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Created February 22, 2023 16:39
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Bookstack - get name and groups from userinfo endpoint
namespace BookStack\Auth\Access\Oidc;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientExceptionInterface;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
* OpenIdConnectProviderSettings
* Acts as a DTO for settings used within the oidc request and token handling.
* Performs auto-discovery upon request.
class OidcProviderSettings
public string $issuer;
public string $clientId;
public string $clientSecret;
public ?string $redirectUri;
public ?string $authorizationEndpoint;
public ?string $tokenEndpoint;
public ?string $userInfoEndpoint;
* @var string[]|array[]
public ?array $keys = [];
public function __construct(array $settings)
* Apply an array of settings to populate setting properties within this class.
protected function applySettingsFromArray(array $settingsArray)
foreach ($settingsArray as $key => $value) {
if (property_exists($this, $key)) {
$this->$key = $value;
* Validate any core, required properties have been set.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
protected function validateInitial()
$required = ['clientId', 'clientSecret', 'redirectUri', 'issuer'];
foreach ($required as $prop) {
if (empty($this->$prop)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Missing required configuration \"{$prop}\" value");
if (strpos($this->issuer, 'https://') !== 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Issuer value must start with https://');
* Perform a full validation on these settings.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function validate(): void
$required = ['keys', 'tokenEndpoint', 'authorizationEndpoint'];
foreach ($required as $prop) {
if (empty($this->$prop)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Missing required configuration \"{$prop}\" value");
* Discover and autoload settings from the configured issuer.
* @throws OidcIssuerDiscoveryException
public function discoverFromIssuer(ClientInterface $httpClient, Repository $cache, int $cacheMinutes)
try {
$cacheKey = 'oidc-discovery::' . $this->issuer;
$discoveredSettings = $cache->remember($cacheKey, $cacheMinutes * 60, function () use ($httpClient) {
return $this->loadSettingsFromIssuerDiscovery($httpClient);
} catch (ClientExceptionInterface $exception) {
throw new OidcIssuerDiscoveryException("HTTP request failed during discovery with error: {$exception->getMessage()}");
* @throws OidcIssuerDiscoveryException
* @throws ClientExceptionInterface
protected function loadSettingsFromIssuerDiscovery(ClientInterface $httpClient): array
$issuerUrl = rtrim($this->issuer, '/') . '/.well-known/openid-configuration';
$request = new Request('GET', $issuerUrl);
$response = $httpClient->sendRequest($request);
$result = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);
if (empty($result) || !is_array($result)) {
throw new OidcIssuerDiscoveryException("Error discovering provider settings from issuer at URL {$issuerUrl}");
if ($result['issuer'] !== $this->issuer) {
throw new OidcIssuerDiscoveryException('Unexpected issuer value found on discovery response');
$discoveredSettings = [];
if (!empty($result['authorization_endpoint'])) {
$discoveredSettings['authorizationEndpoint'] = $result['authorization_endpoint'];
if (!empty($result['token_endpoint'])) {
$discoveredSettings['tokenEndpoint'] = $result['token_endpoint'];
if (!empty($result['userinfo_endpoint'])) {
$discoveredSettings['userInfoEndpoint'] = $result['userinfo_endpoint'];
if (!empty($result['jwks_uri'])) {
$keys = $this->loadKeysFromUri($result['jwks_uri'], $httpClient);
$discoveredSettings['keys'] = $this->filterKeys($keys);
return $discoveredSettings;
* Filter the given JWK keys down to just those we support.
protected function filterKeys(array $keys): array
return array_filter($keys, function (array $key) {
$alg = $key['alg'] ?? 'RS256';
$use = $key['use'] ?? 'sig';
return $key['kty'] === 'RSA' && $use === 'sig' && $alg === 'RS256';
* Return an array of jwks as PHP key=>value arrays.
* @throws ClientExceptionInterface
* @throws OidcIssuerDiscoveryException
protected function loadKeysFromUri(string $uri, ClientInterface $httpClient): array
$request = new Request('GET', $uri);
$response = $httpClient->sendRequest($request);
$result = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);
if (empty($result) || !is_array($result) || !isset($result['keys'])) {
throw new OidcIssuerDiscoveryException('Error reading keys from issuer jwks_uri');
return $result['keys'];
* Get the settings needed by an OAuth provider, as a key=>value array.
public function arrayForProvider(): array
$settingKeys = ['clientId', 'clientSecret', 'redirectUri', 'authorizationEndpoint', 'tokenEndpoint'];
$settings = [];
foreach ($settingKeys as $setting) {
$settings[$setting] = $this->$setting;
return $settings;
namespace BookStack\Auth\Access\Oidc;
use BookStack\Auth\Access\GroupSyncService;
use BookStack\Auth\Access\LoginService;
use BookStack\Auth\Access\RegistrationService;
use BookStack\Auth\User;
use BookStack\Exceptions\JsonDebugException;
use BookStack\Exceptions\StoppedAuthenticationException;
use BookStack\Exceptions\UserRegistrationException;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use League\OAuth2\Client\OptionProvider\HttpBasicAuthOptionProvider;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderException;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface as HttpClient;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
* Class OpenIdConnectService
* Handles any app-specific OIDC tasks.
class OidcService
protected RegistrationService $registrationService;
protected LoginService $loginService;
protected HttpClient $httpClient;
protected GroupSyncService $groupService;
* OpenIdService constructor.
public function __construct(
RegistrationService $registrationService,
LoginService $loginService,
HttpClient $httpClient,
GroupSyncService $groupService
) {
$this->registrationService = $registrationService;
$this->loginService = $loginService;
$this->httpClient = $httpClient;
$this->groupService = $groupService;
* Initiate an authorization flow.
* @throws OidcException
* @return array{url: string, state: string}
public function login(): array
$settings = $this->getProviderSettings();
$provider = $this->getProvider($settings);
return [
'url' => $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(),
'state' => $provider->getState(),
* Process the Authorization response from the authorization server and
* return the matching, or new if registration active, user matched to the
* authorization server. Throws if the user cannot be auth if not authenticated.
* @throws JsonDebugException
* @throws OidcException
* @throws StoppedAuthenticationException
* @throws IdentityProviderException
public function processAuthorizeResponse(?string $authorizationCode): User
$settings = $this->getProviderSettings();
$provider = $this->getProvider($settings);
// Try to exchange authorization code for access token
$accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
'code' => $authorizationCode,
return $this->processAccessTokenCallback($accessToken, $settings);
* @throws OidcException
protected function getProviderSettings(): OidcProviderSettings
$config = $this->config();
$settings = new OidcProviderSettings([
'issuer' => $config['issuer'],
'clientId' => $config['client_id'],
'clientSecret' => $config['client_secret'],
'redirectUri' => url('/oidc/callback'),
'authorizationEndpoint' => $config['authorization_endpoint'],
'tokenEndpoint' => $config['token_endpoint'],
// Use keys if configured
if (!empty($config['jwt_public_key'])) {
$settings->keys = [$config['jwt_public_key']];
// Run discovery
if ($config['discover'] ?? false) {
try {
$settings->discoverFromIssuer($this->httpClient, Cache::store(null), 15);
} catch (OidcIssuerDiscoveryException $exception) {
throw new OidcException('OIDC Discovery Error: ' . $exception->getMessage());
return $settings;
* Load the underlying OpenID Connect Provider.
protected function getProvider(OidcProviderSettings $settings): OidcOAuthProvider
$provider = new OidcOAuthProvider($settings->arrayForProvider(), [
'httpClient' => $this->httpClient,
'optionProvider' => new HttpBasicAuthOptionProvider(),
foreach ($this->getAdditionalScopes() as $scope) {
return $provider;
* Get any user-defined addition/custom scopes to apply to the authentication request.
* @return string[]
protected function getAdditionalScopes(): array
$scopeConfig = $this->config()['additional_scopes'] ?: '';
$scopeArr = explode(',', $scopeConfig);
$scopeArr = array_map(fn (string $scope) => trim($scope), $scopeArr);
return array_filter($scopeArr);
* Query the user info endpoint for the user's details.
* @return array{name: string, email: string, external_id: string, groups: string[]}
protected function getUserInfo(OidcAccessToken $accessToken): ?array
$settings = $this->getProviderSettings();
$user_info_endpoint = $settings->userInfoEndpoint;
$headers = [
'Authorization: Bearer ' . $accessToken,
'Content-Type: application/json',
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, [
CURLOPT_URL => $user_info_endpoint,
$responseBody = curl_exec($curl);
$userinfo = json_decode($responseBody, true);
return $userinfo ?? null;
* Get the user's name using the access token.
* @return string
protected function getUserName(OidcAccessToken $token): string
$nameAttr = $this->config()['display_name_claims'] ?? 'name';
// Get the user info from the endpoint
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($token);
if (is_array($nameAttr)) {
$name = '';
foreach ($nameAttr as $attr) {
if (isset($userInfo[$attr])) {
$name = $userInfo[$attr];
} else {
$name = $userInfo[$nameAttr] ?? 'Anonymous';
return $name;
* Get the user's groups using the access token.
* @return string[]
protected function getUserGroups(OidcAccessToken $token): array
$groupsAttr = $this->config()['groups_claim'];
if (empty($groupsAttr)) {
return [];
// $groupsList = Arr::get($token->getAllClaims(), $groupsAttr);
// Instead we use the user info endpoint
$userInfo = $this->getUserInfo($token);
$groupsList = $userInfo[$groupsAttr];
if (!is_array($groupsList)) {
return [];
return array_values(array_filter($groupsList, function ($val) {
return is_string($val);
* Extract the details of a user from an ID token.
* @return array{name: string, email: string, external_id: string, groups: string[]}
protected function getUserDetails(OidcIdToken $token, OidcAccessToken $accessToken): array
$idClaim = 'sub';
$id = $token->getClaim($idClaim);
return [
'external_id' => $id,
'email' => $token->getClaim('email'),
'name' => $this->getUserName($accessToken),
'groups' => $this->getUserGroups($accessToken),
* Processes a received access token for a user. Login the user when
* they exist, optionally registering them automatically.
* @throws OidcException
* @throws JsonDebugException
* @throws StoppedAuthenticationException
protected function processAccessTokenCallback(OidcAccessToken $accessToken, OidcProviderSettings $settings): User
$idTokenText = $accessToken->getIdToken();
$idToken = new OidcIdToken(
try {
} catch (OidcInvalidTokenException $exception) {
throw new OidcException("ID token validate failed with error: {$exception->getMessage()}");
$userDetails = $this->getUserDetails($idToken, $accessToken);
if ($this->config()['dump_user_details']) {
throw new JsonDebugException($userDetails);
if ($this->config()['dump_user_details']) {
throw new JsonDebugException($idToken->getAllClaims());
try {
} catch (OidcInvalidTokenException $exception) {
throw new OidcException("ID token validate failed with error: {$exception->getMessage()}");
$userDetails = $this->getUserDetails($idToken);
$isLoggedIn = auth()->check();
if (empty($userDetails['email'])) {
throw new OidcException(trans('errors.oidc_no_email_address'));
if ($isLoggedIn) {
throw new OidcException(trans('errors.oidc_already_logged_in'));
try {
$user = $this->registrationService->findOrRegister(
} catch (UserRegistrationException $exception) {
throw new OidcException($exception->getMessage());
if ($this->shouldSyncGroups()) {
$groups = $userDetails['groups'];
$detachExisting = $this->config()['remove_from_groups'];
$this->groupService->syncUserWithFoundGroups($user, $groups, $detachExisting);
$this->loginService->login($user, 'oidc');
return $user;
* Get the OIDC config from the application.
protected function config(): array
return config('oidc');
* Check if groups should be synced.
protected function shouldSyncGroups(): bool
return $this->config()['user_to_groups'] !== false;
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