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Last active April 1, 2020 10:37
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Lambda function to be called from CodePipeline to start and wait for a one-off ECS task
# Required env vars:
# $CLUSTER: name of the ECS cluster (i.e. `myapp-prod`)
# $TASK_DEFINITION: name and revision of the task definition (i.e. `mytask:1`)
# $SUBNETS: comma-separated list of subnets to place the new task (i.e. `sg-12345678,sg-abcdef12`)
# $SECURITY_GROUPS: comma-separated list of security groups to be used for the new task (i.e. `subnet-12345678`)
import boto3
import os
import traceback
code_pipeline = boto3.client('codepipeline')
ecs = boto3.client('ecs')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
job_id = event['CodePipeline.job']['id']
job_data = event['CodePipeline.job']['data']
print('- CodePipeline JobID: %s' % job_id)
if 'continuationToken' in job_data:
# Not the first time we are called
# Let's check the status of the one-off task
print('- ContinuationToken: %s' % job_data['continuationToken'])
response = ecs.describe_tasks(
task = response['tasks'][0]
print('- Task: %s' % str(task))
if task['lastStatus'] != 'STOPPED':
# Not yet finished
print('-- Task not yet finished, continuing at a later time')
code_pipeline.put_job_success_result(jobId=job_id, continuationToken=job_data['continuationToken'])
elif task['stoppedReason'] != 'Essential container in task exited':
# Finished unsuccessfully, for some reason
print('-- Task failed for unknown reason. Failing CodePipeline job')
'message': task['stoppedReason'],
'type': 'JobFailed'
elif task['containers'][0]['exitCode'] != 0:
# Finished unsuccessfully
print('-- Task failed because of container failed. Failing CodePipeline job')
'message': 'Task exited with exit code %s' %
'type': 'JobFailed'
# Finished successfully
print('-- Task succeeded. Succeeding CodePipeline job')
# First time we are called
# Let's run the one-off task
print('-- No ContinuationToken, starting task')
response = ecs.run_task(
launchType=os.getenv('LAUNCH_TYPE', 'FARGATE'),
count=int(os.getenv('COUNT', 1)),
'awsvpcConfiguration': {
'subnets': os.getenv('SUBNETS').split(','),
'assignPublicIp': os.getenv('ASSIGN_PUBLIC_IP', 'ENABLED'),
'securityGroups': os.getenv('SECURITY_GROUPS').split(','),
print('- Task: %s' % str(response))
# Check the status of the task later
continuation_token = response['tasks'][0]['taskArn']
print('-- Task just triggered. Continuing at a later time')
code_pipeline.put_job_success_result(jobId=job_id, continuationToken=continuation_token)
except Exception as e:
# If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised
# then fail the job and log the exception message.
print('ERROR: Function failed due to exception')
'message': 'Function exception: ' + str(e),
'type': 'JobFailed'
return "Complete."
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Hi! How do you pass environment variables such as cluster, task definition name, etc.? Through code pipeline or you define them directly on the lambda function?

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fermayo commented Apr 1, 2020

Hi! How do you pass environment variables such as cluster, task definition name, etc.? Through code pipeline or you define them directly on the lambda function?

I define the environment variables in the lambda function directly

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Hi! How do you pass environment variables such as cluster, task definition name, etc.? Through code pipeline or you define them directly on the lambda function?

I define the environment variables in the lambda function directly

Thanks for your reply. I want to use the same lambda function for staging and production, how to do it then? Do you have any suggestions? I want to use different clusters at least. I might be able to reuse the same task definitions if I solve issue with environment variables there too.

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