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Last active July 12, 2022 13:42
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  • Save fend25/1c097e6bceace8c5c29562dbffaa16ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Read video punk
const {SchemaTools} = require('@unique-nft/api/schema')
const {ApiPromise, WsProvider} = require('@polkadot/api')
const rpc = require('@unique-nft/opal-testnet-types/definitions').unique.rpc
const WS_ENDPOINT = `wss://`
const COLLECTION_ID = 28
const TOKEN_ID = 10
const run = async() => {
const api = new ApiPromise({
provider: new WsProvider(WS_ENDPOINT),
rpc: {
unique: rpc
await api.isReady
const rawCollection = (await api.rpc.unique.collectionById(COLLECTION_ID)).toHuman()
const schemaDecodingResult = SchemaTools.decode.collectionSchema(
if (!schemaDecodingResult.isValid) {
const schema = schemaDecodingResult.decoded
console.log('// decoded collection schema:')
console.log(JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2))
const rawToken = (await api.rpc.unique.tokenData(COLLECTION_ID, TOKEN_ID)).toHuman()
const tokenDecodingResult = SchemaTools.decode.token(rawToken, schema)
if (!tokenDecodingResult.isValid) {
const token = tokenDecodingResult.decoded
console.log('// decoded token:')
console.log(JSON.stringify(token, null, 2))
await api.disconnect()
run().catch(err => {console.error(err); throw err})
type DecodingResult<T> = {
isValid: true
decoded: T
} | {
isValid: false
validationError: Error
"schemaName": "unique",
"schemaVersion": "1.0.0",
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"urlTemplate": "{infix}"
"video": {
"urlTemplate": "{infix}.mp4"
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"urlInfix": "QmcAcH4F9HYQtpqKHxBFwGvkfKb8qckXj2YWUrcc8yd24G/image1.png",
"fullUrl": ""
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"attributesSchema": {
"0": {
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"type": 261,
"kind": 0,
"enumValues": {
"0": {"en": "Male"},
"1": {"en": "Female"}
"1": {
"name": {"en": "traits"},
"type": 261,
"kind": 1,
"enumValues": {
"0": {"en": "Black Lipstick"},
"1": {"en": "Red Lipstick"},
"2": {"en": "Smile"},
"3": {"en": "Teeth Smile"},
"4": {"en": "Purple Lipstick"},
"5": {"en": "Nose Ring"},
"6": {"en": "Asian Eyes"},
"7": {"en": "Sunglasses"},
"8": {"en": "Red Glasses"},
"9": {"en": "Round Eyes"},
"10": {"en": "Left Earring"},
"11": {"en": "Right Earring"},
"12": {"en": "Two Earrings"},
"13": {"en": "Brown Beard"},
"14": {"en": "Mustache Beard"},
"15": {"en": "Mustache"},
"16": {"en": "Regular Beard"},
"17": {"en": "Up Hair"},
"18": {"en": "Down Hair"},
"19": {"en": "Mahawk"},
"20": {"en": "Red Mahawk"},
"21": {"en": "Orange Hair"},
"22": {"en": "Bubble Hair"},
"23": {"en": "Emo Hair"},
"24": {"en": "Thin Hair"},
"25": {"en": "Bald"},
"26": {"en": "Blonde Hair"},
"27": {"en": "Caret Hair"},
"28": {"en": "Pony Tails"},
"29": {"en": "Cigar"},
"30": {"en": "Pipe"}
"owner": {
"Substrate": "ungch4QhrnYVHQeNKxZTHy811iyWR7cKKhU5mfPVLaWT1ExgE"
"image": {
"ipfsCid": "QmWLH3pcPn7uc1evgSvN7UimgsZkuxMRCYgq2DZUZLDFZr",
"fullUrl": ""
"video": {
"urlInfix": "10",
"fullUrl": ""
"attributes": {
"0": {
"name": {"en": "gender"},
"value": {"en": "Male"},
"isArray": false,
"type": 1025,
"kind": 0,
"technicalTypeName": "localizedStringDictionary",
"technicalKindName": "enum"
"1": {
"name": {"en": "traits"},
"value": [
{"en": "Smile"},
{"en": "Nose Ring"},
{"en": "Round Eyes"},
{"en": "Up Hair"}
"isArray": true,
"type": 1025,
"kind": 1,
"technicalTypeName": "localizedStringDictionary",
"technicalKindName": "enumMultiple"
const {SchemaTools} = require('@unique-nft/api/schema')
const {ApiPromise, WsProvider} = require('@polkadot/api')
const rpc = require('@unique-nft/opal-testnet-types/definitions').unique.rpc
const WS_ENDPOINT = `wss://`
const punksAttributesSchema: CollectionAttributesSchema = {
'0': {
name: {en: 'gender'},
type: AttributeType.localizedStringDictionaryIndex,
kind: AttributeKind.enum,
enumValues: {
0: {en: 'Male'},
1: {en: 'Female'}
'1': {
name: {en: 'traits'},
type: AttributeType.localizedStringDictionaryIndex,
kind: AttributeKind.enumMultiple,
enumValues: {
0: {"en": "Black Lipstick"},
1: {"en": "Red Lipstick"},
2: {"en": "Smile"},
3: {"en": "Teeth Smile"},
4: {"en": "Purple Lipstick"},
5: {"en": "Nose Ring"},
6: {"en": "Asian Eyes"},
7: {"en": "Sunglasses"},
8: {"en": "Red Glasses"},
9: {"en": "Round Eyes"},
10: {"en": "Left Earring"},
11: {"en": "Right Earring"},
12: {"en": "Two Earrings"},
13: {"en": "Brown Beard"},
14: {"en": "Mustache Beard"},
15: {"en": "Mustache"},
16: {"en": "Regular Beard"},
17: {"en": "Up Hair"},
18: {"en": "Down Hair"},
19: {"en": "Mahawk"},
20: {"en": "Red Mahawk"},
21: {"en": "Orange Hair"},
22: {"en": "Bubble Hair"},
23: {"en": "Emo Hair"},
24: {"en": "Thin Hair"},
25: {"en": "Bald"},
26: {"en": "Blonde Hair"},
27: {"en": "Caret Hair"},
28: {"en": "Pony Tails"},
29: {"en": "Cigar"},
30: {"en": "Pipe"}
const videoPunkSchema: UniqueCollectionSchemaToCreate = {
schemaVersion: '1.0.0',
image: {
urlTemplate: `{infix}`
video: {
urlTemplate: `{infix}.mp4`
coverPicture: {
urlInfix: 'QmcAcH4F9HYQtpqKHxBFwGvkfKb8qckXj2YWUrcc8yd24G/image1.png'
attributesSchemaVersion: '1.0.0',
attributesSchema: punksAttributesSchema
const punkToken: UniqueTokenToCreate = {
image: {
ipfsCid: 'QmS8YXgfGKgTUnjAPtEf3uf5k4YrFLP2uDcYuNyGLnEiNb'
encodedAttributes: {0: 0, 1: [3, 17]}
const collectionProperties = SchemaTools.encodeUnique.collectionSchema(videoPunkSchema)
const tokenPropertyPermissions = SchemaTools.encodeUnique.collectionTokenPropertyPermissions(videoPunkSchema)
const tokenProperties = SchemaTools.encodeUnique.token(punkToken, videoPunkSchema)
... ,
properties: collectionProperties,
tokenPropertyPermissions: tokenPropertyPermissions,
owner: {Substrate: "5..."},
properties: tokenProperties
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{ key: 'a.1', permission: { mutable: false, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: false } },
{ key: 'i.c', permission: { mutable: false, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: false } },
{ key: 'i.h', permission: { mutable: false, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: false } },
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{ key: 'v.u', permission: { mutable: false, collectionAdmin: true, tokenOwner: false } }
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key: 'attributesSchema.1',
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owner: { Substrate: 'ungch4QhrnYVHQeNKxZTHy811iyWR7cKKhU5mfPVLaWT1ExgE' }
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