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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Kippo - new malware dropped alert
# Author: Felipe Molina (@felmoltor)
# Date: January 2015
# Purpose: This scripts checks for new binaries captured by kippo and send an email when an attacker drops a new one
NEWMALWAREZIP="$(date +%s).$(hostname -f).$NEWMALWAREBASENAME"
# Cleanup previous sent malware zip file
rm *.$NEWMALWAREBASENAME 2> /dev/null
# If last "ls -l" file does not exists, create a new one
if [[ ! -f $LASTLS ]]; then
echo "Creating $LASTLS file"
find $KIPPODLFOLDER -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -samefile $0 ! -name $LASTLS ! -name $CURRENTLS ! -name "*.$NEWMALWAREBASENAME" -ls > $LASTLS
# Diff with last "ls -l" done
find $KIPPODLFOLDER -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -samefile $0 ! -name $LASTLS ! -name $CURRENTLS ! -name "*.$NEWMALWAREBASENAME" -ls > $CURRENTLS
# If there is a deleted file in the difference, the script will try to send the deleted file, so we filter also with the "<" sign
# < 49818517 1724 -rw-r--r-- 1 <user> <user> 1763484 Dec 31 01:00 ./deleted.tgz
newfiles=$(diff $LASTLS $CURRENTLS | grep -vE "^< " | awk '{print $12}')
if [[ ${#newfiles} > 0 ]]; then
# Compress with password the new file to send attached
7z a -pmalware $NEWMALWAREZIP $newfiles > /dev/null
# Send an email alerting of the new binary file captured
echo "New files were captured, sending alert mail"
echo "Captured binaries (password is 'malware'): $newfiles" | mutt -s "New files captured in $(hostname -f)" $DSTEMAIL -a $NEWMALWAREZIP
echo "No new bad guy was fooled here :-("
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