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Last active May 22, 2019 17:34
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-- | Set the files as targets and load them.
loadTargets :: IOish m => [GHCOption] -> [FilePath] -> Maybe (GHC.Hooks -> GHC.Hooks) -> GmlT m ()
loadTargets opts targetStrs mUpdateHooks = do
crdl <- cradle
let loadGhcEnv = shouldLoadGhcEnvironment crdl
targets' <-
withLightHscEnv loadGhcEnv opts $ \env ->
liftM (nubBy ((==) `on` targetId))
(mapM ((`guessTarget` Nothing) >=> mapFile env) targetStrs)
>>= mapM relativize
let targets = map (\t -> t { targetAllowObjCode = False }) targets'
targetFileNames = concatMap filePathFromTarget targets
gmLog GmDebug "loadTargets" $
text "Loading" <+>: fsep (map (text . showTargetId) targets)
let filterModSums = isJust mUpdateHooks
gmLog GmDebug "loadTargets" $
text "filterModSums" <+>: text (show filterModSums)
setTargets targets
when filterModSums $ updateModuleGraph setDynFlagsRecompile targetFileNames
mg <- depanal [] False
let interp = needsHscInterpreted mg
target <- hscTarget <$> getSessionDynFlags
when (interp && target /= HscInterpreted) $ do
setHooks :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
setHooks df = df { GHC.hooks = (fromMaybe id mUpdateHooks) (GHC.hooks df) }
_ <- setSessionDynFlags . setHscInterpreted . setHooks =<< getSessionDynFlags
gmLog GmInfo "loadTargets" $ text "Target needs interpeter, switching to LinkInMemory/HscInterpreted. Perfectly normal if anything is using TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes or PatternSynonyms."
when filterModSums $ updateModuleGraph setDynFlagsRecompile targetFileNames
target' <- hscTarget <$> getSessionDynFlags
dynFlags' <- getSessionDynFlags
dynFlags <- liftIO $ withLightHscEnv loadGhcEnv opts $ \env ->
DynamicLoading.initializePlugins env dynFlags'
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dynFlags
case target' of
HscNothing -> do
void $ load LoadAllTargets
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
forM_ (mgModSummaries mg) $
forM_ mg $
handleSourceError (gmLog GmDebug "loadTargets" . text . show)
. void . (parseModule >=> typecheckModule >=> desugarModule)
HscInterpreted -> do
void $ load LoadAllTargets
_ -> error ("loadTargets: unsupported hscTarget")
when filterModSums $ updateModuleGraph unSetDynFlagsRecompile targetFileNames
gmLog GmDebug "loadTargets" $ text "Loading done"
relativize (Target (TargetFile filePath phase) taoc src) = do
crdl <- cradle
let tid = TargetFile relativeFilePath phase
relativeFilePath = makeRelative (cradleRootDir crdl) filePath
return $ Target tid taoc src
relativize tgt = return tgt
showTargetId (Target (TargetModule s) _ _) = moduleNameString s
showTargetId (Target (TargetFile s _) _ _) = s
filePathFromTarget (Target (TargetModule _) _ _) = []
filePathFromTarget (Target (TargetFile s _) _ _) = [s]
updateModuleGraph :: (GhcMonad m, GmState m, GmEnv m,
MonadIO m, GmLog m, GmOut m)
=> (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> [FilePath] -> m ()
updateModuleGraph df fps = do
fpSet = Set.fromList fps
updateHooks df = df { GHC.hooks = (fromMaybe id mUpdateHooks) (GHC.hooks df)}
mustRecompile ms = case (ml_hs_file . ms_location) ms of
Nothing -> ms
Just f -> if Set.member f fpSet
then ms {ms_hspp_opts = (df . updateHooks) (ms_hspp_opts ms)}
else ms
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
update s = s {hsc_mod_graph = mkModuleGraph $ map mustRecompile (mgModSummaries $ hsc_mod_graph s)}
update s = s {hsc_mod_graph = map mustRecompile (hsc_mod_graph s)}
G.modifySession update
setDynFlagsRecompile :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
setDynFlagsRecompile df = gopt_set df Opt_ForceRecomp
unSetDynFlagsRecompile :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
unSetDynFlagsRecompile df = gopt_unset df Opt_ForceRecomp
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