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Last active January 11, 2023 18:57
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Save fernandocanizo/cb2890a9712da1e628c761e6de2b32aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. interview challenge
// On-interview challenge: not working
// ratón encontrar queso en laberinto
// representación de datos corre por mi cuenta
// asumo laberinto cuadrado
// asumo no se mueve en diagonal
const laberinto = [
// [0, 0, 2],
// [0, 1, 1],
// [0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 2],
// 0, 0 - 1, 0 - 1, 1 - 2, 1 - 2, 2
// let isOut = false;
let posx = 0;
let posy = 0;
const positions = [];
const dontTake = [];
const len = laberinto.length - 1;
const canMove = (posx, posy, noTakeList) => {
for (let i = 0; i < noTakeList.length; i++) {
if (noTakeList[i][0] === posx && noTakeList[i][1] === y) {
return false;
return true;
while (true) {
console.log(`trying x: ${posx}, y: ${posy}`);
if (laberinto[posx][posy] === 2) {
console.log(`Found at ${posx}, ${posy}`);
positions.push([posx, posy]);
console.log(posx, posy);
if (posy < len && (laberinto[posx][posy + 1] === 0 || laberinto[posx][posy + 1] === 2)) {
if (canMove(posx, posy + 1, dontTake)) {
posy = posy + 1;
} else if (posx < len && (laberinto[posx + 1][posy] === 0 || laberinto[posx + 1][posy] === 2)) {
if (canMove(posx + 1, posy, dontTake)) {
posx = posx + 1;
} else if (posx > 0 && (laberinto[posx - 1][posy] === 0 || laberinto[posx - 1][posy] === 2)) {
if (canMove(posx - 1, posy, dontTake)) {
posx -= 1;
} else if (posy > 0 && (laberinto[posx][posy - 1] === 0 || laberinto[posx][posy - 1] === 2)) {
if (canMove(posx, posy - 1, dontTake)) {
posy -= 1;
} else {
posx = positions[positions.length - 1][0];
posy = positions[positions.length - 1][1];
console.log('Back!', posx, posy);
// given a labyrinth with a cheese inside, make the mouse find it
// labyrinth is a square matrix of `0`, `1` or `2` values, where:
// `0` means can move there
// `1` means cannot move there
// `2` means there's cheese and can move there
const deepStrictEqual = require('assert').deepStrictEqual;
// Note: a Map() key can be any value, but in my experience, testing if a map
// `.has()` an object, doesn't work for literal objects. Hence these two:
const buildKeyFrom = position => `${position.x},${position.y}`;
const buildPositionFrom = key => {
[x, y] = key.split(',');
return { x, y };
const getValue = (position, labyrinth) => labyrinth[position.x][position.y];
const isCheese = value => value === 2;
const isPassable = value => value === 0;
const canMove = value => isPassable(value) || isCheese(value);
// TODO? should make it match a cartesian axis?
const getUp = position => ({ x: position.x - 1, y: position.y });
const getDown = position => ({ x: position.x + 1, y: position.y });
const getLeft = position => ({ x: position.x, y: position.y - 1});
const getRight = position => ({ x: position.x, y: position.y + 1 });
// in: labyrinth matrix, position dictionary
// out: array of positions
const getPossibleMoves = (labyrinth, position) => {
const possibleMoves = [];
const last = labyrinth.length - 1;
if (position.x > 0) {
const up = getUp(position);
const upVal = getValue(up, labyrinth);
canMove(upVal) && possibleMoves.push(up);
if (position.x < last) {
const down = getDown(position);
const downVal = getValue(down, labyrinth);
canMove(downVal) && possibleMoves.push(down);
if (position.y > 0) {
const left = getLeft(position);
const leftVal = getValue(left, labyrinth);
canMove(leftVal) && possibleMoves.push(left);
if (position.y < last) {
const right = getRight(position);
const rightVal = getValue(right, labyrinth);
canMove(rightVal) && possibleMoves.push(right);
return possibleMoves;
// in: possible moves array (can be empty)
// out: false or the position where the cheese is
const getCheesePosition = (labyrinth, possibleMoves) => {
const hasCheese = pos => labyrinth[pos.x][pos.y] === 2;
const cheese = possibleMoves.filter(hasCheese);
return cheese.length ? cheese[0] : false;
// in: map: Map()
// out: position: {x, y}
const getLastFollowablePosition = map => {
const entries = map.entries();
let entry =;
let prev = null;
while (! entry.done) {
if (entry.value[1].follow) {
prev = entry;
entry =;
return buildPositionFrom(prev.value[0]);
// in: position: {x, y}, movesHistory: array of past positions
// out: boolean
const didThis = (position, history) => {
// TODO should use the map?
return history.some(p => p.x === position.x && p.y === position.y);
// in: labyrinth matrix
// out: position: {x, y}
const findCheese = labyrinth => {
// fixed starting position
let pos = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
// using a Map cause is ordered, so I can backtrack to the last inserted
// position
const map = new Map();
const movesHistory = [];
while (true) {
const key = buildKeyFrom(pos);
let possibleMoves = null;
if (map.has(key)) { // path already travelled
possibleMoves = map.get(key).possibleMoves;
} else {
possibleMoves = getPossibleMoves(labyrinth, pos).filter(pos => ! didThis(pos, movesHistory));
map.set(key, { follow: true, possibleMoves });
const cheesePosition = getCheesePosition(labyrinth, possibleMoves);
if (cheesePosition) {
return cheesePosition;
} else {
if (possibleMoves.length) {
// check the moves is a follow = true with a while
pos = possibleMoves.shift();
} else { // no more moves from this position, backtrack!
// mark this position as a no-go
map.get(key).follow = false;
pos = getLastFollowablePosition(map);
const l1 = [ // multipath
[0, 0, 2],
[0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
const l2 = [ // multipath
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 2],
const l3 = [ // single path
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 2],
// const l4 = [ // TODO no solution
// [0, 1, 2],
// [1, 1, 1],
// [1, 1, 1],
// ];
const msg = path => `Couldn't find cheese on path ${path}`;
deepStrictEqual(findCheese(l1), { x: 0, y: 2 }, msg(l1));
deepStrictEqual(findCheese(l2), { x: 2, y: 2 }, msg(l2));
deepStrictEqual(findCheese(l3), { x: 2, y: 2 }, msg(l3));
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