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Last active October 26, 2016 15:17
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#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
# coding: utf-8
from abc import *
from collections import ChainMap, OrderedDict
import re
from operator import eq
class DispatcherMeta(ABCMeta):
Metaclas for dispatchers. Inherits from `abc.ABCMeta` to prevent users
from instatiating classes which do not provide an implementation for
the static method `match(value, key) -> bool`.
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs, key_type=None, factory=dict):
callbacks = ChainMap(factory())
for base in bases:
if isinstance(base, DispatcherMeta):
attrs['__callbacks__'] = callbacks
return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs, key_type=None, factory=dict):
super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)
cls.key_type = key_type
cls.factory = factory
def get_callback_and_args(cls, value, *args, **kwds):
Returns the first callback matching `value`.
Raises a KeyError if none is matched, or the
default value if provided.
for key, callback in cls.__callbacks__.items():
m = cls.match(key, value)
if isinstance(m, bool):
if m:
return callback, (value,), {}
elif isinstance(m, tuple):
args, kwds = m
return callback, args, kwds
elif m is not None:
raise TypeError('Expected match to return a tuple or a bool '
'instance, got {!r}.'.format(type(m)))
# Raises a KeyError if no default value is provided
if not (args or kwds):
raise KeyError(value)
elif len(args) == 1 and not kwds:
# Extract default value from positional arguments
default = args
elif len(kwds) == 1 and not args:
# Extract default value from keyword arguments
default = kwds['default']
except KeyError:
kwd = list(kwds)[0]
raise TypeError('{}.get_callback got an unexpected keyword '
'argument {!r}'.format(cls.__name__, kwd))
raise TypeError('{}.get_callback only accepts a single positional '
'argument and only the default keyword argument.'
return default, (), {}
def on(cls, key):
Registers a callback with a given key.
if cls.key_type is not None and not isinstance(key, cls.key_type):
raise TypeError('Expected key to be an instance of {}, got instead '
'{} object.'.format(cls.key_type, key))
def _decorator_wrapper(callback):
cls.__callbacks__[key] = callback
return callback
return _decorator_wrapper
class BaseDispatcher(metaclass=DispatcherMeta):
Abstract base class for dispatchers. Concrete subclasses must implement the
static method `match(value, key) -> bool`.
def match(key, value):
raise NotImplementedError('match static method is not implemented')
def dispatch(self, value):
Runs a callback
callback, args, kwds = type(self).get_callback_and_args(value)
return callback(self, *args, **kwds)
class Dispatcher(BaseDispatcher):
Matches a key on equality.
match = staticmethod(eq)
class TypeDispatcher(BaseDispatcher, factory=OrderedDict):
Matches if the provided value is an instance of the key type.
match = staticmethod(lambda key, value: isinstance(value, key))
class RegexDispatcher(BaseDispatcher, factory=OrderedDict):
Matches if the key pattern matches the whole string.
initialize_key = staticmethod(re.compile)
def match(key, value):
m = re.fullmatch(key, value)
if m is not None:
return m.groups(), m.groupdict()
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