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Working from home

Fenil Gandhi fenilgandhi

Working from home
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fenilgandhi /
Created August 12, 2024 19:00
Generate pdf from a images folder
import os
import img2pdf
from PIL import Image
def resize_image(img, max_resolution):
"""Resize image to the maximum resolution while maintaining the aspect ratio."""
width, height = img.size
if max(width, height) > max_resolution:
scaling_factor = max_resolution / float(max(width, height))
new_size = (int(width * scaling_factor), int(height * scaling_factor))
# Function to check if a command is available
command_exists() {
command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
# Function to delete the config file
import json
class IntHash():
Creates a runtime integer from a given list of integer, strings.
For the given dataframe add a column `result` with specifies whether a student
has passed or failed in their term. Any student is considered pass if all their scores are equal
or above 35
import numpy
import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame([
fenilgandhi /
Last active September 14, 2022 07:33
Provide the definition of a function foo which returns the summation of
the given three integers when called as follows
# Add function definition here
## Here result should be 12
You are given with two lists, popular_products_ids and viewed_products_ids
- The first list is the list of ids of all popular products that any user would like to view
sorted on their popularity in descending order
- The second list is a list of ids of all products that this user has already viewed.
- Write a function get_fresh_products which return the products which are not yet viewed by
the user while maintaining the sorted order of popularity in an efficient manner
popular_products_ids = list(map(id, range(50000)))
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