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Last active July 6, 2017 14:55
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  • Save feocco/42d3e0668d545d1f5dc4227c4917187d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Quick script to schedule SMS and remind friends to keep practicing coding. First iteration, only checks codecademy.
import requests
from import Client
page = requests.get('')
# Twilio Data
twilioNum = '+11234563667'
twilioSID = 'SID_HERE'
twilioToken = 'TOKEN_HERE'
chrisNum = '+11234563667'
# Pull number of days
search = u'Last coded'
pos = page.text.find(search)
phrase = page.text[pos:pos + 16]
days = phrase.split()[2]
def sendText():
client = Client(twilioSID, twilioToken)
message = client.api.account.messages.create(
to= chrisNum,
from_= twilioNum,
body= bodyText)
if int(days) > 1:
bodyText = "You haven't coded on Codecademy in {0} days, you shitter. Get to work.".format(days)
bodyText = "Good job coding! Keep up the good work man."
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