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Last active August 3, 2017 15:13
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Imago templating issues and suggestions

Imago templating issues and suggestions as of 1.4.2

Multiple cards

  • Some abilities are missing the period at the end: First ability on Daydreamer, second ability on Disquiet in the Slums, first ability on Irresistible Aristocrat
  • Some cards say “exile the top card of your library with a dreaming counter on it”. This is ambiguous and “exile the top card of your library and put a dreaming counter on it” might be better. Noticed for: Daydreamer, Deep Sleep, Dream's End, Festival Pilgrim, Genius of Majora, Intoxicated Prophet, Jace's Guilt, Majoran Visions, Speaker of Prophecy, Wendigo of Glamor Marsh, Wishbroker, Wonderseeker, Yuyin Cravings
  • Some color words and mana symbols are in the wrong order. The correct orders are included in parentheses. Noticed for: Blessed Lantermaster (WBG), Blueblood Scion (green and blue), Borderland Hospice (R, W, or B), Doric Dargason (WBG), Elder of Glamors (WBG), Fesival Foolery (GUR), Festival Grounds (G, U, or R), Festival's Apogee (GUR), Glamor Marsh Outskirts (G or W), Gloom Faces (WBG), Illustrio Slums (B or R), Intoxicated Prophet (GUR), Keeper of Elegies (WBG), Majora Keepsake (G, U, or R), Majoran Mystics (GUR), Manorside Garden (G, W, or U), Master of the Carnival (GUR), Millarose Hedge-Maze (G or U), Mustasheen Mysteries (WBG), Prosperan Providence (RWB), Prospero Keepsake (R, W, or B), Prospero Redeemers (RWB), Prospero Slumlord (RWB), Prospero Urchin (RWB), Scarlet Beggar (RWB), Stargazer (G, U, or R), Streets of Majora (GUR), Streets of Mustasheen (WBG), Streets of Prospero (RWB), Surge of the Heart (GUR), Wanderwick Market (RWB), Yuyin Keepsake (G, W, or U)
  • Life gain effects should always templated as “you gain N life”. Noticed for: Chorus of Mustasheen, Gloom Faces, Holy of Long Candles, Keeper of Elegies, Slum Survivor
  • Some cards use the wrong card name to refer to themselves in the text box. If you use ~ in MSE to insert the card name into the text box, it will automatically update the text box when you change the card name. Noticed for: Leraje Marketplace, Monarch's Peacekeeper, Terrifying Specter
  • Oliano, Anastasia's Elite and Prospero Redeemers use singular “they”, while the rest use Magic's “he or she”. One of the templates should be used consistently.
  • The “Whenever” needs to be moved away from the start of abilities to make them spell abilities. For example: “Until end of turn, whenever […]” works. Noticed for: Prosperan Providence, The Storm Breaks

Single card

  • Alleyway Brawl: The “another” is not required since “target creature you control” and “target creature you don't control” are already disjunct.

  • Bogeyman: Should be “with base power and toughness each equal to the lowest life total among all players”.

  • Calliope, Ashteem's Secret: Abilities are in the wrong order. Should be “deathtouch and lifelink”.

  • Clarkewood Conjuring: An effect that lets a player immediately cast a card should always be optional. “You may cast […]”

  • Dream's End: missing an apostrophe (“player's”) and a letter (“cards”).

  • Dullahan, Vanita's Elite: Damage effect is ambiguous. Should say “deals 2 damage to target creature and 2 damage to you” or “deals 2 damage to target creature and 2 damage to that creature's controller”.

  • Fantir Performer: Since the ability typically only triggers once, it should use “When” instead of “Whenever”.

  • Festival Procession: Should say “instant and/or sorcery cards”.

  • Fiery Preacher: Replacement effects can't have targets. Needs to use different wording to make it a triggered ability. For example:

    You may have Fiery Preacher enter the battlefield with a memory counter on it.

    When Fiery Preacher enters the battlefield, if it has a memory counter on it, it deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

    Or alternatively:

    When Fiery Preacher enters the battlefield, if it's an enchantment, it deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

    Or alternatively:

    When Fiery Preacher enters the battlefield, you may put a memory counter on it. If you do, it deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

  • Flesh and Dream: There are a couple things wrong with this card, so I'll suggest a new templating:

    Exile all creatures and put a dreaming counter on each of them. For each creature exiled this way, its controller creates a 1/1 colorless Illusion creature token.

    Until end of turn, players may play exiled cards they own with dreaming counters on them and may play them as though they had flash.

  • Holy of Wayward Whispers: Needs to use different wording to work as a delayed trigger: “{U}, Discard a card: When a creature you control deals combat damage to a player the next time this turn, draw a card.”

  • Holy of the Festival: “first strike and haste”, not the other way around.

  • Illustrio Newcomer: Card types are in the wrong order. Should be “creature, instant, and sorcery card”.

  • Indulger of Phantasms: First ability can be shortened: “When Indulger of Phantasms enters the battlefield, you may remove any number of dreaming counters from exiled cards you own. Draw a card for each counter removed this way.” Even the “you may” is not strictly necessary, but I feel it helps with comprehension. All of this is optional though, the card would work the same as it does now.

  • Inspiring Demagogue: “Zombies” needs to be capitalized.

  • Jace's Guilt: “during its controller's next untap step”.

  • Jace's Lost Days: First ability doesn't work. Suggested fix: “exile all cards from your graveyard and put a dreaming counter on each of them.”

  • Jace, Hopeful Stranger: Why not “until your next turn” for the [+2] ability?

  • Lasting Redemption: Second ability should target.

  • Lord of Lost Demesnes: Second ability should say “Create a colorless […]”.

  • Magister's Initiative: Abilities should be reordered with the etb trigger before “Enchanted creature gets +1/+1.”

  • Majoran Mastery: Uses the same art as Genius of Majora.

  • Majoran Visions: Should be “As long as you own three or more cards in exile” for clarity.

  • Marce al-Din: the [0] ability's cast effect should be optional. The activation instructions should also include “on any player's turn” or “but only during your turn”. The [-1] ability should also be optional, and needs to say “an activated ability”. Also, it should probably target.

  • Master of the Carnival: Abilities are in the wrong order: Should be “flying, trample, hexproof, or haste”.

  • Ministry Flock: First ability should not have a period at the end.

  • Ministry Machinations: “once each turn”.

  • Mustasheen Mysteries: Should say “enchantment and/or creature cards”.

  • Oneiro of Regret: Defender is evergreen, so it should be used here:



    Haunted creature has defender.

  • Prospero Urchin: Should say “it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each enchantment you control.”

  • Resounding Love: Should say “protection from instants and from sorceries”.

  • Sage of Glamors: “with a memory counter on it.”

  • Scarlet Beggar: The second ability should read “if Scarlet Beggar has indestructible”. The source of the damage is ambiguous (could be Scarlet Beggar or the blocked creature) and should be clarified.

  • Streets of Mustasheen: First ability should target. Also missing the word “card”.

  • Streets of Yuyin: Second ability only has one target. Suggested fix: “At the beginning of your end step, choose any number of target permanents. For each of those permanents, you may tap an untapped creature you control. If you do, untap that permanent.”

  • Subservience: “Human” needs to be capitalized.

  • Throne of Wayward Souls: Equipment is equipped to creatures, not the other way around. Suggested fix: “Creatures other than equipped creature have […]”

  • Tinn's Travels: “exiled with Tinn's Travels”.

  • Tinn, the Voyager: Since lands can produce multiple types of mana at the same time, the first ability needs to read “Until end of turn, whenever you tap a land for mana, add one mana to your mana pool of any type that land produced.”

  • Unsettling Sensation: Last part of first ability doesn't work because it can't track the spell. Suggested fix: “If you do, return a card named Unsettling Sensation from your graveyard to your hand.”

  • Unwinding Memories: Should be “If you've cast another spel this turn”.

  • Wanderwick Market: Should be “choose up to one”.

  • Ways of the Inner City: Should say “As an additional cost to cast”. Also should probably target.

  • Yuyin Patroness: Should say “and on target creature you don't control.”

  • Yuyin Restorer: Should target.

  • Yuyin Yesterdays: There are two different versions of this card in the file.

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