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tictactoe demonstration
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Tic Tac Toe
A python module for playing tic tac toe.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Fenimore Love
Add Color output
board_size -- the amount of squares
squares -- the value of each square defaults empty or 0
squares_printed -- the user input choices 1 - board_size
squares_valid -- a list of possible valid inputs 1 - board_size
squares_history -- a list of moves made in order
win_dict -- a dict of winning combinations (input: combos)
instructions -- welcome message for user
import itertools, random
board_size = 9
squares = [0 for x in range(0, board_size)]
squares_printed = [str(ind + 1) for ind, val in enumerate(squares)]
squares_valid = [int(x) for x in squares_printed]
squares_history = []
win_dict = {
'1': [(1, 2), (3, 8), (4, 8)], '2': [(4, 7), (0, 2)],
'3': [(1, 0), (4, 6), (5, 8)], '4': [(0, 6), (4, 5)],
'5': [(1, 7), (3, 5), (0, 8), (2, 6)], # Middle square
'6': [(4, 3), (2, 8)], '7': [(0, 3), (7, 8), (4, 2)],
'8': [(6, 8), (4, 1)], '9': [(2, 5), (6, 7), (0, 4)],
instructions = """
\n\n *********\n TicTacToe\n *********\n\n
Enter a number below to claim a square
Enter q to quit\n
Player 1 (Crosses) to move:
def print_board(feedback):
"""Print board and message to user.
This function is called for setup, moves,
and gameover.
Keyword arguments:
feedback -- the message sent to player
print(' ' + squares_printed[0] + '|' + squares_printed[1] + '|' + squares_printed[2])
print(' ' + '-----')
print(' ' + squares_printed[3] + '|' + squares_printed[4] + '|' + squares_printed[5])
print(' ' + '-----')
print(' ' + squares_printed[6] + '|' + squares_printed[7] + '|' + squares_printed[8])
def ask_move():
"""Get user input and validate results.
This function returns the entered move,
or 0 if input is other than 1-9 or taken.
IndexError -- if move is below -8 or above 9
ValueError -- if move is not an int
move = input(' Claim square: ')
if squares[int(move) - 1] is 0: # Check for empty square
if int(move) > 0: # No negative numbers
return int(move)
return 0 # Don't reprint board
print_board('\n WOOPS\n That square is taken')
return 0
if move == 'q':
print('\n quitting... Goodbye\n')
print_board('\n WOOPS\n Please enter a single digit: ')
return 0
def make_move(move, player):
"""Take the valid move and update grid.
This function updates squares, squares_printed,
squares_history, and squares_valid value.
It then checks for a win and prints the board.
Keyword arguments:
move -- the 1-9 coordinates the user inputs
player -- either 1 or 2, the value changed in squares
squares[move - 1] = player
if player == 1:
squares_printed[move-1] = 'X'
elif player == 2:
squares_printed[move-1] = 'O'
if check_victory(move):
print_board('\n Game Over')
print('\n Player ' + str(player) + ' Wins ')
print_board('\n Player: ' + str(player) + ' has moved: ')
def check_victory(last_move):
"""Use last move as a key for winning combinations.
This function accesses win_dict with last_move as key.
It returns 1 or 2 according to the value of the square.
Otherwise it returns 0.
Keyword arguments:
last_move -- the move played most recently
for possible_wins in win_dict[str(last_move)]:
if (squares[last_move - 1]
== squares[int(possible_wins[0])]
== squares[int(possible_wins[1])]):
return squares[int(last_move) - 1]
return 0
def computer_random():
"""Choose random square from squares_valid."""
new_move = random.choice(squares_valid)
return new_move
def computer_best(): # TODO: Add decision tree
"""Place move according to three possible openings."""
if squares_history[0] == 5: # Human opens in Center
return 1
return 5
return 0
def play_tic_tac_toe(default_order):
"""Prompt a move until squares are filled.
This function prints the instructions and
takes user input. It loops until the squares of full
and iterates player_order 1 and 2.
Keyword arguments:
order -- defaults to True, Crosses first
if default_order:
player_order = itertools.cycle([1, 2])
player_order = itertools.cycle([2, 1])
for _ in range(len(squares)):
while True:
user_input = ask_move()
if user_input:
next_move = user_input
make_move(next_move, next(player_order))
print('\n Cat\'s game (draw)\n')
def play_computer(easy):
"""Play against computer.
This function is the human vs computer
mode. The human player goes first.
Keyword arguments:
easy -- True is using computer_random
if easy:
player_order = itertools.cycle([2, 1])
player = next(player_order)
for _ in range(len(squares)):
while True:
if player == 2:
user_input = ask_move()
if user_input:
next_move = user_input
elif player == 1:
next_move = computer_random()
player = next(player_order)
make_move(next_move, player)
print('\n Cat\'s game (draw)\n')
print('hard difficulty not available yet')
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Play Tic Tac Toe.
The main thread offers choices to the user
for the two modes available, computer or
human opponents.
human versus human -- choose player order
human versus computer -- choose difficulty
TODO: computer versus computer
mode = input('Play h - human or c - computer? ')
if mode == 'h':
order = input('Choose x or o to go first? ')
if order == 'x':
elif order == 'o':
if mode == 'c':
difficulty = input('Play e - easy or h - hard? ')
if difficulty == 'e':
if difficulty == 'h':
print('I don\'t understand your choice')
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