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Forked from Valian/
Created May 23, 2018 01:26
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Short script for finding Binance Triangle arbitrage opportunities - requires python-binance installed
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
from time import time
from binance.client import Client
FEE = 0.0005
def main():
start_time = time()
prices = get_prices()
prices_time = time()
print(f"Downloaded in: {prices_time - start_time:.4f}s")
triangles = list(find_triangles(prices))
print(f"Computed in: {time() - prices_time:.4f}s")
if triangles:
for triangle in sorted(triangles, key=itemgetter('profit'), reverse=True):
describe_triangle(prices, triangle)
print("No triangles found, try again!")
def get_prices():
client = Client(None, None)
prices = client.get_orderbook_tickers()
prepared = defaultdict(dict)
for ticker in prices:
pair = ticker['symbol']
ask = float(ticker['askPrice'])
bid = float(ticker['bidPrice'])
for primary in PRIMARY:
if pair.endswith(primary):
secondary = pair[:-len(primary)]
prepared[primary][secondary] = 1 / ask
prepared[secondary][primary] = bid
return prepared
def find_triangles(prices):
triangles = []
starting_coin = 'BTC'
for triangle in recurse_triangle(prices, starting_coin, starting_coin):
coins = set(triangle['coins'])
if not any(prev_triangle == coins for prev_triangle in triangles):
yield triangle
def recurse_triangle(prices, current_coin, starting_coin, depth_left=3, amount=1.0):
if depth_left > 0:
pairs = prices[current_coin]
for coin, price in pairs.items():
new_price = (amount * price) * (1.0 - FEE)
for triangle in recurse_triangle(prices, coin, starting_coin, depth_left - 1, new_price):
triangle['coins'] = triangle['coins'] + [current_coin]
yield triangle
elif current_coin == starting_coin and amount > 1.0:
yield {
'coins': [current_coin],
'profit': amount
def describe_triangle(prices, triangle):
coins = triangle['coins']
price_percentage = (triangle['profit'] - 1.0) * 100
print(f"{'->'.join(coins):26} {round(price_percentage, 4):-7}% <- profit!")
for i in range(len(coins) - 1):
first = coins[i]
second = coins[i + 1]
print(f" {second:4} / {first:4}: {prices[first][second]:-17.8f}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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