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Created May 20, 2018 21:49
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  • Save felixyz/329cdecebbd73d001005cdf530877cb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save felixyz/329cdecebbd73d001005cdf530877cb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pakcs-2.0.1 install failure log (OS X)
/Applications/ config 2>&1 | tee -a make.log
cd scripts && /Applications/ all
/Applications/ /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-makecgi /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/cleancurry /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-fcypp
mkdir -p /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin
cat | sed "s|^PAKCSBUILDDIR=.*$|PAKCSBUILDDIR=/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1|" | \
sed "s|^PAKCSINSTALLDIR=.*$|PAKCSINSTALLDIR=|" > /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs
chmod 755 /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs
mkdir -p /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin
cat | sed "s|^PAKCSBUILDDIR=.*$|PAKCSBUILDDIR=/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1|" | \
sed "s|^PAKCSINSTALLDIR=.*$|PAKCSINSTALLDIR=|" > /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-makecgi
chmod 755 /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-makecgi
mkdir -p /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin
cat | sed "s|^PAKCSBUILDDIR=.*$|PAKCSBUILDDIR=/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1|" | \
sed "s|^PAKCSINSTALLDIR=.*$|PAKCSINSTALLDIR=|" > /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/cleancurry
chmod 755 /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/cleancurry
mkdir -p /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin
cat | sed "s|^PAKCSBUILDDIR=.*$|PAKCSBUILDDIR=/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1|" | \
sed "s|^PAKCSINSTALLDIR=.*$|PAKCSINSTALLDIR=|" > /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-fcypp
chmod 755 /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-fcypp
Try to use definitions from /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/scripts/../pakcsinitrc...
PAKCS installation configured with (saved in /Users/felix/.pakcsinitrc):
/Applications/ build 2>&1 | tee -a make.log
/Applications/ kernel
cd scripts && /Applications/ all
/Applications/ /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-makecgi /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/cleancurry /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-fcypp
make[4]: `/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs' is up to date.
make[4]: `/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-makecgi' is up to date.
make[4]: `/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/cleancurry' is up to date.
make[4]: `/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-fcypp' is up to date.
PAKCS installation configuration (file pakcsinitrc):
# Set up the default variables according to the local installation:
# Directory of the SICStus-Prolog installation, i.e.,
# $SICSTUSDIR/bin/sicstus should be the name of the interpreter executable:
# Executable of SWI-Prolog (if you don't have SICStus-Prolog)
# Note that the complete functionality of PAKCS is not available with
# SWI-Prolog and the efficiency is also slower than with SICStus-Prolog.
# install front end:
/Applications/ frontend
rm -f /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/bin/pakcs-frontend
cd /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend && /Applications/
/Applications/ /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/pkg/pakcs.conf.d
make[6]: `/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/pkg/pakcs.conf.d' is up to date.
/Applications/ /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/bin/curry-frontend
/Applications/ unregister
"/usr/local/bin/ghc-pkg" unregister --package-db="/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/pkg/pakcs.conf.d" curry-frontend
ghc-pkg: cannot find package curry-frontend
make[7]: [unregister] Error 1 (ignored)
"/usr/local/bin/ghc-pkg" unregister --package-db="/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/pkg/pakcs.conf.d" curry-base
ghc-pkg: cannot find package curry-base
make[7]: [unregister] Error 1 (ignored)
mkdir -p /Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/bin
cd curry-base && "cabal" install --with-compiler="/usr/local/bin/ghc" --with-hc-pkg="/usr/local/bin/ghc-pkg" --prefix="/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/pkg" --global --package-db="/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/pkg/pakcs.conf.d" -O2
Warning: the --global flag is deprecated -- it is generally considered a bad
idea to install packages into the global store
Resolving dependencies...
Downloading clock-0.7.2...
Configuring clock-0.7.2...
Building clock-0.7.2...
Installed clock-0.7.2
Downloading extra-1.6.6...
Configuring extra-1.6.6...
Building extra-1.6.6...
Installed extra-1.6.6
Configuring curry-base-1.0.0...
Building curry-base-1.0.0...
Failed to install curry-base-1.0.0
Build log ( /Users/felix/.cabal/logs/ghc-8.4.2/curry-base-1.0.0-LPH5Pk9dGnk44Nh3L5KaYG.log ):
cabal: Entering directory '.'
Configuring curry-base-1.0.0...
Warning: The package has an extraneous version range for a dependency on an
internal library: curry-base ==1.0.0. This version range includes the current
package but isn't needed as the current package's library will always be used.
Preprocessing library for curry-base-1.0.0..
Building library for curry-base-1.0.0..
[ 1 of 35] Compiling Curry.AbstractCurry.Type ( src/Curry/AbstractCurry/Type.hs, dist/build/Curry/AbstractCurry/Type.o )
[ 2 of 35] Compiling Curry.Base.Pretty ( src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs, dist/build/Curry/Base/Pretty.o )
src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs:118:25: error:
Ambiguous occurrence ‘<>’
It could refer to either ‘Prelude.<>’,
imported from ‘Prelude’ at src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs:17:8-24
(and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)
or ‘Text.PrettyPrint.<>’,
imported from ‘Text.PrettyPrint’ at src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs:22:1-23
(and originally defined in ‘Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ’)
118 | bquotes doc = backQuote <> doc <> backQuote
| ^^
src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs:118:32: error:
Ambiguous occurrence ‘<>’
It could refer to either ‘Prelude.<>’,
imported from ‘Prelude’ at src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs:17:8-24
(and originally defined in ‘GHC.Base’)
or ‘Text.PrettyPrint.<>’,
imported from ‘Text.PrettyPrint’ at src/Curry/Base/Pretty.hs:22:1-23
(and originally defined in ‘Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ’)
118 | bquotes doc = backQuote <> doc <> backQuote
| ^^
cabal: Leaving directory '.'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
curry-base-1.0.0-LPH5Pk9dGnk44Nh3L5KaYG failed during the building phase. The
exception was:
ExitFailure 1
make[6]: *** [/Users/felix/code/pakcs-2.0.1/frontend/bin/curry-frontend] Error 1
make[5]: *** [frontend] Error 2
make[4]: *** [compilefrontend] Error 2
make[3]: *** [frontend] Error 2
make[2]: *** [kernel] Error 2
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
Make process logged in file make.log
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