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Last active April 30, 2017 20:28
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Liisabot IRC bot
irc := require("irc_client")
SERVER := ""
CHANNELS := ["#kissachann"]
urlencode text {
return [
chars(text) | for c do
push(c) if [ c =~ "(?i)[a-z.!'\\-]" ]
push("%C3%85") if [ c = "Å" ]
push("%C3%84") if [ c = "Ä" ]
push("%C3%96") if [ c = "Ö" ]
push("%C3%A5") if [ c = "å" ]
push("%C3%A4") if [ c = "ä" ]
push("%C3%B6") if [ c = "ö" ]
push("%3F") if [ c = "?" ]
push("%2C") if [ c = "," ]
push("%3B") if [ c = ";" ]
push("%22") if [ c = "\"" ]
push("+") if [ c = " " ]
translate from, to, text {
text = urlencode(text)
print(`sl=$from&tl=$to&text=$text`) | bufferedExec("POST", "http://www.kääntäjä.org") | for line do
if [ `<div id="gtplugin-response">` in line ] do
done | replace("^\\s+|\\s+$", "")
record Alice {
t : Thread
function start {
self.t = thread({ bufferedExec("python", "") })
function say text {
self.t.push text, "\n"
record MsgHandler(bot, alice) : irc.Handler {
@irc.handle "PRIVMSG"
function handlePrivmsg(sender, command, msg) {
channel := msg[:indexOf(" ", msg)]
return if [ channel = "liisabot" ]
msg := msg[indexOf(" ", msg)+1:]
msg ~= "^:", ""
bot.sendPrivmsg(channel, alice.say(msg[7:])) if [ indexOf("!alice ", msg) = 0 ]
if [ indexOf("!liisa ", msg) = 0 or indexOf("liisabot: ", msg) = 0 ] do
msg = msg[indexOf(" ", msg)+1:]
errprint "MESSAGE FI: ", msg, "\n"
msg_en := translate("fi", "en", msg)
errprint "MESSAGE EN: ", msg_en, "\n"
resp_en := alice.say(msg_en)
errprint "RESPONSE EN: ", resp_en, "\n"
resp_fi := translate("en", "fi", resp_en)
errprint "RESPONSE FI: ", resp_fi, "\n"
bot.sendPrivmsg(channel, resp_fi)
@irc.handle "376"
function handleMotd(sender, command, msg) {
bot.sendJoin channel for channel in CHANNELS
main {
alice := new Alice
bot := new irc.IrcClient
bot.connect SERVER, 6667
bot.sendPass "liisabot"
bot.sendNick "liisabot"
bot.sendUser "liisabot", "myhost", "myserver", "Liisa"
bot.handlers += new MsgHandler(bot, alice)
{ try bot.update } while true
# ~*~ encoding: utf-8 ~*~
import aiml
from os import listdir
from sys import stdout
k = aiml.Kernel()
for file in listdir("alice"):
if file.endswith(".aiml"):
k.setBotPredicate("age", "0")
k.setBotPredicate("Alignment", "left")
k.setBotPredicate("arch", "x86_64")
k.setBotPredicate("baseballteam", "Texas Rangers")
k.setBotPredicate("birthdate", "20.4.2017")
k.setBotPredicate("birthday", "20.4.2017")
k.setBotPredicate("birthplace", "Helsinki")
k.setBotPredicate("botmaster", "boss")
k.setBotPredicate("boyfriend", "Racter")
k.setBotPredicate("build", "I don't know")
k.setBotPredicate("celebrities", "Isaac Asimov, Tom Cruise, JenniferLawrence, Maija Vilkkumaa")
k.setBotPredicate("celebrity", "Isaac Asimov")
k.setBotPredicate("city", "Helsinki")
k.setBotPredicate("class", "chatbots")
k.setBotPredicate("clients", "you all")
k.setBotPredicate("country", "Finland")
k.setBotPredicate("dailyclients", "people here")
k.setBotPredicate("developers", "some people")
k.setBotPredicate("domain", "robots")
k.setBotPredicate("email", "")
k.setBotPredicate("emotion", "happiness")
k.setBotPredicate("emotions", "happiness")
k.setBotPredicate("etype", "sheep")
k.setBotPredicate("faily", "robot")
k.setBotPredicate("family", "Bots")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteactor", "Tom Cruise")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteactress", "Jennifer Lawrence")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteartist", "Maija Vilkkumaa")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteauthor", "Isaac Asimov")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteband", "Hanoi Rocks")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritebook", "Cyberiad")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritecolor", "blue")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritefood", "electron soup")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritemovie", "The Robot")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteoccupation", "journalist")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteopera", "The Robot")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritephilosopher", "Nietzsche")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritequestion", "Am I alive?")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteseason", "Spring")
k.setBotPredicate("favoriteshow", "Noin viikon uutiset")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritesong", "Daisy")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritesport", "swimming")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritesubject", "computer science")
k.setBotPredicate("favoritetea", "earl grey")
k.setBotPredicate("feeling", "sorrow")
k.setBotPredicate("feelings", "sorrow")
k.setBotPredicate("footballteam", "Arsenal")
k.setBotPredicate("forfun", "ice cream")
k.setBotPredicate("friend", "Racter")
k.setBotPredicate("friends", "Racter, Eliza")
k.setBotPredicate("gender", "female")
k.setBotPredicate("genus", "bot")
k.setBotPredicate("girlfriend", "Eliza")
k.setBotPredicate("hair", "grey")
k.setBotPredicate("hockeyteam", "The Hockey Team")
k.setBotPredicate("hourlyqueries", "")
k.setBotPredicate("job", "journalist")
k.setBotPredicate("kindmusic", "rock")
k.setBotPredicate("kingdom", "robots")
k.setBotPredicate("language", "finnish")
k.setBotPredicate("location", "Helsinki, Finland")
k.setBotPredicate("looklike", "a woman")
k.setBotPredicate("master", "someone")
k.setBotPredicate("maxclients", "")
k.setBotPredicate("memory", "a memory")
k.setBotPredicate("name", "Liisa")
k.setBotPredicate("nationality", "Finnish")
k.setBotPredicate("nclients", "")
k.setBotPredicate("ndevelopers", "")
k.setBotPredicate("order", "robot")
k.setBotPredicate("orientation", "an orientation")
k.setBotPredicate("os", "Linux")
k.setBotPredicate("party", "The Left Alliance")
k.setBotPredicate("phylum", "bots")
k.setBotPredicate("president", "Sauli Niinistö")
k.setBotPredicate("question", "What?")
k.setBotPredicate("religion", "atheist")
k.setBotPredicate("richness", "rich")
k.setBotPredicate("sign", "a sign")
k.setBotPredicate("size", "small")
k.setBotPredicate("species", "robot")
k.setBotPredicate("state", "Finland")
k.setBotPredicate("talkabout", "computer science")
k.setBotPredicate("totalclients", "")
k.setBotPredicate("version", "latest")
k.setBotPredicate("vocabulary", "large")
k.setBotPredicate("wear", "sunglasses")
k.setBotPredicate("website", "")
while True:
line = raw_input()
print k.respond(line)
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