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Last active November 14, 2019 17:38
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A header file to wait for UR robots to complete a UR script program sent via ROS.
#pragma once
// This header file can be copied into the folder ur_modern_driver/include/ur_modern_driver
// of the ur_modern_driver ROS package and included in your program for convenience.
// It waits for a program to be completed on the UR controller.
// Note that this is useful mostly for custom scripts. A move command sent through
// ur_modern_driver/MoveIt will stay active on the UR controller, and the wait will time out.
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "ur_msgs/RobotModeDataMsg.h"
// Do not forget to add ur_modern_driver to your CMakeLists.txt
// Note: topic_namespace needs a leading slash.
bool isProgramRunning(std::string topic_namespace = "")
ur_msgs::RobotModeDataMsg robot_mode_state;
auto msg = ros::topic::waitForMessage<ur_msgs::RobotModeDataMsg>(topic_namespace + "/ur_driver/robot_mode_state",
if (msg)
return msg->is_program_running;
ROS_ERROR("No message received from the robot. Is everything running? Is the namespace entered correctly with a "
"leading slash?");
ros::Exception e("No message received from the robot.");
// Note: topic_namespace needs a leading slash.
bool waitForURProgram(std::string topic_namespace = "", ros::Duration timeout = ros::Duration(60.0))
ROS_DEBUG("Waiting for UR program to finish. Only run this after sending custom URScripts and not the regular motion "
"commands, or this call will not terminate before the timeout.");
ros::Time t_start = ros::Time::now();
ros::Duration time_passed = ros::Time::now() - t_start;
while (isProgramRunning(topic_namespace) && (time_passed < timeout))
time_passed = ros::Time::now() - t_start;
ROS_DEBUG("UR Program has terminated.");
return true;
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