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Fernando Macedo fernandovmacedo

  • Brasília, Brasil
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klo2k / gist:fe794f107c11292ba47b4d052c547983
Created February 12, 2022 08:01
Install virt-manager in Windows 11 WSL (qemu, Windows Subsystem for Linux)
# Inside WSL...
# Install virt-manager
sudo apt install -y virt-manager
# Add youself to kvm and libvirt group
sudo usermod --append --groups kvm,libvirt "${USER}"
# Fix-up permission to avoid "Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied" error
sudo chown root:kvm /dev/kvm
cszang / build_adv-r.R
Created February 20, 2015 12:16
Build Advanced R Book as Epub.
## we need the libraries bookdown, knitr, inline, markdown, pryr
system("git clone")
embed_png <- bookdown:::embed_png
rmds <- list.files(pattern = "^.*rmd$")
sapply(rmds, function(x) knit(x))
cat("---\ntitle: Advanced R\nauthor: Hadley Wickham\nlanguage: en-US\n...\n",
file = "front_matter.txt")
## assuming we installed pandoc via cabal