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Created January 4, 2017 23:37
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Aenyr Draft @ Gefolge-Silvester 2016
Gefolge-Silvester 2016
round 1
Botho 2:1 Hanno
Bene 2:? Tobi
Fenhl 2:1 Gesche
Leif 2:0 Henrik
round 2
Botho 2:1 Fenhl
Bene (drop) ?:2 Leif
round 3
Botho 1:2 Leif
2 Araknis
3 Aurora Ritual
1 Aven Vocalist
1 Blazeheart Idealon
2 Chromawing Idealon
1 Cloudy Jungle
1 Daring Minstrel
1 Dreamfire Idealon
3 Enlightened Valley
1 Flamedance Prodigy
4 Forest
1 Gliding Mantas
1 Graceful Siren
4 Island
2 Kirsus Mongrel
2 Mistfire Ridge
3 Mountain
1 Poisonous Advantage
1 Prism-Maned Idealon
1 Runesilk Weaver
1 Satyr Wayfinder
1 Sound Blast
1 Sunfire Choreography
1 Skyseeker
1 Ballad of Somnolence
1 Blazing Sonnet
1 Dreamborn Vision
1 Dreameaters
1 Goblin Chef
1 Heartening Ballad
1 Hulking Creation
1 Kenoram Mystic
1 Kirsus Mongrel
1 Moltenheart Elemental
1 Oglosaur
1 Radiant Skinmarks
1 Serene Aerosaltant
1 Tale of the Lone Hunter
2 The Show Must Go On
4 Aven Vocalist
1 Azurewing Griffin
1 Ballad of Somnolence
1 Bladewhirl
1 Crystalline Falcon
1 Delsanian Aristocrat
1 Fade into Nothingness
1 Fiery Bolero
1 Gliding Mantas
5 Island
2 Lifespring River
1 Maskborn Muse
2 Mistfire Ridge
1 Peaceful Thoughts
5 Plains
2 Prismatic Harmony
1 Scapeforger Bauble
1 Scorched Landscape
1 Serene Aerosaltant
1 Skylyre Archangel
2 Solitary Bihorn
2 Sunlit Wasteland
1 Thundersong Trumpeter
1 Ultimate Price
1 Captivating Performer
1 Cloudy Jungle
1 Contemplative Ancient
1 Deep-Sea Dreamhunter
1 Dream Harvest
1 Fade into Nothingness
1 Ghostlight
1 Goblin Ukulelist
1 Hulking Creation
1 Inspiring Ballad
1 Jest-In-The-Box
1 Piercing Shout
1 Seleyn Patrollers
1 Silkfinder Ranger
1 Twisted Landscape
2 Beneath the Mask
1 Blazing Sonnet
1 Carnival Sentinel
1 Chaosborn Muse
1 Chorus of the Unliving
6 Deepening Dementia
1 Flamedance Prodigy
2 High Road Bandit
2 Kirsus Maniac
1 Mad Jester
7 Mountain
2 Oppressive Nightmares
1 Parch the Mind
1 Redrock Mauler
1 Rotten Pegasus
11 Swamp
1 Torch Juggler
1 All In
1 Chant of the Damned
1 Dark Profit
1 Deafening Ballad
1 Deepwood Ritual
1 Delsanian Sellsword
1 Delsanian Sentinel
1 Dreameaters
1 Fade into Nothingness
2 Hat Trick
1 Hulking Creation
1 Jest-In-The-Box
1 Lifelike Canvas
1 Maskborn Muse
1 Nightmarish Chord
1 Opera Ghost
1 Parade Mastodon
1 Piercing Shout
1 Prism-Maned Idealon
1 Redrock Mauler
1 Aerial Grace
1 Bladewhirl
1 Crystalline Falcon
1 Dancing Master
1 Ethereal Chord
1 Fearless Feline
4 Forest
1 Graceborn Muse
1 Inspiring Ballad
2 Island
3 Lifesong Flutist
2 Lifespring River
1 Majestic Runehart
9 Plains
1 Poisonous Advantage
1 Pretentious Critic
1 Quell Eloquence
1 Search for Inspiration
2 Soul Uplift
2 Springveil Dancer
1 Sunblessed Dancer
2 Tale of the Lone Hunter
1 Contemplative Ancient
1 Daring Minstrel
1 Deep-Sea Dreamhunter
2 Diminuendo
1 Elegant Blade
1 Ensorcelled Instrument
1 Flourishing Chord
2 Forced Meditation
1 Masked Duelist
1 Oglosaur
1 Parade Mastodon
2 Primeval Serenity
1 Refute
1 Springveil Dancer
1 Tilkin Flutist
1 Turn to Aether
1 Young Dreamer
1 Araknis
1 Azurewing Griffin
1 Boon of the Twin Roses
1 Captivating Performer
1 Chromawing Idealon
2 Contemplative Ancient
1 Delsanian Sentinel
1 Dreamblade Initiate
1 Dreamborn Wurm
1 Duskwood Extortionist
1 Flourishing Chord
6 Forest
4 Island
1 Lost in Eternity
1 Mountain
1 Peaceful Thoughts
5 Plains
1 Pretentious Critic
1 Puppetize
1 Quell Eloquence
1 Refute
1 Resentful Giant
1 Scapeforger Bauble
1 Springveil Celebration
1 Swamp
1 Tilkin Flutist
1 Vengeful Apparitions
1 All In
1 Ardent Choreography
1 Aven Vocalist
1 Ballad of Somnolence
1 Dark Profit
2 Delsanian Sellsword
1 Dreamborn Vision
1 Forced Meditation
1 Ghostlight
1 Kenoram Mystic
1 Kirsus Hypnotist
1 Oglosaur
1 Opera Ghost
1 Primeval Serenity
1 Scapeforger Bauble
1 Seleyn Patrollers
1 Skyseeker
1 Strobe Light
1 Tale of the Lone Hunter
1 Tilkin Sentry
1 Vengeful Apparitions
1 Ballad of Somnolence
1 Carnival Sentinel
1 Deafening Ballad
2 Disciple of Foenira
2 Duskwood Extortionist
1 Ensorcelled Instrument
1 Ethereal Chord
1 Fortune Telling
1 Goblin Chef
2 Graceful Siren
1 Improvised Composition
6 Island
1 Jest-In-The-Box
1 Kirsus Maniac
1 Madcap Laughter
3 Mocking Jester
6 Mountain
1 Persona Shift
1 Skiv, Madcap Trickster
1 Starsong Dragon
5 Swamp
1 Ardent Choreography
1 Bookpest
1 Chaosborn Muse
2 Deathcaller Oracle
1 Deep-Sea Dreamhunter
2 Deepwood Ritual
1 Dreamborn Vision
1 Fade into Nothingness
2 Gliding Mantas
1 Goblin Ukulelist
1 Graceful Siren
1 High Road Bandit
2 Kirsus Hypnotist
1 Opera Ghost
2 Rotten Pegasus
2 The Show Must Go On
1 Aerial Grace
1 Araknis
1 Ballad of the Lost
1 Contemplative Ancient
1 Duskborn Muse
1 Entry Fee
1 Ethereal Gardens
1 Evanescing Chord
6 Forest
1 Heartening Ballad
1 Inspiring Ballad
1 Kenoram Brawler
1 Kenoram Warlock
1 Lone Poet
1 Moment of Quietude
1 Nightmarish Chord
1 Oglosaur
1 Parade Mastodon
5 Plains
1 Prismatic Harmony
1 Quell Eloquence
1 Seed of Despair
1 Seleyn Patrollers
1 Serene Aerosaltant
1 Solitary Bihorn
1 Sunlit Wasteland
1 Surreal Grandeur
4 Swamp
1 Chant of the Damned
1 Dashing Swordsman
1 Deepening Dementia
1 Dreams from Beyond
1 Duskborn Muse
1 Ghostlight
2 Heartening Ballad
1 Inner Flame
1 Kenoram Mystic
2 Moltenheart Elemental
1 Satyr Wayfinder
1 Seleyn Patrollers
1 Sparkling Chord
1 Springveil Dancer
1 Surreal Grandeur
1 Vengeful Apparitions
1 Wandering Soul
1 Young Dreamer
1 Ashdancer
1 Blazeheart Idealon
1 Chromawing Idealon
1 Daring Minstrel
1 Delsanian Sentinel
1 Dream Harvest
1 Dreamblade Initiate
1 Dreamborn Paradise
1 Dreams from Beyond
1 Duskwood Extortionist
1 Flourishing Chord
5 Forest
1 High Road Crook
4 Island
1 Kenoram Storyteller
1 Kenoram Warlock
1 Lifelike Canvas
1 Masked Duelist
1 Poisonous Advantage
1 Runesilk Weaver
1 Scapeforger Bauble
1 Soul Fracture
1 Springleaf Drum
1 Springveil Celebration
1 Springveil Dancer
1 Sunlit Wasteland
1 Surreal Grandeur
3 Swamp
3 Tranquil Ridge
1 Blazeheart Idealon
1 Captivating Performer
1 Daring Minstrel
1 Dashing Swordsman
1 Dreameaters
1 Dreamfire Idealon
1 Duskwood Extortionist
1 Duskwood Soulguide
1 Fade into Nothingness
1 Flourishing Chord
1 Heartening Ballad
1 Inner Flame
1 Kenoram Mystic
1 Moltenheart Elemental
1 Satyr Wayfinder
2 Thundersong Trumpeter
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