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Created April 2, 2014 01:55
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Interactive Intelligence IceLib SDK Session connection script for Powershell. Script developed for IC3.0 SU13. Requires the I3_FEATURE_ICELIB_SDK licence.
# Load the DLL (needs to be x86)
#force this to run in 32 bit
if ($env:Processor_Architecture -ne "x86")
write-warning "Running PowerShell x86"
&"$env:windir\syswow64\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noninteractive -noprofile -command $myinvocation.Line
# Load the IceLib API
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Interactive Intelligence\IceLib SDK\bin\ININ.IceLib.dll"
write-verbose "IceLib SDK x64 released for CIC 4.0 SU4"
$sessionSettings = new-object ININ.IceLib.Connection.SessionSettings;
$sessionSettings.IsoLanguage = "en-AU";
$sessionSettings.ApplicationName = "FergusCustomApplication";
$sessionSettings.ClassOfService = "General"; # HighlyAvailable, General, SparselyAvailable
write-verbose "IceLib Version: $($sessionSettings.IcelibFileVersion) ($($sessionSettings.IcelibDisplayVersion))"
$hostSettings = new-object ININ.IceLib.Connection.HostSettings;
# Host name of the Interaction Center server
if ($ICServer)
write-verbose "Using [-ICServer <SERVER>] Command Line Argument"
# No passed server name
write-verbose "Using ICServer from Host Settings"
if ($($hostSettings.HostEndpoint.Host))
$ICServer = $($hostSettings.HostEndpoint.Host);
write-error "HostSettings.HostEndpoint.Host is not set. Please call this command with the [-ICServer <SERVER>] argument. Error Code: 99";
Exit 99;
# Host Port of the Interaction Center server
if ($ICPort)
write-verbose "Using [-ICPort <SPORT>] Command Line Argument"
# No passed server name
write-verbose "Using ICPort from Host Settings"
if ($($hostSettings.HostEndpoint.Port))
$ICPort = $($hostSettings.HostEndpoint.Port);
write-error "HostSettings.HostEndpoint.Port is not set. Please call this command with the [-ICPort <PORT>] argument. Default IC port is 3952. Error Code: 98";
Exit 98;
Write-Host -NoNewLine "IC Server: ";
write-host -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor "Green" "$ICServer";
Write-Host -NoNewLine ":";
write-host -ForegroundColor "Green" "$ICPort";
$hostSettings.HostEndpoint.Host = $ICServer;
$hostSettings.HostEndpoint.Port = $ICPort;
if ($UserName -or $Password)
write-verbose "Using IC Authentication"
$authSettings = new-object -typename ININ.IceLib.Connection.ICAuthSettings -argumentlist $UserName,$Password;
write-verbose "Using Windows Authentication";
$authSettings = new-object -typename ININ.IceLib.Connection.WindowsAuthSettings;
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Username: ";
write-Host -ForegroundColor "Green" "$($authSettings.Username)";
$stationSettings = new-object ININ.IceLib.Connection.StationlessSettings;
# Create a new Session
$session = new-object ININ.IceLib.Connection.Session;
$session.Connect($sessionSettings, $hostSettings, $authSettings, $stationSettings);
# Workgroup stats
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We had an issue with our custom script, and when I check on the log fles. I see below error
SspiClient.TryPrepareOutboundPackage : Could not initialize security context, result code is -2146893053. 13:32:27.7820649_0000 IceLib_Session 0x228
What does this error mean?

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