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Last active January 14, 2021 19:17
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var jQuery = jQuery || undefined;
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// 載入jQ
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// 設置事件
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['.pc-a-bt td:nth-child(1)', '服務按鈕點擊', '預約租車'],
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['.rbt a', '右側浮動banner點擊', '網路預約GO']
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pushDatalayer(thisAction, thisLabel);
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9: {ele: '#__next > div.css-nchllk > div > div > div.css-68o9ad > div > p:nth-child(21)', label: 'Q&A_紅Q1~Q2'}
function eventFun($) {
// console.log('eventFun = ', $);
if ($) {
// console.log('aaa');
} else {
// console.log('bbb');
// 載入jQ
loadScript('', function () {
// console.log('ccc');
// 設置事件
function setEvent($) {
// 點擊上方按鈕
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pushDatalayer('點擊按鈕', '產品比較-免試');
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$('body').on('click', '#__next > div.css-nchllk > div > div > div.css-68o9ad > div > p:nth-child(10) > a', function() {
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pushDatalayer('點擊按鈕', 'Q&A_藍-開啟Line客服');
// 更多FAQ
$('body').on('click', '#__next > div.css-nchllk > div > div > div.css-68o9ad > div > p:nth-child(22) > a', function() {
pushDatalayer('點擊按鈕', '更多FAQ');
// 頁尾Line客服
$('body').on('click', '#linelink', function() {
pushDatalayer('點擊按鈕', '頁尾Line客服');
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function isScrolledIntoView(pEle) {
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function pushDatalayer(thisAction, thisLabel) {
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eventAction: thisAction,
eventLabel: thisLabel
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