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Last active January 5, 2022 00:20
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  • Save ferPrieto/2e38b5381874e3a155aa1854164560b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This is a simplified demonstration of a UI Test in Isolation where only one of the tabs is initialised with the desired use case
fun elementsVisibilityAfterTwoItemsRetrieved() {
composeTestRule.apply {
setContent {
SpaceXTheme {
state = LaunchesContract.State(
"Mission1", "08-12-2021", true, "0", RocketUiModel(
"Rocket1", "Rocket Type1"
), LinksUiModel("", "", "Youtube Link")
"Mission2", "09-12-2021", false, "0", RocketUiModel(
"Rocket2", "Rocket Type2"
), LinksUiModel("", "WikiPedia Link", "Youtube Link")
), isLoading = false, isError = false
effectFlow = flow { emit(LaunchesContract.Effect.ClickableLink.None) } )
onNodeWithText("Mission1", useUnmergedTree = true)
onNodeWithText("Mission2", useUnmergedTree = true)
substring = true,
useUnmergedTree = true
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