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Created December 6, 2018 13:39
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\documentclass[10pt]{article} % use "amsart" instead of "article" for AMSLaTeX format
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\title{\bfseries\Huge Gaspacho\vspace{-0.3cm}}
Fremont, California\\
\date{} % Activate to display a given date or no date
% remove page number
\item[Programming] Java, JavaScript, C\#, C, C++, Perl, Objective-C, Bash, Assembly, \ldots
\item[Data] Oracle RDBMS, SQL, XML, Xpath, SAX, JDBC, Hibernate ORM, \ldots
\item[Platforms] Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Linux, Windows, .NET, iOS, Android, RHEL, \ldots
\item[Tools] Maven, make, Ant, NetBeans, git, mercurial, subversion, TFS, \ldots
\section*{Professional Experience}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{0.15\linewidth} | X}
\hfill 2013 -- 2018 &{\bf Experian} - {\it Core API Developer}\vspace{5pt} \\
&{Designed and developed key features, from planning to delivery, on multiple platforms and languages (C, C++, C\#, JS, and browsers, iOS, Android). Maintained and improved builds, along with cloud-base reproducible deployments. Provided field support, and interviewed future team members. }\vspace{14pt}\\
\hfill 2009 -- 2011 &{\bf} - {\it Software Engineer}\vspace{5pt} \\
&{Maintained software and services related to shipment, packaging, and inventory management, and added support for warehouses expansion. Provided field support and kept a tight feedback loop with the users (warehouse staff) for new features. Improved resource usages (network) on package slip generation systems by 30\%, reduced packing slip generation delays by an order of magnitude, and dealt with audit requirements.}\vspace{14pt}\\
\hfill 2007 -- 2008 &{\bf Microsoft} - {\it Software Engineer}\vspace{5pt} \\
&{Developed .NET-based network services for advertisement account management; handled optimization and benchmarks on related systems.
Worked on a Microsoft SDK for advertising, which included: bug fixing, setting up the installer, development of security features, and integration with Visual Studio, which I was invited to take over.}\vspace{14pt}\\
\hfill 2005 -- 2007 &{\bf RealNetworks, Inc.} - {\it Software Engineer}\vspace{5pt} \\
&{Improved executable DRM systems to prevent video games piracy. Worked on maintenance, improved stability and maintainability of multiple products. Developed user search and product catalogue}\vspace{14pt}\\
\hfill 1999 -- 2003 &{\bf ASE Technologies USA} - {\it Software Engineer} \\
\hfill 1997 -- 1999 &{\bf Celerity Systems, Inc.} - {\it Hardware Engineer} \\
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{0.15\linewidth} | X}
\hfill 2005 &{\bf Name of Institution}\vspace{5pt} \\
&{Masters in Computer Science}\vspace{14pt}\\
\hfill 1997 &{\bf University of Tennessee}\vspace{5pt} \\
&{Bsc. in Electrical Engineering; Engineer in Training}
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