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ferd/day18.erl Secret

Last active February 18, 2020 09:38
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%%% @doc
%%% welcome to day eighteen, which can legally drink here
%%% @end
-export([p1/0, p2/0]).
%% Use processes to escape the dirty pdict-based cache I end up using as a work-around
p1() ->
{Map, Keys, Doors, Pos} = to_map(advent:input("day18")),
Parent = self(),
spawn_link(fun() -> Parent ! cached_search(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors) end),
receive X -> X end.
p2() ->
{Map, Keys, Doors, Pos} = to_map(advent:input("day18p2")),
Parent = self(),
spawn_link(fun() -> Parent ! cached_search(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors) end),
receive X -> X end.
cached_search(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors) ->
Key = {Pos, maps:size(Map), Keys, Doors},
case get(Key) of
undefined ->
R = search(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors),
put(Key, R),
R ->
search(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors) ->
NewPosKeys = search_keys(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors),
FoundKeys = [{P, K, V} || {P, NewKeys} <- NewPosKeys,
{K,V} <- maps:to_list(NewKeys),
case FoundKeys of
[] ->
_ ->
List = [cached_search(
swap_pos(OPos, maps:get(K, Keys), Pos),
maps:remove(K, Keys),
unlock(K, Doors)
) + PathLength || {OPos, K, PathLength} <- FoundKeys],
swap_pos(P, K, [P|T]) -> [K|T];
swap_pos(P, K, [H|T]) -> [H|swap_pos(P, K, T)].
search_keys(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors) ->
[{P,search_key(P, Map, Keys, Doors)} || P <- Pos].
search_key(Pos, Map, Keys, Doors) ->
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors, #{}, queue:from_list([{0, Pos}])).
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors, Seen, Q) ->
case queue:out(Q) of
{{value, {PathSeen, Pos}}, OldQ} ->
case maps:get(Pos, Map, invalid) of
invalid ->
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors, Seen, OldQ);
open ->
NextQ = next(Pos, Map, Seen, PathSeen, OldQ),
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors, Seen#{Pos=>true}, NextQ);
DoorOrKey when is_atom(DoorOrKey) ->
NextQ = next(Pos, Map, Seen, PathSeen, OldQ),
case Doors of
#{DoorOrKey := unlocked} ->
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors,
Seen#{Pos=>true}, NextQ);
#{DoorOrKey := _} ->
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors,
Seen#{Pos=>true}, OldQ);
_ when is_map_key(DoorOrKey, Keys) ->
search_key(Map, Keys#{DoorOrKey := PathSeen},
Doors, Seen#{Pos=>true}, OldQ);
_ -> % key was found already
search_key(Map, Keys, Doors, Seen#{Pos=>true}, NextQ)
{empty, _} ->
next(Pos, Map, Seen, PathSeen, Q) ->
Neighbours = find_neighbours(Pos, Map, Seen),
enqueue_neighbours(Neighbours, PathSeen, Q).
find_neighbours({X,Y}, Map, Seen) ->
[Pos || Pos <- [{X+1,Y},{X-1,Y},{X,Y+1},{X,Y-1}],
maps:get(Pos, Map, wall) =/= wall,
not maps:get(Pos, Seen, false)].
enqueue_neighbours([], _Seen, Q) ->
enqueue_neighbours([H|T], Seen, Q) ->
enqueue_neighbours(T, Seen, queue:in({Seen+1, H}, Q)).
unlock(Lowercase, Doors) ->
[C] = atom_to_list(Lowercase),
Door = list_to_atom([C-32]),
Doors#{Door => unlocked}.
to_map(Str) ->
to_map({0,0}, Str, #{}, #{}, #{}, []).
to_map(_, [], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) ->
{Map, Keys, Doors, Pos};
to_map({_,Y}, [$\n|T], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) ->
to_map({0,Y+1}, T, Map, Keys, Doors, Pos);
to_map({X,Y}, [C|T], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
to_map({X+1,Y}, T,
Map#{{X,Y} => list_to_atom([C])},
Keys#{list_to_atom([C]) => {X,Y}},
Doors, Pos);
to_map({X,Y}, [C|T], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
to_map({X+1,Y}, T,
Map#{{X,Y} => list_to_atom([C])},
Doors#{list_to_atom([C]) => {X,Y}},
to_map({X,Y}, [$@|T], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) ->
to_map({X+1,Y}, T, Map#{{X,Y} => open}, Keys, Doors, [{X,Y}|Pos]);
to_map({X,Y}, [$.|T], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) ->
to_map({X+1,Y}, T, Map#{{X,Y} => open}, Keys, Doors, Pos);
to_map({X,Y}, [$#|T], Map, Keys, Doors, Pos) ->
to_map({X+1,Y}, T, Map, Keys, Doors, Pos).
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