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Last active February 9, 2023 09:23
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Lambda function to trigger a one-off ECS Fargate task
# Adapted from
import boto3
import os
def lambda_handler(event,context):
client = boto3.client('ecs')
response = client.run_task(
launchType=os.getenv('LAUNCH_TYPE', 'FARGATE'),
count=int(os.getenv('COUNT', 1)),
'awsvpcConfiguration': {
'subnets': os.getenv('SUBNETS').split(','),
'assignPublicIp': os.getenv('ASSIGN_PUBLIC_IP', 'ENABLED'),
'securityGroups': os.getenv('SECURITY_GROUPS').split(','),
return str(response)
# Required env vars:
# $CLUSTER: name of the ECS cluster
# $TASK_DEFINITION: name and revision of the task definition (i.e. `mytask:1`)
# $SUBNETS: comma-separated list of subnets to place the new task
# $SECURITY_GROUPS: comma-separated list of security groups to be used for the new task
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