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Created August 26, 2013 12:33
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Create MySQL Dump from Access DB
Public Sub createMySqlDump(Filename As String)
' Declaration of Variables
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim SQL As String
Dim SQL_INSERT As String
Dim db As Database
Dim tables As TableDefs
Dim table As TableDef
Dim lf As fields
Dim f As field
Dim objIndex As Index
Dim rs As Recordset
'init Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set tables = db.TableDefs
'iterate over all Tables
For Each table In tables
If Left(, 4) <> "MSys" Then
' if table is not system Table
SQL = "" 'Init SQL
Dim pkf As String 'Field for primary Keys
Dim tablename As String 'field for tablename
tablename = Replace(, " ", "_") 'correct Tablename
' Writing directly into file instead of storing in String saves about 80-90% of runtime.
' Prepare File for Output
' set and open file for output
Dim intF As Integer
intF = FreeFile()
Open Filename & tablename & ".sql" For Output As intF
'Drop exisitng Table
Print #intF, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " & tablename & ";" & vbNewLine
'Create New Table
Print #intF, "CREATE TABLE " & tablename & "(" & vbNewLine
'Find Primary Key
For Each objIndex In table.Indexes
If objIndex.Primary Then
pkf = objIndex.fields
pkf = Replace(pkf, "+", "")
Exit For
End If
'Prepare insert Statement
SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO " & tablename & "("
j = 0
'Iterate over all fields
For Each f In table.fields
Print #intF, vbTab & & " " & getFieldType(f.Type, = pkf)
Print #intF, IIf(j < table.fields.Count - 1, ",", "") & vbNewLine
SQL_INSERT = SQL_INSERT & IIf(j < table.fields.Count - 1, ",", "")
j = j + 1
'finalize SQL
Print #intF, ");" & vbNewLine
Print #intF, SQL_INSERT & ") " & vbNewLine & " VALUES "
'Prepare Selecte Statement
Dim sql_select As String
sql_select = "select * from " & tablename & " ORDER BY " & Replace(pkf, ";", ",")
'open Recordset
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql_select)
'If Data is found
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
'loop for all rows
Do Until rs.EOF
Print #intF, vbNewLine & vbTab & "("
j = 0
'loop for all fields
For Each f In table.fields
Print #intF, "'" & cleanValue(IIf(IsNull(rs(, "", rs( & "'" & IIf(j < table.fields.Count - 1, ",", "")
j = j + 1
Print #intF, ")"
If Not rs.EOF Then
Print #intF, ","
End If
Print #intF, vbNewLine & ";" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
End If
Close #intF
End If
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
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whats "getFieldType" please, as a function it doesn't exist

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