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sinistersnare /
Last active May 17, 2022 15:32
This is the gist for the "Extended Simple App" LibGDX tutorial found at:
package com.badlogic.drop;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Game;
public class Drop extends Game {
SpriteBatch batch;
BitmapFont font;
fchollet /
Last active May 15, 2024 07:19
Updated to the Keras 2.0 API.
'''This script goes along the blog post
"Building powerful image classification models using very little data"
It uses data that can be downloaded at:
In our setup, we:
- created a data/ folder
- created train/ and validation/ subfolders inside data/
- created cats/ and dogs/ subfolders inside train/ and validation/
- put the cat pictures index 0-999 in data/train/cats
sinclairtarget / bernoulli.c
Created August 17, 2018 20:22
Lovelace's Note G Program in C
#include <stdio.h>
* Calculates what Ada Lovelace labeled "B7", which today we would call the 8th
* Bernoulli number.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data
joaocruz04 /
Last active May 21, 2024 04:40
Enabling FTS4 on an Android + Room project

Enabling FTS4 on an Android project with Room

You can do a SQL text query by using the LIKE operator. The issue is that using it requires a lot of computation, as a complete string query is done. Also if you want to have more search options (more fields), your query will grow a lot in complexity. To solve this issue, there's a concept of virtual tables for full text search (FTS).

We will build our solution using Room (already set in the project). We're using version 2.2.0-rc01 for that.

Step 1 - Create new Virtual Table

With Room, the only thing we need is to create the new class with @FTS4 notation. By specifying contentEntity to be the Route class, it means that it will reuse the values from the Route table instead of populating this one with copies. The fields in question should match the ones from the Route table. In this example we only need the title.