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  • Save fennectech/0801b8577f5375632d435a6fa3a07098 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fennectech/0801b8577f5375632d435a6fa3a07098 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
21:04:18 Info [Launcher] Version: client 9d41f29 / manifest a7e2144
21:04:18 Info [Launcher] CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz
21:04:18 Info [Launcher] CPU supports SSSE3: YES
21:04:18 Trace [Launcher] Loading hybris libraries
21:04:18 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library /usr/share/mcpelauncher/libs/native/
21:04:18 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library
21:04:18 Trace [HybrisUtils] Loaded OS library
21:04:18 Trace [Launcher] Loading Minecraft library
21:04:21 Info [Launcher] Loaded Minecraft library
21:04:21 Debug [Launcher] Minecraft is at offset 0xe7e46000
21:04:21 Error [MinecraftSymbols] Unresolved symbol: _ZN14ClientInstance16_syncDestroyGameEv
21:04:21 Error [MinecraftSymbols] Unresolved symbol: _ZN6Social12XboxLiveUser22_handleUISignInNoErrorERN4xbox8services6system14sign_in_resultESt8functionIFvNS_12SignInResultEbEE
21:04:21 Info [Launcher] Game version: 1.11.4
21:04:21 Info [Launcher] Applying patches
21:04:21 Trace [Store] Vtable size = 34
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 131
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 43 27 29 109
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 83 87 86 131 236
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 139 220 127 108
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 123 55 119 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 59 129 181 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 107 135 181 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 91 129 181 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 123 216 180 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 139 204 180 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 219 2 183 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 83 87 86 131 236
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 187 106 181 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 59 166 181 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 49 192 195 141 182
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 59 193 22 109
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 83 131 236 8 232
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 123 43 210 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 137 76 36 4 137
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 232 70 49 135 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 36 88 139 65 12
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 232 81 49 135 106
21:04:21 Trace [TexelAAPatch] Found patch at @2a6e
21:04:21 Trace [TexelAAPatch] LDR instruction invalid; patch incompatible
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 131
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 139 218 30 109
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 83 87 86 129
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 59 216 30 109
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 83 87 86 131 236
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 11 217 30 109
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 85 137 229 83 87
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 107 94 110 106
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 83 86 131 236 20
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 233 155 49 113 108
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - original: 232 109 207 184 253
21:04:21 Trace [Patch] Patching - result: 232 237 108 247 106
21:04:21 Info [Launcher] Creating window
21:04:21 Trace [Launcher] Loading gamepad mappings: /usr/share/mcpelauncher/gamecontrollerdb.txt
21:04:21 Trace [Launcher] Loading gamepad mappings: /usr/share/mcpelauncher/gamecontrollerdb.txt
Signal 11 received
Backtrace elements: 19
#0 /usr/bin/mcpelauncher-client(_ZN12CrashHandler12handleSignalEiPv+0xcc) [0x566c542c]
#1 [0xf7f92940]
#2 /usr/lib32/ [0xf70708ae]
#3 /usr/lib32/dri/ [0xf60b3d57]
#4 /usr/lib32/dri/ [0xf60b56ea]
#5 /usr/lib32/dri/ [0xf65087da]
#6 /usr/lib32/dri/ [0xf6508a53]
#7 /usr/lib32/dri/ [0xf60b517f]
#8 /usr/lib32/dri/ [0xf60af41f]
#9 /usr/lib32/ [0xf706ef32]
#10 /usr/lib32/ [0xf705c791]
#11 /usr/lib32/ [0xf7ee7739]
#12 /usr/lib32/ [0xf7ee77ea]
#13 /usr/bin/mcpelauncher-client(eglutCreateWindow+0x2b1) [0x56711d41]
#14 /usr/bin/mcpelauncher-client(_ZN11EGLUTWindowC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEii11GraphicsApi+0x10d) [0x566cca2d]
#15 /usr/bin/mcpelauncher-client(_ZN18EGLUTWindowManager12createWindowERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEii11GraphicsApi+0x38) [0x566c92e8]
#16 /usr/bin/mcpelauncher-client(main+0xc2c) [0x56692efc]
#17 /usr/lib32/ [0xf7859751]
#18 /usr/bin/mcpelauncher-client(_start+0x31) [0x56694411]
Dumping stack...
#68 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#140 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#224 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#404 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#516 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#572 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#584 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#640 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#748 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#768 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#784 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
#916 HYBRIS (null)+-341257216 in [0xeba8d400]
Process exited with unexpected exit code: 6
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