSize = t.indicatorSize), void 0 !== t.labelSize && (this.options.labelSize = t.labelSize), void 0 !== t.range && (this.options.range = t.range), void 0 !== t.precision && (this.options.precision = t.precision), void 0 !== t.defaultValue && (this.options.defaultValue = t.defaultValue), void 0 !== t.label && (this.options.label = t.label), void 0 !== t.fillColor && (this.options.fillColor = t.fillColor)
}, s.prototype.get = function() {
return this.value
}, s.prototype.set = function(t) {
this.value = Math.min(Math.max(this.options.range[0], t), this.options.range[1]),, this.eventOutput.emit("change", {value: this.get(),range: this.options.range})
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.options.size
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
var t = this.options.range, i = Math.floor((this.get() - t[0]) / (t[1] - t[0]) * this.options.indicatorSize[0]);
if (i < this._drawPos)
this.indicator.getContext("2d").clearRect(i, 0, this._drawPos - i + 1, this.options.indicatorSize[1]);
else if (i > this._drawPos) {
var e = this.indicator.getContext("2d");
e.fillStyle = this.options.fillColor, e.fillRect(this._drawPos - 1, 0, i - this._drawPos + 1, this.options.indicatorSize[1])
return this._drawPos = i, {size: this.options.size,target: [{origin: [.5, 0],target: this.indicator.render()}, {transform: h.translate(0, 0, 1),origin: [.5, 1],target: this.label.render()}]}
}, e.exports = s
}), define("famous-widgets/TitleBar", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Surface", "famous-views/LightBox"], function(t, i, e) {
function s(t) {
this.options = Object.create(s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.lightbox = new r, this._surfaces = {}, t && this.setOptions(t)
var o = t("famous/Matrix"), n = t("famous/Surface"), r = t("famous-views/LightBox");
s.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {widget: n,inOrigin: [.5, 0],outOrigin: [.5, 0],showOrigin: [.5, 0],inTransition: !0,outTransition: !0,size: [void 0, 50],look: void 0}, = function(t) {
var i = this.options.widget;
if (!(t in this._surfaces)) {
var e = new i({size: this.options.size});
e.setOptions(this.options.look), e.setContent(t), this._surfaces[t] = e
}, s.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this.options.size
}, s.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
if (this.lightbox.setOptions(t), t.widget && (this.options.widget = t.widget, this._surfaces = {}), t.look && (this.options.look = t.look), t.size) {
this.options.size = t.size;
var i = o.translate(0, -this.options.size[1]);
this.lightbox.setOptions({inTransform: i,outTransform: i})
}, s.prototype.render = function() {
return this.lightbox.render()
}, e.exports = s
}), define("main", ["require", "exports", "module", "famous/CanvasSurface", "famous/ContainerSurface", "famous/Context", "famous/ElementAllocator", "famous/Engine", "famous/Entity", "famous/EventArbiter", "famous/EventHandler", "famous/Group", "famous/ImageSurface", "famous/Matrix", "famous/Modifier", "famous/MultipleTransition", "famous/OptionsManager", "famous/RenderNode", "famous/Scene", "famous/SceneCompiler", "famous/SpecParser", "famous/Surface", "famous/Timer", "famous/Transitionable", "famous/TweenTransition", "famous/Utility", "famous/VideoSurface", "famous/View", "famous/ViewSequence", "famous/WebGLSurface", "famous-modifiers/Camera", "famous-modifiers/Draggable", "famous-modifiers/Swappable", "famous-physics/bodies/Body", "famous-physics/bodies/Circle", "famous-physics/bodies/Particle", "famous-physics/bodies/Rectangle", "famous-physics/constraints/Collision", "famous-physics/constraints/CollisionJacobian", "famous-physics/constraints/Constraint", "famous-physics/constraints/Curve", "famous-physics/constraints/Distance", "famous-physics/constraints/Distance1D", "famous-physics/constraints/Rod", "famous-physics/constraints/Rope", "famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring", "famous-physics/constraints/Surface", "famous-physics/constraints/Wall", "famous-physics/constraints/Walls", "famous-physics/constraints/joint", "famous-physics/forces/Drag", "famous-physics/forces/Force", "famous-physics/forces/Repulsion", "famous-physics/forces/Spring", "famous-physics/forces/TorqueSpring", "famous-physics/forces/VectorField", "famous-physics/forces/rotationalDrag", "famous-physics/integrator/SymplecticEuler", "famous-physics/integrator/verlet", "famous-physics/math/GaussSeidel", "famous-physics/math/Quaternion", "famous-physics/math/Random", "famous-physics/math/Vector", "famous-physics/math/matrix", "famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition", "famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition2", "famous-physics/utils/SpringTransition", "famous-physics/utils/StiffSpringTransition", "famous-physics/utils/WallTransition", "famous-physics/PhysicsEngine", "famous-sync/FastClick", "famous-sync/GenericSync", "famous-sync/MouseSync", "famous-sync/PinchSync", "famous-sync/RotateSync", "famous-sync/ScaleSync", "famous-sync/ScrollSync", "famous-sync/TouchSync", "famous-sync/TouchTracker", "famous-sync/TwoFingerSync", "famous-utils/FormatTime", "famous-utils/KeyCodes", "famous-utils/NoiseImage", "famous-utils/Time", "famous-utils/TimeAgo", "famous-utils/Utils", "famous-views/CardsLayout", "famous-views/ControlSet", "famous-views/EdgeSwapper", "famous-views/Fader", "famous-views/Flip", "famous-views/GridLayout", "famous-views/HeaderFooterLayout", "famous-views/ImageFader", "famous-views/LightBox", "famous-views/MediaReader", "famous-views/RenderArbiter", "famous-views/ScrollContainer", "famous-views/Scrollview", "famous-views/SequentialLayout", "famous-views/Shaper", "famous-widgets/FeedItem", "famous-widgets/FeedStream", "famous-widgets/IconBar", "famous-widgets/InfoBox", "famous-widgets/NavMenu", "famous-widgets/NavigationBar", "famous-widgets/ScrollContainer", "famous-widgets/ShrinkContainer", "famous-widgets/Slider", "famous-widgets/TitleBar", "famous-widgets/ToggleButton"], function(t, i, e) {
var s = function(i) {, t)
s.Famous = {}, s.Famous.CanvasSurface = t("famous/CanvasSurface"), s.Famous.ContainerSurface = t("famous/ContainerSurface"), s.Famous.Context = t("famous/Context"), s.Famous.ElementAllocator = t("famous/ElementAllocator"), s.Famous.Engine = t("famous/Engine"), s.Famous.Entity = t("famous/Entity"), s.Famous.EventArbiter = t("famous/EventArbiter"), s.Famous.EventHandler = t("famous/EventHandler"), s.Famous.Group = t("famous/Group"), s.Famous.ImageSurface = t("famous/ImageSurface"), s.Famous.Matrix = t("famous/Matrix"), s.Famous.Modifier = t("famous/Modifier"), s.Famous.MultipleTransition = t("famous/MultipleTransition"), s.Famous.OptionsManager = t("famous/OptionsManager"), s.Famous.RenderNode = t("famous/RenderNode"), s.Famous.Scene = t("famous/Scene"), s.Famous.SceneCompiler = t("famous/SceneCompiler"), s.Famous.SpecParser = t("famous/SpecParser"), s.Famous.Surface = t("famous/Surface"), s.Famous.Timer = t("famous/Timer"), s.Famous.Transitionable = t("famous/Transitionable"), s.Famous.TweenTransition = t("famous/TweenTransition"), s.Famous.Utility = t("famous/Utility"), s.Famous.VideoSurface = t("famous/VideoSurface"), s.Famous.View = t("famous/View"), s.Famous.ViewSequence = t("famous/ViewSequence"), s.Famous.WebGLSurface = t("famous/WebGLSurface"), s.FamousModifiers = {}, s.FamousModifiers.Camera = t("famous-modifiers/Camera"), s.FamousModifiers.Draggable = t("famous-modifiers/Draggable"), s.FamousModifiers.Swappable = t("famous-modifiers/Swappable"), s.FamousPhysics = {}, s.FamousPhysics.Bodies_Body = t("famous-physics/bodies/Body"), s.FamousPhysics.Bodies_Circle = t("famous-physics/bodies/Circle"), s.FamousPhysics.Bodies_Particle = t("famous-physics/bodies/Particle"), s.FamousPhysics.Bodies_Rectangle = t("famous-physics/bodies/Rectangle"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Collision = t("famous-physics/constraints/Collision"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_CollisionJacobian = t("famous-physics/constraints/CollisionJacobian"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Constraint = t("famous-physics/constraints/Constraint"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Curve = t("famous-physics/constraints/Curve"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Distance = t("famous-physics/constraints/Distance"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Distance1D = t("famous-physics/constraints/Distance1D"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Rod = t("famous-physics/constraints/Rod"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Rope = t("famous-physics/constraints/Rope"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_StiffSpring = t("famous-physics/constraints/StiffSpring"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Surface = t("famous-physics/constraints/Surface"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Wall = t("famous-physics/constraints/Wall"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_Walls = t("famous-physics/constraints/Walls"), s.FamousPhysics.Constraints_joint = t("famous-physics/constraints/joint"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_Drag = t("famous-physics/forces/Drag"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_Force = t("famous-physics/forces/Force"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_Repulsion = t("famous-physics/forces/Repulsion"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_Spring = t("famous-physics/forces/Spring"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_TorqueSpring = t("famous-physics/forces/TorqueSpring"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_VectorField = t("famous-physics/forces/VectorField"), s.FamousPhysics.Forces_rotationalDrag = t("famous-physics/forces/rotationalDrag"), s.FamousPhysics.Integrator_SymplecticEuler = t("famous-physics/integrator/SymplecticEuler"), s.FamousPhysics.Integrator_verlet = t("famous-physics/integrator/verlet"), s.FamousPhysics.Math_GaussSeidel = t("famous-physics/math/GaussSeidel"), s.FamousPhysics.Math_Quaternion = t("famous-physics/math/Quaternion"), s.FamousPhysics.Math_Random = t("famous-physics/math/Random"), s.FamousPhysics.Math_Vector = t("famous-physics/math/Vector"), s.FamousPhysics.Math_matrix = t("famous-physics/math/matrix"), s.FamousPhysics.Utils_PhysicsTransition = t("famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition"), s.FamousPhysics.Utils_PhysicsTransition2 = t("famous-physics/utils/PhysicsTransition2"), s.FamousPhysics.Utils_SpringTransition = t("famous-physics/utils/SpringTransition"), s.FamousPhysics.Utils_StiffSpringTransition = t("famous-physics/utils/StiffSpringTransition"), s.FamousPhysics.Utils_WallTransition = t("famous-physics/utils/WallTransition"), s.FamousPhysics.PhysicsEngine = t("famous-physics/PhysicsEngine"), s.FamousSync = {}, s.FamousSync.FastClick = t("famous-sync/FastClick"), s.FamousSync.GenericSync = t("famous-sync/GenericSync"), s.FamousSync.MouseSync = t("famous-sync/MouseSync"), s.FamousSync.PinchSync = t("famous-sync/PinchSync"), s.FamousSync.RotateSync = t("famous-sync/RotateSync"), s.FamousSync.ScaleSync = t("famous-sync/ScaleSync"), s.FamousSync.ScrollSync = t("famous-sync/ScrollSync"), s.FamousSync.TouchSync = t("famous-sync/TouchSync"), s.FamousSync.TouchTracker = t("famous-sync/TouchTracker"), s.FamousSync.TwoFingerSync = t("famous-sync/TwoFingerSync"), s.FamousUtils = {}, s.FamousUtils.FormatTime = t("famous-utils/FormatTime"), s.FamousUtils.KeyCodes = t("famous-utils/KeyCodes"), s.FamousUtils.NoiseImage = t("famous-utils/NoiseImage"), s.FamousUtils.Time = t("famous-utils/Time"), s.FamousUtils.TimeAgo = t("famous-utils/TimeAgo"), s.FamousUtils.Utils = t("famous-utils/Utils"), s.FamousViews = {}, s.FamousViews.CardsLayout = t("famous-views/CardsLayout"), s.FamousViews.ControlSet = t("famous-views/ControlSet"), s.FamousViews.EdgeSwapper = t("famous-views/EdgeSwapper"), s.FamousViews.Fader = t("famous-views/Fader"), s.FamousViews.Flip = t("famous-views/Flip"), s.FamousViews.GridLayout = t("famous-views/GridLayout"), s.FamousViews.HeaderFooterLayout = t("famous-views/HeaderFooterLayout"), s.FamousViews.ImageFader = t("famous-views/ImageFader"), s.FamousViews.LightBox = t("famous-views/LightBox"), s.FamousViews.MediaReader = t("famous-views/MediaReader"), s.FamousViews.RenderArbiter = t("famous-views/RenderArbiter"), s.FamousViews.ScrollContainer = t("famous-views/ScrollContainer"), s.FamousViews.Scrollview = t("famous-views/Scrollview"), s.FamousViews.SequentialLayout = t("famous-views/SequentialLayout"), s.FamousViews.Shaper = t("famous-views/Shaper"), s.FamousWidgets = {}, s.FamousWidgets.FeedItem = t("famous-widgets/FeedItem"), s.FamousWidgets.FeedStream = t("famous-widgets/FeedStream"), s.FamousWidgets.IconBar = t("famous-widgets/IconBar"), s.FamousWidgets.InfoBox = t("famous-widgets/InfoBox"), s.FamousWidgets.NavMenu = t("famous-widgets/NavMenu"), s.FamousWidgets.NavigationBar = t("famous-widgets/NavigationBar"), s.FamousWidgets.ScrollContainer = t("famous-widgets/ScrollContainer"), s.FamousWidgets.ShrinkContainer = t("famous-widgets/ShrinkContainer"), s.FamousWidgets.Slider = t("famous-widgets/Slider"), s.FamousWidgets.TitleBar = t("famous-widgets/TitleBar"), s.FamousWidgets.ToggleButton = t("famous-widgets/ToggleButton"), e.exports = s
}), require(["lib/classList", "lib/functionPrototypeBind", "lib/requestAnimationFrame", "main"]), require("main")
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