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Last active April 27, 2019 11:11
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Read docx from shell directory and count the words
# 读取已有的word文档
# 参考1:
# 参考2:
# 参考3:
import sys
import re
from docx import Document
def main():
print ('译者名字' + ' 翻译项目' + ' 文档总字数' + ' 汉字总字数' + ' 预留参数位' + ' 时间' + '\n')
f = open("1.txt")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
document_path = line.strip()
# document_path = str(sys.argv[1])
# 创建文档对象
document = Document(document_path)
# 将路径按照斜杠拆分,得到文件名
document_name = line.strip().split('/')
document_name_count = len(document_name)
# 将文件名按照横杠拆分,以便列表输出
document_item = document_name[document_name_count-1].split('-')
# 读取文档中所有的段落列表
ps = document.paragraphs
# 每个段落都有text 属性
# 这里返回一个List值
ps_detail = [(x.text) for x in ps]
# 总共有多少段落
ps_detail_count = len(ps_detail)
# 用正则来选出汉字
hanzi_regex = re.compile(r'[\u4E00-\u9FA5]')
word_count = 0
hanzi_count = 0
for i in range(ps_detail_count):
word_count += len(ps_detail[i])
hanzi_count += len(hanzi_regex.findall(ps_detail[i]))
document_item_time = document_item[3].split('.')
print (document_item[0] + ' ' + document_item[1] + ' ' + str(word_count) + ' ' + str(hanzi_count) + ' ' + document_item[2] + ' ' + document_item_time[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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