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Created March 27, 2022 21:54
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kali tricks



Plugin: CustomCommandsMenu

Upgrade Reverse Shell to Fully Interactive TTY

Name Command
TTY/Upgrade TTY python -c "import pty;pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
TTY/Fix TTY 1 printf "\n\n(Rows,Cols)\n ";printf '\e[1;91m%-6s\e[m' $(stty size);printf "\n\nTerm= \e[91m$TERM\e[0m\n\n";stty raw -echo;fg;
TTY/Fix TTY 2 export SHELL=bash;export TERM=xterm-256color;stty rows 20 columns 100;\echo ;echo ;read -p "Enter Rows:" ROWS;read -p "Enter Cols:" COLS;stty rows $ROWS columns $COLS && clear

Once you get a reverse shell:

  1. Right click → Custom Commands → TTY → Upgrade TTY Python
  2. Press ctrl+z to background
  3. Right click → Custom Commands → TTY → Fix TTY 1
  4. Right click → Custom Commands → TTY → Fix TTY 2
  5. Enter the row and col values as prompted from step 2
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