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Created March 9, 2023 19:41
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.Net >= 7 Minimal API Record Endpoints
global using Framework;
namespace Framework;
using System.Reflection;
public interface IEndpoint
RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder);
public abstract record Endpoint(string[] Verbs, string Path) : IEndpoint
public Endpoint(string verb, string path) : this(new[] { verb }, path) { }
public RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
=> Configure(builder.MapMethods(Path, Verbs, InternalHandler));
protected virtual RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)
=> builder;
protected abstract IResult Handle();
private IResult InternalHandler()
=> Handle();
public abstract record AsyncEndpoint(string[] Verbs, string Path) : IEndpoint
public AsyncEndpoint(string verb, string path) : this(new[] { verb }, path) { }
public RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
=> Configure(builder.MapMethods(Path, Verbs, InternalHandlerAsync));
protected virtual RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)
=> builder;
protected abstract Task<IResult> HandleAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
private Task<IResult> InternalHandlerAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> HandleAsync(cancellationToken);
public abstract record Endpoint<TRequest>(string[] Verbs, string Path) : IEndpoint
public Endpoint(string verb, string path) : this(new[] { verb }, path) { }
public RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
=> Configure(builder.MapMethods(Path, Verbs, InternalHandler));
protected virtual RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)
=> builder;
protected abstract IResult Handle(TRequest request);
private IResult InternalHandler([AsParameters]TRequest request)
=> Handle(request);
public abstract record AsyncEndpoint<TRequest>(string[] Verbs, string Path) : IEndpoint
public AsyncEndpoint(string verb, string path) : this(new[] { verb }, path) { }
public RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
=> Configure(builder.MapMethods(Path, Verbs, InternalHandlerAsync));
protected virtual RouteHandlerBuilder Configure(RouteHandlerBuilder builder)
=> builder;
protected abstract Task<IResult> HandleAsync(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
private Task<IResult> InternalHandlerAsync([AsParameters]TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> HandleAsync(request, cancellationToken);
public abstract record Delete(string Path) : Endpoint("DELETE", Path);
public abstract record Get(string Path) : Endpoint("GET", Path);
public abstract record Patch(string Path) : Endpoint("PATCH", Path);
public abstract record Post(string Path) : Endpoint("POST", Path);
public abstract record Put(string Path) : Endpoint("PUT", Path);
public abstract record Delete<TRequest>(string Path) : Endpoint<TRequest>("DELETE", Path);
public abstract record Get<TRequest>(string Path) : Endpoint<TRequest>("GET", Path);
public abstract record Patch<TRequest>(string Path) : Endpoint<TRequest>("PATCH", Path);
public abstract record Post<TRequest>(string Path) : Endpoint<TRequest>("POST", Path);
public abstract record Put<TRequest>(string Path) : Endpoint<TRequest>("PUT", Path);
public abstract record DeleteAsync(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint("DELETE", Path);
public abstract record GetAsync(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint("GET", Path);
public abstract record PatchAsync(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint("PATCH", Path);
public abstract record PostAsync(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint("POST", Path);
public abstract record PutAsync(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint("PUT", Path);
public abstract record DeleteAsync<TRequest>(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint<TRequest>("DELETE", Path);
public abstract record GetAsync<TRequest>(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint<TRequest>("GET", Path);
public abstract record PatchAsync<TRequest>(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint<TRequest>("PATCH", Path);
public abstract record PostAsync<TRequest>(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint<TRequest>("POST", Path);
public abstract record PutAsync<TRequest>(string Path) : AsyncEndpoint<TRequest>("PUT", Path);
public static class EndpointsExtensions
public static RouteGroupBuilder MapEndpoints(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints, Assembly assembly = null)
var logger = endpoints.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILogger<IEndpoint>>();
assembly ??= Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
var group = endpoints.MapGroup("/");
var endpointTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsClass && !t.IsAbstract && typeof(IEndpoint).IsAssignableFrom(t));
foreach (var type in endpointTypes)
if (!type.GetConstructors().Any(c => c.GetParameters().Length == 0))
var endpoint = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IEndpoint;
if (endpoint is null)
logger.LogDebug("Configuring endpoint {Endpoint}", type.FullName);
return group;
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