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Last active February 28, 2020 15:11
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Klingon keyboard layout for the Sailfish keyboard (Jolla maliit plugin)
* Klingon keyboard layout for the Sailfish keyboard (Jolla maliit plugin)
* Copyright (C) Iikka Hauhio 2020
* Saa käyttää vapaasti mihin tahansa tarkoitukseen :)
* May be used freely for whatever purpose
* How to install:
* 1. Copy file to /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts/
* 2. Add this text to the end of /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts/layouts_western.conf:
* [tlh.qml]
* name=Klingon
* languageCode=TLH
import QtQuick 2.0
import ".."
KeyboardLayout {
splitSupported: false
KeyboardRow {
CharacterKey { caption: "Q"; captionShifted: "Q"; symView: "1"; symView2: "€" }
CharacterKey { caption: "w"; captionShifted: "w"; symView: "2"; symView2: "$" }
CharacterKey { caption: "e"; captionShifted: "e"; symView: "3"; symView2: "¥" }
CharacterKey { caption: "r"; captionShifted: "r"; symView: "4"; symView2: "₹" }
CharacterKey { caption: "t"; captionShifted: "t"; symView: "5"; symView2: "£" }
CharacterKey { caption: "y"; captionShifted: "y"; symView: "6"; symView2: "¤" }
CharacterKey { caption: "u"; captionShifted: "u"; symView: "7"; symView2: "<" }
CharacterKey { caption: "I"; captionShifted: "I"; symView: "8"; symView2: ">" }
CharacterKey { caption: "o"; captionShifted: "o"; symView: "9"; symView2: "[" }
CharacterKey { caption: "p"; captionShifted: "p"; symView: "0"; symView2: "]" }
KeyboardRow {
CharacterKey { caption: "a"; captionShifted: "a"; symView: "*"; symView2: "`" }
CharacterKey { caption: "S"; captionShifted: "S"; symView: "#"; symView2: "^" }
CharacterKey { caption: "D"; captionShifted: "D"; symView: "+"; symView2: "|" }
CharacterKey { caption: "gh"; captionShifted: "gh"; symView: "-"; symView2: "_" }
CharacterKey { caption: "H"; captionShifted: "H"; symView: "–"; symView2: "„" }
CharacterKey { caption: "j"; captionShifted: "j"; symView: "="; symView2: "“" }
CharacterKey { caption: "q"; captionShifted: "q"; symView: "½"; symView2: "”" }
CharacterKey { caption: "l"; captionShifted: "l"; symView: "("; symView2: "{" }
CharacterKey { caption: "tlh"; captionShifted: "tlh"; symView: ")"; symView2: "}" }
CharacterKey { caption: "'"; captionShifted: "'"; symView: "ʼ"; symView2:"," }
KeyboardRow {
ShiftKey {}
CharacterKey { caption: "?"; captionShifted: "?"; symView: "@"; symView2: "§" }
CharacterKey { caption: "!"; captionShifted: "!"; symView: "\""; symView2: "~" }
CharacterKey { caption: "ch"; captionShifted: "ch"; symView: "&"; symView2: "«" }
CharacterKey { caption: "v"; captionShifted: "v"; symView: "/"; symView2: "»" }
CharacterKey { caption: "b"; captionShifted: "b"; symView: "\\"; symView2: "°" }
CharacterKey { caption: "n"; captionShifted: "n"; symView: "#"; symView2: "·" }
CharacterKey { caption: "m"; captionShifted: "m"; symView: ":"; symView2: "×" }
CharacterKey { caption: "ng"; captionShifted: "ng"; symView: ";"; symView2: "˛" }
BackspaceKey {}
SpacebarRow {}
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