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Save fergus/8553443 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell 2.0 code to execute SQL Server query and populate a new Excel xlsx document with the returned SQL dataset.
# Created by Fergus Stevens
# V1 - 22/01/14 - Initial Version
# V2 - 04/02/14 - Much *MUCH* faster import of data to excel using multi dimensional array import technique.
# Improved console output and use of stnadard Support functions library
# Create stopwatch
$sw = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# Load the support functions library
. ".\supportFunctions.ps1"
# Function Definitions
function Format-Elapsed
$elapsedTime = "";
# if ( $ts.Minutes -gt 0 )
# {
$elapsedTime = [string]::Format( "{0:00}:{1:00}.{2:00}", $ts.Minutes, $ts.Seconds, $ts.Milliseconds / 10 );
# }
# else
# {
# $elapsedTime = [string]::Format( "{0:00}.{1:00}", $ts.Seconds, $ts.Milliseconds / 10 );
# }
return $elapsedTime;
function Start-Elapsed
$swLap = $sw.Elapsed;
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$(Format-Elapsed $swLap) $message - ";
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Working... " -ForegroundColor "Green";
return $swLap;
function End-Elapsed
Write-Host " Complete" -ForegroundColor "Green" -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " ($(Format-Elapsed $($sw.Elapsed - $swLap)))";
# SQL Query Variables
$dataSource = ""
$dataBase = "I3_IC"
$query = @"
SELECT [CallId],
FROM [I3_IC].[dbo].[CallDetail]
AND [CallNote] != ''
AND YEAR([InitiatedDate]) = 2014 AND MONTH([InitiatedDate]) = 1
ORDER BY [InitiatedDate] DESC
$trustedConnection = $True
$userName = "NotRequired"
$PassWord = "PahNotTelling"
#Excel Variables
$version = "V2 - 04/02/14"
$bodyFont = "Verdana"
$headingFont = "Arial Rounded MT Bold"
$headingColour = Convert-RGBtoLong("0,160,175")
$excelVisible = $False
#$excelVisible = $True
$OutputFile = Generate-Filename ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")) "yyyyMM" "xlsx" "SQL-Export"
#Output Introductory Text
Write-Host "SQL to Excel Export Script" -ForegroundColor "Green" -BackgroundColor "Black";
Write-Host "$version" -ForegroundColor "Green";
Write-Host "";
Write-Host "Developed by Fergus Stevens for Teachers Mutual Bank";
Write-Host "";
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Creating file ";
Write-Host "$OutputFile" -ForegroundColor "Green";
#create excel object
Write-Verbose "Creating Excel Object"
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $excelVisible
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$ActiveWorkbook = $excel.Workbooks.add()
$ActiveWorkbook.Title = "TMB Contact Center Data Generated " + $timestamp
$ActiveWorkbook.Author = "Fergus Stevens"
# Record the Query Parameters
$ActiveWorksheet = $ActiveWorkbook.worksheets.Item(2)
$ActiveWorksheet.Name = "SQL_Query"
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item(1, 1) = "Server"
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item(1, 2) = "DB"
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item(1, 3) = "Query"
$wholeRange = $ActiveWorksheet.UsedRange
$wholeRange.Interior.Color = $headingColour
$wholeRange.Font.Name = $headingFont
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item(2, 1) = $dataSource
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item(2, 2) = $dataBase
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item(2, 3) = $query
$wholeRange = $ActiveWorksheet.UsedRange
$wholeRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() | Out-Null
# Gather the Data
$ActiveWorksheet = $ActiveWorkbook.worksheets.Item(1)
$ActiveWorksheet.Name = "SQL_Data"
# Open the Connection to the SQL Server
Write-Host "$(Format-Elapsed $sw.Elapsed) Opening Connection to the SQL Server " -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "$dataSource" -ForegroundColor "Green";
$connection = New-SqlConnection -Server $dataSource -Database $dataBase
#Execute the SQL commands and place the results in dataset
if ($connection.State -eq 'Open')
$swLap = Start-Elapsed $sw "Executing SQL Query"
Write-Verbose "$query";
$dataSet = Invoke-SQLQuery -connection $connection -query $query
End-Elapsed $sw $swLap
} ELSE {
Write-Error "$($(Format-Elapsed $swLap)) SQL Connection Not Open - Exiting...";
$dataTable = new-object "System.Data.DataTable" "Results"
$dataTable = $dataSet.Tables[0]
$rowDT = $dataTable.Rows.Count;
$colDT = $dataTable.Columns.Count;
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$(Format-Elapsed $sw.Elapsed) Rows: ";
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$($rowDT+1)" -ForegroundColor "Green";
Write-Host -NoNewLine " Columns: "
Write-Host -NoNewLine "$($colDT+1)" -ForegroundColor "Green";
Write-Host -NoNewLine " Cells: "
Write-Host "$( ($colDT+1)*($rowDT+1) )" -ForegroundColor "Green";
#Create a 2D Array of the DataTable
$tableArray = New-Object 'object[,]' $rowDT, $colDT;
$swLap = Start-Elapsed $sw "DataTable transformation"
# i = row and j = column
for ($i=0;$i -lt $rowDT; $i++)
#Write-Progress -Activity "Transforming DataTable" -status "Row $i" -percentComplete ($i / $rowDT*100)
for ($j=0;$j -lt $colDT; $j++)
$tableArray[$i,$j] = $dataTable.Rows[$i].Item($j).ToString();
End-Elapsed $sw $swLap
$rowOffset = 1; $colOffset = 1;# 1,1 = "A1"
# Write out the header column names
for ($j=0;$j -lt $colDT; $j++)
$ActiveWorksheet.cells.item($rowOffset, $j+1) = $dataTable.Columns[$j].ColumnName;
$headerRange = $ActiveWorksheet.Range($ActiveWorksheet.cells.item($rowOffset, $colOffset), $ActiveWorksheet.cells.item($rowOffset, $colDT+$colOffset-1));
$headerRange.Font.Bold = $false
$headerRange.Interior.Color = $headingColour
$headerRange.Font.Name = $headingFont
# Extract the data to Excel
$tableRange = $ActiveWorksheet.Range($ActiveWorksheet.cells.item($rowOffset, $colOffset), $ActiveWorksheet.cells.item($rowDT+$rowOffset-1, $colDT+$colOffset-1));
$tableRange.Cells.Value2 = $tableArray;
# Resize the columns in Excel
$swLap = Start-Elapsed $sw "Resize Excel Worksheet"
$wholeRange = $ActiveWorksheet.UsedRange
$wholeRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit() | Out-Null
$wholeRange.RowHeight = 50
End-Elapsed $sw $swLap
# Save Excel workbook
$ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("$OutputFile ")
#Clean Up
Remove-COMObject $excel
Remove-Variable excel
Write-Host "";
Write-Host "$(Format-Elapsed $($sw.Elapsed))" -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " Finished" -ForegroundColor "Green";
#Support Functions for Powershell Custom Reporting
function Remove-COMObject
# Get rid of the COM object
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($COM) | Out-Null
function Invoke-SQLQuery
[System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection] $Connection,
[string] $Query,
[int] $ExecutionTimeout = 300
Write-Verbose "Executing SQL Query: $query";
$SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $Connection);
Write-Verbose "SQL Query Timeout: $ExecutionTimeout seconds";
$SqlCmd.CommandTimeout = $ExecutionTimeout # 300 = 5 minutes, (max) 65535 ~ 18 hours
$dataSet = new-object System.Data.DataSet
$dataAdapter=New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter($SqlCmd)
Write-Verbose "Filling Dataset"
try {
$dataAdapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null
} catch [Exception] {
Write-Error $_.Exception.ToString();
Write-Host "Filling the Dataset has failed. Please Retry." -ForegroundColor "Black" -BackgroundColor "Red";
Remove-COMObject $excel;
return $dataSet;
# Environment Query
function Query-Environment ()
if ($PSVersionTable) {
$psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
} else {
$psversion = 1.0
Write-Verbose "Powershell Version: $psversion"
Write-Verbose "Culture: $psculture"
Write-Verbose "Current User: $(whoami)"
Write-Verbose "Machine Name: $([Environment]::MachineName)"
function New-SqlConnection(
[string] $Server = ".",
[string] $Database = "master",
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,
[int] $ConnectionTimeout = 30
$ci = "Data Source=$Server;Initial Catalog=$Database;Connect Timeout=$ConnectionTimeout;"
if ($Credential -eq $null)
$ci = $ci + "Integrated Security=true;";
} else {
$ci = $ci + "Integrated Security=false;User ID="+$Credential.UserName+";Password="+$Credential.Password.ToString()+";"
Write-Verbose "Connection string: $ci"
$cnn = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
$cnn.ConnectionString = $ci;
Instantiates and Opens SqlConnection object
Server name
Database name (optional. default value �master�)
.PARAMETER Credential
Credentials for Sql Authentication. If not specified, Windows Authentication will be used
.PARAMETER ConnectionTimeout
Connection timeout
$connection = New-SqlConnection -Server "."
$connection = New-SqlConnection -Server "." -Database "MyDatabase"
Connected SqlConnection ovject
Function Convert-RGBtoLong
[string] $RGBString = "0,160,175" #Teal
$RGBLong = ([int]$RGBString.split(",")[2] *65536) + ([int]$RGBString.split(",")[1]*256) + [int]$RGBString.split(",")[0]
Write-Verbose "Convert-RGBtoLong: $RGBString = $RGBLong"
Function Convert-RGBtoLong accepts a string of three comma seperated values and converts these to a Long value suitable for use in Excel.
String of three comma seperated values
$connection = Convert-RGBtoLong ("198,217,45")
long colour value
NAME: Convert-RGBtoLong
AUTHOR: Fergus Stevens
LASTEDIT: 30 Jan 2014
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Generate-Filename
[string] $OutputDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop"),
[string] $DateFormat = "yyyyMMdd",
[string] $FilePostfix = "xlsx",
[string] $FilePrefix = "Generated"
$timeStamp = get-date -f $DateFormat
$fileName = "$FilePrefix$timeStamp.$FilePostfix";
$filePath = join-path $OutputDirectory $fileName;
Generate a File name to export data to
.PARAMETER OutputDirectory
.PARAMETER FilePostfix
$temp = Generate-Filename ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")) "yyyyMM" "docx" "BoardReport"
string with the full file path and name.
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