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Created January 23, 2017 15:29
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GeniCam image grabbing with Pleora SDK on Ubuntu 16.04
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} --std=c++11 -g3")
find_package(OpenCV 2.4 REQUIRED opencv_core opencv_highgui opencv_imgproc opencv_calib3d opencv_video opencv_features2d opencv_objdetect opencv_ocl)
set(PLEORA_BASE_DIR /opt/pleora/ebus_sdk/Ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/)
message("\n ${IVSN_FLIR_SOURCES} \n")
include_directories(${PLEORA_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include)
add_executable(IvsnFlir.bin ${IVSN_FLIR_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(IvsnFlir.bin PvBase PvBuffer PvStream PvDevice PvGenICam opencv_core opencv_highgui pthread)
file(WRITE ${EXECUTABLE_SCRIPT} "#! /bin/bash \n\nGENICAM_ROOT_V2_4=${PLEORA_GENICAM_ROOT} ./IvsnFlir.bin\n\n")
execute_process(COMMAND /bin/chmod +x "${EXECUTABLE_SCRIPT}")
#include "gev_camera.hpp"
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
GEVCamera::GEVCamera(std::string macAddress)
: macAddress(macAddress.c_str())
, running(true)
, system()
, stream(NULL)
, device(NULL)
, bufferList()
, deviceInfo()
, imgWidth()
, imgHeight()
, imgBufferPtr(NULL)
, threadPtr()
, imgReadyConditionVariable()
, imgReadyMutex()
void GEVCamera::connect()
if(this->threadPtr != nullptr)
std::cerr << "GEVCamera::connect: error: there is a connection running." << std::endl;
PvResult result = this->system.FindDevice(this->macAddress, &this->deviceInfo);
this->device = PvDevice::CreateAndConnect(this->deviceInfo, &result);
this->stream = this->openStream(deviceInfo);
this->configureStream(device, stream);
this->createStreamBuffers(this->device, stream, &this->bufferList);
this->running = true;
this->threadPtr = std::make_shared<std::thread>(&GEVCamera::acquireImages, this, this->device, this->stream);
PvStream* GEVCamera::openStream(const PvDeviceInfo *aDeviceInfo)
PvStream *lStream;
PvResult lResult;
// Open stream to the GigE Vision or USB3 Vision device
std::cout << "Opening stream to device." << std::endl;
lStream = PvStream::CreateAndOpen( aDeviceInfo->GetConnectionID(), &lResult );
if ( lStream == NULL )
std::cout << "Unable to stream from " << aDeviceInfo->GetDisplayID().GetAscii() << "." << std::endl;
return lStream;
void GEVCamera::configureStream(PvDevice* aDevice, PvStream* aStream)
// If this is a GigE Vision device, configure GigE Vision specific streaming parameters
PvDeviceGEV* lDeviceGEV = dynamic_cast<PvDeviceGEV *>( aDevice );
if ( lDeviceGEV != NULL )
PvStreamGEV *lStreamGEV = static_cast<PvStreamGEV *>( aStream );
// Negotiate packet size
// Configure device streaming destination
lDeviceGEV->SetStreamDestination( lStreamGEV->GetLocalIPAddress(), lStreamGEV->GetLocalPort() );
void GEVCamera::createStreamBuffers(PvDevice* aDevice, PvStream* aStream, BufferList* aBufferList)
// Reading payload size from device
uint32_t lSize = aDevice->GetPayloadSize();
// Use BUFFER_COUNT or the maximum number of buffers, whichever is smaller
uint32_t lBufferCount = ( aStream->GetQueuedBufferMaximum() < BUFFER_COUNT ) ?
aStream->GetQueuedBufferMaximum() :
// Allocate buffers
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < lBufferCount; i++ )
// Create new buffer object
PvBuffer *lBuffer = new PvBuffer;
// Have the new buffer object allocate payload memory
lBuffer->Alloc( static_cast<uint32_t>( lSize ) );
// Add to external list - used to eventually release the buffers
aBufferList->push_back( lBuffer );
// Queue all buffers in the stream
BufferList::iterator lIt = aBufferList->begin();
while ( lIt != aBufferList->end() )
aStream->QueueBuffer( *lIt );
cv::Mat1b GEVCamera::getImage()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(this->imgReadyMutex);
return cv::Mat1b(this->imgHeight, this->imgWidth, this->imgBufferPtr);
void GEVCamera::acquireImages(PvDevice *aDevice, PvStream *aStream)
// Get device parameters need to control streaming
PvGenParameterArray *lDeviceParams = aDevice->GetParameters();
// Map the GenICam AcquisitionStart and AcquisitionStop commands
PvGenCommand *lStart = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand *>(lDeviceParams->Get("AcquisitionStart"));
// Get stream parameters
PvGenParameterArray *lStreamParams = aStream->GetParameters();
// Map a few GenICam stream stats counters
PvGenFloat *lFrameRate = dynamic_cast<PvGenFloat *>(lStreamParams->Get("AcquisitionRate"));
PvGenFloat *lBandwidth = dynamic_cast<PvGenFloat *>(lStreamParams->Get("Bandwidth"));
// Enable streaming and send the AcquisitionStart command
std::cout << "Enabling streaming and sending AcquisitionStart command." << std::endl;
double lFrameRateVal = 0.0;
double lBandwidthVal = 0.0;
PvBuffer *lBuffer = NULL;
PvResult lOperationResult;
// Retrieve next buffer
PvResult lResult = aStream->RetrieveBuffer( &lBuffer, &lOperationResult, 1000 );
if ( lResult.IsOK() )
//std::cout << "Result OK" << std::endl;
if ( lOperationResult.IsOK() )
//std::cout << "Operation OK" << std::endl;
PvPayloadType lType;
// We now have a valid buffer. This is where you would typically process the buffer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ...
lFrameRate->GetValue( lFrameRateVal );
lBandwidth->GetValue( lBandwidthVal );
// If the buffer contains an image, display width and height.
lType = lBuffer->GetPayloadType();
if ( lType == PvPayloadTypeImage )
// Get image specific buffer interface.
PvImage *lImage = lBuffer->GetImage();
// Read width, height.
this->imgWidth = lImage->GetWidth();
this->imgHeight = lImage->GetHeight();
//std::cout << " W: " << std::dec << lWidth << " H: " << lHeight;
uint32_t imgSize = this->imgHeight*this->imgWidth;
if(this->imgBufferPtr == NULL)
this->imgBufferPtr = (uint8_t*)malloc(imgSize);
memcpy(this->imgBufferPtr, lImage->GetDataPointer(), imgSize);
//cv::Mat1b img(this->imgHeight, this->imgWidth, lImage->GetDataPointer());
//cv::imshow("Display", img);
std::cout << " (buffer does not contain image)";
// Re-queue the buffer in the stream object
aStream->QueueBuffer( lBuffer );
std::cout << "error: " << lResult.GetCodeString().GetAscii() << std::endl;
// Tell the device to stop sending images.
void GEVCamera::disconnect()
this->running = false;
PvGenParameterArray *lDeviceParams = this->device->GetParameters();
PvGenCommand *lStop = dynamic_cast<PvGenCommand *>(lDeviceParams->Get("AcquisitionStop"));
std::cout << "Sending AcquisitionStop command to the device" << std::endl;
// Disable streaming on the device
std::cout << "Disable streaming on the controller." << std::endl;
// Abort all buffers from the stream and dequeue
std::cout << "Aborting buffers still in stream" << std::endl;
while (this->stream->GetQueuedBufferCount() > 0)
PvBuffer *lBuffer = NULL;
PvResult lOperationResult;
this->stream->RetrieveBuffer(&lBuffer, &lOperationResult);
#include <PvSystem.h>
#include <PvInterface.h>
#include <PvDevice.h>
#include <PvStream.h>
#include <PvBuffer.h>
#include <PvStreamGEV.h>
#include <PvDeviceGEV.h>
#include <PvPixelType.h>
#include <PvBufferWriter.h>
#include <PvBufferConverterRGBFilter.h>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
typedef std::list<PvBuffer *> BufferList;
#define BUFFER_COUNT ( 16 )
class GEVCamera
GEVCamera(std::string macAddress);
void connect();
void disconnect();
PvStream* openStream(const PvDeviceInfo *aDeviceInfo);
void configureStream(PvDevice* aDevice, PvStream* aStream);
void createStreamBuffers(PvDevice* aDevice, PvStream* aStream, BufferList* aBufferList);
void acquireImages(PvDevice *aDevice, PvStream *aStream);
cv::Mat1b getImage();
bool running;
std::mutex imgReadyMutex;
std::condition_variable imgReadyConditionVariable;
PvString macAddress;
PvSystem system;
PvStream* stream;
PvDevice* device;
BufferList bufferList;
uint32_t imgWidth;
uint32_t imgHeight;
uint8_t* imgBufferPtr;
const PvDeviceInfo* deviceInfo;
std::shared_ptr<std::thread> threadPtr;
#include "gev_camera.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
int main()
GEVCamera camera("00:11:1c:02:32:54");
std::cout << "Waiting for 10 seconds" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
cv::Mat1b img = camera.getImage();
cv::imshow("DISPLAY", img);
std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
return 0;
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