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Last active October 29, 2024 06:34
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simple script to run TypeScript in --incremental --noEmit mode, while ignoring errors in any files outside the project folder (useful in mono repos with different and incompatible tsconfig.json's per package)
#!/usr/bin/env node
import path from "path";
import ts from "typescript";
// parse tsconfig.json
const configFilePath = ts.findConfigFile(
const projectPath = path.resolve(path.dirname(configFilePath));
const configFile = ts.readConfigFile(configFilePath, ts.sys.readFile);
const compilerOptions = ts.parseJsonConfigFileContent(
incremental: true,
tsBuildInfoFile: path.join(projectPath, "type-check.tsbuildinfo"),
// required to force emission of tsbuildinfo file(?)
outDir: "tmp",
noEmit: true,
// setup program
const program = ts.createIncrementalProgram({
rootNames: compilerOptions.fileNames,
options: compilerOptions.options,
// run diagnostics and emit a tsbuildinfo for incremental type-checks
const preEmitDiagnostics = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program);
const emitResult = program.emit();
const buildInfoEmitResult = program.emitBuildInfo();
const diagnostics = [
(it) =>
it.file.fileName.startsWith(projectPath + path.sep) &&
// setup reporter utilities
const errorCount = ts.getErrorCountForSummary(diagnostics);
const filesInError = ts.getFilesInErrorForSummary(diagnostics);
const diagnosticsReporter = ts.createDiagnosticReporter(ts.sys, true);
const reportDiagnostics = (diagnostics) => {
for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {
const reportSummary = (errorCount, filesInError) => {
ts.getErrorSummaryText(errorCount, filesInError, ts.sys.newLine, ts.sys)
// flush output to console
reportSummary(errorCount, filesInError);
process.exit(errorCount === 0 ? 0 : 1);
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how this works to ignore node_modules?

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felskov commented Jun 9, 2023

@childrentime I think that this would ignore errors from node_modules out of the box (see line 56), have you tried it?

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yeah! Thanks, great work😍!

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@felskov While it's a shame that this is even needed, it really is a lifesaver and the only thing that makes proper typechecking in our monorepo possible right now. Thank you so much 🙏

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it ignores node_modules but it also ignores .d.ts in my project source files just like skipLibCheck

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here is my tsbuildinfo which is ignored

            "file": "./src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts",
            "start": 466,
            "length": 32,
            "messageText": "Cannot find name 'PolicyPromotionQuantityDetailDTO'. Did you mean 'PolicyPromotionQuantityLadder'?",
            "category": 1,
            "code": 2552
            "file": "./src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts",
            "start": 2253,
            "length": 5,
            "messageText": "Cannot find name 'State'.",
            "category": 1,
            "code": 2304
            "file": "./src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts",
            "start": 2299,
            "length": 11,
            "messageText": "Cannot find name 'SupplierDTO'.",
            "category": 1,
            "code": 2304

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I found that some error fileName don't match the filter rule, and my projectPath is /Users/luchengjie/Documents/earth-ama

fileName: 'src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts',
    path: '/users/luchengjie/documents/earth-ama/src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts',
    resolvedPath: '/users/luchengjie/documents/earth-ama/src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts',
    originalFileName: 'src/typings/policy-promotion-quantity.d.ts',

fileName: '/Users/luchengjie/Documents/earth-ama/src/lib/app/request.tsx',
    path: '/users/luchengjie/documents/earth-ama/src/lib/app/request.tsx',
    resolvedPath: '/users/luchengjie/documents/earth-ama/src/lib/app/request.tsx',
    originalFileName: '/Users/luchengjie/Documents/earth-ama/src/lib/app/request.tsx',

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Thank you for writing this, works like a charm :)

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