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Last active October 27, 2016 14:47
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Rex highlighting for vim
# put this file into ~/.vim/after/syntax/perl/rex.vim and then remove this line
syn keyword perlStatementScalar after after_task_finished before before_task_start bios_boot cache cat case checkout command content create_home delete_lines_according_to delete_lines_matching do_task desc download ensure extract group groups_file home initialize is_dir is_file is_symlink key_auth line LOCAL mode needs no_overwrite on_change on_rollback only_if options owner parallelism partition pass_auth password path private_key public_key regexp report repository rm sayformat share size source ssh_key sudo sudo_password transaction type umount unless unlink update_package_db update_system user upload
syn keyword perlStatementList account append_if_no_such_line append_or_amend_line batch chgrp chmod chown clearpart cmdb cp create_user cron_entry file get i_run ln mount mv pkg run run_task say sed service symlink task template
syn keyword perlStatementHash environment set
syn keyword perlString FALSE TRUE
syn match perlStatementHash "auth for"
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